[ $1;])
-# b4_yysymprint_generate(FUNCTION-DECLARATOR)
-# -------------------------------------------
-# Generate the "symprint_" member function.
-| Print this symbol on YYOUTPUT. |
-yy::b4_parser_class_name::symprint_ (int yytype, const SemanticType *yyvaluep, const LocationType *yylocationp)[
- /* Pacify ``unused variable'' warnings. */
- (void) yyvaluep;
- (void) yylocationp;
- cdebug_ << (yytype < ntokens_ ? "token" : "nterm")
- << ' ' << name_[yytype] << " (";
- switch (yytype)
- {
-]m4_map([b4_symbol_actions], m4_defn([b4_symbol_printers]))dnl
-[ default:
- break;
- }
- cdebug_ << ')';
-# b4_cxx_destruct_def(IGNORED-ARGUMENTS)
-# --------------------------------------
-# Declare the destruct_ method.
-yy::b4_parser_class_name::destruct_ (int yytype, SemanticType *yyvaluep, LocationType *yylocationp)[]dnl
# We do want M4 expansion after # for CPP macros.
/* Even more tables. */
inline TokenNumberType translate_ (int token);
- inline void destruct_ (int yytype, SemanticType *yyvaluep,
- LocationType *yylocationp);
+ inline void destruct_ (const char *yymsg,
+ int yytype,
+ SemanticType *yyvaluep, LocationType *yylocationp);
+ /// Pop \a n symbols the three stacks.
+ inline void pop (unsigned int n = 1);
/* Constants. */
static const int eof_;
#define YYERROR goto yyerrorlab
+| Print this symbol on YYOUTPUT. |
+yy::]b4_parser_class_name[::symprint_ (int yytype,
+ const SemanticType *yyvaluep, const LocationType *yylocationp)
+ /* Pacify ``unused variable'' warnings. */
+ (void) yyvaluep;
+ (void) yylocationp;
+ cdebug_ << (yytype < ntokens_ ? "token" : "nterm")
+ << ' ' << name_[yytype] << " ("
+ << *yylocationp << ": ";
+ switch (yytype)
+ {
+]m4_map([b4_symbol_actions], m4_defn([b4_symbol_printers]))dnl
+[ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ cdebug_ << ')';
#endif /* ! YYDEBUG */
+yy::]b4_parser_class_name[::destruct_ (const char *yymsg,
+ int yytype, SemanticType *yyvaluep, LocationType *yylocationp)
+ /* Pacify ``unused variable'' warnings. */
+ (void) yyvaluep;
+ (void) yylocationp;
+ YY_SYMBOL_PRINT (yymsg, yytype, yyvaluep, yylocationp);
+ switch (yytype)
+ {
+]m4_map([b4_symbol_actions], m4_defn([b4_symbol_destructors]))[
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+yy::]b4_parser_class_name[::pop (unsigned int n)
+ state_stack_.pop (n);
+ semantic_stack_.pop (n);
+ location_stack_.pop (n);
yy::]b4_parser_class_name[::parse ()
YYCDEBUG << "Starting parse" << std::endl;
/* New state. */
- yynewstate:
state_stack_.push (state_);
YYCDEBUG << "Entering state " << state_ << std::endl;
goto yybackup;
/* Backup. */
- yybackup:
/* Try to take a decision without look-ahead. */
n_ = pact_[state_];
goto yyacceptlab;
/* Shift the look-ahead token. */
- YYCDEBUG << "Shifting token " << looka_
- << " (" << name_[ilooka_] << "), ";
+ YY_SYMBOL_PRINT ("Shifting", ilooka_, &value, &location);
/* Discard the token being shifted unless it is eof. */
if (looka_ != eof_)
| yydefault -- do the default action for the current state. |
- yydefault:
n_ = defact_[state_];
if (n_ == 0)
goto yyerrlab;
| yyreduce -- Do a reduction. |
- yyreduce:
len_ = r2_[n_];
/* If LEN_ is nonzero, implement the default value of the action:
`$$ = $1'. Otherwise, use the top of the stack.
