# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+# If we are loaded by glr.cc, do not override c++.m4 definitions by
+# those of c.m4.
+m4_if(b4_skeleton, ["glr.c"],
+ [m4_include(b4_pkgdatadir/[c.m4])])
## ---------------- ##
## Default values. ##
# This is not shared with yacc.c in c.m4 because GLR relies on ISO C
# formal argument declarations.
-[m4_ifset([b4_parse_param], [, b4_c_ansi_formals(b4_parse_param)])])
-# b4_lex_param
-# ------------
-# Accumule in b4_lex_param all the yylex arguments.
-# Yes, this is quite ugly...
-m4_dquote(b4_pure_if([[[[YYSTYPE *]], [[&yylval]]][]dnl
-b4_locations_if([, [[YYLTYPE *], [&yylloc]]])])dnl
-m4_ifdef([b4_lex_param], [, ]b4_lex_param)))
+[m4_ifset([b4_parse_param], [, b4_formals(b4_parse_param)])])
# b4_yyerror_args
# a trailing comma.
[b4_pure_if([b4_locations_if([yylocp, ])])dnl
-m4_ifset([b4_parse_param], [b4_c_args(b4_parse_param), ])])
+m4_ifset([b4_parse_param], [b4_args(b4_parse_param), ])])
# b4_lyyerror_args
# Same as above, but on the lookahead, hence &yylloc instead of yylocp.
[b4_pure_if([b4_locations_if([&yylloc, ])])dnl
-m4_ifset([b4_parse_param], [b4_c_args(b4_parse_param), ])])
+m4_ifset([b4_parse_param], [b4_args(b4_parse_param), ])])
# b4_pure_args
[(b4_rhs_data([$1], [$2]).yyloc)])
+## -------------- ##
+## Declarations. ##
+## -------------- ##
+# b4_shared_declarations
+# ----------------------
+# Declaration that might either go into the header (if --defines)
+# or open coded in the parser body. glr.cc has its own definition.
+m4_if(b4_skeleton, ["glr.c"],
+]b4_function_declare(b4_prefix[parse], [int], b4_parse_param)[
## -------------- ##
## Output files. ##
## -------------- ##
-# We do want M4 expansion after # for CPP macros.
b4_copyright([Skeleton implementation for Bison GLR parsers in C],
- [2002-2012])
+ [2002-2012])[
/* C GLR parser skeleton written by Paul Hilfinger. */
-m4_if(b4_prefix, [yy], [],
-[/* Substitute the variable and function names. */
-#define yyparse b4_prefix[]parse
-#define yylex b4_prefix[]lex
-#define yyerror b4_prefix[]error
-#define yylval b4_prefix[]lval
-#define yychar b4_prefix[]char
-#define yydebug b4_prefix[]debug
-#define yynerrs b4_prefix[]nerrs
-#define yylloc b4_prefix[]lloc])[
-/* Copy the first part of user declarations. */
-dnl # b4_shared_declarations
-dnl # ----------------------
-dnl # Declaration that might either go into the header (if --defines)
-dnl # or open coded in the parser body.
-[#ifndef YYSTYPE
-[[typedef union ]b4_union_name[
-# define YYSTYPE_IS_TRIVIAL 1]],
-[m4_if(b4_tag_seen_flag, 0,
-[[typedef int YYSTYPE;
-# define YYSTYPE_IS_TRIVIAL 1]])])[
-#if ! defined YYLTYPE && ! defined YYLTYPE_IS_DECLARED
-typedef struct YYLTYPE
- int first_line;
- int first_column;
- int last_line;
- int last_column;
- char yydummy;
-b4_defines_if([[#include "@basename(]b4_spec_defines_file[@)"]],
- [b4_shared_declarations])[
-/* Enabling traces. */
-#ifndef YYDEBUG
-# define YYDEBUG ]b4_parse_trace_if([1], [0])[
+]m4_if(b4_api_prefix, [yy], [],
+[[/* Substitute the type names. */
+#define YYSTYPE ]b4_api_PREFIX[STYPE]b4_locations_if([[
+#define YYLTYPE ]b4_api_PREFIX[LTYPE]])])[
+]m4_if(b4_prefix, [yy], [],
+[[/* Substitute the variable and function names. */
+#define yyparse ]b4_prefix[parse
+#define yylex ]b4_prefix[lex
+#define yyerror ]b4_prefix[error
+#define yylval ]b4_prefix[lval
+#define yychar ]b4_prefix[char
+#define yydebug ]b4_prefix[debug
+#define yynerrs ]b4_prefix[nerrs]b4_locations_if([[
+#define yylloc ]b4_prefix[lloc]])])[
+/* First part of user declarations. */
+]b4_defines_if([[#include "@basename(]b4_spec_defines_file[@)"]],
+ [b4_shared_declarations])[
/* Enabling verbose error messages. */
# define YYERROR_VERBOSE ]b4_error_verbose_if([1], [0])[
-/* Enabling the token table. */
-# define YYTOKEN_TABLE ]b4_token_table[
/* Default (constant) value used for initialization for null
- right-hand sides. Unlike the standard yacc.c template,
- here we set the default value of $$ to a zeroed-out value.
