- skeleton = skeleton_find ("BISON_SIMPLE", BISON_SIMPLE);
- fskel = xfopen (skeleton, "r");
- /* Set LINE to 2, not 1: `#line LINENUM' -- Here LINENUM is a
- decimal integer constant. This specifies that the line number of
- the *following* line of input, in its original source file, was
- line = 2;
- while (1)
- {
- enum line_type_e
- {
- regular_line,
- sync_line, /* #line. */
- actions_line /* %% actions. */
- };
- enum line_type_e line_type = regular_line;
- c = getc (fskel);
- /* Is this line special? */
- if (c == '#')
- {
- /* See if it's a `#line' line. */
- if ((c = getc (fskel)) == 'l')
- if ((c = getc (fskel)) == 'i')
- if ((c = getc (fskel)) == 'n')
- if ((c = getc (fskel)) == 'e')
- line_type = sync_line;
- else
- obstack_grow_string (&table_obstack, "#lin");
- else
- obstack_grow_string (&table_obstack, "#li");
- else
- obstack_grow_string (&table_obstack, "#l");
- else
- obstack_grow_string (&table_obstack, "#");
- }
- else if (c == '%')
- {
- /* See if it's a `%% actions' line. */
- if ((c = getc (fskel)) == '%')
- if ((c = getc (fskel)) == ' ')
- if ((c = getc (fskel)) == 'a')
- if ((c = getc (fskel)) == 'c')
- if ((c = getc (fskel)) == 't')
- if ((c = getc (fskel)) == 'i')
- if ((c = getc (fskel)) == 'o')
- if ((c = getc (fskel)) == 'n')
- if ((c = getc (fskel)) == 's')
- line_type = actions_line;
- else
- obstack_grow_string (&table_obstack, "%% action");
- else
- obstack_grow_string (&table_obstack, "%% actio");
- else
- obstack_grow_string (&table_obstack, "%% acti");
- else
- obstack_grow_string (&table_obstack, "%% act");
- else
- obstack_grow_string (&table_obstack, "%% ac");
- else
- obstack_grow_string (&table_obstack, "%% a");
- else
- obstack_grow_string (&table_obstack, "%% ");
- else
- obstack_grow_string (&table_obstack, "%%");
- else
- obstack_grow_string (&table_obstack, "%");
- }
- switch (line_type)
- {
- case sync_line:
- if (!no_lines_flag)
- obstack_fgrow2 (&table_obstack, "#line %d %s\n",
- line, quotearg_style (c_quoting_style, skeleton));
- /* Skip the end of line. */
- for (; c != '\n' && c != EOF; c = getc (fskel))
- /* nothing */;
- break;
- case actions_line:
- {
- size_t size = obstack_object_size (&action_obstack);
- actions_dumped++;
- assert (actions_dumped == 1);
- obstack_grow (&table_obstack,
- obstack_finish (&action_obstack),
- size);
- }
- /* Skip the end of line. */
- for (; c != '\n' && c != EOF; c = getc (fskel))
- /* nothing */;
- break;
- case regular_line:
- for (; c != '\n' && c != EOF; c = getc (fskel))
- obstack_1grow (&table_obstack, c);
- }
- if (c == EOF)
- break;
- obstack_1grow (&table_obstack, c);
- line++;
- }
- assert (actions_dumped == 1);
- xfclose (fskel);
-static void
-output_program (void)
- int c;
- if (!no_lines_flag)
- obstack_fgrow2 (&table_obstack, "#line %d %s\n",
- lineno, quotearg_style (c_quoting_style, infile));
- while ((c = getc (finput)) != EOF)
- obstack_1grow (&table_obstack, c);
+ strcpy (full_skeleton + pkgdatadirlen + 1, skeleton);
+ xfclose (xfopen (full_m4sugar, "r"));
+ /* Create an m4 subprocess connected to us via two pipes. */
+ if (trace_flag & trace_tools)
+ fprintf (stderr, "running: %s %s - %s %s\n",
+ m4, full_m4sugar, full_m4bison, full_skeleton);
+ argv[0] = m4;
+ argv[1] = full_m4sugar;
+ argv[2] = "-";
+ argv[3] = full_m4bison;
+ argv[4] = full_skeleton;
+ argv[5] = trace_flag & trace_m4 ? "-dV" : NULL;
+ argv[6] = NULL;
+ init_subpipe ();
+ pid = create_subpipe (argv, filter_fd);
+ free (full_m4bison);
+ free (full_m4sugar);
+ free (full_skeleton);
+ out = fdopen (filter_fd[0], "w");
+ if (! out)
+ error (EXIT_FAILURE, get_errno (),
+ "fdopen");
+ /* Output the definitions of all the muscles. */
+ fputs ("m4_init()\n", out);
+ user_actions_output (out);
+ merger_output (out);
+ token_definitions_output (out);
+ symbol_code_props_output (out, "destructors", &symbol_destructor_get);
+ symbol_code_props_output (out, "printers", &symbol_printer_get);
+ muscles_m4_output (out);
+ xfclose (out);
+ /* Read and process m4's output. */
+ timevar_push (TV_M4);
+ end_of_output_subpipe (pid, filter_fd);
+ in = fdopen (filter_fd[1], "r");
+ if (! in)
+ error (EXIT_FAILURE, get_errno (),
+ "fdopen");
+ scan_skel (in);
+ xfclose (in);
+ reap_subpipe (pid, m4);
+ timevar_pop (TV_M4);