# Bison Regressions. -*- Autotest -*-
-# Copyright (C) 2001, 2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# Copyright (C) 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# Found in GCJ: they expect the tokens to be defined before the user
# prologue, so that they can use the token definitions in it.
void yyerror (const char *s);
int yylex (void);
-AT_CHECK([bison input.y -o input.c])
+AT_CHECK([bison -o input.c input.y])
AT_COMPILE([input.o], [-c input.c])
-AT_CHECK([bison -v input.y -o input.c])
+AT_CHECK([bison -v -o input.c input.y])
AT_CHECK([grep 'tests = {{{{{{{{{{}}}}}}}}}};' input.c], 0, [ignore])
-AT_CHECK([bison -v input.y -o input.c], 0, [],
+AT_CHECK([bison -v -o input.c input.y], 0, [],
[[input.y:6.8-14: warning: symbol `"<="' used more than once as a literal string
-AT_CHECK([bison input.y -o input.c -v])
+AT_CHECK([bison -o input.c -v input.y])
# Check the contents of the report.
AT_CHECK([cat input.output], [],
-AT_CHECK([bison -v input.y -o input.c])
+AT_CHECK([bison -v -o input.c input.y])
default: 'a' }
input.y:3.14: invalid character: `}'
input.y:4.1: invalid character: `%'
input.y:4.2: invalid character: `&'
-input.y:5.1: invalid character: `%'
+input.y:5.1-17: invalid directive: `%a-does-not-exist'
input.y:6.1: invalid character: `%'
input.y:6.2: invalid character: `-'
-input.y:7.1-8.0: unexpected end of file in a prologue
-input.y:7.1-8.0: parse error, unexpected "%{...%}", expecting ";" or "|"
+input.y:7.1-8.0: missing `%}' at end of file
AT_SETUP([Token definitions])
# Bison managed, when fed with `%token 'f' "f"' to #define 'f'!
void yyerror (const char *s);
int yylex (void);
-[%token YYEOF 0 "end of file"
+[%token MYEOF 0 "end of file"
%token 'a' "a"
%token b "b"
%token c 'c'
exp: "a";
-AT_CHECK([bison input.y -o input.c])
+AT_CHECK([bison -o input.c input.y])
AT_COMPILE([input.o], [-c input.c])
AT_SETUP([Characters Escapes])
void yyerror (const char *s);
int yylex (void);
| '"' "'"
+# Pacify font-lock-mode: "
-AT_CHECK([bison input.y -o input.c])
+AT_CHECK([bison -o input.c input.y])
AT_COMPILE([input.o], [-c input.c])
# It used to be wrong on yydefact only:
-# static const short yydefact[] =
+# static const short int yydefact[] =
# {
# - 2, 0, 1, 0, 0, 2, 3, 2, 5, 4,
# + 2, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 3, 2, 5, 4,
-AT_CHECK([bison -v input.y -o input.c])
+AT_CHECK([bison -v -o input.c input.y])
# Check only the tables. We don't use --no-parser, because it is
# still to be implemented in the experimental branch of Bison.
"$end", "error", "$undefined", "\"if\"", "\"const\"", "\"then\"",
"\"else\"", "$accept", "statement", "struct_stat", "if", "else", 0
-static const unsigned short yytoknum[] =
+static const unsigned short int yytoknum[] =
0, 256, 257, 258, 259, 260, 261
+## ------------------------- ##
+## yycheck Bound Violation. ##
+## ------------------------- ##
+# --------------------------------
+# The following grammar, taken from Andrew Suffield's GPL'd implementation
+# of DGMTP, the Dancer Generic Message Transport Protocol, used to violate
+# yycheck's bounds where issuing a verbose error message. Keep this test
+# so that possible bound checking compilers could check all the skeletons.
+static int yylex (AT_LALR1_CC_IF([int *], [void]));
+[#include <stdio.h>
+static void yyerror (const char *);])
+/* Grammar follows */
+line: header body
+ ;
+header: '<' from ARROW to '>' type ':'
+ | '<' ARROW to '>' type ':'
+ | ARROW to type ':'
+ | type ':'
+ | '<' '>'
+ ;
+from: DATA
+ ;
+to: DATA
+ ;
+type: DATA
+ ;
+body: /* empty */
+ | body member
+ ;
+member: STRING
+ | DATA
+ | '+' NUMBER
+ | '-' NUMBER
+ ;
+[/* A C++ error reporting function. */
+yy::Parser::error_ ()
+ std::cerr << message << std::endl;
+yyparse (void)
+ yy::Parser parser (!!YYDEBUG);
+ return parser.parse ();
+[static void
+yyerror (const char *s)
+ fprintf (stderr, "%s\n", s);
+static int
+yylex (AT_LALR1_CC_IF([int *lval], [void]))
+ static int toknum = 0;
+ int tokens[] =
+ {
+ ':', -1
+ };
+ ]AT_LALR1_CC_IF([*lval = 0; /* Pacify GCC. */])[
+ return tokens[toknum++];
+main (void)
+ return yyparse ();
+# ------------------------------
+# Generate the grammar, compile it, run it.
+[AT_SETUP([Dancer $1])
+AT_CHECK([bison -o dancer.c dancer.y])
+ [AT_CHECK([bison -o dancer.cc dancer.y])
+ AT_COMPILE_CXX([dancer])],
+ [AT_CHECK([bison -o dancer.c dancer.y])
+ AT_COMPILE([dancer])])
+AT_PARSER_CHECK([./dancer], 1, [],
+[syntax error, unexpected ':'
+AT_CHECK_DANCER([%skeleton "lalr1.cc"])