main (void)
main (void)
main (void)
## Printers and Destructors. ##
## -------------------------- ##
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# -------------------------------------------------------------
[# Make sure complex $n work.
-m4_if([$1$2$3], $[1]$[2]$[3], [],
+m4_if([$1$2$3$4], $[1]$[2]$[3]$[4], [],
[m4_fatal([$0: Invalid arguments: $@])])dnl
# Be sure to pass all the %directives to this macro to have correct
#define YYINITDEPTH 10
#define YYMAXDEPTH 10
- [#define RANGE(Location) (Location).begin.line, (Location).end.line],
- [#define RANGE(Location) (Location).first_line, (Location).last_line])
+#define RANGE(Location) ]AT_LALR1_CC_IF([(Location).begin.line, (Location).end.line],
+ [(Location).first_line, (Location).last_line])[
+/* Display the symbol type Symbol. */
+#define V(Symbol, Value, Location, Sep) \
+ fprintf (stderr, #Symbol " (%d@%d-%d)" Sep, Value, RANGE(Location))
-m4_ifval([$6], [%union
+]m4_ifval([$6], [%union
int ival;
AT_LALR1_CC_IF([%define global_tokens_and_yystype])
m4_ifval([$6], [[%code provides {]], [[%code {]])
-AT_LALR1_CC_IF([typedef yy::location YYLTYPE;])
-[static int yylex (]AT_LEX_FORMALS[);
+AT_LALR1_CC_IF([typedef yy::location YYLTYPE;])[
input line thing 'x' 'y'
- { printf ("Freeing nterm input (%d@%d-%d)\n", $$, RANGE (@$)); }
+ { fprintf (stderr, "Freeing nterm input (%d@%d-%d)\n", $$, RANGE (@$)); }
- { printf ("Freeing nterm line (%d@%d-%d)\n", $$, RANGE (@$)); }
+ { fprintf (stderr, "Freeing nterm line (%d@%d-%d)\n", $$, RANGE (@$)); }
- { printf ("Freeing nterm thing (%d@%d-%d)\n", $$, RANGE (@$)); }
+ { fprintf (stderr, "Freeing nterm thing (%d@%d-%d)\n", $$, RANGE (@$)); }
- { printf ("Freeing token 'x' (%d@%d-%d)\n", $$, RANGE (@$)); }
+ { fprintf (stderr, "Freeing token 'x' (%d@%d-%d)\n", $$, RANGE (@$)); }
- { printf ("Freeing token 'y' (%d@%d-%d)\n", $$, RANGE (@$)); }
+ { fprintf (stderr, "Freeing token 'y' (%d@%d-%d)\n", $$, RANGE (@$)); }
%token END 0
- { printf ("Freeing token END (%d@%d-%d)\n", $$, RANGE (@$)); }
+ { fprintf (stderr, "Freeing token END (%d@%d-%d)\n", $$, RANGE (@$)); }
/* Nothing. */
$$ = 0;
- printf ("input (%d@%d-%d): /* Nothing */\n", $$, RANGE (@$));
+ V(input, $$, @$, ": /* Nothing */\n");
| line input /* Right recursive to load the stack so that popping at
END can be exercised. */
$$ = 2;
- printf ("input (%d@%d-%d): line (%d@%d-%d) input (%d@%d-%d)\n",
- $$, RANGE (@$), $1, RANGE (@1), $2, RANGE (@2));
+ V(input, $$, @$, ": ");
+ V(line, $1, @1, " ");
+ V(input, $2, @2, "\n");
thing thing thing ';'
$$ = $1;
- printf ("line (%d@%d-%d): thing (%d@%d-%d) thing (%d@%d-%d) thing (%d@%d-%d) ';' (%d@%d-%d)\n",
- $$, RANGE (@$), $1, RANGE (@1), $2, RANGE (@2),
- $3, RANGE (@3), $4, RANGE (@4));
+ V(line, $$, @$, ": ");
