# C++ skeleton for Bison
-# Copyright (C) 2002, 2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# b4_parse_param_decl
# -------------------
-# Constructor's extra arguments.
+# Extra formal arguments of the constructor.
+# Change the parameter names from "foo" into "foo_yyarg", so that
+# there is no collision bw the user chosen attribute name, and the
+# argument name in the constructor.
- [m4_ifset([b4_parse_param], [, b4_c_ansi_formals(b4_parse_param)])])
+ [, m4_map_sep([b4_parse_param_decl_1], [, ], [b4_parse_param])])])
# b4_parse_param_cons
# -------------------
-# constructor's extra initialisations.
+# Extra initialisations of the constructor.
[m4_map_sep([b4_cc_constructor_call], [,
], [$@])])
- [$2($2)])
+ [$2 ($2_yyarg)])
# b4_parse_param_vars
# -------------------
-# Extra instance variables.
+# Extra instance variables.
[ $1;])
# We do want M4 expansion after # for CPP macros.
m4_if(b4_defines_flag, 0, [],
[@output @output_header_name@
b4_copyright([C++ Skeleton parser for LALR(1) parsing with Bison],
- [2002, 2003])[
+ [2002, 2003, 2004])[
/* FIXME: This is wrong, we want computed header guards.
I don't know why the macros are missing now. :( */
# define YYERROR_VERBOSE ]b4_error_verbose[
-#ifndef YYSTYPE
+#if ! defined (YYSTYPE) && ! defined (YYSTYPE_IS_DECLARED)
[b4_syncline([b4_stype_line], [b4_filename])
-typedef union b4_stype yystype;
+union YYSTYPE b4_stype;
/* Line __line__ of lalr1.cc. */
b4_syncline([@oline@], [@ofile@])],
-[typedef int yystype;])[
-# define YYSTYPE yystype
+[typedef int YYSTYPE;])[
+# define yystype YYSTYPE /* obsolescent; will be withdrawn */
/* Copy the second part of user declarations. */
]/* Line __line__ of lalr1.cc. */
b4_syncline([@oline@], [@ofile@])[
+/* YYLLOC_DEFAULT -- Set CURRENT to span from RHS[1] to RHS[N].
+ If N is 0, then set CURRENT to the empty location which ends
+ the previous symbol: RHS[0] (always defined). */
-# define YYLLOC_DEFAULT(Current, Rhs, N) \
- ((Current).end = Rhs[N].end)
+# define YYLLOC_DEFAULT(Current, Rhs, N) \
+do { \
+ if (N) \
+ { \
+ (Current).begin = (Rhs)[1].begin; \
+ (Current).end = (Rhs)[N].end; \
+ } \
+ else \
+ { \
+ (Current).begin = (Current).end = (Rhs)[0].end; \
+ } \
+} while (0)
namespace yy
class ]b4_parser_class_name[;
- template < typename P >
+ template <typename P>
struct Traits
- template < >
- struct Traits< ]b4_parser_class_name[ >
+ template <>
+ struct Traits<]b4_parser_class_name[>
typedef ]b4_int_type_for([b4_translate])[ TokenNumberType;
typedef ]b4_int_type_for([b4_rhs])[ RhsNumberType;
- typedef int StateType;
- typedef yystype SemanticType;
+ typedef int StateType;
+ typedef YYSTYPE SemanticType;
typedef ]b4_location_type[ LocationType;
- typedef Traits< ]b4_parser_class_name[ >::TokenNumberType TokenNumberType;
- typedef Traits< ]b4_parser_class_name[ >::RhsNumberType RhsNumberType;
- typedef Traits< ]b4_parser_class_name[ >::StateType StateType;
- typedef Traits< ]b4_parser_class_name[ >::SemanticType SemanticType;
- typedef Traits< ]b4_parser_class_name[ >::LocationType LocationType;
+ typedef Traits<]b4_parser_class_name[>::TokenNumberType TokenNumberType;
+ typedef Traits<]b4_parser_class_name[>::RhsNumberType RhsNumberType;
+ typedef Traits<]b4_parser_class_name[>::StateType StateType;
