# Yacc compatible skeleton for Bison
-# Copyright (C) 1984, 1989, 1990, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005,
-# 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# Copyright (C) 1984, 1989-1990, 2000-2012 Free Software Foundation,
+# Inc.
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
[push], [m4_define([b4_pull_flag], [[0]])])
# Handle BISON_USE_PUSH_FOR_PULL for the test suite. So that push parsing
-# tests function as written, don't let BISON_USE_PUSH_FOR_PULL modify Bison's
-# behavior at all when push parsing is already requested.
+# tests function as written, do not let BISON_USE_PUSH_FOR_PULL modify the
+# behavior of Bison at all when push parsing is already requested.
b4_push_if([m4_define([b4_use_push_for_pull_flag], [[0]])],
[m4_define([b4_push_flag], [[1]])])])
-# Check the value of %define parse.lac, where LAC stands for lookahead
-# correction.
+# Check the value of %define parse.lac and friends, where LAC stands for
+# lookahead correction.
b4_percent_define_default([[parse.lac]], [[none]])
-b4_percent_define_default([[parse.lac.es-capacity]], [[20]])
-b4_percent_define_check_values([[[[parse.lac]], [[full]], [[none]]]])
+b4_percent_define_default([[parse.lac.es-capacity-initial]], [[20]])
+b4_percent_define_default([[parse.lac.memory-trace]], [[failures]])
+b4_percent_define_check_values([[[[parse.lac]], [[full]], [[none]]]],
+ [[[[parse.lac.memory-trace]],
+ [[failures]], [[full]]]])
[(yylsp@{($2) - ($1)@})])
-## ------------------ ##
-## Parser variables. ##
-## ------------------ ##
+## -------------- ##
+## Declarations. ##
+## -------------- ##
# b4_declare_scanner_communication_variables
# ------------------------------------------
`yyvs': related to semantic values.]b4_locations_if([[
`yyls': related to locations.]])[
- Refer to the stacks thru separate pointers, to allow yyoverflow
+ Refer to the stacks through separate pointers, to allow yyoverflow
to reallocate them elsewhere. */
/* The state stack. */
/* The locations where the error started and ended. */
YYLTYPE yyerror_range[3];]])[
- YYSIZE_T yystacksize;]])
+ YYSIZE_T yystacksize;]b4_lac_if([[
+ yytype_int16 yyesa@{]b4_percent_define_get([[parse.lac.es-capacity-initial]])[@};
+ yytype_int16 *yyes;
+ YYSIZE_T yyes_capacity;]])])
-## --------------------------------------------------------- ##
-## Defining symbol actions, e.g., printers and destructors. ##
-## --------------------------------------------------------- ##
+# b4_declare_yyparse_push_
+# ------------------------
+# Declaration of yyparse (and dependencies) when using the push parser
+# (including in pull mode).
+[[typedef struct ]b4_prefix[pstate ]b4_prefix[pstate;
+enum { YYPUSH_MORE = 4 };
+]b4_pull_if([b4_c_function_decl([b4_prefix[parse]], [[int]], b4_parse_param)
+])b4_c_function_decl([b4_prefix[push_parse]], [[int]],
+ [[b4_prefix[pstate *yyps]], [[yyps]]]b4_pure_if([,
+ [[[int yypushed_char]], [[yypushed_char]]],
+ [[[YYSTYPE const *yypushed_val]], [[yypushed_val]]]b4_locations_if([,
+ [[[YYLTYPE const *yypushed_loc]], [[yypushed_loc]]]])])m4_ifset([b4_parse_param], [,
+ b4_parse_param]))
+b4_pull_if([b4_c_function_decl([b4_prefix[pull_parse]], [[int]],
+ [[b4_prefix[pstate *yyps]], [[yyps]]]m4_ifset([b4_parse_param], [,
+ b4_parse_param]))])
+b4_c_function_decl([b4_prefix[pstate_new]], [b4_prefix[pstate *]],
+ [[[void]], []])
+b4_c_function_decl([b4_prefix[pstate_delete]], [[void]],
+ [[b4_prefix[pstate *yyps]], [[yyps]]])dnl
+# b4_declare_yyparse_
+# -------------------
+# When not the push parser.
