02111-1307, USA. */
-/* The parser tables consist of these tables.
- YYTRANSLATE = vector mapping yylex's token numbers into bison's
- token numbers.
- YYTNAME = vector of string-names indexed by bison token number.
- YYTOKNUM = vector of yylex token numbers corresponding to entries
- YYRLINE = vector of line-numbers of all rules. For yydebug
- printouts.
- YYRHS = vector of items of all rules. This is exactly what RITEMS
- contains. For yydebug and for semantic parser.
- YYPRHS[R] = index in YYRHS of first item for rule R.
- YYR1[R] = symbol number of symbol that rule R derives.
- YYR2[R] = number of symbols composing right hand side of rule R.
- YYSTOS[S] = the symbol number of the symbol that leads to state S.
- YYDEFACT[S] = default rule to reduce with in state s, when YYTABLE
- doesn't specify something else to do. Zero means the default is an
- error.
- YYDEFGOTO[I] = default state to go to after a reduction of a rule
- that generates variable NTOKENS + I, except when YYTABLE specifies
- something else to do.
- YYPACT[S] = index in YYTABLE of the portion describing state S.
- The lookahead token's type is used to index that portion to find
- out what to do.
- If the value in YYTABLE is positive, we shift the token and go to
- that state.
- If the value is negative, it is minus a rule number to reduce by.
- If the value is zero, the default action from YYDEFACT[S] is used.
- YYPGOTO[I] = the index in YYTABLE of the portion describing what to
- do after reducing a rule that derives variable I + NTOKENS. This
- portion is indexed by the parser state number, S, as of before the
- text for this nonterminal was read. The value from YYTABLE is the
- state to go to if the corresponding value in YYCHECK is S.
- YYTABLE = a vector filled with portions for different uses, found
- YYCHECK = a vector indexed in parallel with YYTABLE. It indicates,
- in a roundabout way, the bounds of the portion you are trying to
- examine.
- Suppose that the portion of YYTABLE starts at index P and the index
- to be examined within the portion is I. Then if YYCHECK[P+I] != I,
- I is outside the bounds of what is actually allocated, and the
- default (from YYDEFACT or YYDEFGOTO) should be used. Otherwise,
- YYTABLE[P+I] should be used.
- YYFINAL = the state number of the termination state. YYFLAG = most
- negative short int. Used to flag ?? */
#include "system.h"
#include "bitsetv.h"
#include "quotearg.h"
table = XREALLOC (table, base_t, table_size);
check = XREALLOC (check, base_t, table_size);
- if (glr_parser)
- conflict_table = XREALLOC (conflict_table, unsigned int, table_size);
+ conflict_table = XREALLOC (conflict_table, unsigned int, table_size);
for (/* Nothing. */; old_size < table_size; ++old_size)
conflict_row (state_t *state)
int i, j;
+ reductions_t *reds = state->reductions;
if (! glr_parser)
/* Find all reductions for token J, and record all that do not
match ACTROW[J]. */
- for (i = 0; i < state->nlookaheads; i += 1)
- if (bitset_test (state->lookaheads[i], j)
+ for (i = 0; i < reds->num; i += 1)
+ if (bitset_test (reds->lookaheads[i], j)
&& (actrow[j]
- != rule_number_as_item_number (state->lookaheads_rule[i]->number)))
+ != rule_number_as_item_number (reds->rules[i]->number)))
assert (conflict_list_free > 0);
- conflict_list[conflict_list_cnt]
- = state->lookaheads_rule[i]->number + 1;
+ conflict_list[conflict_list_cnt] = reds->rules[i]->number + 1;
conflict_list_cnt += 1;
conflict_list_free -= 1;
for (i = 0; i < ntokens; i++)
actrow[i] = conflrow[i] = 0;
- if (redp->num >= 1)
+ if (redp->lookaheads)
int j;
bitset_iterator biter;
/* loop over all the rules available here which require
- lookahead */
- for (i = state->nlookaheads - 1; i >= 0; --i)
+ lookahead (in reverse order to give precedence to the first
+ rule) */
+ for (i = redp->num - 1; i >= 0; --i)
/* and find each token which the rule finds acceptable
to come next */
- BITSET_FOR_EACH (biter, state->lookaheads[i], j, 0)
+ BITSET_FOR_EACH (biter, redp->lookaheads[i], j, 0)
/* and record this rule as the rule to use if that
token follows. */
if (actrow[j] != 0)
conflicted = conflrow[j] = 1;
- actrow[j] = rule_number_as_item_number (state->lookaheads_rule[i]->number);
+ actrow[j] = rule_number_as_item_number (redp->rules[i]->number);
int max = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < state->nlookaheads; i++)
+ for (i = 0; i < redp->num; i++)
int count = 0;
- rule_t *rule = state->lookaheads_rule[i];
+ rule_t *rule = redp->rules[i];
symbol_number_t j;
for (j = 0; j < ntokens; j++)
- /* Find the rules which are reduced. */
- if (!glr_parser)
- {
- for (i = 0; i < ntokens; i++)
- if (actrow[i] < 0 && actrow[i] != ACTION_MIN)
- rules[item_number_as_rule_number (actrow[i])].useful = TRUE;
- if (default_rule)
- default_rule->useful = TRUE;
- }
/* If have no default rule, the default is an error.