- Since the default value is undefined, this behavior is
- technically correct. */
-static YYSTYPE yyval_default;
+ right-hand sides. Unlike the standard yacc.c template, here we set
+ the default value of $$ to a zeroed-out value. Since the default
+ value is undefined, this behavior is technically correct. */
+static YYSTYPE yyval_default;]b4_locations_if([[
+static YYLTYPE yyloc_default][]b4_yyloc_default;])[
/* Copy the second part of user declarations. */
# include <libintl.h> /* INFRINGES ON USER NAME SPACE */
-# define YY_(msgid) dgettext ("bison-runtime", msgid)
+# define YY_(Msgid) dgettext ("bison-runtime", Msgid)
# endif
# endif
# ifndef YY_
-# define YY_(msgid) msgid
+# define YY_(Msgid) Msgid
# endif
/* Suppress unused-variable warnings by "using" E. */
-#if ! defined lint || defined __GNUC__
-# define YYUSE(e) ((void) (e))
-# define YYUSE(e) /* empty */
-/* Identity function, used to suppress warnings about constant conditions. */
-#ifndef lint
-# define YYID(n) (n)
+#ifdef __GNUC__
+# define YYUSE(E) ((void) (E))
-]b4_c_function_def([YYID], [static int], [[int i], [i]])[
- return i;
+# define YYUSE(E) /* empty */
#ifndef YYFREE
#ifndef YYSETJMP
# include <setjmp.h>
# define YYJMP_BUF jmp_buf
-# define YYSETJMP(env) setjmp (env)
-# define YYLONGJMP(env, val) longjmp (env, val)
+# define YYSETJMP(Env) setjmp (Env)
+/* Pacify clang. */
+# define YYLONGJMP(Env, Val) (longjmp (Env, Val), YYASSERT (0))
# endif
-]b4_locations_if([#define YYOPTIONAL_LOC(Name) Name],[
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-# define YYOPTIONAL_LOC(Name) /* empty */
-# define YYOPTIONAL_LOC(Name) Name __attribute__ ((__unused__))
#ifndef YYASSERT
-# define YYASSERT(condition) ((void) ((condition) || (abort (), 0)))
+# define YYASSERT(Condition) ((void) ((Condition) || (abort (), 0)))
/* YYFINAL -- State number of the termination state. */
+#if ]b4_api_PREFIX[DEBUG
/* YYRLINE[YYN] -- source line where rule number YYN was defined. */
static const ]b4_int_type_for([b4_rline])[ yyrline[] =
+#if ]b4_api_PREFIX[DEBUG || YYERROR_VERBOSE || ]b4_token_table_flag[
/* YYTNAME[SYMBOL-NUM] -- String name of the symbol SYMBOL-NUM.
First, the terminals, then, starting at YYNTOKENS, nonterminals. */
static const char *const yytname[] =
/* YYCONFL[I] -- lists of conflicting rule numbers, each terminated by
0, pointed into by YYCONFLP. */
]dnl Do not use b4_int_type_for here, since there are places where
-dnl pointers onto yyconfl are taken, which type is "short int *".
+dnl pointers onto yyconfl are taken, whose type is "short int *".
dnl We probably ought to introduce a type for confl.
