# Checking GLR Parsing. -*- Autotest -*-
-# Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#include <stdio.h>
- #define YYSTYPE char *
+ union Node {
+ struct {
+ int isNterm;
+ int parents;
+ } nodeInfo;
+ struct {
+ int isNterm; /* 1 */
+ int parents;
+ char const *form;
+ union Node *children[3];
+ } nterm;
+ struct {
+ int isNterm; /* 0 */
+ int parents;
+ char *text;
+ } term;
+ };
+ typedef union Node Node;
+ static Node *new_nterm (char const *, Node *, Node *, Node *);
+ static Node *new_term (char *);
+ static void free_node (Node *);
+ static char *node_to_string (Node *);
+ #define YYSTYPE Node *
]m4_bmatch([$2], [stmtMerge],
[ static YYSTYPE stmtMerge (YYSTYPE x0, YYSTYPE x1);])[
#define YYINITDEPTH 10
- static char *format (char const *, ...);
struct YYLTYPE;
# define ERROR_PARAMETERS char const *s
int yylex (LEX_PARAMETERS);
- int yyerror (ERROR_PARAMETERS);
+ void yyerror (ERROR_PARAMETERS);
-%destructor { free ($$); } TYPENAME ID
+%destructor { free_node ($$); } stmt expr decl declarator TYPENAME ID
prog :
| prog stmt {
+ char *output;]AT_LOCATION_IF([
printf ("%d.%d-%d.%d: ",
@2.first_line, @2.first_column,
@2.last_line, @2.last_column);])[
- printf ("%s\n", ]$[2);
+ output = node_to_string (]$[2);
+ printf ("%s\n", output);
+ free (output);
+ free_node (]$[2);
stmt : expr ';' $2 { $$ = ]$[1; }
| decl $3
- | error ';' { $$ = "<error>"; }
- | '@' { YYACCEPT; }
+ | error ';' { $$ = new_nterm ("<error>", 0, 0, 0); }
+ | '@' { YYACCEPT; }
expr : ID
- | TYPENAME '(' expr ')' { $$ = format ("<cast>(%s,%s)", ]$[3, ]$[1); }
- | expr '+' expr { $$ = format ("+(%s,%s)", ]$[1, ]$[3); }
- | expr '=' expr { $$ = format ("=(%s,%s)", ]$[1, ]$[3); }
+ | TYPENAME '(' expr ')'
+ { $$ = new_nterm ("<cast>(%s,%s)", ]$[3, ]$[1, 0); }
+ | expr '+' expr { $$ = new_nterm ("+(%s,%s)", ]$[1, ]$[3, 0); }
+ | expr '=' expr { $$ = new_nterm ("=(%s,%s)", ]$[1, ]$[3, 0); }
decl : TYPENAME declarator ';'
- { $$ = format ("<declare>(%s,%s)", ]$[1, ]$[2); }
+ { $$ = new_nterm ("<declare>(%s,%s)", ]$[1, ]$[2, 0); }
| TYPENAME declarator '=' expr ';'
- { $$ = format ("<init-declare>(%s,%s,%s)", ]$[1, ]$[2, ]$[4); }
+ { $$ = new_nterm ("<init-declare>(%s,%s,%s)", ]$[1,
+ ]$[2, ]$[4); }
declarator : ID
if (argc != 2)
abort ();
if (!freopen (argv[1], "r", stdin))
- abort ();
- exit (yyparse ());
+ return 3;
+ return yyparse ();
static int colNum = 0;
+# undef yylloc
# define yylloc (*llocp)
+# undef yylval
# define yylval (*lvalp)
while (1)
+ if (feof (stdin))
+ abort ();
c = getchar ();
switch (c)
case ' ': case '\f':
colNum += 1;
- break;
+ break;
case '\n':
lineNum += 1;
colNum = 0;
ungetc (c, stdin);
buffer[i++] = 0;
tok = isupper ((unsigned char) buffer[0]) ? TYPENAME : ID;
- yylval = strcpy ((char *) malloc (i), buffer);
+ yylval = new_term (strcpy ((char *) malloc (i), buffer));
colNum += 1;
tok = c;
- yylval = "";
+ yylval = 0;
yylloc.last_column = colNum-1;
abort ();
fprintf (stderr, "%s\n", s);
- return 0;
+static Node *
+new_nterm (char const *form, Node *child0, Node *child1, Node *child2)
+ Node *node = (Node *) malloc (sizeof (Node));
+ node->nterm.isNterm = 1;
+ node->nterm.parents = 0;
+ node->nterm.form = form;
+ node->nterm.children[0] = child0;
+ if (child0)
+ child0->nodeInfo.parents += 1;
+ node->nterm.children[1] = child1;
+ if (child1)
+ child1->nodeInfo.parents += 1;
+ node->nterm.children[2] = child2;
+ if (child2)
+ child2->nodeInfo.parents += 1;
+ return node;
+static Node *
+new_term (char *text)
+ Node *node = (Node *) malloc (sizeof (Node));
+ node->term.isNterm = 0;
+ node->term.parents = 0;
+ node->term.text = text;
+ return node;
+static void
+free_node (Node *node)
+ if (!node)
+ return;
+ node->nodeInfo.parents -= 1;
+ /* Free only if 0 (last parent) or -1 (no parents). */
+ if (node->nodeInfo.parents > 0)
+ return;
+ if (node->nodeInfo.isNterm == 1)
+ {
+ free_node (node->nterm.children[0]);
+ free_node (node->nterm.children[1]);
+ free_node (node->nterm.children[2]);
+ }
+ else
+ free (node->term.text);
+ free (node);
static char *
-format (char const *form, ...)