+ V(thing, $1, @1, " ");
+ V(thing, $2, @2, " ");
+ V(thing, $3, @3, " ");
+ V(;, $4, @4, "\n");
| '(' thing thing ')'
$$ = $1;
- printf ("line (%d@%d-%d): '(' (%d@%d-%d) thing (%d@%d-%d) thing (%d@%d-%d) ')' (%d@%d-%d)\n",
- $$, RANGE (@$), $1, RANGE (@1), $2, RANGE (@2),
- $3, RANGE (@3), $4, RANGE (@4));
+ V(line, $$, @$, ": ");
+ V('(', $1, @1, " ");
+ V(thing, $2, @2, " ");
+ V(thing, $3, @3, " ");
+ V(')', $4, @4, "\n");
| '(' thing ')'
$$ = $1;
- printf ("line (%d@%d-%d): '(' (%d@%d-%d) thing (%d@%d-%d) ')' (%d@%d-%d)\n",
- $$, RANGE (@$), $1, RANGE (@1), $2, RANGE (@2), $3, RANGE (@3));
+ V(line, $$, @$, ": ");
+ V('(', $1, @1, " ");
+ V(thing, $2, @2, " ");
+ V(')', $3, @3, "\n");
| '(' error ')'
$$ = -1;
- printf ("line (%d@%d-%d): '(' (%d@%d-%d) error (@%d-%d) ')' (%d@%d-%d)\n",
- $$, RANGE (@$), $1, RANGE (@1), RANGE (@2), $3, RANGE (@3));
+ V(line, $$, @$, ": ");
+ V('(', $1, @1, " ");
+ fprintf (stderr, "error (@%d-%d) ", RANGE(@2));
+ V(')', $3, @3, "\n");
$$ = $1;
- printf ("thing (%d@%d-%d): 'x' (%d@%d-%d)\n",
- $$, RANGE (@$), $1, RANGE (@1));
+ V(thing, $$, @$, ": ");
+ V('x', $1, @1, "\n");
/* Alias to ARGV[1]. */
const char *source = YY_NULL;
-static int
-yylex (]AT_LEX_FORMALS[)
static unsigned int counter = 0;
int c = ]AT_VAL[]m4_ifval([$6], [.ival])[ = counter++;
/* As in BASIC, line numbers go from 10 to 10. */
-[ AT_LOC.begin.line = AT_LOC.begin.column = 10 * c;
- AT_LOC.end.line = AT_LOC.end.column = AT_LOC.begin.line + 9;
-[ AT_LOC.first_line = AT_LOC.first_column = 10 * c;
- AT_LOC.last_line = AT_LOC.last_column = AT_LOC.first_line + 9;
- if (! (0 <= c && c <= strlen (source)))
- abort ();
+ assert (0 <= c && c <= strlen (source));
if (source[c])
- printf ("sending: '%c'", source[c]);
+ fprintf (stderr, "sending: '%c'", source[c]);
- printf ("sending: END");
- printf (" (%d@%d-%d)\n", c, RANGE (]AT_LOC[));
+ fprintf (stderr, "sending: END");
+ fprintf (stderr, " (%d@%d-%d)\n", c, RANGE (]AT_LOC[));
return source[c];
-[/* A C++ error reporting function. */
-yy::parser::error (const location& l, const std::string& m)
- printf ("%d-%d: %s\n", RANGE (l), m.c_str());
-static bool yydebug;
+[static bool yydebug;
yyparse ()
parser.set_debug_level (yydebug);
return parser.parse ();
-[static void
-yyerror (const char *msg)
- printf ("%d-%d: %s\n", RANGE (yylloc), msg);
main (int argc, const char *argv[])
status = yyparse ();
switch (status)
- case 0: printf ("Successful parse.\n"); break;
- case 1: printf ("Parsing FAILED.\n"); break;
- default: printf ("Parsing FAILED (status %d).\n", status); break;
+ case 0: fprintf (stderr, "Successful parse.\n"); break;
+ case 1: fprintf (stderr, "Parsing FAILED.\n"); break;
+ default: fprintf (stderr, "Parsing FAILED (status %d).\n", status); break;
return status;