[static const short int yyconfl[] =
-/* Prevent warning if -Wmissing-prototypes. */
-]b4_c_ansi_function_decl([yyparse], [int], b4_parse_param)[
/* Error token number */
#define YYTERROR 1
-/* YYLLOC_DEFAULT -- Set CURRENT to span from RHS[1] to RHS[N].
- If N is 0, then set CURRENT to the empty location which ends
- the previous symbol: RHS[0] (always defined). */
-#define YYRHSLOC(Rhs, K) ((Rhs)[K].yystate.yyloc)
-# define YYLLOC_DEFAULT(Current, Rhs, N) \
- do \
- if (YYID (N)) \
- { \
- (Current).first_line = YYRHSLOC (Rhs, 1).first_line; \
- (Current).first_column = YYRHSLOC (Rhs, 1).first_column; \
- (Current).last_line = YYRHSLOC (Rhs, N).last_line; \
- (Current).last_column = YYRHSLOC (Rhs, N).last_column; \
- } \
- else \
- { \
- (Current).first_line = (Current).last_line = \
- YYRHSLOC (Rhs, 0).last_line; \
- (Current).first_column = (Current).last_column = \
- YYRHSLOC (Rhs, 0).last_column; \
- } \
- while (YYID (0))
-/* YY_LOCATION_PRINT -- Print the location on the stream.
- This macro was not mandated originally: define only if we know
- we won't break user code: when these are the locations we know. */
-# define YY_LOCATION_PRINT(File, Loc) \
- fprintf (File, "%d.%d-%d.%d", \
- (Loc).first_line, (Loc).first_column, \
- (Loc).last_line, (Loc).last_column)
-# define YYLLOC_DEFAULT(Current, Rhs, N) ((void) 0)
-# define YY_LOCATION_PRINT(File, Loc) ((void) 0)
-/* YYLEX -- calling `yylex' with the right arguments. */
-#define YYLEX ]b4_c_function_call([yylex], [int], b4_lex_param)[
+# define YYRHSLOC(Rhs, K) ((Rhs)[K].yystate.yyloc)
#define b4_prefix[]char yychar
#define b4_prefix[]lval yylval
#define b4_prefix[]lloc yylloc])],
-[YYSTYPE yylval;
-YYLTYPE yylloc;
+[YYSTYPE yylval;]b4_locations_if([[
+YYLTYPE yylloc;]])[
int yynerrs;
int yychar;])[
YYRESULTTAG yychk_flag = YYE; \
if (yychk_flag != yyok) \
return yychk_flag; \
- } while (YYID (0))
+ } while (0)
+#if ]b4_api_PREFIX[DEBUG
# ifndef YYFPRINTF
# define YYFPRINTF fprintf
do { \
if (yydebug) \
- } while (YYID (0))
+ } while (0)
# define YY_SYMBOL_PRINT(Title, Type, Value, Location) \
do { \
if (yydebug) \
{ \
YYFPRINTF (stderr, "%s ", Title); \
- yy_symbol_print (stderr, Type, Value]b4_locuser_args([Location])[); \
+ yy_symbol_print (stderr, Type, Value]b4_locuser_args([Location])[); \
YYFPRINTF (stderr, "\n"); \
} \
- } while (YYID (0))
+ } while (0)
/* Nonzero means print parse trace. It is left uninitialized so that
multiple parsers can coexist. */
int yydebug;
-#else /* !YYDEBUG */
+struct yyGLRStack;
+static void yypstack (struct yyGLRStack* yystackp, size_t yyk)
+ __attribute__ ((__unused__));
+static void yypdumpstack (struct yyGLRStack* yystackp)
+ __attribute__ ((__unused__));
+#else /* !]b4_api_PREFIX[DEBUG */
# define YYDPRINTF(Args)
# define YY_SYMBOL_PRINT(Title, Type, Value, Location)
-#endif /* !YYDEBUG */
+#endif /* !]b4_api_PREFIX[DEBUG */
/* YYINITDEPTH -- initial size of the parser's stacks. */
do { \
if (Yystack->yyspaceLeft < YYHEADROOM) \
yyexpandGLRStack (Yystack); \
- } while (YYID (0))
