+# -Werror is not disabled by -Wnone or equivalent.
+AT_BISON_CHECK([[-Werror,none,yacc input.y]], [[1]], [[]], [[stderr]])
+AT_CHECK([[sed 's/^.*bison:/bison:/' stderr]], [[0]],
+[[bison: warnings being treated as errors
+input.y:2.1-7: warning: POSIX Yacc forbids dashes in symbol names: foo-bar [-Wyacc]
+[mv stderr experr]
+AT_BISON_CHECK([[-Werror,no-all,yacc input.y]], [[1]], [[]], [[experr]])
+## ------------------------------------------------------ ##
+## %name-prefix and %define api.prefix are incompatible. ##
+## ------------------------------------------------------ ##
+AT_SETUP([[%name-prefix and %define api.prefix are incompatible]])
+# --------------------------------------------
+AT_BISON_CHECK([[$2 input.y]], [[1]], [[]],
+[[$3: error: '%name-prefix' and '%define api.prefix' cannot be used together
+AT_TEST([%define api.prefix foo %name-prefix "bar"], [], [input.y:1.9-18])
+AT_TEST([], [-Dapi.prefix=foo -p bar], [<command line>:2])
+AT_TEST([%name-prefix "bar"], [-Dapi.prefix=foo], [<command line>:2])
+AT_TEST([%define api.prefix foo], [-p bar], [input.y:1.9-18])
+## -------------- ##
+## Stray $ or @. ##
+## -------------- ##
+AT_SETUP([[Stray $ or @]])
+# Give %printer and %destructor "<*> exp TOK" instead of "<*>" to
+# check that the warnings are reported once, not three times.
+[[%type <TYPE> exp
+%token <TYPE> TOK TOK2
+%destructor { $%; @%; } <*> exp TOK;
+%initial-action { $%; @%; };
+%printer { $%; @%; } <*> exp TOK;
+exp: TOK { $%; @%; $$ = $1; };
+AT_BISON_CHECK([[input.y]], 0, [],
+[[input.y:11.19: warning: stray '$' [-Wother]
+input.y:11.23: warning: stray '@' [-Wother]
+input.y:12.19: warning: stray '$' [-Wother]
+input.y:12.23: warning: stray '@' [-Wother]
+input.y:13.19: warning: stray '$' [-Wother]
+input.y:13.23: warning: stray '@' [-Wother]
+input.y:15.19: warning: stray '$' [-Wother]
+input.y:15.23: warning: stray '@' [-Wother]
+## ---------------- ##
+## Code injection. ##
+## ---------------- ##
+AT_SETUP([[Code injection]])
+# ----------------
+# Try to have MACRO be run by bison.
+[[%type <$1(DEAD %type)> exp
+%token <$1(DEAD %token)> a
+%token b
+ $$;
+ $<$1(DEAD %initial-action)>$
+ $$
+ $<$1(DEAD %printer)>$
+} <> <*>;
+ $1(DEAD %lex-param)
+ $1(DEAD %parse-param)
+ a a[name] b
+ {
+ $$;
+ $][1;
+ $<$1(DEAD action 1)>$
+ $<$1(DEAD action 2)>1
+ $<$1(DEAD action 3)>name
+ $<$1(DEAD action 4)>0
+ ;
+ };
+# FIXME: Provide a means to iterate over all the skeletons.
+AT_BISON_CHECK([[-d input.y]])
+AT_BISON_CHECK([[-d -S glr.c input.y]])
+AT_BISON_CHECK([[-d -S lalr1.cc input.y]])
+AT_BISON_CHECK([[-d -S glr.cc input.y]])
+AT_BISON_CHECK([[ -S lalr1.java input.y]])