static void yyungetc (int c);
extern void perror (const char *s);
+/* Exercise pre-prologue dependency to %union. */
+typedef int value_t;
+/* Exercise M4 quoting: '@:>@@:>@', 0. */
/* Also exercise %union. */
- int ival; /* A comment to exercise an old bug. */
+ value_t ival; /* A comment to exercise an old bug. */
+/* Exercise post-prologue dependency to %union. */
+static void id (YYSTYPE *lval);
+/* Exercise quotes in declarations. */
+char quote[] = "@:>@@:>@,";
/* Bison Declarations */
%token CALC_EOF 0 "end of file"
%token <ival> NUM "number"
%type <ival> exp
+/* Exercise quotes in strings. */
+%token "fake @>:@@>:@,"
%nonassoc '=' /* comparison */
%left '-' '+'
%left '*' '/'
-| exp '\n' {}
+| exp '\n'
+ {
+ /* Exercise quotes in braces. */
+ char tmp[] = "@>:@@:>@,";
+ }
+/* Exercise M4 quoting: '@:>@@:>@', 1. */
NUM { $$ = $1; }
| exp '=' exp
/* The input. */
FILE *yyin;
+/* Exercise M4 quoting: '@:>@@:>@', 2. */
static void
yyerror (const char *s)
return res;
+id (YYSTYPE* lval)
main (int argc, const char **argv)