+ } while (0)
# define YY_RESERVE_GLRSTACK(Yystack) \
do { \
if (Yystack->yyspaceLeft < YYHEADROOM) \
yyMemoryExhausted (Yystack); \
- } while (YYID (0))
+ } while (0)
yySemanticOption* yyfirstVal;
/** Semantic value for this state. */
YYSTYPE yysval;
- } yysemantics;
+ } yysemantics;]b4_locations_if([[
/** Source location for this state. */
- YYLTYPE yyloc;
+ YYLTYPE yyloc;]])[
struct yyGLRStateSet {
yyGLRState* yystate;
/** The lookahead for this reduction. */
int yyrawchar;
- YYSTYPE yyval;
- YYLTYPE yyloc;
+ YYSTYPE yyval;]b4_locations_if([[
+ YYLTYPE yyloc;]])[
/** Next sibling in chain of options. To facilitate merging,
* options are chained in decreasing order by address. */
yySemanticOption* yynext;
int yyerrcnt;
int yyrawchar;
- YYSTYPE yyval;
- YYLTYPE yyloc;
+ YYSTYPE yyval;]b4_locations_if([[
+ YYLTYPE yyloc;]])[
YYJMP_BUF yyexception_buffer;
yyGLRStackItem* yyitems;
YYLONGJMP (yystackp->yyexception_buffer, 2);
/** A printable representation of TOKEN. */
static inline const char*
yytokenName (yySymbol yytoken)
static void
yyfillin (yyGLRStackItem *yyvsp, int yylow0, int yylow1)
- yyGLRState* s;
int i;
- s = yyvsp[yylow0].yystate.yypred;
+ yyGLRState *s = yyvsp[yylow0].yystate.yypred;
for (i = yylow0-1; i >= yylow1; i -= 1)
+#if ]b4_api_PREFIX[DEBUG
yyvsp[i].yystate.yylrState = s->yylrState;
yyvsp[i].yystate.yyresolved = s->yyresolved;
/* The effect of using yysval or yyloc (in an immediate rule) is
* undefined. */
- yyvsp[i].yystate.yysemantics.yyfirstVal = YY_NULL;
- yyvsp[i].yystate.yyloc = s->yyloc;
+ yyvsp[i].yystate.yysemantics.yyfirstVal = YY_NULL;]b4_locations_if([[
+ yyvsp[i].yystate.yyloc = s->yyloc;]])[
s = yyvsp[i].yystate.yypred = s->yypred;
* value ($$), and yylocp points to place for location information
* (@@$). Returns yyok for normal return, yyaccept for YYACCEPT,
* yyerr for YYERROR, yyabort for YYABORT. */
yyuserAction (yyRuleNum yyn, int yyrhslen, yyGLRStackItem* yyvsp,
yyGLRStack* yystackp,
YYSTYPE* yyvalp]b4_locuser_formals[)
# undef yyclearin
-/*ARGSUSED*/ static void
+static void
yyuserMerge (int yyn, YYSTYPE* yy0, YYSTYPE* yy1)
YYUSE (yy0);
switch (yyn)
- ]b4_mergers[
default: break;
/* Bison grammar-table manipulation. */
/** Number of symbols composing the right hand side of rule #RULE. */
static inline int
+#if ]b4_api_PREFIX[DEBUG
if (yydebug)
if (yys->yysemantics.yyfirstVal)
return yyr1[yyrule];
-#define yypact_value_is_default(yystate) \
- ]b4_table_value_equals([[pact]], [[yystate]], [b4_pact_ninf])[
+#define yypact_value_is_default(Yystate) \
+ ]b4_table_value_equals([[pact]], [[Yystate]], [b4_pact_ninf])[
/** True iff LR state YYSTATE has only a default reduction (regardless
* of token). */
return yydefact[yystate];
-#define yytable_value_is_error(yytable_value) \
- ]b4_table_value_equals([[table]], [[yytable_value]], [b4_table_ninf])[
+#define yytable_value_is_error(Yytable_value) \
+ ]b4_table_value_equals([[table]], [[Yytable_value]], [b4_table_ninf])[
/** Set *YYACTION to the action to take in YYSTATE on seeing YYTOKEN.
