-/* Bison Grammar Parser -*- C -*-
+%{/* Bison Grammar Parser -*- C -*-
- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ Copyright (C) 2002-2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This file is part of Bison, the GNU Compiler Compiler.
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
- 02111-1307 USA
+ along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */
+#include <config.h>
#include "system.h"
#include "complain.h"
#include "files.h"
#include "getargs.h"
#include "gram.h"
-#include "muscle_tab.h"
-#include "output.h"
+#include "muscle-tab.h"
+#include "named-ref.h"
+#include "quotearg.h"
#include "reader.h"
#include "symlist.h"
+#include "scan-gram.h"
+#include "scan-code.h"
#define YYLLOC_DEFAULT(Current, Rhs, N) (Current) = lloc_default (Rhs, N)
static YYLTYPE lloc_default (YYLTYPE const *, int);
+#define YY_LOCATION_PRINT(File, Loc) \
+ location_print (File, Loc)
+static void version_check (location const *loc, char const *version);
/* Request detailed syntax error messages, and pass them to GRAM_ERROR.
FIXME: depends on the undocumented availability of YYLLOC. */
#undef yyerror
#define yyerror(Msg) \
- gram_error (&yylloc, Msg)
+ gram_error (&yylloc, Msg)
static void gram_error (location const *, char const *);
-#define YYPRINT(File, Type, Value) \
- print_token_value (File, Type, &Value)
-static void print_token_value (FILE *, int, YYSTYPE const *);
+static char const *char_name (char);
-static void add_param (char const *, char *, location);
+ static int current_prec = 0;
+ static location current_lhs_location;
+ static named_ref *current_lhs_named_ref;
+ static symbol *current_lhs;
+ static symbol_class current_class = unknown_sym;
+ static uniqstr current_type = NULL;
+ #define YYTYPE_INT16 int_fast16_t
+ #define YYTYPE_INT8 int_fast8_t
+ #define YYTYPE_UINT16 uint_fast16_t
+ #define YYTYPE_UINT8 uint_fast8_t
-symbol_class current_class = unknown_sym;
-uniqstr current_type = 0;
-symbol *current_lhs;
-location current_lhs_location;
-assoc current_assoc;
-int current_prec = 0;
+%define parse.error "verbose"
+%expect 0
/* Bison's grammar can initial empty locations, hence a default
location is needed. */
- @$.start.file = @$.end.file = current_file;
- @$.start.line = @$.end.line = 1;
- @$.start.column = @$.end.column = 0;
+ boundary_set (&@$.start, current_file, 1, 1);
+ boundary_set (&@$.end, current_file, 1, 1);
-/* Only NUMBERS have a value. */
+ assoc assoc;
+ char *code;
+ char const *chars;
+ int integer;
+ named_ref *named_ref;
symbol *symbol;
symbol_list *list;
- int integer;
- char *chars;
- assoc assoc;
uniqstr uniqstr;
+ unsigned char character;
/* Define the tokens together with their human representation. */
%token PERCENT_NTERM "%nterm"
%token PERCENT_TYPE "%type"
-%token PERCENT_DESTRUCTOR "%destructor {...}"
-%token PERCENT_PRINTER "%printer {...}"
-%token PERCENT_UNION "%union {...}"
+%token PERCENT_DESTRUCTOR "%destructor"
+%token PERCENT_PRINTER "%printer"
%token PERCENT_LEFT "%left"
%token PERCENT_RIGHT "%right"
