#define YY_USER_ACTION location_compute (loc, &loc->end, yytext, yyleng);
+static char *fetch_type_name (char *cp, char const **type_name,
+ location dollar_loc);
static void handle_action_dollar (symbol_list *rule, char *cp,
location dollar_loc);
static void handle_action_at (symbol_list *rule, char *cp, location at_loc);
int braces_level = 0;
/* Whether a semicolon is probably needed.
- The heuristic is that a semicolon is not needed after '{', '}', ';',
- or a C preprocessor directive, and that whitespaces and comments
- do not affect this flag.
- Note that '{' does not need a semicolon because of '{}'.
- A semicolon may be needed before a cpp direcive, but don't bother. */
+ The heuristic is that a semicolon is not needed after '{', '}',
+ ';', or a C preprocessor directive, and that whitespaces and
+ comments do not affect this flag. Note that '{' does not need a
+ semicolon because of '{}'. A semicolon may be needed before a
+ cpp directive, but don't bother.
+ While it is maintained in several start-conditions (factoring
+ opportunities), it is meaningful only for SC_RULE_ACTION. */
bool need_semicolon = false;
/* Whether in a C preprocessor directive. Don't use a start condition
"'" {
+ [$@] {
+ complain_at (*loc, Wother, _("stray '%s'"), yytext);
+ obstack_escape (&obstack_for_string, yytext);
+ need_semicolon = true;
+ }
+ [\[\]] {
+ obstack_escape (&obstack_for_string, yytext);
+ need_semicolon = true;
+ }
"$"("<"{tag}">")?{ref} {
- ref_tail_fields = 0;
+ ref_tail_fields = NULL;
handle_action_dollar (self->rule, yytext, *loc);
- if (ref_tail_fields) {
+ if (ref_tail_fields)
obstack_sgrow (&obstack_for_string, ref_tail_fields);
- }
need_semicolon = true;
"@"{ref} {
- ref_tail_fields = 0;
+ ref_tail_fields = NULL;
handle_action_at (self->rule, yytext, *loc);
- if (ref_tail_fields) {
+ if (ref_tail_fields)
obstack_sgrow (&obstack_for_string, ref_tail_fields);
- }
- need_semicolon = true;
- }
- "$" {
- warn_at (*loc, _("stray '$'"));
- obstack_sgrow (&obstack_for_string, "$][");
- need_semicolon = true;
- }
- "@" {
- warn_at (*loc, _("stray '@'"));
- obstack_sgrow (&obstack_for_string, "@@");
- need_semicolon = true;
- }
- "[" {
- obstack_sgrow (&obstack_for_string, "@{");
- need_semicolon = true;
- }
- "]" {
- obstack_sgrow (&obstack_for_string, "@}");
need_semicolon = true;
if (outer_brace && !yacc_flag && language_prio == default_prio
&& skeleton_prio == default_prio && need_semicolon && ! in_cpp)
- warn_at (*loc, _("a ';' might be needed at the end of action code"));
- warn_at (*loc, _("future versions of Bison will not add the ';'"));
+ complain_at (*loc, Wdeprecated,
+ _("a ';' might be needed at the end of action code"));
+ complain_at (*loc, Wdeprecated,
+ _("future versions of Bison will not add the ';'"));
obstack_1grow (&obstack_for_string, ';');
{splice} STRING_GROW;
[\n\r] STRING_GROW; if (in_cpp) in_cpp = need_semicolon = false;
[ \t\f] STRING_GROW;
- /* YYFAIL is undocumented and was formally deprecated in Bison
- 2.4.2. */
- STRING_GROW; need_semicolon = true;
- warn_at (*loc, _("use of YYFAIL, which is deprecated and will be"
- " removed"));
- }
- /* The sole purpose of this is to make sure identifiers that merely
- contain YYFAIL don't produce the above warning. */
- [A-Za-z_][0-9A-Za-z_]* STRING_GROW; need_semicolon = true;
- . STRING_GROW; need_semicolon = true;
+ . STRING_GROW; need_semicolon = true;
- "$$" {
- obstack_sgrow (&obstack_for_string, "]b4_dollar_dollar[");
+ "$"("<"{tag}">")?"$" {
+ const char *type_name = NULL;
+ fetch_type_name (yytext + 1, &type_name, *loc)[-1] = 0;
+ obstack_sgrow (&obstack_for_string, "]b4_dollar_dollar(");
+ obstack_quote (&obstack_for_string, type_name);
+ obstack_sgrow (&obstack_for_string, ")[");
self->is_value_used = true;
"@$" {
- /*-----------------------------------------.
