-/* Type definitions for nondeterministic finite state machine for Bison.
+/* Type definitions for the finite state machine for Bison.
- Copyright (C) 1984, 1989, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2007 Free
- Software Foundation, Inc.
+ Copyright (C) 1984, 1989, 2000-2004, 2007, 2009-2013 Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc.
This file is part of Bison, the GNU Compiler Compiler.
| states. |
+struct state_list;
struct state
state_number number;
reductions *reductions;
errs *errs;
+ /* When an includer (such as ielr.c) needs to store states in a list, the
+ includer can define struct state_list as the list node structure and can
+ store in this member a reference to the node containing each state. */
+ struct state_list *state_list;
/* If non-zero, then no lookahead sets on reduce actions are needed to
decide what to do in state S. */
char consistent;
/* If some conflicts were solved thanks to precedence/associativity,
a human readable description of the resolution. */
const char *solved_conflicts;
+ const char *solved_conflicts_xml;
/* Its items. Must be last, since ITEMS can be arbitrarily large. Sorted
ascendingly on item index in RITEM, which is sorted on rule number. */
/* Create a new state with ACCESSING_SYMBOL for those items. */
state *state_new (symbol_number accessing_symbol,
size_t core_size, item_number *core);
+state *state_new_isocore (state const *s);
/* Set the transitions of STATE. */
void state_transitions_set (state *s, int num, state **trans);
/* Print on OUT all the lookahead tokens such that this STATE wants to
reduce R. */
void state_rule_lookahead_tokens_print (state *s, rule *r, FILE *out);
+void state_rule_lookahead_tokens_print_xml (state *s, rule *r,
+ FILE *out, int level);
/* Create/destroy the states hash table. */
void state_hash_new (void);