+## ------------------- ##
+## Undefined symbols. ##
+## ------------------- ##
+AT_SETUP([Undefined symbols])
+[[%printer {} foo baz
+%destructor {} bar
+%type <foo> qux
+exp: bar;
+AT_BISON_CHECK([input.y], [1], [],
+[[input.y:2.16-18: error: symbol bar is used, but is not defined as a token and has no rules
+input.y:1.17-19: warning: symbol baz is used, but is not defined as a token and has no rules [-Wother]
+input.y:1.13-15: warning: symbol foo is used, but is not defined as a token and has no rules [-Wother]
+input.y:3.13-15: warning: symbol qux is used, but is not defined as a token and has no rules [-Wother]
+## ----------------------------------------------------- ##
+## Unassociated types used for a printer or destructor. ##
+## ----------------------------------------------------- ##
+AT_SETUP([Unassociated types used for a printer or destructor])
+[[%token <type1> tag1
+%type <type2> tag2
+%printer { } <type1> <type3>
+%destructor { } <type2> <type4>
+exp: tag1 { $1; }
+ | tag2 { $1; }
+tag2: "a" { $$; }
+AT_BISON_CHECK([input.y], [0], [],
+[[input.y:4.22-28: warning: type <type3> is used, but is not associated to any symbol [-Wother]
+input.y:5.25-31: warning: type <type4> is used, but is not associated to any symbol [-Wother]
+## --------------------------------- ##
+## Useless printers or destructors. ##
+## --------------------------------- ##
+AT_SETUP([Useless printers or destructors])
+# --------------------------
+AT_BISON_CHECK([input.y], [0], [], [$2
+AT_TEST([[%token <type1> token1
+%token <type2> token2
+%token <type3> token3
+%token <type4> token4
+%token <type5> token51 token52
+%token <type6> token61 token62
+%token <type7> token7
+%printer {} token1
+%destructor {} token2
+%printer {} token51
+%destructor {} token61
+%printer {} token7
+%printer {} <type1>
+%destructor {} <type2>
+%printer {} <type3>
+%destructor {} <type4>
+%printer {} <type5>
+%destructor {} <type6>
+%destructor {} <type7>
+exp: "a";]],
+[[input.y:16.13-19: warning: useless %printer for type <type1> [-Wother]
+input.y:17.16-22: warning: useless %destructor for type <type2> [-Wother]]])
+# If everybody is typed, <> is useless.
+AT_TEST([[%type <type> exp
+%token <type> a
+%printer {} <> <*>
+exp: a;]],
+[[input.y:3.13-14: warning: useless %printer for type <> [-Wother]]])
+# If nobody is typed, <*> is useless.
+AT_TEST([[%token a
+%printer {} <> <*>
+exp: a;]],
+[[input.y:2.16-18: warning: useless %printer for type <*> [-Wother]]])