#define YY_USER_INIT \
do { \
LOCATION_RESET (*yylloc); \
+ yylloc->file = infile; \
/* This is only to avoid GCC warnings. */ \
if (yycontrol) {;}; \
} while (0)
-#define YY_USER_ACTION LOCATION_COLUMNS (*yylloc, yyleng)
-#define YY_LINES LOCATION_LINES (*yylloc, yyleng); lineno += yyleng;
-#define YY_STEP LOCATION_STEP (*yylloc)
+#define YY_USER_ACTION LOCATION_COLUMNS (*yylloc, yyleng);
+#define YY_LINES LOCATION_LINES (*yylloc, yyleng);
+#define YY_STEP LOCATION_STEP (*yylloc);
/* STRING_OBSTACK -- Used to store all the characters that we need to
keep (to construct ID, STRINGS etc.). Use the following macros to
static int braces_level = 0;
static int percent_percent_count = 0;
-static void handle_action_dollar PARAMS ((char *cp, location_t location));
-static void handle_destructor_dollar PARAMS ((char *cp, location_t location));
-static void handle_at PARAMS ((char *cp));
+/* Within well-formed rules, RULE_LENGTH is the number of values in
+ the current rule so far, which says where to find `$0' with respect
+ to the top of the stack. It is not the same as the rule->length in
+ the case of mid rule actions.
+ Outside of well-formed rules, RULE_LENGTH has an undefined value. */
+static int rule_length;
+static void handle_dollar (braced_code_t code_kind,
+ char *cp, location_t location);
+static void handle_at (braced_code_t code_kind,
+ char *cp, location_t location);
-id [.a-zA-Z][.a-zA-Z_0-9]*
+id [.a-zA-Z_][.a-zA-Z_0-9]*
int [0-9]+
eols (\n|\r|\n\r|\r\n)+
blanks [ \t\f]+
/* At each yylex invocation, mark the current position as the
start of the next token. */
-#define TR_POS 0
-#if TR_POS
- fprintf (stderr, "FOO1: %p: ", yylloc);
- LOCATION_PRINT (stderr, *yylloc);
- fprintf (stderr, "\n");
-#if TR_POS
- fprintf (stderr, "BAR1: ");
- LOCATION_PRINT (stderr, *yylloc);
- fprintf (stderr, "\n");
"%define" return PERCENT_DEFINE;
"%defines" return PERCENT_DEFINES;
"%destructor" return PERCENT_DESTRUCTOR;
+ "%dprec" return PERCENT_DPREC;
"%error"[-_]"verbose" return PERCENT_ERROR_VERBOSE;
"%expect" return PERCENT_EXPECT;
"%file-prefix" return PERCENT_FILE_PREFIX;
"%fixed"[-_]"output"[-_]"files" return PERCENT_YACC;
+ "%glr-parser" return PERCENT_GLR_PARSER;
"%left" return PERCENT_LEFT;
"%locations" return PERCENT_LOCATIONS;
+ "%merge" return PERCENT_MERGE;
"%name"[-_]"prefix" return PERCENT_NAME_PREFIX;
"%no"[-_]"lines" return PERCENT_NO_LINES;
"%nonassoc" return PERCENT_NONASSOC;
"%nterm" return PERCENT_NTERM;
"%output" return PERCENT_OUTPUT;
- "%prec" return PERCENT_PREC;
+ "%parse-param" return PERCENT_PARSE_PARAM;
+ "%prec" { rule_length--; return PERCENT_PREC; }
+ "%printer" return PERCENT_PRINTER;
"%pure"[-_]"parser" return PERCENT_PURE_PARSER;
"%right" return PERCENT_RIGHT;
+ "%lex-param" return PERCENT_LEX_PARAM;
"%skeleton" return PERCENT_SKELETON;
"%start" return PERCENT_START;
"%term" return PERCENT_TOKEN;
"%yacc" return PERCENT_YACC;
"=" return EQUAL;
- ":" return COLON;
- "|" return PIPE;
+ ":" { rule_length = 0; return COLON; }
+ "|" { rule_length = 0; return PIPE; }
+ "," return COMMA;
";" return SEMICOLON;
{blanks} YY_STEP;
{id} {
- yylval->symbol = getsym (yytext, *yylloc);
+ yylval->symbol = symbol_get (yytext, *yylloc);
+ rule_length++;
