[[%destructor { destroy ($$); } <*> <*>
-%printer { destroy ($$); } <*> <*>
+%printer { print ($$); } <*> <*>
%destructor { destroy ($$); } <*>
-%printer { destroy ($$); } <*>
+%printer { print ($$); } <*>
%destructor { destroy ($$); } <> <>
-%printer { destroy ($$); } <> <>
+%printer { print ($$); } <> <>
%destructor { destroy ($$); } <>
-%printer { destroy ($$); } <>
+%printer { print ($$); } <>
start: ;
%destructor { destroy ($$); } <*>;
-%printer { destroy ($$); } <*>;
+%printer { print ($$); } <*>;
%destructor { destroy ($$); } <>;
-%printer { destroy ($$); } <>;
+%printer { print ($$); } <>;
AT_BISON_CHECK([input.y], [1], [],
[[input.y:1.13-29: redeclaration for default tagged %destructor
input.y:1.13-29: previous declaration
-input.y:2.10-26: redeclaration for default tagged %printer
-input.y:2.10-26: previous declaration
+input.y:2.10-24: redeclaration for default tagged %printer
+input.y:2.10-24: previous declaration
input.y:4.13-29: redeclaration for default tagged %destructor
input.y:1.13-29: previous declaration
-input.y:5.10-26: redeclaration for default tagged %printer
-input.y:2.10-26: previous declaration
+input.y:5.10-24: redeclaration for default tagged %printer
+input.y:2.10-24: previous declaration
input.y:7.13-29: redeclaration for default tagless %destructor
input.y:7.13-29: previous declaration
-input.y:8.10-26: redeclaration for default tagless %printer
-input.y:8.10-26: previous declaration
+input.y:8.10-24: redeclaration for default tagless %printer
+input.y:8.10-24: previous declaration
input.y:10.13-29: redeclaration for default tagless %destructor
input.y:7.13-29: previous declaration
-input.y:11.10-26: redeclaration for default tagless %printer
-input.y:8.10-26: previous declaration
+input.y:11.10-24: redeclaration for default tagless %printer
+input.y:8.10-24: previous declaration
input.y:17.13-29: redeclaration for default tagged %destructor
input.y:4.13-29: previous declaration
-input.y:18.10-26: redeclaration for default tagged %printer
-input.y:5.10-26: previous declaration
+input.y:18.10-24: redeclaration for default tagged %printer
+input.y:5.10-24: previous declaration
input.y:20.13-29: redeclaration for default tagless %destructor
input.y:10.13-29: previous declaration
-input.y:21.10-26: redeclaration for default tagless %printer
-input.y:11.10-26: previous declaration
+input.y:21.10-24: redeclaration for default tagless %printer
+input.y:11.10-24: previous declaration
[[%destructor { destroy ($$); } <field1> <field2>
-%printer { destroy ($$); } <field1> <field2>
+%printer { print ($$); } <field1> <field2>
%destructor { destroy ($$); } <field1> <field1>
-%printer { destroy ($$); } <field2> <field2>
+%printer { print ($$); } <field2> <field2>
start: ;
%destructor { destroy ($$); } <field2> <field1>;
-%printer { destroy ($$); } <field2> <field1>;
+%printer { print ($$); } <field2> <field1>;
AT_BISON_CHECK([input.y], [1], [],
input.y:1.13-29: previous declaration
input.y:4.13-29: %destructor redeclaration for <field1>
input.y:4.13-29: previous declaration
-input.y:5.10-26: %printer redeclaration for <field2>
-input.y:2.10-26: previous declaration
-input.y:5.10-26: %printer redeclaration for <field2>
-input.y:5.10-26: previous declaration
+input.y:5.10-24: %printer redeclaration for <field2>
+input.y:2.10-24: previous declaration
+input.y:5.10-24: %printer redeclaration for <field2>
+input.y:5.10-24: previous declaration
input.y:11.13-29: %destructor redeclaration for <field1>
input.y:4.13-29: previous declaration
input.y:11.13-29: %destructor redeclaration for <field2>
input.y:1.13-29: previous declaration
-input.y:12.10-26: %printer redeclaration for <field1>
