that 1. Bison compiles cleanly, 2. the parsers it produces compile
cleanly too.
+- Build with -DGNULIB_POSIXCHECK. It suggests gnulib modules that can
+ fix portability issues.
- run `make maintainer-check' which:
- runs `valgrind -q bison' to run Bison under Valgrind.
- runs the parsers under Valgrind.
*** put bison-2.3b.tar.gz.directive.asc
*** Repeat all these steps for bison-2.3b.tar.bz2.
+** Update Bison manual on
+*** You need a non-anonymous checkout of the web pages directory.
+ $ cvs -d checkout bison
+*** Get familiar with the instructions for web page maintainers.
+especially the note about symlinks.
+*** Build the web pages.
+Assuming BISON_CHECKOUT refers to a checkout of the Bison dir, and
+BISON_WWW_CHECKOUT refers to the web directory created above, do:
+ $ cd $BISON_CHECKOUT/doc
+ $ make stamp-vti
+ $ ../build-aux/ -o "$BISON_WWW_CHECKOUT/manual" \
+ bison "Bison - GNU parser generator"
+Verify that the result looks sane.
+*** Commit the modified and the new files.
+*** Remove old files.
+Find the files which have not been overwritten (because they belonged to
+sections that have been removed or renamed):
+ $ cd manual/html_node
+ $ ls -lt
+Remove these files and commit their removal to CVS. For each of these
+files, add a line to the file .symlinks. This will ensure that
+hyperlinks to the removed files will redirect to the entire manual; this
+is better than a 404 error.
+There is a problem with 'index.html' being written twice (once for POSIX
+function 'index', once for the table of contents); you can ignore this
** Announce
To generate a template announcement file:
-Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2007, 2008, 2009
-Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+Copyright (C) 2002-2005, 2007-2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This file is part of GNU Bison.