return ID;
{int} yylval->integer = strtol (yytext, 0, 10); return INT;
/* Characters. We don't check there is only one. */
- \' YY_OBS_GROW; yy_push_state (SC_ESCAPED_CHARACTER);
+ "'" YY_OBS_GROW; yy_push_state (SC_ESCAPED_CHARACTER);
/* Strings. */
- \" YY_OBS_GROW; yy_push_state (SC_ESCAPED_STRING);
+ "\"" YY_OBS_GROW; yy_push_state (SC_ESCAPED_STRING);
/* Comments. */
"/*" yy_push_state (SC_COMMENT);
. {
LOCATION_PRINT (stderr, *yylloc);
- fprintf (stderr, ": invalid character: `%c'\n", *yytext);
+ fprintf (stderr, _(": invalid character: `%c'\n"), *yytext);
<<EOF>> {
LOCATION_PRINT (stderr, *yylloc);
- fprintf (stderr, ": unexpected end of file in a comment\n");
+ fprintf (stderr, _(": unexpected end of file in a comment\n"));
yy_pop_state ();
- \" {
+ "\"" {
assert (yy_top_state () == INITIAL);
yylval->string = last_string;
yy_pop_state ();
+ rule_length++;
return STRING;
<<EOF>> {
LOCATION_PRINT (stderr, *yylloc);
- fprintf (stderr, ": unexpected end of file in a string\n");
+ fprintf (stderr, _(": unexpected end of file in a string\n"));
assert (yy_top_state () == INITIAL);
yylval->string = last_string;
- \' {
+ "'" {
assert (yy_top_state () == INITIAL);
- yylval->symbol = getsym (last_string, *yylloc);
- symbol_class_set (yylval->symbol, token_sym);
- symbol_user_token_number_set (yylval->symbol, last_string[1]);
+ yylval->symbol = symbol_get (last_string, *yylloc);
+ symbol_class_set (yylval->symbol, token_sym, *yylloc);
+ symbol_user_token_number_set (yylval->symbol,
+ (unsigned char) last_string[1], *yylloc);
yy_pop_state ();
+ rule_length++;
return ID;
- [^\'\n\r\\] YY_OBS_GROW;
+ [^\n\r\\] YY_OBS_GROW;
{eols} obstack_1grow (&string_obstack, '\n'); YY_LINES;
<<EOF>> {
LOCATION_PRINT (stderr, *yylloc);
- fprintf (stderr, ": unexpected end of file in a character\n");
+ fprintf (stderr, _(": unexpected end of file in a character\n"));
assert (yy_top_state () == INITIAL);
yylval->string = last_string;
if (c > 255)
LOCATION_PRINT (stderr, *yylloc);
- fprintf (stderr, ": invalid escape: %s\n", yytext);
+ fprintf (stderr, _(": invalid escape: %s\n"), quote (yytext));
\\r obstack_1grow (&string_obstack, '\r');
\\t obstack_1grow (&string_obstack, '\t');
\\v obstack_1grow (&string_obstack, '\v');
- \\[\\""] obstack_1grow (&string_obstack, yytext[1]);
- \\. {
+ \\[\\""''] obstack_1grow (&string_obstack, yytext[1]);
+ \\(.|\n) {
LOCATION_PRINT (stderr, *yylloc);
- fprintf (stderr, ": unrecognized escape: %s\n", yytext);
+ fprintf (stderr, _(": unrecognized escape: %s\n"), quote (yytext));
+ /* FLex wants this rule, in case of a `\<<EOF>>'. */
- \' {
+ "'" {
assert (yy_top_state () != INITIAL);
yy_pop_state ();
- [^\[\]\'\n\r\\] YY_OBS_GROW;
- \\. YY_OBS_GROW;
+ [^\[\]\'\n\r\\]+ YY_OBS_GROW;
+ \\(.|\n) YY_OBS_GROW;
+ /* FLex wants this rule, in case of a `\<<EOF>>'. */
<<EOF>> {
LOCATION_PRINT (stderr, *yylloc);
- fprintf (stderr, ": unexpected end of file in a character\n");
+ fprintf (stderr, _(": unexpected end of file in a character\n"));
assert (yy_top_state () != INITIAL);
yy_pop_state ();
- \" {
+ "\"" {
assert (yy_top_state () != INITIAL);
yy_pop_state ();
[^\[\]\"\n\r\\]+ YY_OBS_GROW;
- \\. YY_OBS_GROW;
+ \\(.|\n) YY_OBS_GROW;
