+## ----------------------------------------------------- ##
+## Undeclared symbols used for a printer or destructor. ##
+## ----------------------------------------------------- ##
+AT_SETUP([Undeclared symbols used for a printer or destructor])
+[[%printer {} foo baz
+%destructor {} bar
+exp: bar;
+AT_BISON_CHECK([input.y], [1], [],
+[[input.y:2.16-18: symbol bar is used, but is not defined as a token and has no rules
+input.y:1.17-19: warning: symbol baz is used, but is not defined as a token and has no rules
+input.y:1.13-15: warning: symbol foo is used, but is not defined as a token and has no rules
## ---------------------------------------- ##
## Unused values with default %destructor. ##
AT_SETUP([Torturing the Scanner])
AT_DATA([input.y], [])
AT_BISON_CHECK([input.y], [1], [],
[[input.y:1.1: syntax error, unexpected end of file
-static void yyerror (const char *s);
-static int yylex (void);
%type <ival> '@<:@'
res.ival = val;
return res;
static int
yylex (void)
yylval = value_as_yystype (input[toknum]);
return input[toknum++];
-static void
-yyerror (const char *msg)
- fprintf (stderr, "%s\n", msg);
# Pacify Emacs'font-lock-mode: "
return yyparse ();
AT_BISON_CHECK([-d -v -o input.c input.y])
AT_COMPILE([input.o], [-c input.c])
[[%token WITH-DASH
%code {
- void yyerror (char const *);
- int yylex (void);
start: with-dash without_dash with.period without_period;
with.period: WITH.PERIOD;
without_period: "WITHOUT.PERIOD";
# POSIX Yacc accept periods, but not dashes.
AT_BISON_CHECK([--yacc input.y], [1], [],