-[[input.y:2.9-12: invalid number after \-escape: 777
-input.y:2.8-13: warning: empty character literal
-input.y:2.16-17: invalid number after \-escape: 0
-input.y:2.15-18: warning: empty character literal
-input.y:2.21-25: invalid number after \-escape: xfff
-input.y:2.20-26: warning: empty character literal
-input.y:2.29-31: invalid number after \-escape: x0
-input.y:2.28-32: warning: empty character literal
-input.y:3.9-14: invalid number after \-escape: uffff
-input.y:3.8-15: warning: empty character literal
-input.y:3.18-23: invalid number after \-escape: u0000
-input.y:3.17-24: warning: empty character literal
-input.y:3.27-36: invalid number after \-escape: Uffffffff
-input.y:3.26-37: warning: empty character literal
-input.y:3.40-49: invalid number after \-escape: U00000000
-input.y:3.39-50: warning: empty character literal
-input.y:4.9-10: invalid character after \-escape: ` '
-input.y:4.8-11: warning: empty character literal
-input.y:4.14-15: invalid character after \-escape: A
-input.y:4.13-16: warning: empty character literal
-input.y:5.9-16: invalid character after \-escape: \t
-input.y:5.17: invalid character after \-escape: \f
-input.y:5.18: invalid character after \-escape: \0
-input.y:5.19: invalid character after \-escape: \001
+[[input.y:2.9-12: error: invalid number after \-escape: 777
+input.y:2.8-13: warning: empty character literal [-Wother]
+input.y:2.16-17: error: invalid number after \-escape: 0
+input.y:2.15-18: warning: empty character literal [-Wother]
+input.y:2.21-25: error: invalid number after \-escape: xfff
+input.y:2.20-26: warning: empty character literal [-Wother]
+input.y:2.29-31: error: invalid number after \-escape: x0
+input.y:2.28-32: warning: empty character literal [-Wother]
+input.y:3.9-14: error: invalid number after \-escape: uffff
+input.y:3.8-15: warning: empty character literal [-Wother]
+input.y:3.18-23: error: invalid number after \-escape: u0000
+input.y:3.17-24: warning: empty character literal [-Wother]
+input.y:3.27-36: error: invalid number after \-escape: Uffffffff
+input.y:3.26-37: warning: empty character literal [-Wother]
+input.y:3.40-49: error: invalid number after \-escape: U00000000
+input.y:3.39-50: warning: empty character literal [-Wother]
+input.y:4.9-10: error: invalid character after \-escape: ' '
+input.y:4.8-11: warning: empty character literal [-Wother]
+input.y:4.14-15: error: invalid character after \-escape: A
+input.y:4.13-16: warning: empty character literal [-Wother]
+input.y:5.9-16: error: invalid character after \-escape: \t
+input.y:5.17: error: invalid character after \-escape: \f
+input.y:5.18: error: invalid character after \-escape: \0
+input.y:5.19: error: invalid character after \-escape: \001
+## ------------------------- ##
+## LAC: Errors for %define. ##
+## ------------------------- ##
+AT_SETUP([[LAC: Errors for %define]])
+start: ;
+# parse.lac.* options are useless if LAC isn't actually activated.
+AT_BISON_CHECK([[-Dparse.lac.es-capacity-initial=1 input.y]],
+ [[1]], [],
+[[<command line>:2: error: %define variable 'parse.lac.es-capacity-initial' is not used
+AT_BISON_CHECK([[-Dparse.lac.memory-trace=full input.y]],
+ [[1]], [],
+[[<command line>:2: error: %define variable 'parse.lac.memory-trace' is not used
+## --------------------------------------------- ##
+## -Werror is not affected by -Wnone and -Wall. ##
+## --------------------------------------------- ##
+AT_SETUP([[-Werror is not affected by -Wnone and -Wall]])
+foo-bar: ;
+# -Werror is not enabled by -Wall or equivalent.
+AT_BISON_CHECK([[-Wall input.y]], [[0]], [[]],
+[[input.y:2.1-7: warning: POSIX Yacc forbids dashes in symbol names: foo-bar [-Wyacc]
+AT_BISON_CHECK([[-W input.y]], [[0]], [[]],
+[[input.y:2.1-7: warning: POSIX Yacc forbids dashes in symbol names: foo-bar [-Wyacc]
+AT_BISON_CHECK([[-Wno-none input.y]], [[0]], [[]],
+[[input.y:2.1-7: warning: POSIX Yacc forbids dashes in symbol names: foo-bar [-Wyacc]
+# -Werror is not disabled by -Wnone or equivalent.
+AT_BISON_CHECK([[-Werror,none,yacc input.y]], [[1]], [[]], [[stderr]])
+AT_CHECK([[sed 's/^.*bison:/bison:/' stderr]], [[0]],
+[[input.y:2.1-7: error: POSIX Yacc forbids dashes in symbol names: foo-bar [-Werror=yacc]
+[mv stderr experr]
+AT_BISON_CHECK([[-Werror,no-all,yacc input.y]], [[1]], [[]], [[experr]])
+## ------------------------------------------------------ ##
+## %name-prefix and %define api.prefix are incompatible. ##
+## ------------------------------------------------------ ##
+AT_SETUP([[%name-prefix and %define api.prefix are incompatible]])
+# --------------------------------------------
+AT_BISON_CHECK([[$2 input.y]], [[1]], [[]],
+[[$3: error: '%name-prefix' and '%define api.prefix' cannot be used together