%token PERCENT_NONASSOC "%nonassoc"
+%token PERCENT_PRECEDENCE "%precedence"
%token PERCENT_PREC "%prec"
%token PERCENT_DPREC "%dprec"
- PERCENT_DEBUG "%debug"
+ PERCENT_CODE "%code"
PERCENT_DEFAULT_PREC "%default-prec"
PERCENT_ERROR_VERBOSE "%error-verbose"
- PERCENT_EXPECT_RR "%expect-rr"
+ PERCENT_EXPECT_RR "%expect-rr"
+ PERCENT_FLAG "%<flag>"
PERCENT_FILE_PREFIX "%file-prefix"
PERCENT_GLR_PARSER "%glr-parser"
- PERCENT_INITIAL_ACTION "%initial-action {...}"
- PERCENT_LEX_PARAM "%lex-param {...}"
- PERCENT_LOCATIONS "%locations"
+ PERCENT_INITIAL_ACTION "%initial-action"
+ PERCENT_LANGUAGE "%language"
PERCENT_NAME_PREFIX "%name-prefix"
PERCENT_NO_DEFAULT_PREC "%no-default-prec"
PERCENT_NO_LINES "%no-lines"
- PERCENT_PARSE_PARAM "%parse-param {...}"
- PERCENT_PURE_PARSER "%pure-parser"
+ PERCENT_REQUIRE "%require"
PERCENT_TOKEN_TABLE "%token-table"
-%token TYPE "type"
+%token BRACED_CODE "{...}"
+%token BRACKETED_ID "[identifier]"
+%token CHAR "char"
+%token EPILOGUE "epilogue"
%token EQUAL "="
-%token SEMICOLON ";"
-%token PIPE "|"
%token ID "identifier"
%token ID_COLON "identifier:"
+%token PIPE "|"
%token PROLOGUE "%{...%}"
-%token EPILOGUE "epilogue"
-%token BRACED_CODE "{...}"
+%token SEMICOLON ";"
+%token TAG "<tag>"
+%token TAG_ANY "<*>"
+%token TAG_NONE "<>"
+%type <character> CHAR
+%printer { fputs (char_name ($$), stderr); } CHAR
+/* braceless is not to be used for rule or symbol actions, as it
+ calls code_props_plain_init. */
+%type <chars> STRING "%{...%}" EPILOGUE braceless content.opt
+%type <code> "{...}"
+%printer { fputs (quotearg_style (c_quoting_style, $$), stderr); }
+%printer { fprintf (stderr, "{\n%s\n}", $$); }
+ braceless content.opt "{...}" "%{...%}" EPILOGUE
+%printer { fputs ($$, stderr); } <uniqstr>
+%printer { fprintf (stderr, "[%s]", $$); } BRACKETED_ID
+%printer { fprintf (stderr, "%s:", $$); } ID_COLON
+%printer { fprintf (stderr, "%%%s", $$); } PERCENT_FLAG
+%printer { fprintf (stderr, "<%s>", $$); } TAG
-%type <chars> STRING string_content
- "%destructor {...}"
- "%initial-action {...}"
- "%lex-param {...}"
- "%parse-param {...}"
- "%printer {...}"
- "%union {...}"
- BRACED_CODE action
-%type <uniqstr> TYPE
%type <integer> INT
-%type <symbol> ID ID_COLON symbol string_as_id
+%printer { fprintf (stderr, "%d", $$); } <integer>
+%type <symbol> id id_colon string_as_id symbol symbol.prec
+%printer { fprintf (stderr, "%s", $$->tag); } <symbol>
+%printer { fprintf (stderr, "%s:", $$->tag); } id_colon
%type <assoc> precedence_declarator
-%type <list> symbols.1
+%type <list> symbols.1 symbols.prec generic_symlist generic_symlist_item
+%type <named_ref> named_ref.opt
+| %param. |
+%code requires
+# ifndef PARAM_TYPE
+# define PARAM_TYPE
+ typedef enum
+ {
+ param_none = 0,
+ param_lex = 1 << 0,
+ param_parse = 1 << 1,
+ param_both = param_lex | param_parse
+ } param_type;
+# endif
+ /** Add a lex-param and/or a parse-param.
+ *
+ * \param type where to push this formal argument.
+ * \param decl the formal argument. Destroyed.
+ * \param loc the location in the source.