+]b4_c_function_decl(b4_prefix[parse], [int],
+#else /* ! YYPARSE_PARAM */
+]b4_c_function_decl(b4_prefix[parse], [int], b4_parse_param)[
+#endif /* ! YYPARSE_PARAM */]dnl
+# b4_declare_yyparse
+# ------------------
+ [b4_declare_yyparse_])[]dnl
+# b4_shared_declarations
+# ----------------------
+# Declaration that might either go into the header (if --defines)
+# or open coded in the parser body.
+## -------------- ##
+## Output files. ##
+## -------------- ##
# We do want M4 expansion after # for CPP macros.
-b4_copyright([Skeleton implementation for Bison's Yacc-like parsers in C],
- [1984, 1989, 1990, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010])[
+b4_copyright([Bison implementation for Yacc-like parsers in C],
+ [1984, 1989-1990, 2000-2012])[
/* C LALR(1) parser skeleton written by Richard Stallman, by
simplifying the original so-called "semantic" parser. */
-m4_if(b4_prefix, [yy], [],
+m4_if(b4_api_prefix, [yy], [],
+[[/* Substitute the type names. */
+#define YYSTYPE ]b4_api_PREFIX[STYPE
+#define YYSTYPE_IS_DECLARED ]b4_api_PREFIX[STYPE_IS_DECLARED]b4_locations_if([[
+#define YYLTYPE ]b4_api_PREFIX[LTYPE
+]m4_if(b4_prefix, [yy], [],
[[/* Substitute the variable and function names. */]b4_pull_if([[
#define yyparse ]b4_prefix[parse]])b4_push_if([[
#define yypush_parse ]b4_prefix[push_parse]b4_pull_if([[
#define yylval ]b4_prefix[lval
#define yychar ]b4_prefix[char
#define yydebug ]b4_prefix[debug
-#define yynerrs ]b4_prefix[nerrs
-]b4_locations_if([[#define yylloc ]b4_prefix[lloc]])])[
+#define yynerrs ]b4_prefix[nerrs]b4_locations_if([[
+#define yylloc ]b4_prefix[lloc]])])[
/* Copy the first part of user declarations. */
-/* Enabling traces. */
-#ifndef YYDEBUG
-# define YYDEBUG ]b4_debug_flag[
/* Enabling verbose error messages. */
# define YYERROR_VERBOSE ]b4_error_verbose_flag[
-/* Enabling the token table. */
-# define YYTOKEN_TABLE ]b4_token_table[
+/* In a future release of Bison, this section will be replaced
+ by #include "@basename(]b4_spec_defines_file[@)". */
-#if ! defined YYSTYPE && ! defined YYSTYPE_IS_DECLARED
-[[typedef union ]b4_union_name[
-# define YYSTYPE_IS_TRIVIAL 1]],
-[m4_if(b4_tag_seen_flag, 0,
-[[typedef int YYSTYPE;
-# define YYSTYPE_IS_TRIVIAL 1]])])[
-# define yystype YYSTYPE /* obsolescent; will be withdrawn */
-#if ! defined YYLTYPE && ! defined YYLTYPE_IS_DECLARED
-typedef struct YYLTYPE
- int first_line;
- int first_column;
- int last_line;
- int last_column;
-# define yyltype YYLTYPE /* obsolescent; will be withdrawn */
-# define YYPUSH_DECLS
-struct yypstate;
-typedef struct yypstate yypstate;
-enum { YYPUSH_MORE = 4 };
-]b4_pull_if([b4_c_function_decl([[yyparse]], [[int]], b4_parse_param)
-])b4_c_function_decl([[yypush_parse]], [[int]],
- [[[yypstate *yyps]], [[yyps]]]b4_pure_if([,
- [[[int yypushed_char]], [[yypushed_char]]],
- [[[YYSTYPE const *yypushed_val]], [[yypushed_val]]]b4_locations_if([,
- [[[YYLTYPE const *yypushed_loc]], [[yypushed_loc]]]])])m4_ifset([b4_parse_param], [,