+ typedef Traits<]b4_parser_class_name[>::SemanticType SemanticType;
+ typedef Traits<]b4_parser_class_name[>::LocationType LocationType;
- typedef Stack< StateType > StateStack;
- typedef Stack< SemanticType > SemanticStack;
- typedef Stack< LocationType > LocationStack;
+ typedef Stack<StateType> StateStack;
+ typedef Stack<SemanticType> SemanticStack;
+ typedef Stack<LocationType> LocationStack;
- ]b4_parser_class_name[ (bool debug,
- LocationType initlocation][]b4_param[]b4_parse_param_decl[) :
- ]b4_constructor[][debug_ (debug),
- cdebug_ (std::cerr),
- initlocation_ (initlocation)]b4_parse_param_cons[
]b4_parser_class_name[ (bool debug][]b4_param[]b4_parse_param_decl[) :
]b4_constructor[][debug_ (debug),
- cdebug_ (std::cerr)]b4_parse_param_cons[
+ yycdebug_ (&std::cerr)]b4_parse_param_cons[
+ {
+ }
+ ]b4_parser_class_name[ (bool debug,
+ LocationType][]b4_param[]b4_parse_param_decl[) :
+ ]b4_constructor[][debug_ (debug),
+ yycdebug_ (&std::cerr)]b4_parse_param_cons[
+ *yycdebug_ << __FILE__ << ':' << __LINE__
+ << ": this constructor is provided by backward compatibility"
+ << ", but will be removed in the near future."
+ << std::endl;
virtual ~]b4_parser_class_name[ ()
virtual int parse ();
+ /// Return the current debugging stream.
+ std::ostream& debug_stream () const;
+ /// Set the current debugging stream.
+ void set_debug_stream (std::ostream &);
virtual void lex_ ();
virtual void error_ ();
- virtual void print_ ();
+ virtual void report_syntax_error_ ();
+ virtual void symprint_ (int yytype,
+ const SemanticType* yyvaluep,
+ const LocationType* yylocationp);
+#endif /* ! YYDEBUG */
/* Stacks. */
StateStack state_stack_;
static const ]b4_int_type_for([b4_table])[ table_[];
static const ]b4_int_type(b4_table_ninf, b4_table_ninf)[ table_ninf_;
static const ]b4_int_type_for([b4_check])[ check_[];
+ static const ]b4_int_type_for([b4_stos])[ stos_[];
static const ]b4_int_type_for([b4_r1])[ r1_[];
static const ]b4_int_type_for([b4_r2])[ r2_[];
static const RhsNumberType rhs_[];
static const ]b4_int_type_for([b4_prhs])[ prhs_[];
static const ]b4_int_type_for([b4_rline])[ rline_[];
- static const ]b4_int_type_for([b4_stos])[ stos_[];
static const ]b4_int_type_for([b4_toknum])[ token_number_[];
virtual void reduce_print_ (int yyrule);
virtual void stack_print_ ();
/* Even more tables. */
- static inline TokenNumberType translate_ (int token);
+ inline TokenNumberType translate_ (int token);
+ inline void destruct_ (const char* yymsg,
+ int yytype,
+ SemanticType* yyvaluep, LocationType* yylocationp);
+ /// Pop \a n symbols the three stacks.
+ inline void pop (unsigned int n = 1);
/* Constants. */
static const int eof_;
static const int terror_;
static const int errcode_;
static const int ntokens_;
- static const unsigned user_token_number_max_;
+ static const unsigned int user_token_number_max_;
static const TokenNumberType undef_token_;
/* State. */
int len_;
int state_;
+ /* Error handling. */
+ int nerrs_;
+ int errstatus_;
/* Debugging. */
int debug_;
- std::ostream &cdebug_;
+ std::ostream* yycdebug_;
- /* Lookahead and lookahead in internal form. */
+ /* Look-ahead and look-ahead in internal form. */
int looka_;
int ilooka_;
/* Message. */
std::string message;
- /* Semantic value and location of lookahead token. */
+ /// Semantic value of the look-ahead.
