[b4_fatal([b4_skeleton[: using %%defines is mandatory]])])
-b4_percent_define_ifdef([[location_type]], [],
+b4_percent_define_ifdef([[api.location.type]], [],
[# Backward compatibility.
-# We do want M4 expansion after # for CPP macros.
b4_copyright([Skeleton interface for Bison LALR(1) parsers in C++],
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include "stack.hh"
-]b4_percent_define_ifdef([[location_type]], [],
+]b4_percent_define_ifdef([[api.location.type]], [],
[[#include "location.hh"]])[
typedef ]b4_api_PREFIX[STYPE semantic_type;
/// Symbol locations.
- typedef ]b4_percent_define_get([[location_type]],
+ typedef ]b4_percent_define_get([[api.location.type]],
[[location]])[ location_type;
/// Tokens.
struct token
/// \brief Reclaim the memory associated to a symbol.
/// \param yymsg Why this token is reclaimed.
+ /// If null, do not display the symbol, just free it.
/// \param yytype The symbol type.
/// \param yyvaluep Its semantic value.
/// \param yylocationp Its location.
b4_copyright([Skeleton implementation for Bison LALR(1) parsers in C++],
#else /* !]b4_api_PREFIX[DEBUG */
# define YYCDEBUG if (false) std::cerr
-# define YY_SYMBOL_PRINT(Title, Type, Value, Location)
-# define YY_REDUCE_PRINT(Rule)
-# define YY_STACK_PRINT()
+# define YY_SYMBOL_PRINT(Title, Type, Value, Location) YYUSE(Type)
+# define YY_REDUCE_PRINT(Rule) static_cast<void>(0)
+# define YY_STACK_PRINT() static_cast<void>(0)
#endif /* !]b4_api_PREFIX[DEBUG */
YYUSE (yymsg);
YYUSE (yyvaluep);
- YY_SYMBOL_PRINT (yymsg, yytype, yyvaluep, yylocationp);
+ if (yymsg)
+ YY_SYMBOL_PRINT (yymsg, yytype, yyvaluep, yylocationp);
switch (yytype)
int yychar = yyempty_;
int yytoken = 0;
- /* State. */
+ // State.
int yyn;
int yylen = 0;
int yystate = 0;
- /* Error handling. */
+ // Error handling.
int yynerrs_ = 0;
int yyerrstatus_ = 0;
/// Semantic value of the lookahead.
- semantic_type yylval;
+ static semantic_type yyval_default;
+ semantic_type yylval = yyval_default;
/// Location of the lookahead.
location_type yylloc;
/// The locations where the error started and ended.
int yyresult;
+ // FIXME: This shoud be completely indented. It is not yet to
+ // avoid gratuitous conflicts when merging into the master branch.
+ try
+ {
YYCDEBUG << "Starting parse" << std::endl;
]m4_ifdef([b4_initial_action], [
-m4_pushdef([b4_at_dollar], [yylloc])dnl
-m4_pushdef([b4_dollar_dollar], [yylval])dnl
- /* User initialization code. */
- b4_user_initial_action
+b4_dollar_pushdef([yylval], [], [yylloc])dnl
+/* User initialization code. */
[ /* Initialize the stacks. The initial state will be pushed in
yynewstate, since the latter expects the semantical and the
/* Read a lookahead token. */
if (yychar == yyempty_)
- YYCDEBUG << "Reading a token: ";
- yychar = ]b4_c_function_call([yylex], [int],
- [b4_api_PREFIX[STYPE*], [&yylval]][]dnl
+ YYCDEBUG << "Reading a token: ";
+ yychar = ]b4_c_function_call([yylex], [int],
+ [b4_api_PREFIX[STYPE*], [&yylval]][]dnl
b4_locations_if([, [[location*], [&yylloc]]])dnl
m4_ifdef([b4_lex_param], [, ]b4_lex_param))[;
/* Convert token to internal form. */
if (yychar <= yyeof_)
yyval = yysemantic_stack_[0];
+ // Compute the default @@$.
slice<location_type, location_stack_type> slice (yylocation_stack_, yylen);
YYLLOC_DEFAULT (yyloc, slice, yylen);
+ // Perform the reduction.
switch (yyn)
- ]b4_user_actions[
- default:
- break;
+ ]b4_user_actions[
+ default:
+ break;
/* User semantic actions sometimes alter yychar, and that requires
that yytoken be updated with the new translation. We take the
approach of translating immediately before every use of yytoken.
yyerror_range[1] = yylloc;
if (yyerrstatus_ == 3)
- /* If just tried and failed to reuse lookahead token after an
- error, discard it. */
- if (yychar <= yyeof_)
- {
- /* Return failure if at end of input. */
- if (yychar == yyeof_)
- }
- else
- {
- yydestruct_ ("Error: discarding", yytoken, &yylval, &yylloc);
- yychar = yyempty_;
- }
+ /* If just tried and failed to reuse lookahead token after an
+ error, discard it. */
+ if (yychar <= yyeof_)
+ {
+ /* Return failure if at end of input. */
+ if (yychar == yyeof_)
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ yydestruct_ ("Error: discarding", yytoken, &yylval, &yylloc);
+ yychar = yyempty_;
+ }
/* Else will try to reuse lookahead token after shifting the error
/* Pop the current state because it cannot handle the error token. */
if (yystate_stack_.height () == 1)
yyerror_range[1] = yylocation_stack_[0];
yydestruct_ ("Error: popping",
/* Do not reclaim the symbols of the rule which action triggered
yypop_ (yylen);
- while (yystate_stack_.height () != 1)
+ while (1 < yystate_stack_.height ())
- yydestruct_ ("Cleanup: popping",
- yystos_[yystate_stack_[0]],
- &yysemantic_stack_[0],
- &yylocation_stack_[0]);
- yypop_ ();
+ yydestruct_ ("Cleanup: popping",
+ yystos_[yystate_stack_[0]],
+ &yysemantic_stack_[0],
+ &yylocation_stack_[0]);
+ yypop_ ();
return yyresult;
+ }
+ catch (...)
+ {
+ YYCDEBUG << "Exception caught: cleaning lookahead and stack"
+ << std::endl;
+ // Do not try to display the values of the reclaimed symbols,
+ // as their printer might throw an exception.
+ if (yychar != yyempty_)
+ {
+ /* Make sure we have latest lookahead translation. See
+ comments at user semantic actions for why this is
+ necessary. */
+ yytoken = yytranslate_ (yychar);
+ yydestruct_ (YY_NULL, yytoken, &yylval, &yylloc);
+ }
+ while (1 < yystate_stack_.height ())
+ {
+ yydestruct_ (YY_NULL,
+ yystos_[yystate_stack_[0]],
+ &yysemantic_stack_[0],
+ &yylocation_stack_[0]);
+ yypop_ ();
+ }
+ throw;
+ }
// Generate an error message.
const ]b4_parser_class_name[::token_number_type ]b4_parser_class_name[::yyundef_token_ = ]b4_undef_token_number[;