AT_CHECK([bison -o input.c input.y], 0, [],
-[[input.y:4.8: warning: rule never reduced because of conflicts: e: /* empty */
+[[input.y:4.9: warning: rule never reduced because of conflicts: e: /* empty */
AT_SETUP([%nonassoc and eof])
-#include <config.h>
-/* We don't need a perfect malloc for these tests. */
-#undef malloc
#include <stdio.h>
# no one has ever spotted it! The messages are *wrong*: there should
# be nothing there, it should be expected eof.
AT_PARSER_CHECK([./input '0<0<0'], [1], [],
- [parse error, unexpected '<', expecting '<' or '>'
+ [syntax error, unexpected '<', expecting '<' or '>'
AT_PARSER_CHECK([./input '0>0'])
AT_PARSER_CHECK([./input '0>0>0'], [1], [],
- [parse error, unexpected '>', expecting '<' or '>'
+ [syntax error, unexpected '>', expecting '<' or '>'
AT_PARSER_CHECK([./input '0<0>0'], [1], [],
- [parse error, unexpected '>', expecting '<' or '>'
+ [syntax error, unexpected '>', expecting '<' or '>'
AT_CHECK([bison -o input.c --report=all input.y], 0, [],
[[input.y: warning: 1 reduce/reduce conflict
-input.y:4.4-8: warning: rule never reduced because of conflicts: id: '0'
+input.y:4.6-8: warning: rule never reduced because of conflicts: id: '0'
# Check the contents of the report.