SemanticType value;
+ /// Location of the look-ahead.
LocationType location;
+ /// The locations where the error started and ended.
+ Location error_range_[2];
- /* @@$ and $$. */
+ /// $$.
SemanticType yyval;
+ /// @@$.
LocationType yyloc;
- /* Initial location. */
- LocationType initlocation_;
@output @output_parser_name@
b4_copyright([C++ Skeleton parser for LALR(1) parsing with Bison],
- [2002, 2003])
+ [2002, 2003, 2004])
m4_if(b4_defines_flag, 0, [], [#include @output_header_name@])[
+/* A pseudo ostream that takes debug_ into account. */
+# define YYCDEBUG \
+ for (bool yydebugcond_ = debug_; yydebugcond_; yydebugcond_ = false) \
+ (*yycdebug_)
/* Enable debugging if requested. */
-# define YYCDEBUG if (debug_) cdebug_
+# define YY_SYMBOL_PRINT(Title, Type, Value, Location) \
+do { \
+ if (debug_) \
+ { \
+ *yycdebug_ << (Title) << ' '; \
+ symprint_ ((Type), (Value), (Location)); \
+ *yycdebug_ << std::endl; \
+ } \
+} while (0)
# define YY_REDUCE_PRINT(Rule) \
do { \
if (debug_) \
reduce_print_ (Rule); \
} while (0)
# define YY_STACK_PRINT() \
do { \
if (debug_) \
stack_print_ (); \
} while (0)
#else /* !YYDEBUG */
-# define YYCDEBUG if (0) cdebug_
+# define YY_SYMBOL_PRINT(Title, Type, Value, Location)
# define YY_REDUCE_PRINT(Rule)
# define YY_STACK_PRINT()
#endif /* !YYDEBUG */
#define YYACCEPT goto yyacceptlab
#define YYABORT goto yyabortlab
#define YYERROR goto yyerrorlab
+| Print this symbol on YYOUTPUT. |
+yy::]b4_parser_class_name[::symprint_ (int yytype,
+ const SemanticType* yyvaluep, const LocationType* yylocationp)
+ /* Pacify ``unused variable'' warnings. */
+ (void) yyvaluep;
+ (void) yylocationp;
+ /* Backward compatibility, but should be removed eventually. */
+ std::ostream& cdebug_ = *yycdebug_;
+ (void) cdebug_;
+ *yycdebug_ << (yytype < ntokens_ ? "token" : "nterm")
+ << ' ' << name_[yytype] << " ("
+ << *yylocationp << ": ";
+ switch (yytype)
+ {
+]m4_map([b4_symbol_actions], m4_defn([b4_symbol_printers]))dnl
+[ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ *yycdebug_ << ')';
+#endif /* ! YYDEBUG */
+yy::]b4_parser_class_name[::destruct_ (const char* yymsg,
+ int yytype, SemanticType* yyvaluep, LocationType* yylocationp)
+ /* Pacify ``unused variable'' warnings. */
+ (void) yyvaluep;
+ (void) yylocationp;
+ YY_SYMBOL_PRINT (yymsg, yytype, yyvaluep, yylocationp);
+ switch (yytype)
+ {
+]m4_map([b4_symbol_actions], m4_defn([b4_symbol_destructors]))[
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+yy::]b4_parser_class_name[::pop (unsigned int n)
+ state_stack_.pop (n);
+ semantic_stack_.pop (n);
+ location_stack_.pop (n);
+yy::]b4_parser_class_name[::debug_stream () const
+ return *yycdebug_;
+yy::]b4_parser_class_name[::set_debug_stream (std::ostream& o)
+ yycdebug_ = &o;
yy::]b4_parser_class_name[::parse ()
- int nerrs = 0;
- int errstatus = 0;
+ YYCDEBUG << "Starting parse" << std::endl;
- /* Initialize the stacks. The initial state will be pushed in