-input.y:2.10-26: previous declaration
-input.y:12.10-26: %printer redeclaration for <field2>
-input.y:5.10-26: previous declaration
+input.y:12.10-24: %printer redeclaration for <field1>
+input.y:2.10-24: previous declaration
+input.y:12.10-24: %printer redeclaration for <field2>
+input.y:5.10-24: previous declaration
+## ----------------------------------------------------- ##
+## Undeclared symbols used for a printer or destructor. ##
+## ----------------------------------------------------- ##
+AT_SETUP([Undeclared symbols used for a printer or destructor])
+[[%printer {} foo baz
+%destructor {} bar
+exp: bar;
+AT_BISON_CHECK([input.y], [1], [],
+[[input.y:2.16-18: symbol bar is used, but is not defined as a token and has no rules
+input.y:1.17-19: warning: symbol baz is used, but is not defined as a token and has no rules
+input.y:1.13-15: warning: symbol foo is used, but is not defined as a token and has no rules
+## ----------------------------------------------------- ##
+## Unassociated types used for a printer or destructor. ##
+## ----------------------------------------------------- ##
+AT_SETUP([Unassociated types used for a printer or destructor])
+[[%token <type1> tag1
+%type <type2> tag2
+%printer { } <type1> <type3>
+%destructor { } <type2> <type4>
+exp: tag1 { $1; }
+ | tag2 { $1; }
+tag2: "a" { $$; }
+AT_BISON_CHECK([input.y], [0], [],
+[[input.y:4.22-28: warning: type <type3> is used, but is not associated to any symbol
+input.y:5.25-31: warning: type <type4> is used, but is not associated to any symbol
+## --------------------------------- ##
+## Useless printers or destructors. ##
+## --------------------------------- ##
+AT_SETUP([Useless printers or destructors])
+[[%token <type1> token1
+%token <type2> token2
+%token <type3> token3
+%token <type4> token4
+%token <type5> token51 token52
+%token <type6> token61 token62
+%token <type7> token7
+%printer {} token1
+%destructor {} token2
+%printer {} token51
+%destructor {} token61
+%printer {} token7
+%printer {} <type1>
+%destructor {} <type2>
+%printer {} <type3>
+%destructor {} <type4>
+%printer {} <type5>
+%destructor {} <type6>
+%destructor {} <type7>
+exp: "a";
+AT_BISON_CHECK([input.y], [0], [],
+[[input.y:16.13-19: warning: useless %printer for type <type1>
+input.y:17.16-22: warning: useless %destructor for type <type2>
AT_SETUP([Torturing the Scanner])
AT_DATA([input.y], [])
AT_BISON_CHECK([input.y], [1], [],
[[input.y:1.1: syntax error, unexpected end of file
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <assert.h>
/* %{ and %} can be here too. */
-static void yyerror (const char *s);
-static int yylex (void);
%type <ival> '@<:@'
res.ival = val;
return res;
static int
yylex (void)
#output "; /* "
static size_t toknum;
- if (! (toknum < sizeof input))
- abort ();
+ assert (toknum < sizeof input);
yylval = value_as_yystype (input[toknum]);
return input[toknum++];
-static void
-yyerror (const char *msg)
- fprintf (stderr, "%s\n", msg);
# Pacify Emacs'font-lock-mode: "
return yyparse ();
AT_BISON_CHECK([-d -v -o input.c input.y])
-AT_COMPILE([input.o], [-c input.c])
-AT_COMPILE([main.o], [-c main.c])
AT_COMPILE([input], [input.o main.o])
AT_PARSER_CHECK([./input], 0,
[[%token WITH-DASH
%code {
- void yyerror (char const *);
- int yylex (void);
start: with-dash without_dash with.period without_period;
with.period: WITH.PERIOD;
without_period: "WITHOUT.PERIOD";
# POSIX Yacc accept periods, but not dashes.
AT_BISON_CHECK([--yacc input.y], [1], [],
AT_BISON_CHECK([-o input.c input.y])
# Make sure we don't export silly token identifiers with periods or dashes.
-AT_COMPILE([input.o], [-c input.c])
