-/* Line __line__ of yacc.c. */
-b4_syncline([@oline@], [@ofile@])])dnl
-[ /* Initialize the stacks. The initial state will be pushed in
- yynewstate, since the latter expects the semantical and the
- location values to have been already stored, initialize these
- stacks with a primary value. */
- yystate_stack_ = state_stack_type (0);
- yysemantic_stack_ = semantic_stack_type (0);
- yylocation_stack_ = location_stack_type (0);
- yysemantic_stack_.push (yylval);
- yylocation_stack_.push (yylloc);
- /* New state. */
- yystate_stack_.push (yystate);
- YYCDEBUG << "Entering state " << yystate << std::endl;
- goto yybackup;
- /* Backup. */
- /* Try to take a decision without look-ahead. */
- yyn = yypact_[yystate];
- if (yyn == yypact_ninf_)
- goto yydefault;
- /* Read a look-ahead token. */
- if (yychar == yyempty_)
- {
- YYCDEBUG << "Reading a token: ";
- yychar = ]b4_c_function_call([yylex], [int],
-[[YYSTYPE*], [&yylval]][]dnl
-b4_location_if([, [[location*], [&yylloc]]])dnl
+ [ /* Initialize the stacks. The initial state will be pushed in
+ yynewstate, since the latter expects the semantical and the
+ location values to have been already stored, initialize these
+ stacks with a primary value. */
+ yystate_stack_ = state_stack_type (0);
+ yysemantic_stack_ = semantic_stack_type (0);
+ yylocation_stack_ = location_stack_type (0);
+ yysemantic_stack_.push (yylval);
+ yylocation_stack_.push (yylloc);
+ /* New state. */
+ yynewstate:
+ yystate_stack_.push (yystate);
+ YYCDEBUG << "Entering state " << yystate << std::endl;
+ goto yybackup;
+ /* Backup. */
+ yybackup:
+ /* Try to take a decision without lookahead. */
+ yyn = yypact_[yystate];
+ if (yyn == yypact_ninf_)
+ goto yydefault;
+ /* Read a lookahead token. */
+ if (yychar == yyempty_)
+ {
+ YYCDEBUG << "Reading a token: ";
+ yychar = ]b4_c_function_call([yylex], [int],
+ [[YYSTYPE*], [&yylval]][]dnl
+b4_locations_if([, [[location*], [&yylloc]]])dnl