echo "$(distdir).tar.gz is ready for distribution"; \
echo "========================"
-# This must be the same name on both hosts.
-# Make it a symlink that points to the right place.
-real_dir = fetish-ftp
-url_dir_list = $(foreach x,$(hosts),ftp://$($(x)_host)/$($(x)_url_dir))
tgz-md5 = $(shell md5sum < $(my_distdir).tar.gz|sed 's/ -//')
tgz-sha1 = $(shell sha1sum < $(my_distdir).tar.gz|sed 's/ -//')
bz2-md5 = $(shell md5sum < $(my_distdir).tar.bz2|sed 's/ -//')
bz2-sha1 = $(shell sha1sum < $(my_distdir).tar.bz2|sed 's/ -//')
-tgz-size = $(shell du --human $(my_distdir).tar.gz|sed 's/\([Mk]\).*/ \1B/')
-bz2-size = $(shell du --human $(my_distdir).tar.bz2|sed 's/\([Mk]\).*/ \1B/')
-xd-size = $(shell du --human $(xd-delta)|sed 's/\([Mk]\).*/ \1B/')
+xdelta-md5 = $(shell md5sum < $(xd-delta)|sed 's/ -//')
+xdelta-sha1 = $(shell sha1sum < $(xd-delta)|sed 's/ -//')
+tgz-size = $(shell du --human $(my_distdir).tar.gz|sed 's/\([MkK]\).*/ \1B/')
+bz2-size = $(shell du --human $(my_distdir).tar.bz2|sed 's/\([MkK]\).*/ \1B/')
+xd-size = $(shell du --human $(xd-delta)|sed 's/\([MkK]\).*/ \1B/')
tarz=/tmp/rel-check-tarz-$$$$; \
prev-tgz = $(PACKAGE)-$(PREV_VERSION).tar.gz
xd-delta = $(PACKAGE)-$(PREV_VERSION)-$(VERSION).xdelta
-GZIP = gzip
-BZIP2 = bzip2
-$(my_distdir).tar.bz2: $(my_distdir).tar.gz
- $(GZIP) -dc $< > $(my_distdir).tar
- rm -f $@
- $(BZIP2) -9 $(my_distdir).tar
+news-r1 = /^[^ ].*$(THIS_VERSION_REGEXP)[]:]/
+news-r2 = /^[^ ].*$(PREV_VERSION_REGEXP)[]:]/
rel-files = $(xd-delta) $(distdir).tar.bz2 $(distdir).tar.gz
announcement: NEWS ChangeLog $(rel-files)
echo " $$url/$(xd-delta) ($(xd-size))"; \
done; \
echo; \
- echo "Here are the MD5 and SHA1 signatures for the compressed tar files:"; \
+ echo "Here are the MD5 and SHA1 signatures:"; \
echo; \
echo "$(tgz-md5) $(my_distdir).tar.gz"; \
echo "$(bz2-md5) $(my_distdir).tar.bz2"; \
+ echo "$(xdelta-md5) $(xd-delta)"; \
echo "$(tgz-sha1) $(my_distdir).tar.gz"; \
echo "$(bz2-sha1) $(my_distdir).tar.bz2"; \
+ echo "$(xdelta-sha1) $(xd-delta)"; \
echo; \
echo NEWS:; \
- sed -n "/$(THIS_VERSION_REGEXP)[]:]/,/$(PREV_VERSION_REGEXP)[]:]/p" NEWS \
+ sed -n "$(news-r1),$(news-r2)p" NEWS \
| grep -v '^\['; \
echo; \
echo ChangeLog entries:; \
-e 'print "\n"."*"x70 ."\n"; s///; print; print "*"x70 ."\n"'; \
-define emit-rsync-commands
+define emit-upload-commands
echo =====================================
echo =====================================
- echo 'for host in $(a_host) $(b_host); do \'
- echo ' rsync -e ssh --pro -av $(xd-delta) $(my_distdir).tar.bz2 \'
- echo ' $(my_distdir).tar.gz $$host:$(real_dir); done'
+ echo upload $(PACKAGE) $(PREV_VERSION) $(VERSION)
echo '# send the /tmp/announcement e-mail'
echo =====================================
echo =====================================
chmod a-w $(rel-files)
echo $(VERSION) > $(prev_version_file)
$(CVS) ci -m. $(prev_version_file)
- @$(emit-rsync-commands)
+ @$(emit-upload-commands)