# Periods are genuine letters, they can start identifiers.
AT_BISON_CHECK([-o input.c input.y], 1, [],
[[input.y:1.10-2.0: missing '"' at end of line
-input.y:4.10-5.0: missing ''' at end of line
-input.y:14.11-15.0: missing ''' at end of line
+input.y:4.10-5.0: missing "'" at end of line
+input.y:14.11-15.0: missing "'" at end of line
input.y:16.11-17.0: missing '"' at end of line
input.y:19.13-20.0: missing '}' at end of file
input.y:20.1: syntax error, unexpected end of file
start: ;
AT_BISON_CHECK([[input-c.y]], [[1]], [],
-[[input-c.y:1.7: %code qualifier `q' is not used
-input-c.y:2.7-9: %code qualifier `bad' is not used
-input-c.y:3.7-9: %code qualifier `bad' is not used
-input-c.y:4.7-12: %code qualifier `format' is not used
+[[input-c.y:1.7: %code qualifier 'q' is not used
+input-c.y:2.7-9: %code qualifier 'bad' is not used
+input-c.y:3.7-9: %code qualifier 'bad' is not used
+input-c.y:4.7-12: %code qualifier 'format' is not used
start: ;
AT_BISON_CHECK([[input-c-glr.y]], [[1]], [],
-[[input-c-glr.y:1.7: %code qualifier `q' is not used
-input-c-glr.y:2.7-9: %code qualifier `bad' is not used
-input-c-glr.y:3.8-10: %code qualifier `bad' is not used
+[[input-c-glr.y:1.7: %code qualifier 'q' is not used
+input-c-glr.y:2.7-9: %code qualifier 'bad' is not used
+input-c-glr.y:3.8-10: %code qualifier 'bad' is not used
start: ;
AT_BISON_CHECK([[input-c++.y]], [[1]], [],
-[[input-c++.y:1.7: %code qualifier `q' is not used
-input-c++.y:2.7-9: %code qualifier `bad' is not used
-input-c++.y:3.8: %code qualifier `q' is not used
+[[input-c++.y:1.7: %code qualifier 'q' is not used
+input-c++.y:2.7-9: %code qualifier 'bad' is not used
+input-c++.y:3.8: %code qualifier 'q' is not used
start: ;
AT_BISON_CHECK([[input-c++-glr.y]], [[1]], [],
-[[input-c++-glr.y:1.7-9: %code qualifier `bad' is not used
-input-c++-glr.y:2.7: %code qualifier `q' is not used
-input-c++-glr.y:3.7: %code qualifier `q' is not used
+[[input-c++-glr.y:1.7-9: %code qualifier 'bad' is not used
+input-c++-glr.y:2.7: %code qualifier 'q' is not used
+input-c++-glr.y:3.7: %code qualifier 'q' is not used
start: ;
AT_BISON_CHECK([[special-char-@@.y]], [[1]], [],
-[[special-char-@@.y:1.7-9: %code qualifier `bad' is not used
-special-char-@@.y:2.7: %code qualifier `q' is not used
-special-char-@@.y:3.7: %code qualifier `q' is not used
+[[special-char-@@.y:1.7-9: %code qualifier 'bad' is not used
+special-char-@@.y:2.7: %code qualifier 'q' is not used
+special-char-@@.y:3.7: %code qualifier 'q' is not used
start: ;
AT_BISON_CHECK([[special-char-@:>@.y]], [[1]], [],
-[[special-char-@:>@.y:1.7-9: %code qualifier `bad' is not used
-special-char-@:>@.y:2.7: %code qualifier `q' is not used
-special-char-@:>@.y:3.7: %code qualifier `q' is not used
+[[special-char-@:>@.y:1.7-9: %code qualifier 'bad' is not used
+special-char-@:>@.y:2.7: %code qualifier 'q' is not used
+special-char-@:>@.y:3.7: %code qualifier 'q' is not used
AT_BISON_CHECK([[input-redefined.y]], [[1]], [],
-[[input-redefined.y:2.9-11: %define variable `var' redefined
+[[input-redefined.y:2.9-11: %define variable 'var' redefined
input-redefined.y:1.9-11: previous definition
-input-redefined.y:3.10-12: %define variable `var' redefined
+input-redefined.y:3.10-12: %define variable 'var' redefined
input-redefined.y:2.9-11: previous definition
AT_BISON_CHECK([[input-unused.y]], [[1]], [],
-[[input-unused.y:1.9-11: %define variable `var' is not used
+[[input-unused.y:1.9-11: %define variable 'var' is not used
start: ;
AT_BISON_CHECK([[-Dvar=cmd-d input-dg.y]], [[1]], [],
-[[input-dg.y:1.9-11: %define variable `var' redefined
+[[input-dg.y:1.9-11: %define variable 'var' redefined
<command line>:2: previous definition
start: ;
AT_BISON_CHECK([[-Dunused-d -Funused-f input-unused.y]], [[1]], [],
-[[<command line>:2: %define variable `unused-d' is not used
-<command line>:3: %define variable `unused-f' is not used
+[[<command line>:2: %define variable 'unused-d' is not used
+<command line>:3: %define variable 'unused-f' is not used
AT_BISON_CHECK([[Input.y]], [1], [],
-[[Input.y:2.9-14: invalid value for %define Boolean variable `public'
+[[Input.y:2.9-14: invalid value for %define Boolean variable 'public'
start: ;
AT_BISON_CHECK([[input.y]], [[1]], [[]],
-[[input.y:1.9-29: invalid value for %define variable `lr.default-reductions': `bogus'
-input.y:1.9-29: accepted value: `most'
-input.y:1.9-29: accepted value: `consistent'
-input.y:1.9-29: accepted value: `accepting'
+[[input.y:1.9-29: invalid value for %define variable 'lr.default-reductions': 'bogus'
+input.y:1.9-29: accepted value: 'most'
+input.y:1.9-29: accepted value: 'consistent'
+input.y:1.9-29: accepted value: 'accepting'
