- void **ht_vec;
- unsigned long ht_size; /* total number of slots (power of 2) */
- unsigned long ht_capacity; /* usable slots, limited by loading-factor */
- unsigned long ht_fill; /* items in table */
- unsigned long ht_collisions; /* # of failed calls to comparison function */
- unsigned long ht_lookups; /* # of queries */
- unsigned int ht_rehashes; /* # of times we've expanded table */
- hash_func_t ht_hash_1; /* primary hash function */
- hash_func_t ht_hash_2; /* secondary hash function */
- hash_cmp_func_t ht_compare; /* comparison function */
-typedef int (*qsort_cmp_t) PARAMS((void const *, void const *));
-void hash_init PARAMS((struct hash_table *ht, unsigned long size,
- hash_func_t hash_1, hash_func_t hash_2, hash_cmp_func_t hash_cmp));
-void hash_load PARAMS((struct hash_table *ht, void *item_table,
- unsigned long cardinality, unsigned long size));
-void **hash_find_slot PARAMS((struct hash_table *ht, void const *key));
-void *hash_find_item PARAMS((struct hash_table *ht, void const *key));
-const void *hash_insert PARAMS((struct hash_table *ht, void *item));
-const void *hash_insert_at PARAMS((struct hash_table *ht, void *item, void const *slot));
-const void *hash_delete PARAMS((struct hash_table *ht, void const *item));
-const void *hash_delete_at PARAMS((struct hash_table *ht, void const *slot));
-void hash_delete_items PARAMS((struct hash_table *ht));
-void hash_free_items PARAMS((struct hash_table *ht));
-void hash_free PARAMS((struct hash_table *ht, int free_items));
-void hash_map PARAMS((struct hash_table *ht, hash_map_func_t map));
-void hash_print_stats PARAMS((struct hash_table *ht, FILE *out_FILE));
-void **hash_dump PARAMS((struct hash_table *ht, void **vector_0, qsort_cmp_t compare));
-extern void *hash_deleted_item;
-#define HASH_VACANT(item) \
- ((item) == 0 || (const void *) (item) == hash_deleted_item)
-/* hash and comparison macros for string keys. */
-#define STRING_HASH_1(_key_, _result_) { \
- unsigned char const *kk = (unsigned char const *) (_key_) - 1; \
- while (*++kk) \
- (_result_) += (*kk << (kk[1] & 0xf)); \
-} while (0)
-#define return_STRING_HASH_1(_key_) do { \
- unsigned long result = 0; \
- STRING_HASH_1 ((_key_), result); \
- return result; \
-} while (0)
-#define STRING_HASH_2(_key_, _result_) do { \
- unsigned char const *kk = (unsigned char const *) (_key_) - 1; \
- while (*++kk) \
- (_result_) += (*kk << (kk[1] & 0x7)); \
-} while (0)
-#define return_STRING_HASH_2(_key_) do { \
- unsigned long result = 0; \
- STRING_HASH_2 ((_key_), result); \
- return result; \
-} while (0)
-#define STRING_COMPARE(_x_, _y_, _result_) do { \
- unsigned char const *xx = (unsigned char const *) (_x_) - 1; \
- unsigned char const *yy = (unsigned char const *) (_y_) - 1; \
- do { \
- if (*++xx == '\0') { \
- yy++; \
- break; \
- } \
- } while (*xx == *++yy); \
- (_result_) = *xx - *yy; \
-} while (0)
-#define return_STRING_COMPARE(_x_, _y_) do { \
- int result; \
- STRING_COMPARE (_x_, _y_, result); \
- return result; \
-} while (0)
-/* hash and comparison macros for integer keys. */
-#define INTEGER_HASH_1(_key_, _result_) do { \
- (_result_) += ((unsigned long)(_key_)); \
-} while (0)
-#define return_INTEGER_HASH_1(_key_) do { \
- unsigned long result = 0; \
- INTEGER_HASH_1 ((_key_), result); \
- return result; \
-} while (0)
-#define INTEGER_HASH_2(_key_, _result_) do { \
- (_result_) += ~((unsigned long)(_key_)); \
-} while (0)
-#define return_INTEGER_HASH_2(_key_) do { \
