+sub parse_fact ()
+ my @res;
+ die "unexpected end of expression"
+ unless defined $token[0];
+ if ($token[0] eq '(')
+ {
+ shift @token;
+ @res = parse_expr ();
+ die "unexpected $token[0], expected )"
+ unless $token[0] eq ')';
+ shift @token;
+ }
+ elsif ($token[0] eq '[')
+ {
+ shift @token;
+ @res = (parse_expr (), '');
+ die "unexpected $token[0], expected ]"
+ unless $token[0] eq ']';
+ shift @token;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ @res = parse_dirs ();
+ }
+ return @res;
+sub parse_dirs ()
+ my @res;
+ die "unexpected end of expression"
+ unless defined $token[0];
+ if ($token[0] eq '#d')
+ {
+ shift @token;
+ @res = ("%code {\n#define\n}");
+ shift @token;
+ }
+ elsif ($token[0] eq '%s')
+ {
+ shift @token;
+ @res = ("%skeleton \"$token[0]\"");
+ shift @token;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ @res = $token[0];
+ shift @token;
+ }
+ return @res;
+sub getopt ()
+ use Getopt::Long;
+ my %option = (
+ "b|bench=s" => \$bench,
+ "c|cflags=s" => \$cflags,
+ "d|directive=s" => \@directive,
+ "g|grammar=s" => \$grammar,
+ "h|help" => sub { help ($verbose) },
+ "i|iterations=i" => \$iterations,
+ "q|quiet" => sub { --$verbose },
+ "v|verbose" => sub { ++$verbose },
+ );
+ Getopt::Long::Configure ("bundling", "pass_through");
+ GetOptions (%option)
+ or exit 1;
+# Create the directory we work in.
+mkdir "benches" or die "cannot create benches"
+ unless -d "benches";
+my $count = 1;
+ while -d "benches/$count";
+my $dir = "benches/$count";
+mkdir $dir
+ or die "cannot create $dir";
+chdir $dir
+ or die "cannot chdir $dir";
+# The following message is tailored to please Emacs' compilation-mode.
+verbose 1, "Entering directory `$dir'\n";
+verbose 1, "Using bison=$bison.\n";
+verbose 2, "Using cc=$cc.\n";
+verbose 2, "Using cxx=$cxx.\n";
+verbose 2, "Using cflags=$cflags.\n";
+verbose 2, "Grammar: $grammar\n";
+# Support -b: predefined benches.
+my %bench =
+ (
+ "fusion" => \&bench_fusion_parser,
+ "push" => \&bench_push_parser,
+ "variant" => \&bench_variant_parser,
+ );
+if (defined $bench)
+ die "invalid argument for --bench: $bench"
+ unless defined $bench{$bench};
+ &{$bench{$bench}}();
+ exit 0;
+ # Launch the bench marking.
+ bench ($grammar, @ARGV);