-Ceci est le fichier Info bison.info, produit par Makeinfo version 4.0 à
-partir bison.texinfo.
+Ceci est le fichier Info bison.info, produit par Makeinfo version 4.0b
+à partir bison.texinfo.
* bison: (bison). GNU Project parser generator (yacc replacement).
included in translations approved by the Free Software Foundation
instead of in the original English.
+File: bison.info, Node: Precedence, Next: Contextual Precedence, Prev: Shift/Reduce, Up: Algorithm
+Operator Precedence
+ Another situation where shift/reduce conflicts appear is in
+arithmetic expressions. Here shifting is not always the preferred
+resolution; the Bison declarations for operator precedence allow you to
+specify when to shift and when to reduce.
+* Menu:
+* Why Precedence:: An example showing why precedence is needed.
+* Using Precedence:: How to specify precedence in Bison grammars.
+* Precedence Examples:: How these features are used in the previous example.
+* How Precedence:: How they work.
+File: bison.info, Node: Why Precedence, Next: Using Precedence, Up: Precedence
+When Precedence is Needed
+ Consider the following ambiguous grammar fragment (ambiguous because
+the input `1 - 2 * 3' can be parsed in two different ways):
+ expr: expr '-' expr
+ | expr '*' expr
+ | expr '<' expr
+ | '(' expr ')'
+ ...
+ ;
+Suppose the parser has seen the tokens `1', `-' and `2'; should it
+reduce them via the rule for the subtraction operator? It depends on
+the next token. Of course, if the next token is `)', we must reduce;
+shifting is invalid because no single rule can reduce the token
+sequence `- 2 )' or anything starting with that. But if the next token
+is `*' or `<', we have a choice: either shifting or reduction would
+allow the parse to complete, but with different results.
+ To decide which one Bison should do, we must consider the results.
+If the next operator token OP is shifted, then it must be reduced first
+in order to permit another opportunity to reduce the difference. The
+result is (in effect) `1 - (2 OP 3)'. On the other hand, if the
+subtraction is reduced before shifting OP, the result is
+`(1 - 2) OP 3'. Clearly, then, the choice of shift or reduce should
+depend on the relative precedence of the operators `-' and OP: `*'
+should be shifted first, but not `<'.
+ What about input such as `1 - 2 - 5'; should this be `(1 - 2) - 5'
+or should it be `1 - (2 - 5)'? For most operators we prefer the
+former, which is called "left association". The latter alternative,
+"right association", is desirable for assignment operators. The choice
+of left or right association is a matter of whether the parser chooses
+to shift or reduce when the stack contains `1 - 2' and the look-ahead
+token is `-': shifting makes right-associativity.
+File: bison.info, Node: Using Precedence, Next: Precedence Examples, Prev: Why Precedence, Up: Precedence
+Specifying Operator Precedence
+ Bison allows you to specify these choices with the operator
+precedence declarations `%left' and `%right'. Each such declaration
+contains a list of tokens, which are operators whose precedence and
+associativity is being declared. The `%left' declaration makes all
+those operators left-associative and the `%right' declaration makes
+them right-associative. A third alternative is `%nonassoc', which
+declares that it is a syntax error to find the same operator twice "in a
+ The relative precedence of different operators is controlled by the
+order in which they are declared. The first `%left' or `%right'
+declaration in the file declares the operators whose precedence is
+lowest, the next such declaration declares the operators whose
+precedence is a little higher, and so on.
+File: bison.info, Node: Precedence Examples, Next: How Precedence, Prev: Using Precedence, Up: Precedence
+Precedence Examples
+ In our example, we would want the following declarations:
+ %left '<'
+ %left '-'
+ %left '*'
+ In a more complete example, which supports other operators as well,
+we would declare them in groups of equal precedence. For example,
+`'+'' is declared with `'-'':
+ %left '<' '>' '=' NE LE GE
+ %left '+' '-'
+ %left '*' '/'
+(Here `NE' and so on stand for the operators for "not equal" and so on.
+We assume that these tokens are more than one character long and
+therefore are represented by names, not character literals.)
File: bison.info, Node: How Precedence, Prev: Precedence Examples, Up: Precedence
Here INFILE is the grammar file name, which usually ends in `.y'.
The parser file's name is made by replacing the `.y' with `.tab.c'.
Thus, the `bison foo.y' filename yields `foo.tab.c', and the `bison
-hack/foo.y' filename yields `hack/foo.tab.c'.
+hack/foo.y' filename yields `hack/foo.tab.c'. It's is also possible, in
+case you are writting C++ code instead of C in your grammar file, to
+name it `foo.ypp' or `foo.y++'. Then, the output files will take an
+extention like the given one as input (repectively `foo.tab.cpp' and
+`foo.tab.c++'). This feature takes effect with all options that
+manipulate filenames like `-o' or `-d'.