- | Escape M4 quoting characters in C code. |
- `-----------------------------------------*/
- \$ obstack_sgrow (&obstack_for_string, "$][");
- \@ obstack_sgrow (&obstack_for_string, "@@");
- \[ obstack_sgrow (&obstack_for_string, "@{");
- \] obstack_sgrow (&obstack_for_string, "@}");
+ /* Escape M4 quoting characters in C code. */
+ [$@\[\]] obstack_escape (&obstack_for_string, yytext);
- /*-----------------------------------------------------.
- | By default, grow the string obstack with the input. |
- `-----------------------------------------------------*/
-<*>.|\n STRING_GROW;
+ /* By default, grow the string obstack with the input. */
/* End of processing. */
-<*><<EOF>> {
- return last_string;
- }
+ <<EOF>> STRING_FINISH; return last_string;
not visible from current midrule. */
-static variant *variant_table = 0;
+static variant *variant_table = NULL;
static unsigned variant_table_size = 0;
static unsigned variant_count = 0;
variant_table_free (void)
free (variant_table);
- variant_table = 0;
+ variant_table = NULL;
variant_table_size = variant_count = 0;
static void
-show_sub_messages (const char* cp, bool explicit_bracketing,
- int midrule_rhs_index, char dollar_or_at,
- bool is_warning, unsigned indent)
+show_sub_message (const char* cp, bool explicit_bracketing,
+ int midrule_rhs_index, char dollar_or_at,
+ unsigned indent, const variant *var)
- unsigned i;
+ const char *at_spec = get_at_spec (var->symbol_index);
- for (i = 0; i < variant_count; ++i)
+ if (var->err == 0)
+ complain_at_indent (var->loc, silent, &indent,
+ _("refers to: %c%s at %s"), dollar_or_at,
+ var->id, at_spec);
+ else
- const variant *var = &variant_table[i];
- const char *at_spec = get_at_spec (var->symbol_index);
+ static struct obstack msg_buf;
+ const char *tail = explicit_bracketing ? "" : cp + strlen (var->id);
+ const char *id = var->hidden_by ? var->hidden_by->id : var->id;
+ location id_loc = var->hidden_by ? var->hidden_by->loc : var->loc;
- if (var->err == 0)
- {
- if (is_warning)
- warn_at_indent (var->loc, &indent, _("refers to: %c%s at %s"),
- dollar_or_at, var->id, at_spec);
- else
- complain_at_indent (var->loc, &indent, _("refers to: %c%s at %s"),
- dollar_or_at, var->id, at_spec);
- }
+ /* Create the explanation message. */
+ obstack_init (&msg_buf);
+ obstack_printf (&msg_buf, _("possibly meant: %c"), dollar_or_at);
+ if (contains_dot_or_dash (id))
+ obstack_printf (&msg_buf, "[%s]", id);
+ obstack_sgrow (&msg_buf, id);
+ obstack_sgrow (&msg_buf, tail);
+ if (var->err & VARIANT_HIDDEN)
- static struct obstack msg_buf;
- const char *tail = explicit_bracketing ? "" :
- cp + strlen (var->id);
- const char *id = var->hidden_by ? var->hidden_by->id :
- var->id;
- location id_loc = var->hidden_by ? var->hidden_by->loc :
- var->loc;
- /* Create the explanation message. */
- obstack_init (&msg_buf);
- obstack_fgrow1 (&msg_buf, _("possibly meant: %c"), dollar_or_at);
- if (contains_dot_or_dash (id))
- obstack_fgrow1 (&msg_buf, "[%s]", id);
+ obstack_printf (&msg_buf, _(", hiding %c"), dollar_or_at);
+ if (contains_dot_or_dash (var->id))
+ obstack_printf (&msg_buf, "[%s]", var->id);
- obstack_sgrow (&msg_buf, id);
+ obstack_sgrow (&msg_buf, var->id);
obstack_sgrow (&msg_buf, tail);
+ }
- if (var->err & VARIANT_HIDDEN)
- {
- obstack_fgrow1 (&msg_buf, _(", hiding %c"), dollar_or_at);
- if (contains_dot_or_dash (var->id))
- obstack_fgrow1 (&msg_buf, "[%s]", var->id);
- else
- obstack_sgrow (&msg_buf, var->id);
- obstack_sgrow (&msg_buf, tail);
- }
- obstack_fgrow1 (&msg_buf, _(" at %s"), at_spec);
+ obstack_printf (&msg_buf, _(" at %s"), at_spec);
- {
