#include "bitset.h"
#include "bitsetv.h"
-/* Import the definition of CORE, SHIFTS and REDUCTIONS. */
+/* Import the definition of CORE, TRANSITIONS and REDUCTIONS. */
# include "state.h"
/* Import the definition of RULE_T. */
together and GOTO_MAP[I - NTOKENS] is the index in FROM_STATE and
TO_STATE of the first of them. */
-extern short *goto_map;
+typedef short goto_number_t;
+# define GOTO_NUMBER_MAX ((goto_number_t) INT_MAX)
+extern goto_number_t *goto_map;
extern state_number_t *from_state;
extern state_number_t *to_state;
extern bitsetv LA;
-/* All the states, indexed by the state number. */
-extern state_t **states;
#endif /* !LALR_H_ */