- output_table_data (&format_obstack, check,
- check[0], 1, high + 1);
- muscle_insert ("check", obstack_finish (&format_obstack));
- XFREE (check);
-/* compute and output yydefact, yydefgoto, yypact, yypgoto, yytable
- and yycheck. */
-static void
-output_actions (void)
- int i;
- nvectors = nstates + nvars;
- froms = XCALLOC (short *, nvectors);
- tos = XCALLOC (short *, nvectors);
- tally = XCALLOC (short, nvectors);
- width = XCALLOC (short, nvectors);
- token_actions ();
- XFREE (LAruleno);
- goto_actions ();
- XFREE (goto_map + ntokens);
- XFREE (from_state);
- XFREE (to_state);
- sort_actions ();
- pack_table ();
- output_base ();
- output_table ();
- output_check ();
- for (i = 0; i < nstates; ++i)
- {
- free (states[i]->shifts);
- XFREE (states[i]->reductions);
- free (states[i]->errs);
- free (states[i]);
- }
- XFREE (states);
+ /* Figure out the actions for the specified state, indexed by
+ look-ahead token type. */
+ muscle_insert_rule_number_table ("defact", yydefact,
+ yydefact[0], 1, nstates);
+ /* Figure out what to do after reducing with each rule, depending on
+ the saved state from before the beginning of parsing the data
+ that matched this rule. */
+ muscle_insert_state_number_table ("defgoto", yydefgoto,
+ yydefgoto[0], 1, nsyms - ntokens);
+ /* Output PACT. */
+ muscle_insert_base_table ("pact", base,
+ base[0], 1, nstates);
+ MUSCLE_INSERT_INT ("pact_ninf", base_ninf);
+ /* Output PGOTO. */
+ muscle_insert_base_table ("pgoto", base,
+ base[nstates], nstates + 1, nvectors);
+ muscle_insert_base_table ("table", table,
+ table[0], 1, high + 1);
+ MUSCLE_INSERT_INT ("table_ninf", table_ninf);
+ muscle_insert_base_table ("check", check,
+ check[0], 1, high + 1);
+ /* GLR parsing slightly modifies YYTABLE and YYCHECK (and thus
+ YYPACT) so that in states with unresolved conflicts, the default
+ reduction is not used in the conflicted entries, so that there is
+ a place to put a conflict pointer.
+ This means that YYCONFLP and YYCONFL are nonsense for a non-GLR
+ parser, so we could avoid accidents by not writing them out in
+ that case. Nevertheless, it seems even better to be able to use
+ the GLR skeletons even without the non-deterministic tables. */
+ muscle_insert_unsigned_int_table ("conflict_list_heads", conflict_table,
+ conflict_table[0], 1, high + 1);
+ muscle_insert_unsigned_int_table ("conflicting_rules", conflict_list,
+ conflict_list[0], 1, conflict_list_cnt);