+ For example :
+ bison -d INFILE.YXX
+ will produce `infile.tab.cxx' and `infile.tab.hxx'. and
+ bison -d INFILE.Y -o OUTPUT.C++
+ will produce `output.c++' and `outfile.h++'.
* Menu:
Tuning the parser:
+`-S FILE'
+ Specify the skeleton to use. You probably don't need this option
+ unless you are developing Bison.
- Output a definition of the macro `YYDEBUG' into the parser file,
- so that the debugging facilities are compiled. *Note Debugging
- Your Parser: Debugging.
+ Output a definition of the macro `YYDEBUG' into the parser file, so
+ that the debugging facilities are compiled. *Note Debugging Your
+ Parser: Debugging.
Pretend that `%locactions' was specified. *Note Decl Summary::.
- Do not include any C code in the parser file; generate tables
- only. The parser file contains just `#define' directives and
- static variable declarations.
- This option also tells Bison to write the C code for the grammar
- actions into a file named `FILENAME.act', in the form of a
- brace-surrounded body fit for a `switch' statement.
- Pretend that `%raw' was specified. *Note Decl Summary::.
+ Pretend that `%no_parser' was specified. *Note Decl Summary::.
- Write an extra output file containing macro definitions for the
- token type names defined in the grammar and the semantic value type
- `YYSTYPE', as well as a few `extern' variable declarations.
- If the parser output file is named `NAME.c' then this file is
- named `NAME.h'.
- This output file is essential if you wish to put the definition of
- `yylex' in a separate source file, because `yylex' needs to be
- able to refer to token type codes and the variable `yylval'.
- *Note Semantic Values of Tokens: Token Values.
+ Pretend that `%verbose' was specified, i.e., write an extra output
+ file containing macro definitions for the token type names defined
+ in the grammar and the semantic value type `YYSTYPE', as well as a
+ few `extern' variable declarations. *Note Decl Summary::.
- Write an extra output file containing verbose descriptions of the
- parser states and what is done for each type of look-ahead token in
- that state.
- This file also describes all the conflicts, both those resolved by
- operator precedence and the unresolved ones.
- The file's name is made by removing `.tab.c' or `.c' from the
- parser output file name, and adding `.output' instead.
- Therefore, if the input file is `foo.y', then the parser file is
- called `foo.tab.c' by default. As a consequence, the verbose
- output file is called `foo.output'.
+ Pretend that `%verbose' was specified, i.e, write an extra output
+ file containing verbose descriptions of the grammar and parser.
+ *Note Decl Summary::, for more.
--no-lines -l
--no-parser -n
--output-file=OUTFILE -o OUTFILE
- --raw -r
--token-table -k
--verbose -v
--version -V
Macro for the data type of `yylloc'; a structure with four
- members. *Note Textual Positions of Tokens: Token Positions.
+ members. *Note Data Types of Locations: Location Type.
Default value for YYLTYPE.
The parser function produced by Bison; call this function to start
parsing. *Note The Parser Function `yyparse': Parser Function.
+ Equip the parser for debugging. *Note Decl Summary::.
+ Bison declaration to create a header file meant for the scanner.
+ *Note Decl Summary::.
Bison declaration to assign left associativity to token(s). *Note
Operator Precedence: Precedence Decl.
Bison declaration to request a pure (reentrant) parser. *Note A
Pure (Reentrant) Parser: Pure Decl.
- Bison declaration to use Bison internal token code numbers in token
- tables instead of the usual Yacc-compatible token code numbers.
- *Note Decl Summary::.
Bison declaration to assign right associativity to token(s).
*Note Operator Precedence: Precedence Decl.
Separates alternate rules for the same result nonterminal. *Note
Syntax of Grammar Rules: Rules.
-File: bison.info, Node: Glossary, Next: Index, Prev: Table of Symbols, Up: Top
-Backus-Naur Form (BNF)
- Formal method of specifying context-free grammars. BNF was first
- used in the `ALGOL-60' report, 1963. *Note Languages and
- Context-Free Grammars: Language and Grammar.
-Context-free grammars
- Grammars specified as rules that can be applied regardless of
- context. Thus, if there is a rule which says that an integer can
- be used as an expression, integers are allowed _anywhere_ an
- expression is permitted. *Note Languages and Context-Free
- Grammars: Language and Grammar.
-Dynamic allocation
- Allocation of memory that occurs during execution, rather than at
- compile time or on entry to a function.