* Result R means
yyGLRStackItem* yynewItems;
yyGLRStackItem* yyp0, *yyp1;
- size_t yysize, yynewSize;
+ size_t yynewSize;
size_t yyn;
- yysize = yystackp->yynextFree - yystackp->yyitems;
+ size_t yysize = yystackp->yynextFree - yystackp->yyitems;
yyMemoryExhausted (yystackp);
yynewSize = 2*yysize;
YYRELOC (yyp0, yyp1, yys0->yypred, yystate);
if (! yys0->yyresolved && yys0->yysemantics.yyfirstVal != YY_NULL)
yys1->yysemantics.yyfirstVal =
- YYRELOC(yyp0, yyp1, yys0->yysemantics.yyfirstVal, yyoption);
+ YYRELOC (yyp0, yyp1, yys0->yysemantics.yyfirstVal, yyoption);
yyaddDeferredAction (yystackp, yyk, yynewState, yyrhs, yyrule);
+#if !]b4_api_PREFIX[DEBUG
# define YY_REDUCE_PRINT(Args)
# define YY_REDUCE_PRINT(Args) \
do { \
if (yydebug) \
yy_reduce_print Args; \
-} while (YYID (0))
+} while (0)
| Report that stack #YYK of *YYSTACKP is going to be reduced by YYRULE. |
-/*ARGSUSED*/ static inline void
+static inline void
yy_reduce_print (int yynormal, yyGLRStackItem* yyvsp, size_t yyk,
yyRuleNum yyrule]b4_user_formals[)
for (yyi = 0; yyi < yystackp->yytops.yysize; yyi += 1)
if (yyi != yyk && yystackp->yytops.yystates[yyi] != YY_NULL)
- yyGLRState* yyp, *yysplit = yystackp->yysplitPoint;
- yyp = yystackp->yytops.yystates[yyi];
+ yyGLRState *yysplit = yystackp->yysplitPoint;
+ yyGLRState *yyp = yystackp->yytops.yystates[yyi];
while (yyp != yys && yyp != yysplit && yyp->yyposn >= yyposn)
if (yyp->yylrState == yynewLRState && yyp->yypred == yys)
- yySemanticOption** yyz0p;
- yySemanticOption* yyz1;
- yyz0p = &yys0->yysemantics.yyfirstVal;
- yyz1 = yys1->yysemantics.yyfirstVal;
- while (YYID (yytrue))
+ yySemanticOption** yyz0p = &yys0->yysemantics.yyfirstVal;
+ yySemanticOption* yyz1 = yys1->yysemantics.yyfirstVal;
+ while (yytrue)
if (yyz1 == *yyz0p || yyz1 == YY_NULL)
YYSTYPE* yyvalp]b4_locuser_formals[)
yyGLRStackItem yyrhsVals[YYMAXRHS + YYMAXLEFT + 1];
- int yynrhs;
- int yychar_current;
- YYSTYPE yylval_current;]b4_locations_if([
- YYLTYPE yylloc_current;])[
- yynrhs = yyrhsLength (yyopt->yyrule);
- yyflag = yyresolveStates (yyopt->yystate, yynrhs, yystackp]b4_user_args[);
+ int yynrhs = yyrhsLength (yyopt->yyrule);
+ YYRESULTTAG yyflag =
+ yyresolveStates (yyopt->yystate, yynrhs, yystackp]b4_user_args[);
if (yyflag != yyok)
yyGLRState *yys;
if (yynrhs == 0)
/* Set default location. */
yyrhsVals[YYMAXRHS + YYMAXLEFT - 1].yystate.yyloc = yyopt->yystate->yyloc;]])[
- yychar_current = yychar;
- yylval_current = yylval;]b4_locations_if([
- yylloc_current = yylloc;])[
- yychar = yyopt->yyrawchar;
- yylval = yyopt->yyval;]b4_locations_if([
- yylloc = yyopt->yyloc;])[
- yyflag = yyuserAction (yyopt->yyrule, yynrhs,
+ {
+ int yychar_current = yychar;
+ YYSTYPE yylval_current = yylval;]b4_locations_if([
+ YYLTYPE yylloc_current = yylloc;])[
+ yychar = yyopt->yyrawchar;
+ yylval = yyopt->yyval;]b4_locations_if([
+ yylloc = yyopt->yyloc;])[
