# Found in GCJ: they expect the tokens to be defined before the user
# prologue, so that they can use the token definitions in it.
void yyerror (const char *s);
int yylex (void);
-AT_CHECK([bison input.y -o input.c])
-AT_COMPILE([input], [-c input.c])
+AT_CHECK([bison -o input.c input.y])
+AT_COMPILE([input.o], [-c input.c])
-AT_CHECK([bison -v input.y -o input.c])
+AT_CHECK([bison -v -o input.c input.y])
-AT_CHECK([fgrep 'tests = {{{{{{{{{{}}}}}}}}}};' input.c], 0, [ignore])
+AT_CHECK([grep 'tests = {{{{{{{{{{}}}}}}}}}};' input.c], 0, [ignore])
-AT_CHECK([bison -v input.y -o input.c], 0, [],
+AT_CHECK([bison -v -o input.c input.y], 0, [],
[[input.y:6.8-14: warning: symbol `"<="' used more than once as a literal string
-AT_CHECK([bison input.y -o input.c -v])
+AT_CHECK([bison -o input.c -v input.y])
# Check the contents of the report.
AT_CHECK([cat input.output], [],
- 0 $axiom: expr $
+ 0 $accept: expr $end
1 @1: /* empty */
Terminals, with rules where they appear
-$ (0) 0
+$end (0) 0
'a' (97) 2
'b' (98) 2
'c' (99) 4
Nonterminals, with rules where they appear
-$axiom (6)
+$accept (6)
on left: 0
expr (7)
on left: 2 4, on right: 0
state 0
- 0 $axiom: . expr $
+ 0 $accept: . expr $end
'a' shift, and go to state 1
state 2
- 0 $axiom: expr . $
+ 0 $accept: expr . $end
- $ shift, and go to state 5
+ $end shift, and go to state 5
state 3
state 5
- 0 $axiom: expr $ .
+ 0 $accept: expr $end .
- $default accept
+ $default accept
state 6
-AT_CHECK([bison -v input.y -o input.c])
+AT_CHECK([bison -v -o input.c input.y])
default: 'a' }
input.y:3.14: invalid character: `}'
input.y:4.1: invalid character: `%'
input.y:4.2: invalid character: `&'
-input.y:5.1: invalid character: `%'
+input.y:5.1-17: invalid directive: `%a-does-not-exist'
input.y:6.1: invalid character: `%'
input.y:6.2: invalid character: `-'
-input.y:7.1-8.0: unexpected end of file in a prologue
-input.y:7.1-8.0: parse error, unexpected PROLOGUE, expecting ";" or "|"
+input.y:7.1-8.0: missing `%}' at end of file
+input.y:7.1-8.0: syntax error, unexpected "%{...%}", expecting ";" or "|"
AT_SETUP([Token definitions])
# Bison managed, when fed with `%token 'f' "f"' to #define 'f'!
void yyerror (const char *s);
int yylex (void);
-[%token YYEOF 0 "end of file"
+[%token MYEOF 0 "end of file"
%token 'a' "a"
%token b "b"
%token c 'c'
exp: "a";
-AT_CHECK([bison input.y -o input.c])
-AT_COMPILE([input], [input.c -c])
+AT_CHECK([bison -o input.c input.y])
+AT_COMPILE([input.o], [-c input.c])
+## -------------------- ##
+## Characters Escapes. ##
+## -------------------- ##
+AT_SETUP([Characters Escapes])
+void yyerror (const char *s);
+int yylex (void);
+ '\'' "\'"
+| '\"' "\""
+| '"' "'"
+# Pacify font-lock-mode: "
+AT_CHECK([bison -o input.c input.y])
+AT_COMPILE([input.o], [-c input.c])
AT_CHECK([cat input.output], 0,
- 0 $axiom: CONST_DEC_PART $
+ 0 $accept: CONST_DEC_PART $end
Terminals, with rules where they appear
-$ (0) 0
+$end (0) 0
';' (59) 5
'=' (61) 5
error (256)
Nonterminals, with rules where they appear
-$axiom (7)
+$accept (7)
on left: 0
on left: 1, on right: 0
state 0
- 0 $axiom: . CONST_DEC_PART $
+ 0 $accept: . CONST_DEC_PART $end
$default reduce using rule 4 (@1)
state 1
- 0 $axiom: CONST_DEC_PART . $
+ 0 $accept: CONST_DEC_PART . $end
- $ shift, and go to state 5
+ $end shift, and go to state 5
state 2
state 5
- 0 $axiom: CONST_DEC_PART $ .
+ 0 $accept: CONST_DEC_PART $end .
- $default accept
+ $default accept
state 6
-AT_CHECK([bison -v input.y -o input.c])
+AT_CHECK([bison -v -o input.c input.y])
# Check only the tables. We don't use --no-parser, because it is
# still to be implemented in the experimental branch of Bison.
0, 0, 3, 5, 6, 9, 14
-static const signed char yyrhs[] =
+static const yysigned_char yyrhs[] =
8, 0, -1, 9, -1, -1, 10, 11, -1, 3,
4, 5, 8, -1, 6, 8, -1
static const char *const yytname[] =
- "$", "error", "$undefined.", "\"if\"", "\"const\"", "\"then\"",
- "\"else\"", "$axiom", "statement", "struct_stat", "if", "else", 0
+ "$end", "error", "$undefined", "\"if\"", "\"const\"", "\"then\"",
+ "\"else\"", "$accept", "statement", "struct_stat", "if", "else", 0
-static const short yytoknum[] =
+static const unsigned short yytoknum[] =
- 0, 256, 257, 258, 259, 260, 261, -1
+ 0, 256, 257, 258, 259, 260, 261
static const unsigned char yyr1[] =
static const unsigned char yydefact[] =
- 3, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 3, 4, 3,
+ 3, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 1, 3, 4, 3,
6, 5
-static const signed char yydefgoto[] =
+static const yysigned_char yydefgoto[] =
-1, 2, 3, 4, 8
-static const signed char yypact[] =
+static const yysigned_char yypact[] =
-2, -1, 4, -8, 0, 2, -8, -2, -8, -2,
-8, -8
-static const signed char yypgoto[] =
+static const yysigned_char yypgoto[] =
-8, -7, -8, -8, -8
10, 1, 11, 5, 6, 0, 7, 9
-static const signed char yycheck[] =
+static const yysigned_char yycheck[] =
7, 3, 9, 4, 0, -1, 6, 5