+ */
+ static void add_param (param_type type, char *decl, location loc);
+ static param_type current_param = param_none;
+ param_type param;
+%token <param> PERCENT_PARAM "%param";
+ switch ($$)
+ {
+#define CASE(In, Out) \
+ case param_ ## In: fputs ("%" #Out, stderr); break
+ CASE(lex, lex-param);
+ CASE(parse, parse-param);
+ CASE(both, param);
+#undef CASE
+ case param_none: aver (false); break;
+ }
+} <param>;
+ /*==========\
+ | Grammar. |
+ \==========*/
- declarations "%%" grammar epilogue.opt
+ prologue_declarations "%%" grammar epilogue.opt
| Declarations: before the first %%. |
/* Nothing */
-| declarations declaration
+| prologue_declarations prologue_declaration
-| PROLOGUE { prologue_augment ($1, @1); }
-| "%debug" { debug_flag = true; }
-| "%define" string_content string_content { muscle_insert ($2, $3); }
-| "%defines" { defines_flag = true; }
-| "%error-verbose" { error_verbose = true; }
-| "%expect" INT { expected_sr_conflicts = $2; }
-| "%expect-rr" INT { expected_rr_conflicts = $2; }
-| "%file-prefix" "=" string_content { spec_file_prefix = $3; }
+| "%{...%}"
+ {
+ code_props plain_code;
+ code_props_plain_init (&plain_code, $1, @1);
+ code_props_translate_code (&plain_code);
+ gram_scanner_last_string_free ();
+ muscle_code_grow (union_seen ? "post_prologue" : "pre_prologue",
+ plain_code.code, @1);
+ code_scanner_last_string_free ();
+ }
+| "%<flag>"
+ {
+ muscle_percent_define_ensure ($1, @1, true);
+ }
+| "%define" variable content.opt
+ {
+ muscle_percent_define_insert ($2, @2, $3,
+ }
+| "%defines" { defines_flag = true; }
+| "%defines" STRING
+ {
+ defines_flag = true;
+ spec_defines_file = xstrdup ($2);
+ }
+| "%error-verbose"
+ {
+ muscle_percent_define_insert ("parse.error", @1, "verbose",
+ }
+| "%expect" INT { expected_sr_conflicts = $2; }
+| "%expect-rr" INT { expected_rr_conflicts = $2; }
+| "%file-prefix" STRING { spec_file_prefix = $2; }
+| "%file-prefix" "=" STRING { spec_file_prefix = $3; } /* deprecated */
| "%glr-parser"
- {
- nondeterministic_parser = true;
- glr_parser = true;
- }
-| "%initial-action {...}"
- {
- muscle_code_grow ("initial_action", $1, @1);
- }
-| "%lex-param {...}" { add_param ("lex_param", $1, @1); }
-| "%locations" { locations_flag = true; }
-| "%name-prefix" "=" string_content { spec_name_prefix = $3; }
-| "%no-lines" { no_lines_flag = true; }
-| "%nondeterministic-parser" { nondeterministic_parser = true; }
-| "%output" "=" string_content { spec_outfile = $3; }
-| "%parse-param {...}" { add_param ("parse_param", $1, @1); }
-| "%pure-parser" { pure_parser = true; }
-| "%skeleton" string_content { skeleton = $2; }
-| "%token-table" { token_table_flag = true; }
-| "%verbose" { report_flag = report_states; }
-| "%yacc" { yacc_flag = true; }
+ {
+ nondeterministic_parser = true;
+ glr_parser = true;
+ }
+| "%initial-action" "{...}"
+ {
+ code_props action;
+ code_props_symbol_action_init (&action, $2, @2);
+ code_props_translate_code (&action);
+ gram_scanner_last_string_free ();
+ muscle_code_grow ("initial_action", action.code, @2);
+ code_scanner_last_string_free ();
+ }
+| "%language" STRING { language_argmatch ($2, grammar_prio, @1); }
