-void midrule_value_at (location loc, char const *format, ...)
- __attribute__ ((__format__ (__printf__, 2, 3)));
-/** A fatal error, causing immediate exit. */
-void fatal (char const *format, ...)
- __attribute__ ((__noreturn__, __format__ (__printf__, 1, 2)));
-void fatal_at (location loc, char const *format, ...)
- __attribute__ ((__noreturn__, __format__ (__printf__, 2, 3)));
+/** Warnings treated as errors shouldn't stop the execution as regular errors
+ should (because due to their nature, it is safe to go on). Thus, there are
+ three possible execution statuses. */
+typedef enum
+ {
+ status_none,
+ status_warning_as_error,
+ status_complaint
+ } err_status;