02111-1307, USA. */
-/* The parser tables consist of these tables.
- YYTRANSLATE = vector mapping yylex's token numbers into bison's
- token numbers.
- YYTNAME = vector of string-names indexed by bison token number.
- YYTOKNUM = vector of yylex token numbers corresponding to entries
- YYRLINE = vector of line-numbers of all rules. For yydebug
- printouts.
- YYRHS = vector of items of all rules. This is exactly what RITEMS
- contains. For yydebug and for semantic parser.
- YYPRHS[R] = index in YYRHS of first item for rule R.
- YYR1[R] = symbol number of symbol that rule R derives.
- YYR2[R] = number of symbols composing right hand side of rule R.
- YYSTOS[S] = the symbol number of the symbol that leads to state S.
- YYDEFACT[S] = default rule to reduce with in state s, when YYTABLE
- doesn't specify something else to do. Zero means the default is an
- error.
- YYDEFGOTO[I] = default state to go to after a reduction of a rule
- that generates variable NTOKENS + I, except when YYTABLE specifies
- something else to do.
- YYPACT[S] = index in YYTABLE of the portion describing state S.
- The lookahead token's type is used to index that portion to find
- out what to do.
- If the value in YYTABLE is positive, we shift the token and go to
- that state.
- If the value is negative, it is minus a rule number to reduce by.
- If the value is zero, the default action from YYDEFACT[S] is used.
- YYPGOTO[I] = the index in YYTABLE of the portion describing what to
- do after reducing a rule that derives variable I + NTOKENS. This
- portion is indexed by the parser state number, S, as of before the
- text for this nonterminal was read. The value from YYTABLE is the
- state to go to if the corresponding value in YYCHECK is S.
- YYTABLE = a vector filled with portions for different uses, found
- YYCHECK = a vector indexed in parallel with YYTABLE. It indicates,
- in a roundabout way, the bounds of the portion you are trying to
- examine.
- Suppose that the portion of YYTABLE starts at index P and the index
- to be examined within the portion is I. Then if YYCHECK[P+I] != I,
- I is outside the bounds of what is actually allocated, and the
- default (from YYDEFACT or YYDEFGOTO) should be used. Otherwise,
- YYTABLE[P+I] should be used.
- YYFINAL = the state number of the termination state. YYFLAG = most
- negative short int. Used to flag ?? */
#include "system.h"
#include "quotearg.h"
#include "error.h"
GENERATE_MUSCLE_INSERT_TABLE(muscle_insert_state_number_table, state_number_t)
-| Prepare the muscles related to the tokens: translate, tname, and |
-| toknum. |
+| Prepare the muscles related to the symbols: translate, tname, and |
+| toknum. |
static void
-prepare_tokens (void)
+prepare_symbols (void)
+ MUSCLE_INSERT_INT ("tokens_number", ntokens);
+ MUSCLE_INSERT_INT ("nterms_number", nvars);
+ MUSCLE_INSERT_INT ("undef_token_number", undeftoken->number);
+ MUSCLE_INSERT_INT ("user_token_number_max", max_user_token_number);
muscle_insert_symbol_number_table ("translate",
1, max_user_token_number + 1);
+ /* tname -- token names. */
int i;
int j = 0;
const char *cp =
quotearg_n_style (1, c_quoting_style,
- /* Width of the next token, including the two quotes, the coma
+ /* Width of the next token, including the two quotes, the comma
and the space. */
int strsize = strlen (cp) + 2;
j = 2;
- obstack_sgrow (&format_obstack, cp);
+ for (; *cp; cp++)
+ switch (*cp)
+ {
+ case '[': obstack_sgrow (&format_obstack, "@<:@"); break;
+ case ']': obstack_sgrow (&format_obstack, "@:>@"); break;
+ default: obstack_1grow (&format_obstack, *cp); break;
+ }
obstack_sgrow (&format_obstack, ", ");
j += strsize;
muscle_insert_short_table ("dprec", dprec, 0, 0, nrules);
muscle_insert_short_table ("merger", merger, 0, 0, nrules);
+ MUSCLE_INSERT_INT ("rules_number", nrules);
free (rhs);
free (prhs);
free (rline);
values[i] = states[i]->accessing_symbol;
muscle_insert_symbol_number_table ("stos", values,
0, 1, nstates);
+ MUSCLE_INSERT_INT ("last", high);
+ MUSCLE_INSERT_INT ("final_state_number", final_state->number);
+ MUSCLE_INSERT_INT ("states_number", nstates);
that case. Nevertheless, it seems even better to be able to use
the GLR skeletons even without the non-deterministic tables. */
muscle_insert_unsigned_int_table ("conflict_list_heads", conflict_table,
- conflict_table[0], 1, high+1);
+ conflict_table[0], 1, high + 1);
muscle_insert_unsigned_int_table ("conflicting_rules", conflict_list,
conflict_list[0], 1, conflict_list_cnt);
full_path[pkgdatadirlen] = '/';
strcpy (full_path + pkgdatadirlen + 1, m4sugar);
in = fopen (full_path, "r");
- if (! in || fclose (in) != 0)
+ if (! in)
error (EXIT_FAILURE, errno, "%s", full_path);
+ xfclose (in);
strcpy (full_path + pkgdatadirlen + 1, skeleton);
/* Create an m4 subprocess connected to us via two pipes. */
error (EXIT_FAILURE, errno, "fdopen");
/* Output the definitions of all the muscles. */
- /* There are no comments, especially not `#': we do want M4 expansion
- after `#': think of CPP macros! */
- fputs ("m4_changecom()\n", out);
fputs ("m4_init()\n", out);
user_actions_output (out);
fputs ("m4_wrap([m4_divert_pop(0)])\n", out);
fputs ("m4_divert_push(0)dnl\n", out);
- if (ferror (out))
- error (EXIT_FAILURE, 0, "pipe output error");
xfclose (out);
/* Read and process m4's output. */
if (! in)
error (EXIT_FAILURE, errno, "fdopen");
scan_skel (in);
- if (ferror (in))
- error (EXIT_FAILURE, 0, "pipe input error");
xfclose (in);
reap_subpipe (pid, m4);
timevar_pop (TV_M4);
MUSCLE_INSERT_STRING ("output_parser_name", parser_file_name);
MUSCLE_INSERT_STRING ("output_header_name", spec_defines_file);
- /* Symbols. */
- MUSCLE_INSERT_INT ("tokens_number", ntokens);
- MUSCLE_INSERT_INT ("nterms_number", nvars);
- MUSCLE_INSERT_INT ("undef_token_number", undeftoken->number);
- MUSCLE_INSERT_INT ("user_token_number_max", max_user_token_number);
- /* Rules. */
- MUSCLE_INSERT_INT ("rules_number", nrules);
- /* States. */
- MUSCLE_INSERT_INT ("last", high);
- MUSCLE_INSERT_INT ("final_state_number", final_state->number);
- MUSCLE_INSERT_INT ("states_number", nstates);
/* User Code. */
obstack_1grow (&pre_prologue_obstack, 0);
obstack_1grow (&post_prologue_obstack, 0);
obstack_init (&format_obstack);
- prepare_tokens ();
+ prepare_symbols ();
prepare_rules ();
prepare_states ();
prepare_actions ();