- b4_parse_param]))
-b4_pull_if([b4_c_function_decl([[yypull_parse]], [[int]],
- [[[yypstate *yyps]], [[yyps]]]m4_ifset([b4_parse_param], [,
- b4_parse_param]))])
-b4_c_function_decl([[yypstate_new]], [[yypstate *]], [[[void]], []])
-b4_c_function_decl([[yypstate_delete]], [[void]],
- [[[yypstate *yyps]], [[yyps]]])[
-[/* Copy the second part of user declarations. */
+/* Copy the second part of user declarations. */
-#if ! defined yyoverflow || YYERROR_VERBOSE
+#if ]b4_lac_if([[1]], [[! defined yyoverflow || YYERROR_VERBOSE]])[
-[[/* The parser invokes alloca or malloc; define the necessary symbols. */
+/* The parser invokes alloca or malloc; define the necessary symbols. */]dnl
+b4_push_if([], [b4_lac_if([], [[
# define YYSTACK_ALLOC alloca
# if ! defined _ALLOCA_H && ! defined EXIT_SUCCESS && ]b4_c_modern[
# include <stdlib.h> /* INFRINGES ON USER NAME SPACE */
+ /* Use EXIT_SUCCESS as a witness for stdlib.h. */
# define EXIT_SUCCESS 0
# endif
# endif
# endif
# endif
-# endif
+# endif]])])[
/* Pacify GCC's `empty if-body' warning. */
# define YYSTACK_FREE(Ptr) do { /* empty */; } while (YYID (0))
void free (void *); /* INFRINGES ON USER NAME SPACE */
# endif
# endif
-# endif
-#endif /* ! defined yyoverflow || YYERROR_VERBOSE */
+# endif]b4_lac_if([[
+# define YYCOPY_NEEDED 1]])[
+#endif]b4_lac_if([], [[ /* ! defined yyoverflow || YYERROR_VERBOSE */]])[
#if (! defined yyoverflow \
((N) * (sizeof (yytype_int16) + sizeof (YYSTYPE)) \
-/* Copy COUNT objects from FROM to TO. The source and destination do
- not overlap. */
-# ifndef YYCOPY
-# if defined __GNUC__ && 1 < __GNUC__
-# define YYCOPY(To, From, Count) \
- __builtin_memcpy (To, From, (Count) * sizeof (*(From)))
-# else
-# define YYCOPY(To, From, Count) \
- do \
- { \
- YYSIZE_T yyi; \
- for (yyi = 0; yyi < (Count); yyi++) \
- (To)[yyi] = (From)[yyi]; \
- } \
- while (YYID (0))
-# endif
-# endif
+# define YYCOPY_NEEDED 1
/* Relocate STACK from its old location to the new one. The
local variables YYSIZE and YYSTACKSIZE give the old and new number of
+/* Copy COUNT objects from SRC to DST. The source and destination do
+ not overlap. */
+# ifndef YYCOPY
+# if defined __GNUC__ && 1 < __GNUC__
+# define YYCOPY(Dst, Src, Count) \
+ __builtin_memcpy (Dst, Src, (Count) * sizeof (*(Src)))
+# else
+# define YYCOPY(Dst, Src, Count) \
+ do \
+ { \
+ YYSIZE_T yyi; \
+ for (yyi = 0; yyi < (Count); yyi++) \
+ (Dst)[yyi] = (Src)[yyi]; \
+ } \
+ while (YYID (0))
+# endif
+# endif
+#endif /* !YYCOPY_NEEDED */
/* YYFINAL -- State number of the termination state. */
#define YYFINAL ]b4_final_state_number[
/* YYLAST -- Last index in YYTABLE. */
+#if ]b4_api_PREFIX[DEBUG
/* YYPRHS[YYN] -- Index of the first RHS symbol of rule number YYN in
static const ]b4_int_type_for([b4_prhs])[ yyprhs[] =
+#if ]b4_api_PREFIX[DEBUG || YYERROR_VERBOSE || ]b4_token_table_flag[
/* YYTNAME[SYMBOL-NUM] -- String name of the symbol SYMBOL-NUM.