+node_to_string (Node *node)
- char buffer[1024];
- va_list args;
- va_start (args, form);
- vsprintf (buffer, form, args);
- va_end (args);
- return strcpy ((char *) malloc (strlen (buffer) + 1), buffer);
+ char *child0;
+ char *child1;
+ char *child2;
+ char *buffer;
+ if (!node)
+ {
+ buffer = (char *) malloc (1);
+ buffer[0] = 0;
+ }
+ else if (node->nodeInfo.isNterm == 1)
+ {
+ child0 = node_to_string (node->nterm.children[0]);
+ child1 = node_to_string (node->nterm.children[1]);
+ child2 = node_to_string (node->nterm.children[2]);
+ buffer = (char *) malloc (strlen (node->nterm.form) + strlen (child0)
+ + strlen (child1) + strlen (child2) + 1);
+ sprintf (buffer, node->nterm.form, child0, child1, child2);
+ free (child0);
+ free (child1);
+ free (child2);
+ }
+ else
+ buffer = strdup (node->term.text);
+ return buffer;
[[static YYSTYPE
stmtMerge (YYSTYPE x0, YYSTYPE x1)
- return format ("<OR>(%s,%s)", x0, x1);
+ return new_nterm ("<OR>(%s,%s)", x0, x1, 0);
AT_SETUP([GLR: Resolve ambiguity, impure, no locations])
- [%dprec 1], [%dprec 2])
-AT_PARSER_CHECK([[./types test-input | sed 's/ *$//']], 0,
+ [%dprec 1], [%dprec 2])
+AT_PARSER_CHECK([[./types test-input]], 0,
AT_SETUP([GLR: Resolve ambiguity, impure, locations])
_AT_TEST_GLR_CXXTYPES([%locations],[%dprec 1],[%dprec 2])
-AT_PARSER_CHECK([[./types test-input | sed 's/ *$//']], 0,
+AT_PARSER_CHECK([[./types test-input]], 0,
AT_SETUP([GLR: Resolve ambiguity, pure, no locations])
- [%dprec 1], [%dprec 2])
-AT_PARSER_CHECK([[./types test-input | sed 's/ *$//']], 0,
+ [%dprec 1], [%dprec 2])
+AT_PARSER_CHECK([[./types test-input]], 0,
AT_SETUP([GLR: Resolve ambiguity, pure, locations])
_AT_TEST_GLR_CXXTYPES([%pure-parser %locations],
- [%dprec 1], [%dprec 2])
-AT_PARSER_CHECK([[./types test-input | sed 's/ *$//']], 0,
+ [%dprec 1], [%dprec 2])
+AT_PARSER_CHECK([[./types test-input]], 0,
AT_SETUP([GLR: Merge conflicting parses, impure, no locations])
- [%merge <stmtMerge>], [%merge <stmtMerge>])
-AT_PARSER_CHECK([[./types test-input | sed 's/ *$//']], 0,
+ [%merge <stmtMerge>], [%merge <stmtMerge>])
+AT_PARSER_CHECK([[./types test-input]], 0,
AT_SETUP([GLR: Merge conflicting parses, impure, locations])
- [%merge <stmtMerge>], [%merge <stmtMerge>])
-AT_PARSER_CHECK([[./types test-input | sed 's/ *$//']], 0,
+ [%merge <stmtMerge>], [%merge <stmtMerge>])
+AT_PARSER_CHECK([[./types test-input]], 0,
AT_SETUP([GLR: Merge conflicting parses, pure, no locations])
- [%merge <stmtMerge>], [%merge <stmtMerge>])
-AT_PARSER_CHECK([[./types test-input | sed 's/ *$//']], 0,
+ [%merge <stmtMerge>], [%merge <stmtMerge>])
+AT_PARSER_CHECK([[./types test-input]], 0,
AT_SETUP([GLR: Merge conflicting parses, pure, locations])
_AT_TEST_GLR_CXXTYPES([%pure-parser %locations],
- [%merge <stmtMerge>],[%merge <stmtMerge>])
-AT_PARSER_CHECK([[./types test-input | sed 's/ *$//']], 0,
+ [%merge <stmtMerge>],[%merge <stmtMerge>])
+AT_PARSER_CHECK([[./types test-input]], 0,
AT_SETUP([GLR: Verbose messages, resolve ambiguity, impure, no locations])
- [%merge <stmtMerge>], [%merge <stmtMerge>])
-AT_PARSER_CHECK([[./types test-input | sed 's/ *$//']], 0,
+ [%merge <stmtMerge>], [%merge <stmtMerge>])
+AT_PARSER_CHECK([[./types test-input]], 0,