-AT_CHECK([[bison -o glr-regr18.c glr-regr18.y]], 1, [],
-[glr-regr18.y:28.18-24: result type clash on merge function `merge': <type2> != <type1>
-glr-regr18.y:27.18-24: previous declaration
-glr-regr18.y:29.13-19: result type clash on merge function `merge': <type3> != <type2>
-glr-regr18.y:28.18-24: previous declaration
+AT_BISON_CHECK([[-o input.c input.y]], 0, [],
+[[input.y: warning: 1 reduce/reduce conflict [-Wconflicts-rr]
+AT_PARSER_CHECK([[./input]], 1, [],
+[Starting parse
+Entering state 0
+Reading a token: Next token is token 'a' ()
+Shifting token 'a' ()
+Entering state 1
+Reading a token: Next token is token 'b' ()
+Shifting token 'b' ()
+Entering state 3
+Reducing stack 0 by rule 3 (line 25):
+ $1 = token 'b' ()
+-> $$ = nterm b ()
+Entering state 4
+Reading a token: Next token is token 'c' ()
+Shifting token 'c' ()
+Entering state 6
+Reducing stack 0 by rule 4 (line 26):
+-> $$ = nterm d ()
+Entering state 7
+Reading a token: Now at end of input.
+Stack 0 Entering state 7
+Now at end of input.
+Splitting off stack 1 from 0.
+Reduced stack 1 by rule #2; action deferred. Now in state 2.
+Stack 1 Entering state 2
+Now at end of input.
+Reduced stack 0 by rule #1; action deferred. Now in state 2.
+Merging stack 0 into stack 1.
+Stack 1 Entering state 2
+Now at end of input.
+Removing dead stacks.
+Rename stack 1 -> 0.
+On stack 0, shifting token $end ()
+Stack 0 now in state #5
+Ambiguity detected.
+Option 1,
+ start -> <Rule 1, tokens 1 .. 3>
+ 'a' <tokens 1 .. 1>
+ b <tokens 2 .. 2>
+ 'c' <tokens 3 .. 3>
+ d <empty>
+Option 2,
+ start -> <Rule 2, tokens 1 .. 3>
+ 'a' <tokens 1 .. 1>
+ b <tokens 2 .. 2>
+ 'c' <tokens 3 .. 3>
+ d <empty>
+syntax is ambiguous
+Cleanup: popping token $end ()
+Cleanup: popping unresolved nterm start ()
+Cleanup: popping nterm d ()
+Cleanup: popping token 'c' ()
+Cleanup: popping nterm b ()
+Cleanup: popping token 'a' ()