]/* Line __line__ of lalr1.cc. */
b4_syncline([@oline@], [@ofile@])[
- state_stack_.pop (len_);
- semantic_stack_.pop (len_);
- location_stack_.pop (len_);
+ pop (len_);
for (;;)
error_start_ = location_stack_[0].begin;
- state_stack_.pop ();
- semantic_stack_.pop ();
- location_stack_.pop ();
+ pop ();
if (state_stack_.height () == 1)
- YY_SYMBOL_PRINT ("Error: popping",
- stos_[state_stack_[0]],
- &semantic_stack_[0],
- &location_stack_[0]);
- destruct_ (stos_[state_stack_[0]],
+ destruct_ ("Error: popping",
+ stos_[state_stack_[0]],
- YY_SYMBOL_PRINT ("Error: discarding", ilooka_, &value, &location);
- destruct_ (ilooka_, &value, &location);
+ destruct_ ("Error: discarding", ilooka_, &value, &location);
looka_ = empty_;
goto yyerrorlab;
- state_stack_.pop (len_);
- semantic_stack_.pop (len_);
error_start_ = location_stack_[len_ - 1].begin;
- location_stack_.pop (len_);
+ pop (len_);
state_ = state_stack_[0];
goto yyerrlab1;
if (state_stack_.height () == 1)
- YY_SYMBOL_PRINT ("Error: popping",
- stos_[state_],
- &semantic_stack_[0], &location_stack_[0]);
- destruct_ (stos_[state_], &semantic_stack_[0], &location_stack_[0]);
+ destruct_ ("Error: popping",
+ stos_[state_], &semantic_stack_[0], &location_stack_[0]);
error_start_ = location_stack_[0].begin;
- state_stack_.pop ();
- semantic_stack_.pop ();
- location_stack_.pop ();
+ pop ();
state_ = state_stack_[0];
if (n_ == final_)
goto yyacceptlab;
- YYCDEBUG << "Shifting error token, ";
Location errloc;
errloc.begin = error_start_;
location_stack_.push (errloc);
+ /* Shift the error token. */
+ YY_SYMBOL_PRINT ("Shifting", stos_[n_],
+ &semantic_stack_[0], &location_stack_[0]);
state_ = n_;
goto yynewstate;
/* Abort. */
/* Free the lookahead. */
- YY_SYMBOL_PRINT ("Error: discarding lookahead", ilooka_, &value, &location);
- destruct_ (ilooka_, &value, &location);
+ destruct_ ("Error: discarding lookahead", ilooka_, &value, &location);
looka_ = empty_;
return 1;
yy::]b4_parser_class_name[::stack_print_ ()
- cdebug_ << "state stack now";
- for (StateStack::ConstIterator i = state_stack_.begin ();
+ cdebug_ << "Stack now";
+ for (StateStack::const_iterator i = state_stack_.begin ();
i != state_stack_.end (); ++i)
cdebug_ << ' ' << *i;
cdebug_ << std::endl;
unsigned int yylno = rline_[yyrule];
/* Print the symbols being reduced, and their result. */
- cdebug_ << "Reducing via rule " << n_ - 1 << " (line " << yylno << "), ";
+ cdebug_ << "Reducing stack by rule " << n_ - 1 << " (line " << yylno << "), ";
for (]b4_int_type_for([b4_prhs])[ i = prhs_[n_];
0 <= rhs_[i]; ++i)
cdebug_ << name_[rhs_[i]] << ' ';
- typedef typename S::iterator Iterator;
- typedef typename S::const_iterator ConstIterator;
+ // Hide our reversed order.
+ typedef typename S::reverse_iterator iterator;
+ typedef typename S::const_reverse_iterator const_iterator;
Stack () : seq_ ()
return seq_.size ();
- inline ConstIterator begin () const { return seq_.begin (); }
- inline ConstIterator end () const { return seq_.end (); }
+ inline const_iterator begin () const { return seq_.rbegin (); }
+ inline const_iterator end () const { return seq_.rend (); }