+/** Decode an option's key.
+ *
+ * \param option option being decoded.
+ * \param keys array of valid subarguments.
+ * \param values array of corresponding (int) values.
+ * \param all the all value.
+ * \param flags the flags to update
+ * \param arg the subarguments to decode.
+ * If null, then activate all the flags.
+ * \param no length of the potential "no-" prefix.
+ * Can be 0 or 3. If 3, negate the action of the subargument.
+ * \param err length of a potential "error=".
+ * Can be 0 or 6. If 6, treat the subargument as a CATEGORY
+ *
+ * If VALUE != 0 then KEY sets flags and no-KEY clears them.
+ * If VALUE == 0 then KEY clears all flags from \c all and no-KEY sets all
+ * flags from \c all. Thus no-none = all and no-all = none.
+ */
+static void
+flag_argmatch (const char *option,
+ const char * const keys[], const int values[],
+ int all, int *flags, char *arg, size_t no, size_t err)
+ int value = 0;
+ if (!err || arg[no + err++] != '\0')
+ value = XARGMATCH (option, arg + no + err, keys, values);
+ if (value)
+ {
+ if (no)
+ *flags &= ~value;
+ else
+ {
+ if (err)
+ warnings_flag |= value;
+ *flags |= value;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* With a simpler 'if (no)' version, -Werror means -Werror=all
+ (or rather, -Werror=no-none, but that syntax is invalid).
+ The difference is:
+ - Werror activates all errors, but not the warnings
+ - Werror=all activates errors, and all warnings */
+ if (no ? !err : err)
+ *flags |= all;
+ else
+ *flags &= ~all;
+ }
+/** Decode an option's set of keys.
+ *
+ * \param option option being decoded.
+ * \param keys array of valid subarguments.
+ * \param values array of corresponding (int) values.
+ * \param all the all value.
+ * \param flags the flags to update
+ * \param args comma separated list of effective subarguments to decode.
+ * If 0, then activate all the flags.
+ */
+static void
+flags_argmatch (const char *option,
+ const char * const keys[], const int values[],
+ int all, int *flags, char *args)
+ if (args)
+ for (args = strtok (args, ","); args; args = strtok (NULL, ","))
+ {
+ size_t no = STRPREFIX_LIT ("no-", args) ? 3 : 0;
+ size_t err = STRPREFIX_LIT ("error", args + no) ? 5 : 0;
+ flag_argmatch (option, keys,
+ values, all, err ? &errors_flag : flags,
+ args, no, err);
+ }
+ else
+ *flags |= all;
+/** Decode a set of sub arguments.
+ *
+ * \param FlagName the flag familly to update.
+ * \param Args the effective sub arguments to decode.
+ * \param All the "all" value.
+ *
+ * \arg FlagName_args the list of keys.
+ * \arg FlagName_types the list of values.
+ * \arg FlagName_flag the flag to update.
+ */
+#define FLAGS_ARGMATCH(FlagName, Args, All) \
+ flags_argmatch ("--" #FlagName, FlagName ## _args, FlagName ## _types, \
+ All, &FlagName ## _flag, Args)