YYSTOS[S] = the symbol number of the symbol that leads to state S.
+ YYFINAL = the state number of the termination state.
+ YYTABLE = a vector filled with portions for different uses, found
+ YYLAST ( = high) the number of the last element of YYTABLE, i.e.,
+ sizeof (YYTABLE) - 1.
+ YYCHECK = a vector indexed in parallel with YYTABLE. It indicates,
+ in a roundabout way, the bounds of the portion you are trying to
+ examine.
+ Suppose that the portion of YYTABLE starts at index P and the index
+ to be examined within the portion is I. Then if YYCHECK[P+I] != I,
+ I is outside the bounds of what is actually allocated, and the
+ default (from YYDEFACT or YYDEFGOTO) should be used. Otherwise,
+ YYTABLE[P+I] should be used.
YYDEFACT[S] = default reduction number in state s. Performed when
YYTABLE doesn't specify something else to do. Zero means the default
is an error.
YYTABLE to find out what action to perform.
If YYPACT[S] == YYPACT_NINF, if YYPACT[S] + I is outside the bounds
- of YYTABLE (from 0 to YYLAST), or if YYCHECK indicates that I is
- outside the bounds of the portion for S, then the default action
- (from YYDEFACT and YYDEFGOTO) should be used instead of YYTABLE.
- Otherwise, the value YYTABLE[YYPACT[S] + I] should be used even if
+ of YYTABLE (from 0 to YYLAST), or I is outside the bounds for portion
+ S (that is, YYCHECK[YYPACT[S] + I] != I), then the default action
+ (that is, YYDEFACT[S]) should be used instead of YYTABLE. Otherwise,
+ the value YYTABLE[YYPACT[S] + I] should be used even if
YYPACT[S] < 0.
If the value in YYTABLE is positive, we shift the token and go to
If the value is negative, it is minus a rule number to reduce by.
- If the value is zero, the default action from YYDEFACT[S] is used.
- If the value is YYTABLE_NINF, it's a syntax error.
+ If the value is zero or YYTABLE_NINF, it's a syntax error.
YYPGOTO[I] = the index in YYTABLE of the portion describing what to
do after reducing a rule that derives variable I + NTOKENS. This
portion is indexed by the parser state number, S, as of before the
- text for this nonterminal was read. The value from YYTABLE is the
- state to go to if the corresponding value in YYCHECK is S.
- YYTABLE = a vector filled with portions for different uses, found
- YYCHECK = a vector indexed in parallel with YYTABLE. It indicates,
- in a roundabout way, the bounds of the portion you are trying to
- examine.
- Suppose that the portion of YYTABLE starts at index P and the index
- to be examined within the portion is I. Then if YYCHECK[P+I] != I,
- I is outside the bounds of what is actually allocated, and the
- default (from YYDEFACT or YYDEFGOTO) should be used. Otherwise,
- YYTABLE[P+I] should be used.
- YYFINAL = the state number of the termination state.
- YYLAST ( = high) the number of the last element of YYTABLE, i.e.,
- sizeof (YYTABLE) - 1. */
+ text for this nonterminal was read.
+ If YYPGOTO[I] + S is outside the bounds of YYTABLE (from 0 to YYLAST)
+ or if S is outside the bounds of the portion for I (that is,
+ YYCHECK[YYPGOTO[I] + S] != S), then the default state (that is,
+ YYDEFGOTO[I]) should be used instead of YYTABLE. Otherwise,
+ YYTABLE[YYPGOTO[I] + S] is the state to go to even if YYPGOTO[I] < 0.
extern int nvectors;