- ===================================
-3.1.: To build the binaries you will need the following binary packages:
- djdev203.zip (or a later but NOT a prior version)
- bsh204b.zip (or a later but NOT a prior version)
- gcc400b.zip, gpp400b.zip, bnu215b.zip, mak3791b.zip,
- fil40b.zip, shl20jb.zip, txt20b.zip,
- txi48b.zip, grep24b.zip, sed414b.zip,
- m4-143b.zip.
- If you want to run the check you will need also:
- dif281b.zip
- All this packages can be found in the v2gnu directory of any
- ftp.delorie.com mirror.
- You will need bsh203b.zip or later and *NOT* a prior version or
- the build will fail. The same applies to djdev203.zip. Please note
- that Bison requires m4-143b.zip or later to work properly. All the
- other packages are the ones I have used to build the binaries
- from this source. Previuos versions of this packages may do the
- job as well but I have not tested this.
-3.2.: Create a temporary directory and copy the source package into the
- directory. If you download the source distribution from one of the
- DJGPP archives, just unzip it preserving the directory structure
- running *ONE* of the following commands:
- unzip32 bsn@PACKAGE_VERSION@s.zip or
- djtarx bsn@PACKAGE_VERSION@s.zip or
- pkunzip -d bsn@PACKAGE_VERSION@s.zip
-3.3.: If for some reason you want to reconfigure the package cd into the top
- srcdir (bison-@TREE_VERSION@) and run the following commands:
- del djgpp\config.cache
- make clean
- djgpp\config
- Please note that you *MUST* delete the config.cache file in the djgpp
- subdir or you will not really reconfigure the sources because the
- configuration informations will be read from the cache file instead
- of being newly computed.
- To build the programs in a directory other than where the sources are,
- you must add the parameter that specifies the source directory,
- e.g:
- x:\src\gnu\bison-@TREE_VERSION@\djgpp\config x:/src/gnu/bison-@TREE_VERSION@
- Lets assume you want to build the binaries in a directory placed on a
- different drive (z:\build in this case) from where the sources are,
- then you will run the following commands:
- z:
- md \build
- cd \build
- x:\src\gnu\bison-@TREE_VERSION@\djgpp\config x:/src/gnu/bison-@TREE_VERSION@
- The order of the options and the srcdir option does not matter. You
- *MUST* use forward slashes to specify the source directory.
- The batch file will set same environment variables, make MSDOS specific
- modifications to the Makefile.in's and supply all other needed options
- to the configure script.
-3.4.: To compile the package run from the top srcdir the command:
- make
-3.5.: Now you can run the tests if you like. From the top srcdir run the
- command:
- make check
- No test should fail.
- Please note that the testsuite only works with LFN available. On plain
- DOS, most of the tests will fail due to invalid DOS names.
-3.6.: To install the binaries, header, library, catalogs, and info docs
- run the following command from the top srcdir:
- make install
- This will install the products into your DJGPP installation tree given
- by the default prefix "/dev/env/DJDIR". If you prefer to install them
- into some other directory you will have to set prefix to the appropiate
- value:
- make install prefix=z:/some/other/place
- Send GNU bison specific bug reports to <bug-bison@gnu.org>.
- Send suggestions and bug reports concerning the DJGPP port to
- comp.os.msdos.djgpp or <djgpp@delorie.com>.
+ ===================================
+3.1.: Create a temporary directory and copy the source package into the
+ directory. If you download the source distribution from one of the
+ DJGPP sites, just unzip it preserving the directory structure
+ running *ONE* of the following commands:
+ unzip32 bsn@PACKAGE_VERSION@s.zip or
+ djtarx bsn@PACKAGE_VERSION@s.zip or
+ pkunzip -d bsn@PACKAGE_VERSION@s.zip
+ and proceed to the paragraph 3.3, below.
+3.2.: Source distributions downloaded from one of the GNU FTP sites need
+ some more work to unpack, if LFN support is not available. If LFN is
+ available then you can extract the source files from the archive with
+ any unzip program and proceed to the paragraph 3.3, below. Any file
+ name issue will be handled by the DJGPP configuration files.
+ To unpack the source distribution on SFN systems, first, you MUST use
+ the `djunpack' batch file to unzip the package. That is because some
+ file names in the official distributions need to be changed to avoid
+ problems on the various platforms supported by DJGPP.