+ /* FLex wants this rule, in case of a `\<<EOF>>'. */
<<EOF>> {
LOCATION_PRINT (stderr, *yylloc);
- fprintf (stderr, ": unexpected end of file in a string\n");
+ fprintf (stderr, _(": unexpected end of file in a string\n"));
assert (yy_top_state () != INITIAL);
yy_pop_state ();
/* Characters. We don't check there is only one. */
- \' YY_OBS_GROW; yy_push_state (SC_CHARACTER);
+ "'" YY_OBS_GROW; yy_push_state (SC_CHARACTER);
/* Strings. */
- \" YY_OBS_GROW; yy_push_state (SC_STRING);
+ "\"" YY_OBS_GROW; yy_push_state (SC_STRING);
/* Comments. */
"/*" YY_OBS_GROW; yy_push_state (SC_COMMENT);
"//".* YY_OBS_GROW;
+ /* Not comments. */
+ "/" YY_OBS_GROW;
yy_pop_state ();
yylval->string = last_string;
+ rule_length++;
"{" YY_OBS_GROW; braces_level++;
- "$"("<"[^>]+">")?(-?[0-9]+|"$") {
- switch (current_braced_code)
- {
- case action_braced_code:
- handle_action_dollar (yytext, *yylloc);
- break;
- case destructor_braced_code:
- handle_destructor_dollar (yytext, *yylloc);
- break;
- }
- }
- "@"(-?[0-9]+|"$") { handle_at (yytext); }
+ "$"("<"[^>]+">")?(-?[0-9]+|"$") { handle_dollar (current_braced_code,
+ yytext, *yylloc); }
+ "@"(-?[0-9]+|"$") { handle_at (current_braced_code,
+ yytext, *yylloc); }
[^$@\[\]/\'\"\{\}\n\r]+ YY_OBS_GROW;
<<EOF>> {
LOCATION_PRINT (stderr, *yylloc);
- fprintf (stderr, ": unexpected end of file in a braced code\n");
+ fprintf (stderr, _(": unexpected end of file in a braced code\n"));
yy_pop_state ();
yylval->string = last_string;
return PROLOGUE;
- [^%\[\]/\'\"\n\r]+ YY_OBS_GROW;
- "%"+[^%\}\n\r]+ YY_OBS_GROW;
+ [^%\[\]/\'\"\n\r]+ YY_OBS_GROW;
+ "%" YY_OBS_GROW;
<<EOF>> {
LOCATION_PRINT (stderr, *yylloc);
- fprintf (stderr, ": unexpected end of file in a prologue\n");
+ fprintf (stderr, _(": unexpected end of file in a prologue\n"));
yy_pop_state ();
yylval->string = last_string;
return PROLOGUE;
-| CP is pointing to a wannabee semantic value (i.e., a `$'). |
+| TEXT is pointing to a wannabee semantic value (i.e., a `$'). |
| |
| Possible inputs: $[<TYPENAME>]($|integer) |
| |
| Output to the STRING_OBSTACK a reference to this semantic value. |
-static void
-handle_action_dollar (char *cp, location_t location)
+static inline void
+handle_action_dollar (char *text, location_t location)
const char *type_name = NULL;
- ++cp;
+ char *cp = text + 1;
/* Get the type name if explicit. */
if (*cp == '<')
obstack_fgrow1 (&string_obstack,
"]b4_lhs_value([%s])[", type_name);
- else if (isdigit (*cp) || *cp == '-')
+ else if (('0' <= *cp && *cp <= '9') || *cp == '-')
- /* RULE_LENGTH is the number of values in the current rule so
- far, which says where to find `$0' with respect to the top of
- the stack. It is not the same as the rule->length in the
- case of mid rule actions. */
- int rule_length = symbol_list_length (current_rule->next);
int n = strtol (cp, &cp, 10);
if (n > rule_length)
- char buf[] = "$c";
- buf[1] = *cp;
- complain_at (location, _("%s is invalid"), quote (buf));
+ complain_at (location, _("%s is invalid"), quote (text));
-| CP is pointing to $$ in a destructor. This should probably be |
-| done once the grammar completely parsed, instead of during its |
-| parsing, since that means %type must be specified before |
-| %destructor. |