- const char *format =
- _(", cannot be accessed from mid-rule action at $%d");
- obstack_fgrow1 (&msg_buf, format, midrule_rhs_index);
- }
+ obstack_printf (&msg_buf,
+ _(", cannot be accessed from mid-rule action at $%d"),
+ midrule_rhs_index);
- obstack_1grow (&msg_buf, '\0');
- if (is_warning)
- warn_at_indent (id_loc, &indent, "%s",
- (char *) obstack_finish (&msg_buf));
- else
- complain_at_indent (id_loc, &indent, "%s",
- (char *) obstack_finish (&msg_buf));
- obstack_free (&msg_buf, 0);
- }
+ complain_at_indent (id_loc, silent, &indent, "%s",
+ obstack_finish0 (&msg_buf));
+ obstack_free (&msg_buf, 0);
+static void
+show_sub_messages (const char* cp, bool explicit_bracketing,
+ int midrule_rhs_index, char dollar_or_at,
+ unsigned indent)
+ unsigned i;
+ for (i = 0; i < variant_count; ++i)
+ show_sub_message (cp, explicit_bracketing,
+ midrule_rhs_index, dollar_or_at,
+ indent, &variant_table[i]);
/* Returned from "parse_ref" when the reference
is inappropriate. */
return num;
- complain_at (text_loc, _("integer out of range: %s"),
+ complain_at (text_loc, complaint, _("integer out of range: %s"),
quote (text));
cp_end - cp : ref_tail_fields - cp;
unsigned indent = 0;
- complain_at_indent (text_loc, &indent, _("invalid reference: %s"),
- quote (text));
+ complain_at_indent (text_loc, complaint, &indent,
+ _("invalid reference: %s"), quote (text));
indent += SUB_INDENT;
if (len == 0)
location sym_loc = text_loc;
sym_loc.start.column += 1;
sym_loc.end = sym_loc.start;
- const char *format =
- _("syntax error after '%c', expecting integer, letter,"
- " '_', '[', or '$'");
- complain_at_indent (sym_loc, &indent, format, dollar_or_at);
+ complain_at_indent (sym_loc, complaint, &indent,
+ _("syntax error after '%c', expecting integer, "
+ "letter, '_', '[', or '$'"),
+ dollar_or_at);
else if (midrule_rhs_index)
- {
- const char *format =
- _("symbol not found in production before $%d: %.*s");
- complain_at_indent (rule->location, &indent, format,
- midrule_rhs_index, len, cp);
- }
+ complain_at_indent (rule->location, complaint, &indent,
+ _("symbol not found in production before $%d: "
+ "%.*s"),
+ midrule_rhs_index, len, cp);
- {
- const char *format =
- _("symbol not found in production: %.*s");
- complain_at_indent (rule->location, &indent, format,
- len, cp);
- }
+ complain_at_indent (rule->location, complaint, &indent,
+ _("symbol not found in production: %.*s"),
+ len, cp);
if (variant_count > 0)
show_sub_messages (cp, explicit_bracketing, midrule_rhs_index,
- dollar_or_at, false, indent);
+ dollar_or_at, indent);
case 1:
unsigned indent = 0;
if (variant_count > 1)
- warn_at_indent (text_loc, &indent, _("misleading reference: %s"),
- quote (text));
+ complain_at_indent (text_loc, Wother, &indent,
+ _("misleading reference: %s"), quote (text));
show_sub_messages (cp, explicit_bracketing, midrule_rhs_index,
- dollar_or_at, true, indent + SUB_INDENT);
+ dollar_or_at, indent + SUB_INDENT);
unsigned symbol_index =
unsigned indent = 0;
- complain_at_indent (text_loc, &indent, _("ambiguous reference: %s"),
- quote (text));
+ complain_at_indent (text_loc, complaint, &indent,
+ _("ambiguous reference: %s"), quote (text));
show_sub_messages (cp, explicit_bracketing, midrule_rhs_index,
- dollar_or_at, false, indent + SUB_INDENT);
+ dollar_or_at, indent + SUB_INDENT);
int max_left_semantic_context = 0;
+/* If CP points to a typename (i.e., <.*?>), set TYPE_NAME to its
+ beginning (i.e., after the opening "<", and return the pointer
+ immediately after it. */
+char *
+fetch_type_name (char *cp, char const **type_name,
+ location dollar_loc)
+ if (*cp == '<')
