-#define obstack_chunk_alloc xmalloc
-#define obstack_chunk_free free
-#include "obstack.h"
-#define obstack_grow_literal_string(Obs, Str) \
- obstack_grow (Obs, Str, sizeof (Str) - 1)
-#define obstack_fgrow1(Obs, Format, Arg1) \
-do { \
- char buf[4096]; \
- sprintf (buf, Format, Arg1); \
- obstack_grow (Obs, buf, strlen (buf)); \
-} while (0)
-#define obstack_fgrow2(Obs, Format, Arg1, Arg2) \
-do { \
- char buf[4096]; \
- sprintf (buf, Format, Arg1, Arg2); \
- obstack_grow (Obs, buf, strlen (buf)); \
-} while (0)
+# define obstack_chunk_alloc xmalloc
+# define obstack_chunk_free free
+# include <obstack.h>
+# define obstack_sgrow(Obs, Str) \
+ obstack_grow (Obs, Str, strlen (Str))
+/* Output Str escaped for our postprocessing (i.e., escape M4 special
+ characters).
+ For instance "[foo]" -> "@{foo@}", "$$" -> "$][$][". */
+# define obstack_escape(Obs, Str) \
+ do { \
+ char const *p; \
+ for (p = Str; *p; p++) \
+ switch (*p) \
+ { \
+ case '$': obstack_sgrow (Obs, "$]["); break; \
+ case '@': obstack_sgrow (Obs, "@@" ); break; \
+ case '[': obstack_sgrow (Obs, "@{" ); break; \
+ case ']': obstack_sgrow (Obs, "@}" ); break; \
+ default: obstack_1grow (Obs, *p ); break; \
+ } \
+ } while (0)
+/* Output Str both quoted for M4 (i.e., embed in [[...]]), and escaped
+ for our postprocessing (i.e., escape M4 special characters). If
+ Str is empty (or NULL), output "[]" instead of "[[]]" as it make M4
+ programming easier (m4_ifval can be used).
+ For instance "[foo]" -> "[[@{foo@}]]", "$$" -> "[[$][$][]]". */
+# define obstack_quote(Obs, Str) \
+ do { \
+ char const* obstack_quote_p = Str; \
+ if (obstack_quote_p && obstack_quote_p[0]) \
+ { \
+ obstack_sgrow (Obs, "[["); \
+ obstack_escape (Obs, obstack_quote_p); \
+ obstack_sgrow (Obs, "]]"); \
+ } \
+ else \
+ obstack_sgrow (Obs, "[]"); \
+ } while (0)
+| Extensions to use for the output files. |
+# ifndef OUTPUT_EXT
+# define OUTPUT_EXT ".output"
+# endif
+# ifndef TAB_EXT
+# define TAB_EXT ".tab"
+# endif
+| Free a linked list. |
+# define LIST_FREE(Type, List) \
+ do { \
+ Type *_node, *_next; \
+ for (_node = List; _node; _node = _next) \
+ { \
+ _next = _node->next; \
+ free (_node); \
+ } \
+ } while (0)
+| Debugging memory allocation (must be last). |
+# include <dmalloc.h>
+# endif /* WITH_DMALLOC */
+#endif /* ! BISON_SYSTEM_H */