+| "%name-prefix" STRING { spec_name_prefix = $2; }
+| "%name-prefix" "=" STRING { spec_name_prefix = $3; } /* deprecated */
+| "%no-lines" { no_lines_flag = true; }
+| "%nondeterministic-parser" { nondeterministic_parser = true; }
+| "%output" STRING { spec_outfile = $2; }
+| "%output" "=" STRING { spec_outfile = $3; } /* deprecated */
+| "%param" { current_param = $1; } params { current_param = param_none; }
+| "%require" STRING { version_check (&@2, $2); }
+| "%skeleton" STRING
+ {
+ char const *skeleton_user = $2;
+ if (strchr (skeleton_user, '/'))
+ {
+ size_t dir_length = strlen (current_file);
+ char *skeleton_build;
+ while (dir_length && current_file[dir_length - 1] != '/')
+ --dir_length;
+ while (dir_length && current_file[dir_length - 1] == '/')
+ --dir_length;
+ skeleton_build =
+ xmalloc (dir_length + 1 + strlen (skeleton_user) + 1);
+ if (dir_length > 0)
+ {
+ strncpy (skeleton_build, current_file, dir_length);
+ skeleton_build[dir_length++] = '/';
+ }
+ strcpy (skeleton_build + dir_length, skeleton_user);
+ skeleton_user = uniqstr_new (skeleton_build);
+ free (skeleton_build);
+ }
+ skeleton_arg (skeleton_user, grammar_prio, @1);
+ }
+| "%token-table" { token_table_flag = true; }
+| "%verbose" { report_flag |= report_states; }
+| "%yacc" { yacc_flag = true; }
| /*FIXME: Err? What is this horror doing here? */ ";"
+ params "{...}" { add_param (current_param, $2, @2); }
+| "{...}" { add_param (current_param, $1, @1); }
+| grammar_declaration. |
| symbol_declaration
grammar_start_symbol_set ($2, @2);
-| "%union {...}"
- {
- typed = true;
- MUSCLE_INSERT_INT ("stype_line", @1.start.line);
- muscle_insert ("stype", $1);
- }
-| "%destructor {...}" symbols.1
+| "%destructor" "{...}" generic_symlist
symbol_list *list;
- for (list = $2; list; list = list->next)
- symbol_destructor_set (list->sym, $1, @1);
- symbol_list_free ($2);
+ for (list = $3; list; list = list->next)
+ symbol_list_destructor_set (list, $2, @2);
+ symbol_list_free ($3);
-| "%printer {...}" symbols.1
+| "%printer" "{...}" generic_symlist
symbol_list *list;
- for (list = $2; list; list = list->next)
- symbol_printer_set (list->sym, $1, list->location);
- symbol_list_free ($2);
+ for (list = $3; list; list = list->next)
+ symbol_list_printer_set (list, $2, @2);
+ symbol_list_free ($3);
| "%default-prec"
default_prec = false;
+| "%code" braceless
+ {
+ /* Do not invoke muscle_percent_code_grow here since it invokes
+ muscle_user_name_list_grow. */
+ muscle_code_grow ("percent_code()", $2, @2);
+ code_scanner_last_string_free ();
+ }
+| "%code" ID braceless
+ {
+ muscle_percent_code_grow ($2, @2, $3, @3);
+ code_scanner_last_string_free ();
+ }
+| %union. |
+%token PERCENT_UNION "%union";
+ /* Nothing. */ {}
+| ID { muscle_code_grow ("union_name", $1, @1); }
+ "%union" union_name braceless
+ {
+ union_seen = true;
+ muscle_code_grow ("stype", $3, @3);
+ code_scanner_last_string_free ();
+ }
"%nterm" { current_class = nterm_sym; } symbol_defs.1
current_class = unknown_sym;
current_type = NULL;
-| "%type" TYPE symbols.1
+| "%type" TAG symbols.1
symbol_list *list;
+ tag_seen = true;