First, the terminals, then, starting at YYNTOKENS, nonterminals. */
static const char *const yytname[] =
#define YYRECOVERING() (!!yyerrstatus)
-#define YYBACKUP(Token, Value) \
-do \
- if (yychar == YYEMPTY && yylen == 1) \
- { \
- yychar = (Token); \
- yylval = (Value); \
- YYPOPSTACK (1); \]b4_lac_if([[
- goto yybackup; \
- } \
- else \
- { \
+#define YYBACKUP(Token, Value) \
+do \
+ if (yychar == YYEMPTY) \
+ { \
+ yychar = (Token); \
+ yylval = (Value); \
+ YYPOPSTACK (yylen); \
+ yystate = *yyssp; \]b4_lac_if([[
+ goto yybackup; \
+ } \
+ else \
+ { \
yyerror (]b4_yyerror_args[YY_("syntax error: cannot back up")); \
} \
/* Enable debugging if requested. */
+#if ]b4_api_PREFIX[DEBUG
# ifndef YYFPRINTF
# include <stdio.h> /* INFRINGES ON USER NAME SPACE */
/* Nonzero means print parse trace. It is left uninitialized so that
multiple parsers can coexist. */
int yydebug;
-#else /* !YYDEBUG */
+#else /* !]b4_api_PREFIX[DEBUG */
# define YYDPRINTF(Args)
# define YY_SYMBOL_PRINT(Title, Type, Value, Location)
# define YY_STACK_PRINT(Bottom, Top)
# define YY_REDUCE_PRINT(Rule)
-#endif /* !YYDEBUG */
+#endif /* !]b4_api_PREFIX[DEBUG */
/* YYINITDEPTH -- initial size of the parser's stacks. */
# define YYMAXDEPTH ]b4_stack_depth_max[
+/* Given a state stack such that *YYBOTTOM is its bottom, such that
+ *YYTOP is either its top or is YYTOP_EMPTY to indicate an empty
+ stack, and such that *YYCAPACITY is the maximum number of elements it
+ can hold without a reallocation, make sure there is enough room to
+ store YYADD more elements. If not, allocate a new stack using
+ YYSTACK_ALLOC, copy the existing elements, and adjust *YYBOTTOM,
+ *YYTOP, and *YYCAPACITY to reflect the new capacity and memory
+ location. If *YYBOTTOM != YYBOTTOM_NO_FREE, then free the old stack
+ using YYSTACK_FREE. Return 0 if successful or if no reallocation is
+ required. Return 1 if memory is exhausted. */
+static int
+yy_lac_stack_realloc (YYSIZE_T *yycapacity, YYSIZE_T yyadd,
+#if ]b4_api_PREFIX[DEBUG
+ char const *yydebug_prefix,
+ char const *yydebug_suffix,
+ yytype_int16 **yybottom,
+ yytype_int16 *yybottom_no_free,
+ yytype_int16 **yytop, yytype_int16 *yytop_empty)
+ YYSIZE_T yysize_old =
+ *yytop == yytop_empty ? 0 : *yytop - *yybottom + 1;
+ YYSIZE_T yysize_new = yysize_old + yyadd;
+ if (*yycapacity < yysize_new)
+ {
+ YYSIZE_T yyalloc = 2 * yysize_new;
+ yytype_int16 *yybottom_new;
+ /* Use YYMAXDEPTH for maximum stack size given that the stack
+ should never need to grow larger than the main state stack
+ needs to grow without LAC. */
+ if (YYMAXDEPTH < yysize_new)
+ {
+ YYDPRINTF ((stderr, "%smax size exceeded%s", yydebug_prefix,
+ yydebug_suffix));
+ return 1;
+ }
+ if (YYMAXDEPTH < yyalloc)
+ yyalloc = YYMAXDEPTH;
+ yybottom_new =
+ (yytype_int16*) YYSTACK_ALLOC (yyalloc * sizeof *yybottom_new);
+ if (!yybottom_new)
+ {
+ YYDPRINTF ((stderr, "%srealloc failed%s", yydebug_prefix,
+ yydebug_suffix));
+ return 1;
+ }
+ if (*yytop != yytop_empty)
+ {
+ YYCOPY (yybottom_new, *yybottom, yysize_old);
+ *yytop = yybottom_new + (yysize_old - 1);
+ }
+ if (*yybottom != yybottom_no_free)
+ YYSTACK_FREE (*yybottom);
+ *yybottom = yybottom_new;
+ *yycapacity = yyalloc;]m4_if(b4_percent_define_get([[parse.lac.memory-trace]]),
+ [full], [[
+ YYDPRINTF ((stderr, "%srealloc to %lu%s", yydebug_prefix,
+ (unsigned long int) yyalloc, yydebug_suffix));]])[
+ }
+ return 0;
/* Establish the initial context for the current lookahead if no initial
context is currently established.
current lookahead, then check if that lookahead can eventually be
shifted if syntactic actions continue from the current context.