- unsigned long result = 0; \
- INTEGER_HASH_2 ((_key_), result); \
- return result; \
-} while (0)
-#define INTEGER_COMPARE(_x_, _y_, _result_) do { \
- (_result_) = _x_ - _y_; \
-} while (0)
-#define return_INTEGER_COMPARE(_x_, _y_) do { \
- int result; \
- INTEGER_COMPARE (_x_, _y_, result); \
- return result; \
-} while (0)
-/* hash and comparison macros for address keys. */
-#define ADDRESS_HASH_1(_key_, _result_) INTEGER_HASH_1 (((unsigned long)(_key_)) >> 3, (_result_))
-#define ADDRESS_HASH_2(_key_, _result_) INTEGER_HASH_2 (((unsigned long)(_key_)) >> 3, (_result_))
-#define ADDRESS_COMPARE(_x_, _y_, _result_) INTEGER_COMPARE ((_x_), (_y_), (_result_))
-#define return_ADDRESS_HASH_1(_key_) return_INTEGER_HASH_1 (((unsigned long)(_key_)) >> 3)
-#define return_ADDRESS_HASH_2(_key_) return_INTEGER_HASH_2 (((unsigned long)(_key_)) >> 3)
-#define return_ADDRESS_COMPARE(_x_, _y_) return_INTEGER_COMPARE ((_x_), (_y_))
-#endif /* not _hash_h_ */
+ {
+ /* The array of buckets starts at BUCKET and extends to BUCKET_LIMIT-1,
+ for a possibility of N_BUCKETS. Among those, N_BUCKETS_USED buckets
+ are not empty, there are N_ENTRIES active entries in the table. */
+ struct hash_entry *bucket;
+ struct hash_entry *bucket_limit;
+ unsigned n_buckets;
+ unsigned n_buckets_used;
+ unsigned n_entries;
+ /* Tuning arguments, kept in a physicaly separate structure. */
+ const Hash_tuning *tuning;
+ /* Three functions are given to `hash_initialize', see the documentation
+ block for this function. In a word, HASHER randomizes a user entry
+ into a number up from 0 up to some maximum minus 1; COMPARATOR returns
+ true if two user entries compare equally; and DATA_FREER is the cleanup
+ function for a user entry. */
+ Hash_hasher hasher;
+ Hash_comparator comparator;
+ Hash_data_freer data_freer;
+ /* A linked list of freed struct hash_entry structs. */
+ struct hash_entry *free_entry_list;
+ /* Whenever obstacks are used, it is possible to allocate all overflowed
+ entries into a single stack, so they all can be freed in a single
+ operation. It is not clear if the speedup is worth the trouble. */
+ struct obstack entry_stack;
+ };
+typedef struct hash_table Hash_table;
+/* Information and lookup. */
+unsigned hash_get_n_buckets PARAMS ((const Hash_table *));
+unsigned hash_get_n_buckets_used PARAMS ((const Hash_table *));
+unsigned hash_get_n_entries PARAMS ((const Hash_table *));
+unsigned hash_get_max_bucket_length PARAMS ((const Hash_table *));
+bool hash_table_ok PARAMS ((const Hash_table *));
+void hash_print_statistics PARAMS ((const Hash_table *, FILE *));
+void *hash_lookup PARAMS ((const Hash_table *, const void *));
+/* Walking. */
+void *hash_get_first PARAMS ((const Hash_table *));
+void *hash_get_next PARAMS ((const Hash_table *, const void *));
+unsigned hash_get_entries PARAMS ((const Hash_table *, void **, unsigned));
+unsigned hash_do_for_each PARAMS ((const Hash_table *, Hash_processor, void *));
+/* Allocation and clean-up. */
+unsigned hash_string PARAMS ((const char *, unsigned));
+void hash_reset_tuning PARAMS ((Hash_tuning *));
+Hash_table *hash_initialize PARAMS ((unsigned, const Hash_tuning *,
+ Hash_hasher, Hash_comparator,
+ Hash_data_freer));
+void hash_clear PARAMS ((Hash_table *));
+void hash_free PARAMS ((Hash_table *));
+/* Insertion and deletion. */
+bool hash_rehash PARAMS ((Hash_table *, unsigned));
+void *hash_insert PARAMS ((Hash_table *, const void *));
+void *hash_delete PARAMS ((Hash_table *, const void *));