- * \pre
- * - None.
- * \post
- * - \c result = either:
- * - The code passage contained with \c self.
- * - \c NULL if none.
- */
-char const *code_props_code_get (code_props const self);
- * \pre
- * - <tt>code_props_code_get (self) != NULL</tt>.
- * \post
- * - \c result = the grammar file location of
- * <tt>code_props_code_get (self)</tt>.
- */
-location code_props_location_get (code_props const self);
- * \pre
- * - \c self was not previously initialized with \c code_props_plain_init.
- * \post
- * - \c result = either:
- * - \c false if either:
- * - \c code_props_translate_code has never previously been invoked for
- * the \c code_props that would contain the code passage associated
- * with \c self. (If \c self is for a RHS \c symbol_list node, that
- * \c code_props is not \c self. Instead, it's the \c code_props for
- * the LHS symbol of the same rule.)
- * - \c code_props_translate_code has been invoked for that
- * \c code_props, but the symbol value associated with \c self was not
- * referenced in the code passage.
- * - \c true otherwise.
- */
-bool code_props_is_value_used (code_props const self);