- yynewstate, since the latter expects the semantical and the
- location values to have been already stored, initialize these
- stacks with a primary value. */
- state_stack_ = StateStack (0);
- semantic_stack_ = SemanticStack (1);
- location_stack_ = LocationStack (1);
+ nerrs_ = 0;
+ errstatus_ = 0;
/* Start. */
state_ = 0;
looka_ = empty_;
- location = initlocation_;
- YYCDEBUG << "Starting parse" << std::endl;
+]m4_ifdef([b4_initial_action], [
+m4_pushdef([b4_at_dollar], [location])dnl
+m4_pushdef([b4_dollar_dollar], [value])dnl
+ /* User initialization code. */
+ b4_initial_action
+/* Line __line__ of yacc.c. */
+b4_syncline([@oline@], [@ofile@])])dnl
+[ /* Initialize the stacks. The initial state will be pushed in
+ yynewstate, since the latter expects the semantical and the
+ location values to have been already stored, initialize these
+ stacks with a primary value. */
+ state_stack_ = StateStack (0);
+ semantic_stack_ = SemanticStack (0);
+ location_stack_ = LocationStack (0);
+ semantic_stack_.push (value);
+ location_stack_.push (location);
/* New state. */
- yynewstate:
state_stack_.push (state_);
YYCDEBUG << "Entering state " << state_ << std::endl;
goto yybackup;
/* Backup. */
- yybackup:
- /* Try to take a decision without lookahead. */
+ /* Try to take a decision without look-ahead. */
n_ = pact_[state_];
if (n_ == pact_ninf_)
goto yydefault;
- /* Read a lookahead token. */
+ /* Read a look-ahead token. */
if (looka_ == empty_)
YYCDEBUG << "Reading a token: ";
/* Convert token to internal form. */
- if (looka_ <= 0)
+ if (looka_ <= eof_)
- looka_ = eof_;
- ilooka_ = 0;
+ looka_ = ilooka_ = eof_;
YYCDEBUG << "Now at end of input." << std::endl;
ilooka_ = translate_ (looka_);
- if (debug_)
- {
- YYCDEBUG << "Next token is " << looka_
- << " (" << name_[ilooka_];
- print_ ();
- YYCDEBUG << ')' << std::endl;
- }
+ YY_SYMBOL_PRINT ("Next token is", ilooka_, &value, &location);
- /* If the proper action on seeing token YYTOKEN is to reduce or to
+ /* If the proper action on seeing token ILOOKA_ is to reduce or to
detect an error, take that action. */
n_ += ilooka_;
if (n_ < 0 || last_ < n_ || check_[n_] != ilooka_)
if (n_ == final_)
goto yyacceptlab;
- /* Shift the lookahead token. */
- YYCDEBUG << "Shifting token " << looka_
- << " (" << name_[ilooka_] << "), ";
+ /* Shift the look-ahead token. */
+ YY_SYMBOL_PRINT ("Shifting", ilooka_, &value, &location);
/* Discard the token being shifted unless it is eof. */
if (looka_ != eof_)
/* Count tokens shifted since error; after three, turn off error
status. */
- if (errstatus)
- --errstatus;
+ if (errstatus_)
+ --errstatus_;
state_ = n_;
goto yynewstate;
| yydefault -- do the default action for the current state. |
- yydefault:
n_ = defact_[state_];
if (n_ == 0)
goto yyerrlab;
| yyreduce -- Do a reduction. |
- yyreduce:
len_ = r2_[n_];
/* If LEN_ is nonzero, implement the default value of the action:
`$$ = $1'. Otherwise, use the top of the stack.