for (list = $3; list; list = list->next)
- symbol_type_set (list->sym, $2, @2);
+ symbol_type_set (list->content.sym, $2, @2);
symbol_list_free ($3);
- precedence_declarator type.opt symbols.1
+ precedence_declarator tag.opt symbols.prec
symbol_list *list;
for (list = $3; list; list = list->next)
- symbol_type_set (list->sym, current_type, @2);
- symbol_precedence_set (list->sym, current_prec, $1, @1);
+ symbol_type_set (list->content.sym, current_type, @2);
+ symbol_precedence_set (list->content.sym, current_prec, $1, @1);
symbol_list_free ($3);
current_type = NULL;
- "%left" { $$ = left_assoc; }
-| "%right" { $$ = right_assoc; }
-| "%nonassoc" { $$ = non_assoc; }
+ "%left" { $$ = left_assoc; }
+| "%right" { $$ = right_assoc; }
+| "%nonassoc" { $$ = non_assoc; }
+| "%precedence" { $$ = precedence_assoc; }
/* Nothing. */ { current_type = NULL; }
-| TYPE { current_type = $1; }
+| TAG { current_type = $1; tag_seen = true; }
+/* Just like symbols.1 but accept INT for the sake of POSIX. */
+ symbol.prec
+ { $$ = symbol_list_sym_new ($1, @1); }
+| symbols.prec symbol.prec
+ { $$ = symbol_list_prepend ($1, symbol_list_sym_new ($2, @2)); }
-/* One or more nonterminals to be %typed. */
+ symbol { $$ = $1; }
+ | symbol INT { $$ = $1; symbol_user_token_number_set ($1, $2, @2); }
+ ;
+/* One or more symbols to be %typed. */
- symbol { $$ = symbol_list_new ($1, @1); }
-| symbols.1 symbol { $$ = symbol_list_prepend ($1, $2, @2); }
+ symbol
+ { $$ = symbol_list_sym_new ($1, @1); }
+| symbols.1 symbol
+ { $$ = symbol_list_prepend ($1, symbol_list_sym_new ($2, @2)); }
+ generic_symlist_item { $$ = $1; }
+| generic_symlist generic_symlist_item { $$ = symbol_list_prepend ($1, $2); }
+ symbol { $$ = symbol_list_sym_new ($1, @1); }
+| TAG { $$ = symbol_list_type_new ($1, @1); }
+| "<*>" { $$ = symbol_list_default_tagged_new (@1); }
+| "<>" { $$ = symbol_list_default_tagless_new (@1); }
/* One token definition. */
current_type = $1;
+ tag_seen = true;
-| ID
+| id
- symbol_class_set ($1, current_class, @1);
+ symbol_class_set ($1, current_class, @1, true);
symbol_type_set ($1, current_type, @1);
+| id INT
- symbol_class_set ($1, current_class, @1);
+ symbol_class_set ($1, current_class, @1, true);
symbol_type_set ($1, current_type, @1);
symbol_user_token_number_set ($1, $2, @2);
-| ID string_as_id
+| id string_as_id
- symbol_class_set ($1, current_class, @1);
+ symbol_class_set ($1, current_class, @1, true);
symbol_type_set ($1, current_type, @1);
symbol_make_alias ($1, $2, @$);
-| ID INT string_as_id
+| id INT string_as_id
- symbol_class_set ($1, current_class, @1);
+ symbol_class_set ($1, current_class, @1, true);
symbol_type_set ($1, current_type, @1);
symbol_user_token_number_set ($1, $2, @2);
symbol_make_alias ($1, $3, @$);
| grammar_declaration ";"
- {
- if (yacc_flag)
- complain_at (@$, _("POSIX forbids declarations in the grammar"));
- }
| error ";"
- ID_COLON { current_lhs = $1; current_lhs_location = @1; } rhses.1
+ id_colon named_ref.opt { current_lhs = $1; current_lhs_location = @1;
+ current_lhs_named_ref = $2; } rhses.1
- rhs { grammar_rule_end (@1); }
-| rhses.1 "|" rhs { grammar_rule_end (@3); }