+ {
+ *type_name = ++cp;
+ while (*cp != '>')
+ ++cp;
+ /* The '>' symbol will be later replaced by '\0'. Original
+ 'text' is needed for error messages. */
+ ++cp;
+ if (untyped_var_seen)
+ complain_at (dollar_loc, complaint,
+ _("explicit type given in untyped grammar"));
+ tag_seen = true;
+ }
+ return cp;
| TEXT is pointing to a wannabee semantic value (i.e., a '$'). |
| |
char const *type_name = NULL;
char *cp = text + 1;
- char *gt_ptr = 0;
symbol_list *effective_rule;
int effective_rule_length;
int n;
/* Get the type name if explicit. */
- if (*cp == '<')
- {
- type_name = ++cp;
- while (*cp != '>')
- ++cp;
- /* The '>' symbol will be later replaced by '\0'. Original
- 'text' is needed for error messages. */
- gt_ptr = cp;
- ++cp;
- if (untyped_var_seen)
- complain_at (dollar_loc, _("explicit type given in untyped grammar"));
- tag_seen = true;
- }
+ cp = fetch_type_name (cp, &type_name, dollar_loc);
n = parse_ref (cp, effective_rule, effective_rule_length,
rule->midrule_parent_rhs_index, text, dollar_loc, '$');
- if (gt_ptr)
- *gt_ptr = '\0';
+ /* End type_name. */
+ if (type_name)
+ cp[-1] = '\0';
switch (n)
if (union_seen | tag_seen)
if (rule->midrule_parent_rule)
- complain_at (dollar_loc,
+ complain_at (dollar_loc, complaint,
_("$$ for the midrule at $%d of %s"
" has no declared type"),
quote (effective_rule->content.sym->tag));
- complain_at (dollar_loc, _("$$ of %s has no declared type"),
+ complain_at (dollar_loc, complaint,
+ _("$$ of %s has no declared type"),
quote (rule->content.sym->tag));
untyped_var_seen = true;
- type_name = "";
- obstack_fgrow1 (&obstack_for_string,
- "]b4_lhs_value([%s])[", type_name);
+ obstack_sgrow (&obstack_for_string, "]b4_lhs_value(");
+ obstack_quote (&obstack_for_string, type_name);
+ obstack_sgrow (&obstack_for_string, ")[");
rule->action_props.is_value_used = true;
if (!type_name)
if (union_seen | tag_seen)
- complain_at (dollar_loc, _("$%s of %s has no declared type"),
- cp, quote (effective_rule->content.sym->tag));
+ complain_at (dollar_loc, complaint,
+ _("$%s of %s has no declared type"), cp,
+ quote (effective_rule->content.sym->tag));
untyped_var_seen = true;
- type_name = "";
- obstack_fgrow3 (&obstack_for_string,
- "]b4_rhs_value(%d, %d, [%s])[",
- effective_rule_length, n, type_name);
+ obstack_printf (&obstack_for_string,
+ "]b4_rhs_value(%d, %d, ", effective_rule_length, n);
+ obstack_quote (&obstack_for_string, type_name);
+ obstack_sgrow (&obstack_for_string, ")[");
if (n > 0)
symbol_list_n_get (effective_rule, n)->action_props.is_value_used =
- obstack_fgrow2 (&obstack_for_string, "]b4_rhs_location(%d, %d)[",
+ obstack_printf (&obstack_for_string, "]b4_rhs_location(%d, %d)[",
effective_rule_length, n);
*self = code_props_none;
-code_props const code_props_none = CODE_PROPS_NONE_INIT;
+code_props code_props_none = CODE_PROPS_NONE_INIT;
code_props_plain_init (code_props *self, char const *code,
location code_loc)
+ code_props_none_init (self);
self->kind = CODE_PROPS_PLAIN;
self->code = code;
self->location = code_loc;
- self->is_value_used = false;
- self->rule = NULL;
- self->named_ref = NULL;
code_props_symbol_action_init (code_props *self, char const *code,
location code_loc)
+ code_props_none_init (self);
self->code = code;
self->location = code_loc;
- self->is_value_used = false;
- self->rule = NULL;
- self->named_ref = NULL;
location code_loc, symbol_list *rule,
named_ref *name, bool is_predicate)
+ code_props_none_init (self);
self->code = code;
self->location = code_loc;
- self->is_value_used = false;
self->rule = rule;
self->named_ref = name;
self->is_predicate = is_predicate;