This behavior is undocumented and Bison
users should not rely upon it. */
if (len_)
- {
- yyval = semantic_stack_[len_ - 1];
- yyloc = location_stack_[len_ - 1];
- }
+ yyval = semantic_stack_[len_ - 1];
- {
- yyval = semantic_stack_[0];
- yyloc = location_stack_[0];
- }
+ yyval = semantic_stack_[0];
- if (len_)
- {
- Slice< LocationType, LocationStack > slice (location_stack_, len_);
- YYLLOC_DEFAULT (yyloc, slice, len_);
- }
+ {
+ Slice<LocationType, LocationStack> slice (location_stack_, len_);
+ YYLLOC_DEFAULT (yyloc, slice, len_);
+ }
switch (n_)
]/* Line __line__ of lalr1.cc. */
b4_syncline([@oline@], [@ofile@])[
- state_stack_.pop (len_);
- semantic_stack_.pop (len_);
- location_stack_.pop (len_);
+ pop (len_);
| yyerrlab -- here on detecting error |
- yyerrlab:
/* If not already recovering from an error, report this error. */
- if (!errstatus)
- {
- ++nerrs;
- n_ = pact_[state_];
- if (pact_ninf_ < n_ && n_ < last_)
- {
- message = "syntax error, unexpected ";
- message += name_[ilooka_];
- {
- int count = 0;
- /* Start YYX at -YYN if negative to avoid negative indexes in
- int xbegin = n_ < 0 ? -n_ : 0;
- /* Stay within bounds of both yycheck and yytname. */
- int checklim = last_ - n_;
- int xend = checklim < ntokens_ ? checklim : ntokens_;
- for (int x = xbegin; x < xend; ++x)
- if (check_[x + n_] == x && x != terror_)
- ++count;
- if (count < 5)
- {
- count = 0;
- for (int x1 = xbegin; x1 < xend; ++x1)
- if (check_[x1 + n_] == x1 && x1 != terror_)
- {
- message += (!count++) ? ", expecting " : " or ";
- message += name_[x1];
- }
- }
- }
- }
- else
- message = "syntax error";
- error_ ();
- }
+ report_syntax_error_ ();
- if (errstatus == 3)
+ error_range_[0] = location;
+ if (errstatus_ == 3)
- /* If just tried and failed to reuse lookahead token after an
+ /* If just tried and failed to reuse look-ahead token after an
error, discard it. */
/* Return failure if at end of input. */
if (looka_ == eof_)
for (;;)
- state_stack_.pop ();
- semantic_stack_.pop ();
- location_stack_.pop ();
+ error_range_[0] = location_stack_[0];
+ pop ();
if (state_stack_.height () == 1)
-// YYDSYMPRINTF ("Error: popping", yystos[*yyssp], yyvsp, yylsp);
-// FIXME: yydestruct (yystos[*yyssp], yyvsp]b4_location_if([, yylsp])[);
+ destruct_ ("Error: popping",
+ stos_[state_stack_[0]],
+ &semantic_stack_[0],
+ &location_stack_[0]);
- YYCDEBUG << "Discarding token " << looka_
- << " (" << name_[ilooka_] << ")." << std::endl;
-// yydestruct (yytoken, &yylval]b4_location_if([, &yylloc])[);
- looka_ = empty_;
+ destruct_ ("Error: discarding", ilooka_, &value, &location);
+ looka_ = empty_;
- /* Else will try to reuse lookahead token after shifting the error
+ /* Else will try to reuse look-ahead token after shifting the error
token. */
goto yyerrlab1;
- state_stack_.pop (len_);
- semantic_stack_.pop (len_);
- location_stack_.pop (len_);
+#ifdef __GNUC__
+ /* Pacify GCC when the user code never invokes YYERROR and the label
+ yyerrorlab therefore never appears in user code. */
+ if (0)
+ goto yyerrorlab;
+ error_range_[0] = location_stack_[len_ - 1];
+ pop (len_);
state_ = state_stack_[0];
goto yyerrlab1;
| yyerrlab1 -- common code for both syntax error and YYERROR. |
- errstatus = 3; /* Each real token shifted decrements this. */
+ errstatus_ = 3; /* Each real token shifted decrements this. */
for (;;)
if (state_stack_.height () == 1)
- if (debug_)
- {
- if (stos_[state_] < ntokens_)
- {
- YYCDEBUG << "Error: popping token "
- << token_number_[stos_[state_]]
- << " (" << name_[stos_[state_]];
-# ifdef YYPRINT
- YYPRINT (stderr, token_number_[stos_[state_]],
- semantic_stack_.top ());
-# endif
- YYCDEBUG << ')' << std::endl;
- }
- else
- {
- YYCDEBUG << "Error: popping nonterminal ("
- << name_[stos_[state_]] << ')' << std::endl;
- }
- }
- state_stack_.pop ();
- semantic_stack_.pop ();
- location_stack_.pop ();
+ error_range_[0] = location_stack_[0];
+ destruct_ ("Error: popping",
+ stos_[state_], &semantic_stack_[0], &location_stack_[0]);
+ pop ();
state_ = state_stack_[0];
if (n_ == final_)
goto yyacceptlab;
- YYCDEBUG << "Shifting error token, ";
+ error_range_[1] = location;
+ // Using LOCATION is tempting, but would change the location of
+ // the look-ahead. YYLOC is available though.