+ yyflag = yyuserAction (yyopt->yyrule, yynrhs,
yyrhsVals + YYMAXRHS + YYMAXLEFT - 1,
- yystackp, yyvalp]b4_locuser_args[);
- yychar = yychar_current;
- yylval = yylval_current;]b4_locations_if([
- yylloc = yylloc_current;])[
+ yystackp, yyvalp]b4_locuser_args[);
+ yychar = yychar_current;
+ yylval = yylval_current;]b4_locations_if([
+ yylloc = yylloc_current;])[
+ }
return yyflag;
+#if ]b4_api_PREFIX[DEBUG
static void
yyreportTree (yySemanticOption* yyx, int yyindent)
yyreportAmbiguity (yySemanticOption* yyx0,
yySemanticOption* yyx1]b4_pure_formals[)
YYUSE (yyx0);
YYUSE (yyx1);
+#if ]b4_api_PREFIX[DEBUG
YYFPRINTF (stderr, "Ambiguity detected.\n");
YYFPRINTF (stderr, "Option 1,\n");
yyreportTree (yyx0, 2);
yyresolveLocations (yys1->yypred, yyn1 - 1, yystackp]b4_user_args[);
if (!yys1->yyresolved)
- yySemanticOption *yyoption;
yyGLRStackItem yyrhsloc[1 + YYMAXRHS];
int yynrhs;
- int yychar_current;
- YYSTYPE yylval_current;
- YYLTYPE yylloc_current;
- yyoption = yys1->yysemantics.yyfirstVal;
+ yySemanticOption *yyoption = yys1->yysemantics.yyfirstVal;
YYASSERT (yyoption != YY_NULL);
yynrhs = yyrhsLength (yyoption->yyrule);
if (yynrhs > 0)
yyGLRState *yyprevious = yyoption->yystate;
yyrhsloc[0].yystate.yyloc = yyprevious->yyloc;
- yychar_current = yychar;
- yylval_current = yylval;
- yylloc_current = yylloc;
- yychar = yyoption->yyrawchar;
- yylval = yyoption->yyval;
- yylloc = yyoption->yyloc;
- YYLLOC_DEFAULT ((yys1->yyloc), yyrhsloc, yynrhs);
- yychar = yychar_current;
- yylval = yylval_current;
- yylloc = yylloc_current;
+ {
+ int yychar_current = yychar;
+ YYSTYPE yylval_current = yylval;
+ YYLTYPE yylloc_current = yylloc;
+ yychar = yyoption->yyrawchar;
+ yylval = yyoption->yyval;
+ yylloc = yyoption->yyloc;
+ YYLLOC_DEFAULT ((yys1->yyloc), yyrhsloc, yynrhs);
+ yychar = yychar_current;
+ yylval = yylval_current;
+ yylloc = yylloc_current;
+ }
if (yychar == YYEMPTY)
YYDPRINTF ((stderr, "Reading a token: "));
- yychar = YYLEX;
+ yychar = ]b4_lex[;
if (yychar <= YYEOF)
return yyok;
-/*ARGSUSED*/ static void
+static void
yyreportSyntaxError (yyGLRStack* yystackp]b4_user_formals[)
if (yystackp->yyerrState != 0)
yyerror (]b4_lyyerror_args[YY_("syntax error"));
+ {
yySymbol yytoken = yychar == YYEMPTY ? YYEMPTY : YYTRANSLATE (yychar);
size_t yysize0 = yytnamerr (YY_NULL, yytokenName (yytoken));
size_t yysize = yysize0;
- size_t yysize1;
yybool yysize_overflow = yyfalse;
char* yymsg = YY_NULL;
yyarg[yycount++] = yytokenName (yyx);
- yysize1 = yysize + yytnamerr (YY_NULL, yytokenName (yyx));
- yysize_overflow |= yysize1 < yysize;
- yysize = yysize1;
+ {
+ size_t yysz = yysize + yytnamerr (YY_NULL, yytokenName (yyx));
+ yysize_overflow |= yysz < yysize;
+ yysize = yysz;
+ }
#undef YYCASE_
- yysize1 = yysize + strlen (yyformat);
- yysize_overflow |= yysize1 < yysize;
- yysize = yysize1;
+ {
+ size_t yysz = yysize + strlen (yyformat);
+ yysize_overflow |= yysz < yysize;