+| TEXT is expexted tp be $$ in some code associated to a symbol: |
+| destructor or printer. |
-static void
-handle_destructor_dollar (char *cp, location_t location)
+static inline void
+handle_symbol_code_dollar (char *text, location_t location)
- ++cp;
+ char *cp = text + 1;
if (*cp == '$')
- {
- /* FIXME: We should find something more robust. */
- obstack_sgrow (&string_obstack, "b4_dollar_dollar");
- }
+ obstack_sgrow (&string_obstack, "]b4_dollar_dollar[");
+ complain_at (location, _("%s is invalid"), quote (text));
+| Dispatch onto handle_action_dollar, or handle_destructor_dollar, |
+| depending upon CODE_KIND. |
+static void
+handle_dollar (braced_code_t braced_code_kind,
+ char *text, location_t location)
+ switch (braced_code_kind)
- char buf[] = "$c";
- buf[1] = *cp;
- complain_at (location, _("%s is invalid"), quote (buf));
+ case action_braced_code:
+ handle_action_dollar (text, location);
+ break;
+ case destructor_braced_code:
+ case printer_braced_code:
+ handle_symbol_code_dollar (text, location);
+ break;
-| CP is pointing to a location (i.e., a `@'). Output to |
-| STRING_OBSTACK a reference to this location. |
-static void
-handle_at (char *cp)
+| TEXT is a location token (i.e., a `@...'). Output to |
+| STRING_OBSTACK a reference to this location. |
+static inline void
+handle_action_at (char *text, location_t location)
+ char *cp = text + 1;
locations_flag = 1;
- ++cp;
if (*cp == '$')
obstack_sgrow (&string_obstack, "]b4_lhs_location[");
- else if (isdigit (*cp) || *cp == '-')
+ else if (('0' <= *cp && *cp <= '9') || *cp == '-')
- /* RULE_LENGTH is the number of values in the current rule so
- far, which says where to find `$0' with respect to the top of
- the stack. It is not the same as the rule->length in the
- case of mid rule actions. */
- int rule_length = symbol_list_length (current_rule->next);
int n = strtol (cp, &cp, 10);
if (n > rule_length)
- complain (_("invalid value: %s%d"), "@", n);
+ complain_at (location, _("invalid value: %s%d"), "@", n);
obstack_fgrow2 (&string_obstack, "]b4_rhs_location([%d], [%d])[",
rule_length, n);
- char buf[] = "@c";
- buf[1] = *cp;
- complain (_("%s is invalid"), quote (buf));
+ complain_at (location, _("%s is invalid"), quote (text));
+| TEXT is expexted tp be @$ in some code associated to a symbol: |
+| destructor or printer. |
+static inline void
+handle_symbol_code_at (char *text, location_t location)
+ char *cp = text + 1;
+ if (*cp == '$')
+ obstack_sgrow (&string_obstack, "]b4_at_dollar[");
+ else
+ complain_at (location, _("%s is invalid"), quote (text));
+| Dispatch onto handle_action_at, or handle_destructor_at, depending |
+| upon CODE_KIND. |
+static void
+handle_at (braced_code_t braced_code_kind,
+ char *text, location_t location)
+ switch (braced_code_kind)
+ {
+ case action_braced_code:
+ handle_action_at (text, location);
+ break;
+ case destructor_braced_code:
+ case printer_braced_code:
+ handle_symbol_code_at (text, location);
+ break;
+ }
+| Initialize the scanner. |
scanner_initialize (void)
+| Free all the memory allocated to the scanner. |
scanner_free (void)
obstack_free (&string_obstack, 0);
+ /* Reclaim Flex's buffers. */
+ yy_delete_buffer (YY_CURRENT_BUFFER);