Report a syntax error if it cannot. */
-do { \
- if (!yy_lac_established) \
- { \
- YYDPRINTF ((stderr, \
- "LAC: initial context established for %s\n", \
- yytname[yytoken])); \
- yy_lac_established = 1; \
- { \
- int yy_lac_status = \
- yy_lac (yyssp, yytoken); \
- if (yy_lac_status == 2) \
- goto yyexhaustedlab; \
- if (yy_lac_status == 1) \
- goto yyerrlab; \
- } \
- } \
+do { \
+ if (!yy_lac_established) \
+ { \
+ YYDPRINTF ((stderr, \
+ "LAC: initial context established for %s\n", \
+ yytname[yytoken])); \
+ yy_lac_established = 1; \
+ { \
+ int yy_lac_status = \
+ yy_lac (yyesa, &yyes, &yyes_capacity, yyssp, yytoken); \
+ if (yy_lac_status == 2) \
+ goto yyexhaustedlab; \
+ if (yy_lac_status == 1) \
+ goto yyerrlab; \
+ } \
+ } \
} while (YYID (0))
/* Discard any previous initial lookahead context because of Event,
the parser stacks to try to find a new initial context in which the
current lookahead is syntactically acceptable. If it fails to find
such a context, it discards the lookahead. */
+#if ]b4_api_PREFIX[DEBUG
# define YY_LAC_DISCARD(Event) \
do { \
if (yy_lac_established) \
/* Given the stack whose top is *YYSSP, return 0 iff YYTOKEN can
- eventually (after perhaps some reductions) be shifted, and return 1
- if not. Return 2 if memory is exhausted. */
+ eventually (after perhaps some reductions) be shifted, return 1 if
+ not, or return 2 if memory is exhausted. As preconditions and
+ postconditions: *YYES_CAPACITY is the allocated size of the array to
+ which *YYES points, and either *YYES = YYESA or *YYES points to an
+ array allocated with YYSTACK_ALLOC. yy_lac may overwrite the
+ contents of either array, alter *YYES and *YYES_CAPACITY, and free
+ any old *YYES other than YYESA. */
static int
-yy_lac (yytype_int16 *yyssp, int yytoken)
+yy_lac (yytype_int16 *yyesa, yytype_int16 **yyes,
+ YYSIZE_T *yyes_capacity, yytype_int16 *yyssp, int yytoken)
yytype_int16 *yyes_prev = yyssp;
- yytype_int16 yyes@{]b4_percent_define_get([[parse.lac.es-capacity]])[@};
yytype_int16 *yyesp = yyes_prev;
YYDPRINTF ((stderr, "LAC: checking lookahead %s:", yytname[yytoken]));
if (yytoken == YYUNDEFTOK)
YYDPRINTF ((stderr, " R%d", yyrule - 1));
if (yyesp != yyes_prev)
- YYSIZE_T yysize = yyesp - yyes + 1;
+ YYSIZE_T yysize = yyesp - *yyes + 1;
if (yylen < yysize)
yyesp -= yylen;
if (yyesp == yyes_prev)
- yyesp = yyes;
+ yyesp = *yyes;
*yyesp = yystate;
- if (yyesp == yyes + (sizeof yyes / sizeof *yyes) - 1)
+ if (yy_lac_stack_realloc (yyes_capacity, 1,
+#if ]b4_api_PREFIX[DEBUG
+ " (", ")",
+ yyes, yyesa, &yyesp, yyes_prev))
- YYDPRINTF ((stderr, " (max stack size exceeded)\n"));
+ YYDPRINTF ((stderr, "\n"));
return 2;
*++yyesp = yystate;
- YYDPRINTF ((stderr, " G%d", *yyesp));
+ YYDPRINTF ((stderr, " G%d", yystate));
/* Copy into *YYMSG, which is of size *YYMSG_ALLOC, an error message
about the unexpected token YYTOKEN for the state stack whose top is
YYSSP.]b4_lac_if([[ In order to see if a particular token T is a
- valid looakhead, invoke yy_lac (YYSSP, T).]])[