+ yysize = yysz;
+ }
if (!yysize_overflow)
yymsg = (char *) YYMALLOC (yysize);
yyerror (]b4_lyyerror_args[YY_("syntax error"));
yyMemoryExhausted (yystackp);
+ }
#endif /* YYERROR_VERBOSE */
yynerrs += 1;
/* Recover from a syntax error on *YYSTACKP, assuming that *YYSTACKP->YYTOKENP,
yylval, and yylloc are the syntactic category, semantic value, and location
of the lookahead. */
-/*ARGSUSED*/ static void
+static void
yyrecoverSyntaxError (yyGLRStack* yystackp]b4_user_formals[)
size_t yyk;
if (yystackp->yyerrState == 3)
/* We just shifted the error token and (perhaps) took some
reductions. Skip tokens until we can proceed. */
- while (YYID (yytrue))
+ while (yytrue)
yySymbol yytoken;
if (yychar == YYEOF)
yytoken, &yylval]b4_locuser_args([&yylloc])[);
YYDPRINTF ((stderr, "Reading a token: "));
- yychar = YYLEX;
+ yychar = ]b4_lex[;
if (yychar <= YYEOF)
yychar = yytoken = YYEOF;
default: \
goto yybuglab; \
} \
- } while (YYID (0))
+ } while (0)
| yyparse. |
-]b4_c_ansi_function_def([yyparse], [int], b4_parse_param)[
+]b4_function_define([yyparse], [int], b4_parse_param)[
int yyresult;
yyGLRStack yystack;
YYDPRINTF ((stderr, "Starting parse\n"));
yychar = YYEMPTY;
- yylval = yyval_default;
- yylloc.first_line = yylloc.last_line = ]b4_location_initial_line[;
- yylloc.first_column = yylloc.last_column = ]b4_location_initial_column[;
-m4_ifdef([b4_initial_action], [
-m4_pushdef([b4_at_dollar], [yylloc])dnl
-m4_pushdef([b4_dollar_dollar], [yylval])dnl
+ yylval = yyval_default;]b4_locations_if([
+ yylloc = yyloc_default;])[
+]m4_ifdef([b4_initial_action], [
+b4_dollar_pushdef([yylval], [], [yylloc])dnl
/* User initialization code. */
if (! yyinitGLRStack (yystackp, YYINITDEPTH))
goto yyexhaustedlab;
yyglrShift (&yystack, 0, 0, 0, &yylval]b4_locations_if([, &yylloc])[);
yyposn = 0;
- while (YYID (yytrue))
+ while (yytrue)
/* For efficiency, we have two loops, the first of which is
specialized to deterministic operation (single stack, no
potential ambiguity). */
/* Standard mode */
- while (YYID (yytrue))
+ while (yytrue)
yyRuleNum yyrule;
int yyaction;
if (yychar == YYEMPTY)
YYDPRINTF ((stderr, "Reading a token: "));
- yychar = YYLEX;
+ yychar = ]b4_lex[;
if (yychar <= YYEOF)
- while (YYID (yytrue))
+ while (yytrue)
yySymbol yytoken_to_shift;
size_t yys;
yyfreeGLRStack (&yystack);
- /* Make sure YYID is used. */
- return YYID (yyresult);
+ return yyresult;
-static void yypstack (yyGLRStack* yystackp, size_t yyk)
- __attribute__ ((__unused__));
-static void yypdumpstack (yyGLRStack* yystackp) __attribute__ ((__unused__));
+#if ]b4_api_PREFIX[DEBUG
static void
yy_yypstack (yyGLRState* yys)
-dnl glr.cc produces its own header.
+# glr.cc produces its own header.
m4_if(b4_skeleton, ["glr.c"],
b4_copyright([Skeleton interface for Bison GLR parsers in C],
- [2002-2012])
+ [2002-2012])[
-[[extern YYSTYPE ]b4_prefix[lval;]])
-[extern YYLTYPE ]b4_prefix[lloc;])