+ YYLLOC_DEFAULT (yyloc, error_range_ - 1, 2);
semantic_stack_.push (value);
- location_stack_.push (location);
+ location_stack_.push (yyloc);
+ /* Shift the error token. */
+ YY_SYMBOL_PRINT ("Shifting", stos_[n_],
+ &semantic_stack_[0], &location_stack_[0]);
state_ = n_;
goto yynewstate;
/* Accept. */
- yyacceptlab:
return 0;
/* Abort. */
- yyabortlab:
+ /* Free the lookahead. */
+ destruct_ ("Error: discarding lookahead", ilooka_, &value, &location);
+ looka_ = empty_;
return 1;
+/** Generate an error message, and invoke yyerror. */
+yy::]b4_parser_class_name[::report_syntax_error_ ()
+ /* If not already recovering from an error, report this error. */
+ if (!errstatus_)
+ {
+ ++nerrs_;
+ n_ = pact_[state_];
+ if (pact_ninf_ < n_ && n_ < last_)
+ {
+ message = "syntax error, unexpected ";
+ message += name_[ilooka_];
+ {
+ int count = 0;
+ for (int x = (n_ < 0 ? -n_ : 0); x < ntokens_ + nnts_; ++x)
+ if (check_[x + n_] == x && x != terror_)
+ ++count;
+ if (count < 5)
+ {
+ count = 0;
+ for (int x = (n_ < 0 ? -n_ : 0); x < ntokens_ + nnts_; ++x)
+ if (check_[x + n_] == x && x != terror_)
+ {
+ message += (!count++) ? ", expecting " : " or ";
+ message += name_[x];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ message = "syntax error";
+ error_ ();
+ }
/* YYPACT[STATE-NUM] -- Index in YYTABLE of the portion describing
/* STOS_[STATE-NUM] -- The (internal number of the) accessing
symbol of state STATE-NUM. */
const ]b4_int_type_for([b4_stos])[
/* TOKEN_NUMBER_[YYLEX-NUM] -- Internal token number corresponding
to YYLEX-NUM. */
const ]b4_int_type_for([b4_toknum])[
/* YYTNAME[SYMBOL-NUM] -- String name of the symbol SYMBOL-NUM.