+ `djunpack' invokes the `djtar' program (that is part of the basic DJGPP
+ development kit) to rename these files on the fly given a file with
+ name mappings; the distribution includes a file `djgpp/fnchange.lst'
+ with the necessary mappings. So you need first to retrieve that batch
+ file, and then invoke it to unpack the distribution. Here's how:
+ djtar -x -p -o bison-@VERSION@/djgpp/djunpack.bat bison-@VERSION@.tar.gz > djunpack.bat
+ djunpack bison-@VERSION@.tar.gz
+ (The name of the distribution archive and the leading directory of the
+ path to `djunpack.bat' in the distribution will be different for
+ versions of Bison other than @VERSION@.)
+ If the argument to `djunpack.bat' include leading directories, it MUST
+ be given with the DOS-style backslashes; Unix-style forward slashes
+ will NOT work.
+ If the distribution comes as a .tar.bz2 archive, and your version of
+ `djtar' doesn't support bzip2 decompression, you need to unpack it as
+ follows:
+ bnzip2 bison-@VERSION@.tar.bz2
+ djtar -x -p -o bison-@VERSION@/djgpp/djunpack.bat bison-@VERSION@.tar > djunpack.bat
+ djunpack bison-@VERSION@.tar
+3.3.: To build the binaries you will need the following binary packages:
+ djdev203.zip (or a later but NOT a prior version)
+ bsh204b.zip (or a later but NOT a prior version)
+ gccNNNb.zip, gppNNN.zip, bnuNNNb.zip, makNNNb.zip, filNNNb.zip,
+ perlNNNb.zip, shlNNNb.zip, txtNNNb.zip, txiNNNb.zip, grepNNNb.zip,
+ sedNNNb.zip and m4NNN.zip
+ If you want to run the check you will need also:
+ difNNNb.zip
+ NNN represents the latest version number of the binary packages. All
+ this packages can be found in the /v2gnu directory of any
+ ftp.delorie.com mirror.
+ You will need bsh204b.zip or later and *NOT* a prior version or
+ the build will fail. The same applies to djdev203.zip. Please note
+ that Bison requires m4-144b.zip or later to work properly.
+3.4.: If for some reason you want to reconfigure the package cd into the top
+ srcdir (bison-@TREE_VERSION@) and run the following commands:
+ del djgpp\config.cache
+ make clean
+ djgpp\config
+ Please note that you *MUST* delete the config.cache file in the djgpp
+ subdir or you will not really reconfigure the sources because the
+ configuration informations will be read from the cache file instead
+ of being newly computed.
+ To build the programs in a directory other than where the sources are,
+ you must add the parameter that specifies the source directory,
+ e.g:
+ x:\src\gnu\bison-@TREE_VERSION@\djgpp\config x:/src/gnu/bison-@TREE_VERSION@
+ Lets assume you want to build the binaries in a directory placed on a
+ different drive (z:\build in this case) from where the sources are,
+ then you will run the following commands:
+ z:
+ md \build
+ cd \build
+ x:\src\gnu\bison-@TREE_VERSION@\djgpp\config x:/src/gnu/bison-@TREE_VERSION@
+ The order of the options and the srcdir option does not matter. You
+ *MUST* use forward slashes to specify the source directory.
+ The batch file will set same environment variables, make MSDOS specific
+ modifications to the Makefile.in's and supply all other needed options
+ to the configure script.
+3.5.: To compile the package run from the top srcdir the command:
+ make
+3.6.: Now you can run the tests if you like. From the top srcdir run the
+ command:
+ make check
+ No test should fail but the tests #131 (Doxygen Public Documentation)
+ and #132 (Doxygen Private Documentation) will be skipped. Please note
+ that the testsuite only works with LFN available. On plain DOS, most
+ of the tests will fail due to invalid DOS names.
+3.7.: To install the binaries, header, library, catalogs, and info docs
+ run the following command from the top srcdir:
+ make install
+ This will install the products into your DJGPP installation tree given
+ by the default prefix "/dev/env/DJDIR". If you prefer to install them
+ into some other directory you will have to set prefix to the appropriate
+ value:
+ make install prefix=z:/some/other/place
+ Send GNU bison specific bug reports to <bug-bison@gnu.org>.
+ Send suggestions and bug reports concerning the DJGPP port to
+ comp.os.msdos.djgpp or <djgpp@delorie.com>.