# I.e., epsilon-reductions, as in "(x)" which ends by reducing
# an empty "line" nterm.
# FIXME: This location is not satisfying. Depend on the lookahead?
-AT_PARSER_CHECK([./input '(x)'], 0,
+AT_PARSER_CHECK([./input '(x)'], 0, [],
[[sending: '(' (0@0-9)
sending: 'x' (1@10-19)
thing (1@10-19): 'x' (1@10-19)
# ---------------------------------
# '(y)' is an error, but can be recovered from. But what's the location
# of the error itself ('y'), and of the resulting reduction ('(error)').
-AT_PARSER_CHECK([./input '(y)'], 0,
+AT_PARSER_CHECK([./input '(y)'], 0, [],
[[sending: '(' (0@0-9)
sending: 'y' (1@10-19)
-10-19: syntax error, unexpected 'y', expecting 'x'
+10.10-19.18: syntax error, unexpected 'y', expecting 'x'
Freeing token 'y' (1@10-19)
sending: ')' (2@20-29)
line (-1@0-29): '(' (0@0-9) error (@10-19) ')' (2@20-29)
# '(', 'x', ')',
# '(', 'x', ')',
# 'y'
-AT_PARSER_CHECK([./input '(xxxxx)(x)(x)y'], 1,
+AT_PARSER_CHECK([./input '(xxxxx)(x)(x)y'], 1, [],
[[sending: '(' (0@0-9)
sending: 'x' (1@10-19)
thing (1@10-19): 'x' (1@10-19)
sending: 'x' (2@20-29)
thing (2@20-29): 'x' (2@20-29)
sending: 'x' (3@30-39)
-30-39: syntax error, unexpected 'x', expecting ')'
+30.30-39.38: syntax error, unexpected 'x', expecting ')'
Freeing nterm thing (2@20-29)
Freeing nterm thing (1@10-19)
Freeing token 'x' (3@30-39)
input (2@100-129): line (10@100-129) input (0@129-129)
input (2@70-129): line (7@70-99) input (2@100-129)
input (2@0-129): line (-1@0-69) input (2@70-129)
-130-139: syntax error, unexpected 'y', expecting END
+130.130-139.138: syntax error, unexpected 'y', expecting END
Freeing nterm input (2@0-129)
Freeing token 'y' (13@130-139)
Parsing FAILED.
# '(', 'x', ')',
# '(', 'x', ')',
# 'x'
-AT_PARSER_CHECK([./input '(x)(x)x'], 1,
+AT_PARSER_CHECK([./input '(x)(x)x'], 1, [],
[[sending: '(' (0@0-9)
sending: 'x' (1@10-19)
thing (1@10-19): 'x' (1@10-19)
sending: 'x' (6@60-69)
thing (6@60-69): 'x' (6@60-69)
sending: END (7@70-79)
-70-79: syntax error, unexpected END, expecting 'x'
+70.70-79.78: syntax error, unexpected END, expecting 'x'
Freeing nterm thing (6@60-69)
Freeing nterm line (3@30-59)
Freeing nterm line (0@0-29)
# Upon stack overflow, all symbols on the stack should be destroyed.
# Only check for yacc.c.
-AT_PARSER_CHECK([./input '(x)(x)(x)(x)(x)(x)(x)'], 2,
+AT_PARSER_CHECK([./input '(x)(x)(x)(x)(x)(x)(x)'], 2, [],
[[sending: '(' (0@0-9)
sending: 'x' (1@10-19)
thing (1@10-19): 'x' (1@10-19)
sending: 'x' (19@190-199)
thing (19@190-199): 'x' (19@190-199)
sending: ')' (20@200-209)
-200-209: memory exhausted
+200.200-209.208: memory exhausted
Freeing nterm thing (19@190-199)
Freeing nterm line (15@150-179)
Freeing nterm line (12@120-149)
-]AT_YYLEX_DEFINE([abcd], [[yylval = res]])[
+]AT_YYLEX_DEFINE(["abcd"], [[yylval = res]])[
main (void)
main (void)
-]AT_YYLEX_DEFINE([abd], [yylval = res])[
+]AT_YYLEX_DEFINE(["abd"], [yylval = res])[
main (void)
main (void)
main (void)
]$1[ {
- printf ("%d\n", @$.first_line);
+ fprintf (stderr, "%d\n", @$.first_line);
} ]m4_if($1, [%initial-action], [], [[start]])[
+## ------------------------- ##
+## Qualified $$ in actions. ##
+## ------------------------- ##
+# Check that we can used qualified $$ (v.g., $<type>$) not only in
+# rule actions, but also where $$ is valid: %printer and %destructor.