So replace any action which says "error" with "use default". */
token_actions (void)
state_number_t i;
+ symbol_number_t j;
rule_number_t r;
- int nconflict = conflicts_total_count ();
+ int nconflict = glr_parser ? conflicts_total_count () : 0;
yydefact = XCALLOC (rule_number_t, nstates);
actrow = XCALLOC (action_t, ntokens);
conflrow = XCALLOC (unsigned int, ntokens);
- /* Now that the parser was computed, we can find which rules are
- really reduced, and which are not because of SR or RR conflicts.
- */
+ conflict_list = XCALLOC (unsigned int, 1 + 2 * nconflict);
+ conflict_list_free = 2 * nconflict;
+ conflict_list_cnt = 1;
+ /* Find the rules which are reduced. */
if (!glr_parser)
for (r = 0; r < nrules; ++r)
rules[r].useful = FALSE;
- if (glr_parser)
- {
- conflict_list = XCALLOC (unsigned int, 1 + 2 * nconflict);
- conflict_list_free = 2 * nconflict;
- conflict_list_cnt = 1;
- }
- else
- conflict_list_free = conflict_list_cnt = 0;
for (i = 0; i < nstates; ++i)
rule_t *default_rule = action_row (states[i]);
yydefact[i] = default_rule ? default_rule->number + 1 : 0;
save_row (i);
- }
- if (!glr_parser)
- for (r = 0; r < nrules ; ++r)
- if (!rules[r].useful)
+ /* Now that the parser was computed, we can find which rules are
+ really reduced, and which are not because of SR or RR
+ conflicts. */
+ if (!glr_parser)
- LOCATION_PRINT (stderr, rules[r].location);
- fprintf (stderr, ": %s: %s: ",
- _("warning"), _("rule never reduced because of conflicts"));
- rule_print (&rules[r], stderr);
+ for (j = 0; j < ntokens; ++j)
+ if (actrow[j] < 0 && actrow[j] != ACTION_MIN)
+ rules[item_number_as_rule_number (actrow[j])].useful = TRUE;
+ if (yydefact[i])
+ rules[yydefact[i] - 1].useful = TRUE;
+ }
free (actrow);
free (conflrow);
for (k = 0; ok && k < t; k++)
loc = j + state_number_as_int (from[k]);
- if (loc > (int) table_size)
+ if (loc >= (int) table_size)
table_grow (loc);
if (table[loc] != 0)
for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
if (tab[i] < res && tab[i] != ninf)
- res = base[i];
+ res = tab[i];
base = XCALLOC (base_t, nvectors);
pos = XCALLOC (base_t, nentries);
table = XCALLOC (base_t, table_size);
- if (glr_parser)
- conflict_table = XCALLOC (unsigned int, table_size);
+ conflict_table = XCALLOC (unsigned int, table_size);
check = XCALLOC (base_t, table_size);
lowzero = 0;
base_ninf = table_ninf_remap (base, nvectors, BASE_MIN);
table_ninf = table_ninf_remap (table, high + 1, ACTION_MIN);
- for (i = 0; i < nvectors; i++)
- {
- XFREE (froms[i]);
- XFREE (tos[i]);
- XFREE (conflict_tos[i]);
- }
- free (froms);
- free (tos);
- free (conflict_tos);
free (pos);
tables_generate (void)
+ int i;
/* That's a poor way to make sure the sizes are properly corelated,
in particular the signedness is not taking into account, but it's
not useless. */
width = XCALLOC (base_t, nvectors);
token_actions ();
- bitsetv_free (LA);
- free (LArule);
goto_actions ();
XFREE (goto_map + ntokens);
free (tally);
free (width);
+ for (i = 0; i < nvectors; i++)
+ {
+ XFREE (froms[i]);
+ XFREE (tos[i]);
+ XFREE (conflict_tos[i]);
+ }
+ free (froms);
+ free (tos);
+ free (conflict_tos);