+ valid looakhead, invoke yy_lac (YYESA, YYES, YYES_CAPACITY, YYSSP, T).]])[
Return 0 if *YYMSG was successfully written. Return 1 if *YYMSG is
not large enough to hold the message. In that case, also set
yy_lac returned 2]])[. */
static int
yysyntax_error (YYSIZE_T *yymsg_alloc, char **yymsg,
- yytype_int16 *yyssp, int yytoken)
+ ]b4_lac_if([[yytype_int16 *yyesa, yytype_int16 **yyes,
+ YYSIZE_T *yyes_capacity, ]])[yytype_int16 *yyssp, int yytoken)
- YYSIZE_T yysize0 = yytnamerr (0, yytname[yytoken]);
+ YYSIZE_T yysize0 = yytnamerr (YY_NULL, yytname[yytoken]);
YYSIZE_T yysize = yysize0;
YYSIZE_T yysize1;
/* Internationalized format string. */
- const char *yyformat = 0;
+ const char *yyformat = YY_NULL;
/* Arguments of yyformat. */
/* Number of reported tokens (one for the "unexpected", one per
if (yyx != YYTERROR && yyx != YYUNDEFTOK)
- int yy_lac_status = yy_lac (yyssp, yyx);
+ int yy_lac_status = yy_lac (yyesa, yyes, yyes_capacity,
+ yyssp, yyx);
if (yy_lac_status == 2)
return 2;
if (yy_lac_status == 1)
yyarg[yycount++] = yytname[yyx];
- yysize1 = yysize + yytnamerr (0, yytname[yyx]);
+ yysize1 = yysize + yytnamerr (YY_NULL, yytname[yyx]);
if (! (yysize <= yysize1
return 2;
yysize = yysize1;
+# if ]b4_api_PREFIX[DEBUG
else if (yydebug)
YYFPRINTF (stderr, "No expected tokens.\n");
# endif]])[
#endif /* YYERROR_VERBOSE */
-]b4_yydestruct_generate([b4_c_function_def])b4_push_if([], [[
-/* Prevent warnings from -Wmissing-prototypes. */
-]b4_c_function_decl([yyparse], [int],
-#else /* ! YYPARSE_PARAM */
-]b4_c_function_decl([yyparse], [int], b4_parse_param)[
-#endif /* ! YYPARSE_PARAM */]])b4_pure_if([], [
+]b4_pure_if([], [
struct yypstate
/* Used to determine if this is the first time this instance has
b4_c_function_def([[yyparse]], [[int]], b4_parse_param)[
- return yypull_parse (0]m4_ifset([b4_parse_param],
+ return yypull_parse (YY_NULL]m4_ifset([b4_parse_param],
[[, ]b4_c_args(b4_parse_param)])[);
int yychar;
YYSTYPE yylval;]b4_locations_if([[
YYLTYPE yylloc;]])])[
- if (yyps == 0)
+ if (yyps)
+ yyps_local = yyps;
+ else
yyps_local = yypstate_new ();
if (!yyps_local)
return 2;
- else
- yyps_local = yyps;
do {
yychar = YYLEX;
yystatus =
yypush_parse (yyps_local]b4_pure_if([[, yychar, &yylval]b4_locations_if([[, &yylloc]])])m4_ifset([b4_parse_param], [, b4_c_args(b4_parse_param)])[);
} while (yystatus == YYPUSH_MORE);
- if (yyps == 0)
+ if (!yyps)
yypstate_delete (yyps_local);
return yystatus;
yypstate *yyps;]b4_pure_if([], [[
if (yypstate_allocated)
- return 0;]])[
+ return YY_NULL;]])[
yyps = (yypstate *) malloc (sizeof *yyps);
if (!yyps)
- return 0;
+ return YY_NULL;
yyps->yynew = 1;]b4_pure_if([], [[
yypstate_allocated = 1;]])[
return yyps;
stack still needs to be freed. */
if (!yyps->yynew && yyps->yyss != yyps->yyssa)
YYSTACK_FREE (yyps->yyss);
+ if (!yyps->yynew && yyps->yyes != yyps->yyesa)
+ YYSTACK_FREE (yyps->yyes);]])[
free (yyps);]b4_pure_if([], [[
yypstate_allocated = 0;]])[
#define yyls yyps->yyls
#define yylsp yyps->yylsp