# Back-end.
start: ;
AT_BISON_CHECK([[input.y]], [1], [],
-[[input.y:1.9-21: invalid value for %define variable `api.push-pull': `neither'
-input.y:1.9-21: accepted value: `pull'
-input.y:1.9-21: accepted value: `push'
-input.y:1.9-21: accepted value: `both'
+[[input.y:1.9-21: invalid value for %define variable 'api.push-pull': 'neither'
+input.y:1.9-21: accepted value: 'pull'
+input.y:1.9-21: accepted value: 'push'
+input.y:1.9-21: accepted value: 'both'
start: ;
AT_BISON_CHECK([[input.y]], [1], [],
-[[input.y:1.9-21: invalid value for %define variable `api.push-pull': `neither'
-input.y:1.9-21: accepted value: `pull'
-input.y:1.9-21: accepted value: `push'
-input.y:1.9-21: accepted value: `both'
+[[input.y:1.9-21: invalid value for %define variable 'api.push-pull': 'neither'
+input.y:1.9-21: accepted value: 'pull'
+input.y:1.9-21: accepted value: 'push'
+input.y:1.9-21: accepted value: 'both'
start: ;
AT_BISON_CHECK([[input.y]], [1], [],
-[[input.y:1.9-34: invalid value for %define Boolean variable `lr.keep-unreachable-states'
+[[input.y:1.9-34: invalid value for %define Boolean variable 'lr.keep-unreachable-states'
start: ;
AT_BISON_CHECK([[input.y]], [1], [],
-[[input.y:2.9-21: %define variable `api.namespace' redefined
+[[input.y:2.9-21: %define variable 'api.namespace' redefined
input.y:1.9-17: previous definition
start: ;
AT_BISON_CHECK([[input.y]], [[1]], [],
-[[input.y:1.9-15: %define variable `foo_bar' is not used
+[[input.y:1.9-15: %define variable 'foo_bar' is not used
AT_BISON_CHECK([[input.y]], [[1]], [],
-[[input.y:1.9-16: %define variable `api.pure' is not used
+[[input.y:1.9-16: %define variable 'api.pure' is not used
AT_BISON_CHECK([empty.y], [1], [],
[[empty.y:2.8-9: warning: empty character literal
empty.y:3.8-4.0: warning: empty character literal
-empty.y:3.8-4.0: missing ''' at end of line
+empty.y:3.8-4.0: missing "'" at end of line
empty.y:4.8: warning: empty character literal
-empty.y:4.8: missing ''' at end of file
+empty.y:4.8: missing "'" at end of file
AT_BISON_CHECK([two.y], [1], [],
[[two.y:2.8-11: warning: extra characters in character literal
two.y:3.8-4.0: warning: extra characters in character literal
-two.y:3.8-4.0: missing ''' at end of line
+two.y:3.8-4.0: missing "'" at end of line
two.y:4.8-10: warning: extra characters in character literal
-two.y:4.8-10: missing ''' at end of file
+two.y:4.8-10: missing "'" at end of file
AT_BISON_CHECK([three.y], [1], [],
[[three.y:2.8-12: warning: extra characters in character literal
three.y:3.8-4.0: warning: extra characters in character literal
-three.y:3.8-4.0: missing ''' at end of line
+three.y:3.8-4.0: missing "'" at end of line
three.y:4.8-11: warning: extra characters in character literal
-three.y:4.8-11: missing ''' at end of file
+three.y:4.8-11: missing "'" at end of file
# parse.lac.* options are useless if LAC isn't actually activated.
AT_BISON_CHECK([[ input.y]],
[[1]], [],
-[[<command line>:2: %define variable `' is not used
+[[<command line>:2: %define variable '' is not used
AT_BISON_CHECK([[-Dparse.lac.memory-trace=full input.y]],
[[1]], [],
-[[<command line>:2: %define variable `parse.lac.memory-trace' is not used
+[[<command line>:2: %define variable 'parse.lac.memory-trace' is not used