-Empty string
- Analogous to the empty set in set theory, the empty string is a
- character string of length zero.
-Finite-state stack machine
- A "machine" that has discrete states in which it is said to exist
- at each instant in time. As input to the machine is processed, the
- machine moves from state to state as specified by the logic of the
- machine. In the case of the parser, the input is the language
- being parsed, and the states correspond to various stages in the
- grammar rules. *Note The Bison Parser Algorithm: Algorithm.
- A language construct that is (in general) grammatically divisible;
- for example, `expression' or `declaration' in C. *Note Languages
- and Context-Free Grammars: Language and Grammar.
-Infix operator
- An arithmetic operator that is placed between the operands on
- which it performs some operation.
-Input stream
- A continuous flow of data between devices or programs.
-Language construct
- One of the typical usage schemas of the language. For example,
- one of the constructs of the C language is the `if' statement.
- *Note Languages and Context-Free Grammars: Language and Grammar.
-Left associativity
- Operators having left associativity are analyzed from left to
- right: `a+b+c' first computes `a+b' and then combines with `c'.
- *Note Operator Precedence: Precedence.
-Left recursion
- A rule whose result symbol is also its first component symbol; for
- example, `expseq1 : expseq1 ',' exp;'. *Note Recursive Rules:
- Recursion.
-Left-to-right parsing
- Parsing a sentence of a language by analyzing it token by token
- from left to right. *Note The Bison Parser Algorithm: Algorithm.
-Lexical analyzer (scanner)
- A function that reads an input stream and returns tokens one by
- one. *Note The Lexical Analyzer Function `yylex': Lexical.
-Lexical tie-in
- A flag, set by actions in the grammar rules, which alters the way
- tokens are parsed. *Note Lexical Tie-ins::.
-Literal string token
- A token which consists of two or more fixed characters. *Note
- Symbols::.
-Look-ahead token
- A token already read but not yet shifted. *Note Look-Ahead
- Tokens: Look-Ahead.
- The class of context-free grammars that Bison (like most other
- parser generators) can handle; a subset of LR(1). *Note
- Mysterious Reduce/Reduce Conflicts: Mystery Conflicts.
- The class of context-free grammars in which at most one token of
- look-ahead is needed to disambiguate the parsing of any piece of
- input.
-Nonterminal symbol
- A grammar symbol standing for a grammatical construct that can be
- expressed through rules in terms of smaller constructs; in other
- words, a construct that is not a token. *Note Symbols::.
-Parse error
- An error encountered during parsing of an input stream due to
- invalid syntax. *Note Error Recovery::.
- A function that recognizes valid sentences of a language by
- analyzing the syntax structure of a set of tokens passed to it
- from a lexical analyzer.
-Postfix operator
- An arithmetic operator that is placed after the operands upon
- which it performs some operation.
- Replacing a string of nonterminals and/or terminals with a single
- nonterminal, according to a grammar rule. *Note The Bison Parser
- Algorithm: Algorithm.
- A reentrant subprogram is a subprogram which can be in invoked any
- number of times in parallel, without interference between the
- various invocations. *Note A Pure (Reentrant) Parser: Pure Decl.
-Reverse polish notation
- A language in which all operators are postfix operators.
-Right recursion
- A rule whose result symbol is also its last component symbol; for
- example, `expseq1: exp ',' expseq1;'. *Note Recursive Rules:
- Recursion.
- In computer languages, the semantics are specified by the actions
- taken for each instance of the language, i.e., the meaning of each
- statement. *Note Defining Language Semantics: Semantics.
- A parser is said to shift when it makes the choice of analyzing
- further input from the stream rather than reducing immediately some
- already-recognized rule. *Note The Bison Parser Algorithm:
- Algorithm.
-Single-character literal
- A single character that is recognized and interpreted as is.
- *Note From Formal Rules to Bison Input: Grammar in Bison.
-Start symbol
- The nonterminal symbol that stands for a complete valid utterance
- in the language being parsed. The start symbol is usually listed
- as the first nonterminal symbol in a language specification.
- *Note The Start-Symbol: Start Decl.
-Symbol table
- A data structure where symbol names and associated data are stored
- during parsing to allow for recognition and use of existing
- information in repeated uses of a symbol. *Note Multi-function
- Calc::.
- A basic, grammatically indivisible unit of a language. The symbol
- that describes a token in the grammar is a terminal symbol. The
- input of the Bison parser is a stream of tokens which comes from
- the lexical analyzer. *Note Symbols::.
-Terminal symbol
- A grammar symbol that has no rules in the grammar and therefore is
- grammatically indivisible. The piece of text it represents is a
- token. *Note Languages and Context-Free Grammars: Language and
- Grammar.