#define yyerror_range yyps->yyerror_range]])[
-#define yystacksize yyps->yystacksize
+#define yystacksize yyps->yystacksize]b4_lac_if([[
+#define yyesa yyps->yyesa
+#define yyes yyps->yyes
+#define yyes_capacity yyps->yyes_capacity]])[
yyss = yyssa;
yyvs = yyvsa;]b4_locations_if([[
yyls = yylsa;]])[
- yystacksize = YYINITDEPTH;
+ yystacksize = YYINITDEPTH;]b4_lac_if([[
+ yyes = yyesa;
+ yyes_capacity = sizeof yyesa / sizeof *yyes;
+ if (YYMAXDEPTH < yyes_capacity)
+ yyes_capacity = YYMAXDEPTH;]])[
YYDPRINTF ((stderr, "Starting parse\n"));
yyerror (]b4_yyerror_args[YY_("syntax error"));
-# define YYSYNTAX_ERROR yysyntax_error (&yymsg_alloc, &yymsg, yyssp, \
- yytoken)
+# define YYSYNTAX_ERROR yysyntax_error (&yymsg_alloc, &yymsg, \]b4_lac_if([[
+ yyesa, &yyes, &yyes_capacity, \]])[
+ yyssp, yytoken)
char const *yymsgp = YY_("syntax error");
int yysyntax_error_status;]b4_lac_if([[
yyresult = 1;
goto yyreturn;
-#if ]b4_lac_if([[1]], [[!defined(yyoverflow) || YYERROR_VERBOSE]])[
+#if ]b4_lac_if([[1]], [[!defined yyoverflow || YYERROR_VERBOSE]])[
| yyexhaustedlab -- memory exhaustion comes here. |
#ifndef yyoverflow
if (yyss != yyssa)
+ if (yyes != yyesa)
+ YYSTACK_FREE (yyes);]])b4_push_if([[
yyps->yynew = 1;
-b4_copyright([Skeleton interface for Bison's Yacc-like parsers in C],
- [1984, 1989, 1990, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010])
-[#if ! defined YYSTYPE && ! defined YYSTYPE_IS_DECLARED
-[[typedef union ]b4_union_name[
-# define YYSTYPE_IS_TRIVIAL 1]],
-[m4_if(b4_tag_seen_flag, 0,
-[[typedef int YYSTYPE;
-# define YYSTYPE_IS_TRIVIAL 1]])])[
-# define yystype YYSTYPE /* obsolescent; will be withdrawn */
-]b4_pure_if([], [[extern YYSTYPE ]b4_prefix[lval;]])
+b4_copyright([Bison interface for Yacc-like parsers in C],
+ [1984, 1989-1990, 2000-2012])[
-[#if ! defined YYLTYPE && ! defined YYLTYPE_IS_DECLARED
-typedef struct YYLTYPE
- int first_line;
- int first_column;
- int last_line;
- int last_column;
-# define yyltype YYLTYPE /* obsolescent; will be withdrawn */
-]b4_pure_if([], [[extern YYLTYPE ]b4_prefix[lloc;]])
-)dnl b4_locations_if
-# define YYPUSH_DECLS
-struct ]b4_prefix[pstate;
-typedef struct ]b4_prefix[pstate ]b4_prefix[pstate;
-enum { YYPUSH_MORE = 4 };
-]b4_pull_if([b4_c_function_decl([b4_prefix[parse]], [[int]], b4_parse_param)
-])b4_c_function_decl([b4_prefix[push_parse]], [[int]],
- [[b4_prefix[pstate *yyps]], [[yyps]]]b4_pure_if([,
- [[[int yypushed_char]], [[yypushed_char]]],
- [[[YYSTYPE const *yypushed_val]], [[yypushed_val]]]b4_locations_if([,
- [[[YYLTYPE const *yypushed_loc]], [[yypushed_loc]]]])])m4_ifset([b4_parse_param], [,
- b4_parse_param]))
-b4_pull_if([b4_c_function_decl([b4_prefix[pull_parse]], [[int]],
- [[b4_prefix[pstate *yyps]], [[yyps]]]m4_ifset([b4_parse_param], [,
- b4_parse_param]))])
-b4_c_function_decl([b4_prefix[pstate_new]], [b4_prefix[pstate *]],
- [[[void]], []])
-b4_c_function_decl([b4_prefix[pstate_delete]], [[void]],
- [[b4_prefix[pstate *yyps]], [[yyps]]])[
-])dnl b4_defines_if
+]])dnl b4_defines_if