- First, the terminals, then, starting at YYNTOKENS, nonterminals. */
+ First, the terminals, then, starting at NTOKENS_, nonterminals. */
const char*
const yy::]b4_parser_class_name[::name_[] =
yy::]b4_parser_class_name[::stack_print_ ()
- cdebug_ << "state stack now";
- for (StateStack::ConstIterator i = state_stack_.begin ();
+ *yycdebug_ << "Stack now";
+ for (StateStack::const_iterator i = state_stack_.begin ();
i != state_stack_.end (); ++i)
- cdebug_ << ' ' << *i;
- cdebug_ << std::endl;
+ *yycdebug_ << ' ' << *i;
+ *yycdebug_ << std::endl;
/** Report that the YYRULE is going to be reduced. */
unsigned int yylno = rline_[yyrule];
/* Print the symbols being reduced, and their result. */
- cdebug_ << "Reducing via rule " << n_ - 1 << " (line " << yylno << "), ";
+ *yycdebug_ << "Reducing stack by rule " << n_ - 1
+ << " (line " << yylno << "), ";
for (]b4_int_type_for([b4_prhs])[ i = prhs_[n_];
0 <= rhs_[i]; ++i)
- cdebug_ << name_[rhs_[i]] << ' ';
- cdebug_ << "-> " << name_[r1_[n_]] << std::endl;
+ *yycdebug_ << name_[rhs_[i]] << ' ';
+ *yycdebug_ << "-> " << name_[r1_[n_]] << std::endl;
#endif // YYDEBUG
- if ((unsigned) token <= user_token_number_max_)
+ if ((unsigned int) token <= user_token_number_max_)
return translate_table[token];
return undef_token_;
const int yy::]b4_parser_class_name[::errcode_ = 256;
const int yy::]b4_parser_class_name[::ntokens_ = ]b4_tokens_number[;
-const unsigned yy::]b4_parser_class_name[::user_token_number_max_ = ]b4_user_token_number_max[;
+const unsigned int yy::]b4_parser_class_name[::user_token_number_max_ = ]b4_user_token_number_max[;
const yy::]b4_parser_class_name[::TokenNumberType yy::]b4_parser_class_name[::undef_token_ = ]b4_undef_token_number[;
@output stack.hh
-b4_copyright([Stack handling for Bison C++ parsers], [2002, 2003])[
+b4_copyright([Stack handling for Bison C++ parsers], [2002, 2003, 2004])[
namespace yy
- template < class T, class S = std::deque< T > >
+ template <class T, class S = std::deque<T> >
class Stack
- typedef typename S::iterator Iterator;
- typedef typename S::const_iterator ConstIterator;
+ // Hide our reversed order.
+ typedef typename S::reverse_iterator iterator;
+ typedef typename S::const_reverse_iterator const_iterator;
Stack () : seq_ ()
- Stack (unsigned n) : seq_ (n)
+ Stack (unsigned int n) : seq_ (n)
- operator [] (unsigned i)
+ operator [] (unsigned int i)
return seq_[i];
const T&
- operator [] (unsigned i) const
+ operator [] (unsigned int i) const
return seq_[i];
- pop (unsigned n = 1)
+ pop (unsigned int n = 1)
for (; n; --n)
seq_.pop_front ();
- unsigned
+ unsigned int
height () const
return seq_.size ();
- inline ConstIterator begin () const { return seq_.begin (); }
- inline ConstIterator end () const { return seq_.end (); }
+ inline const_iterator begin () const { return seq_.rbegin (); }
+ inline const_iterator end () const { return seq_.rend (); }
S seq_;
- template < class T, class S = Stack< T > >
+ template <class T, class S = Stack<T> >
class Slice
Slice (const S& stack,
- unsigned range) : stack_ (stack),
- range_ (range)
+ unsigned int range) : stack_ (stack),
+ range_ (range)
const T&
- operator [] (unsigned i) const
+ operator [] (unsigned int i) const
return stack_[range_ - i];
const S& stack_;
- unsigned range_;
+ unsigned int range_;
#endif // not BISON_STACK_HH]
@output position.hh
-b4_copyright([Position class for Bison C++ parsers], [2002, 2003])[
+b4_copyright([Position class for Bison C++ parsers], [2002, 2003, 2004])[
** \file position.hh
#endif // not BISON_POSITION_HH]
@output location.hh
-b4_copyright([Location class for Bison C++ parsers], [2002, 2003])[
+b4_copyright([Location class for Bison C++ parsers], [2002, 2003, 2004])[
** \file location.hh
/** \brief Add two Location objects */
- inline const Location operator+ (const Location& begin, unsigned width)
+ inline const Location operator+ (const Location& begin, unsigned int width)
Location res = begin;
res.columns (width);
/** \brief Add and assign a Location */
- inline Location &operator+= (Location& res, unsigned width)
+ inline Location& operator+= (Location& res, unsigned int width)
res.columns (width);
return res;