+# FIXME: Not actually checking %desctructor, but it's the same code as
+# %printer...
+# To do that, use a semantic value that has two fields (sem_type),
+# declare symbols to have only one of these types (INT, float), and
+# use $<type>$ to get the other one. Including for symbols that are
+# not typed (UNTYPED).
+[AT_SETUP([[Qualified $$ in actions: $1]])
+AT_BISON_OPTION_PUSHDEFS([%locations %skeleton "$1"])
+[[%skeleton "$1"
+%defines // FIXME: Mandated by lalr1.cc in Bison 2.6.
+%locations // FIXME: Mandated by lalr1.cc in Bison 2.6.
+%code requires
+ typedef struct sem_type
+ {
+ int ival;
+ float fval;
+ } sem_type;
+# define YYSTYPE sem_type
+# include <iostream>
+ static void
+ report (std::ostream& yyo, int ival, float fval)
+ {
+ yyo << "ival: " << ival << ", fval: " << fval;
+ }
+]], [[
+# include <stdio.h>
+ static void
+ report (FILE* yyo, int ival, float fval)
+ {
+ fprintf (yyo, "ival: %d, fval: %1.1f", ival, fval);
+ }
+%token UNTYPED
+%token <ival> INT
+%type <fval> float
+%printer { report (yyo, $$, $<fval>$); } <ival>;
+%printer { report (yyo, $<ival>$, $$ ); } <fval>;
+%printer { report (yyo, $<ival>$, $<fval>$); } <>;
+/* The lalr1.cc skeleton, for backward compatibility, defines
+ a constructor for position that initializes the filename. The
+ glr.cc skeleton does not (and in fact cannot: location/position
+ are stored in a union, from which objects with constructors are
+ excluded in C++). */
+%initial-action {
+ @$.initialize ();
+ $<ival>$ = 42;
+ $<fval>$ = 4.2;
+ $$ = $<fval>1 + $<fval>2;
+ $<ival>$ = $<ival>1 + $][2;
+ yy::parser::token::INT,
+ EOF}]],
+ [[{UNTYPED, INT, EOF}]]),
+ [AT_VAL.ival = toknum * 10; AT_VAL.fval = toknum / 10.0;])[
+main (void)
+ yy::parser p;
+ p.set_debug_level(1);
+ return p.parse ();]], [[
+ yydebug = 1;
+ return yyparse ();]])[
+AT_PARSER_CHECK([./input], 0, [], [stderr])
+# Don't be too picky on the traces, GLR is not exactly the same. Keep
+# only the lines from the printer.
+# Don't care about locations. FIXME: remove their removal when Bison
+# supports C++ without locations.
+AT_CHECK([[sed -ne 's/([-0-9.]*: /(/;/ival:/p' stderr]], 0,
+[[Reading a token: Next token is token UNTYPED (ival: 10, fval: 0.1)
+Shifting token UNTYPED (ival: 10, fval: 0.1)
+Reading a token: Next token is token INT (ival: 20, fval: 0.2)
+Shifting token INT (ival: 20, fval: 0.2)
+ $][1 = token UNTYPED (ival: 10, fval: 0.1)
+ $][2 = token INT (ival: 20, fval: 0.2)
+-> $$ = nterm float (ival: 30, fval: 0.3)
+Cleanup: popping nterm float (ival: 30, fval: 0.3)
## ----------------------------------------------- ##
## Fix user actions without a trailing semicolon. ##
## ----------------------------------------------- ##
main (void)
# include <assert.h>
- static int yylex (YYSTYPE *yylval);
-static int
-yylex (YYSTYPE *yylval)
- static char const input[] = "bcd";
- static size_t toknum;
- assert (toknum < sizeof input);
- *yylval = (toknum + 1) * 10;
- return input[toknum++];
+]AT_YYLEX_DEFINE(["bcd"], [*lvalp = (toknum + 1) * 10])[
main (void)