%{/* Bison Grammar Parser -*- C -*-
- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 Free Software Foundation,
- Inc.
+ Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc.
This file is part of Bison, the GNU Compiler Compiler.
%type <integer> INT
%printer { fprintf (stderr, "%d", $$); } INT
-%type <symbol> id id_colon symbol string_as_id
+%type <symbol> id id_colon symbol symbol.prec string_as_id
%printer { fprintf (stderr, "%s", $$->tag); } id symbol string_as_id
%printer { fprintf (stderr, "%s:", $$->tag); } id_colon
%type <assoc> precedence_declarator
-%type <list> symbols.1 generic_symlist generic_symlist_item
+%type <list> symbols.1 symbols.prec generic_symlist generic_symlist_item
| "%output" STRING { spec_outfile = $2; }
| "%output" "=" STRING { spec_outfile = $3; } /* deprecated */
| "%parse-param" "{...}" { add_param ("parse_param", $2, @2); }
-| "%pure-parser" { pure_parser = true; }
+| "%pure-parser"
+ {
+ /* %pure-parser is deprecated in favor of `%define api.pure', so use
+ `%define api.pure' in a backward-compatible manner here. First, don't
+ complain if %pure-parser is specified multiple times. */
+ if (!muscle_find_const ("percent_define(api.pure)"))
+ muscle_percent_define_insert ("api.pure", @1, "");
+ /* In all cases, use api.pure now so that the backend doesn't complain if
+ the skeleton ignores api.pure, but do warn now if there's a previous
+ conflicting definition from an actual %define. */
+ if (!muscle_percent_define_flag_if ("api.pure"))
+ muscle_percent_define_insert ("api.pure", @1, "");
+ }
| "%require" STRING { version_check (&@2, $2); }
| "%skeleton" STRING
skeleton_arg (skeleton_user, 1, &@1);
| "%token-table" { token_table_flag = true; }
-| "%verbose" { report_flag = report_states; }
+| "%verbose" { report_flag |= report_states; }
| "%yacc" { yacc_flag = true; }
| /*FIXME: Err? What is this horror doing here? */ ";"
- precedence_declarator type.opt symbols.1
+ precedence_declarator type.opt symbols.prec
symbol_list *list;
| TYPE { current_type = $1; tag_seen = true; }
+/* Just like symbols.1 but accept INT for the sake of POSIX. */
+ symbol.prec
+ { $$ = symbol_list_sym_new ($1, @1); }
+| symbols.prec symbol.prec
+ { $$ = symbol_list_prepend ($1, symbol_list_sym_new ($2, @2)); }
+ symbol { $$ = $1; }
+ | symbol INT { $$ = $1; symbol_user_token_number_set ($1, $2, @2); }
+ ;
/* One or more symbols to be %typed. */