+ rhs { grammar_current_rule_end (@1); }
+| rhses.1 "|" rhs { grammar_current_rule_end (@3); }
| rhses.1 ";"
/* Nothing. */
- { grammar_rule_begin (current_lhs, current_lhs_location); }
-| rhs symbol
- { grammar_current_rule_symbol_append ($2, @2); }
-| rhs action
- { grammar_current_rule_action_append ($2, @2); }
+ { grammar_current_rule_begin (current_lhs, current_lhs_location,
+ current_lhs_named_ref); }
+| rhs symbol named_ref.opt
+ { grammar_current_rule_symbol_append ($2, @2, $3); }
+| rhs "{...}" named_ref.opt
+ { grammar_current_rule_action_append ($2, @2, $3); }
| rhs "%prec" symbol
{ grammar_current_rule_prec_set ($3, @3); }
| rhs "%dprec" INT
{ grammar_current_rule_dprec_set ($3, @3); }
-| rhs "%merge" TYPE
+| rhs "%merge" TAG
{ grammar_current_rule_merge_set ($3, @3); }
- ID { $$ = $1; }
-| string_as_id { $$ = $1; }
+ /* Nothing. */ { $$ = 0; }
+ BRACKETED_ID { $$ = named_ref_new($1, @1); }
- { $$ = $1; }
+| variable and content.opt. |
+/* The STRING form of variable is deprecated and is not M4-friendly.
+ For example, M4 fails for `%define "[" "value"'. */
+ ID
+| STRING { $$ = uniqstr_new ($1); }
-/* A string used as an ID: we have to keep the quotes. */
+/* Some content or empty by default. */
+ /* Nothing. */ { $$ = ""; }
+| ID { $$ = $1; }
+| braceless. |
+ "{...}"
- $$ = symbol_get ($1, @1);
- symbol_class_set ($$, token_sym, @1);
+ code_props plain_code;
+ $1[strlen ($1) - 1] = '\n';
+ code_props_plain_init (&plain_code, $1+1, @1);
+ code_props_translate_code (&plain_code);
+ gram_scanner_last_string_free ();
+ $$ = plain_code.code;
-/* A string used for its contents. Strip the quotes. */
+| Identifiers. |
+/* Identifiers are returned as uniqstr values by the scanner.
+ Depending on their use, we may need to make them genuine symbols. */
+ ID
+ { $$ = symbol_from_uniqstr ($1, @1); }
- $$ = $1 + 1;
- $$[strlen ($$) - 1] = '\0';
- };
+ $$ = symbol_get (char_name ($1), @1);
+ symbol_class_set ($$, token_sym, @1, false);
+ symbol_user_token_number_set ($$, $1, @1);
+ }
+ ID_COLON { $$ = symbol_from_uniqstr ($1, @1); }
+ id
+| string_as_id
+/* A string used as an ID: quote it. */
+ {
+ $$ = symbol_get (quotearg_style (c_quoting_style, $1), @1);
+ symbol_class_set ($$, token_sym, @1, false);
+ }
/* Nothing. */
- muscle_code_grow ("epilogue", $2, @2);
- scanner_last_string_free ();
+ code_props plain_code;
+ code_props_plain_init (&plain_code, $2, @2);
+ code_props_translate_code (&plain_code);
+ gram_scanner_last_string_free ();
+ muscle_code_grow ("epilogue", plain_code.code, @2);
+ code_scanner_last_string_free ();
int i;
- loc.start = loc.end = rhs[n].end;
+ /* SGI MIPSpro 7.4.1m miscompiles "loc.start = loc.end = rhs[n].end;".
+ The bug is fixed in 7.4.2m, but play it safe for now. */
+ loc.start = rhs[n].end;
+ loc.end = rhs[n].end;
/* Ignore empty nonterminals the start of the the right-hand side.
Do not bother to ignore them at the end of the right-hand side,
-/* Add a lex-param or a parse-param (depending on TYPE) with
- declaration DECL and location LOC. */
static void
-add_param (char const *type, char *decl, location loc)
+add_param (param_type type, char *decl, location loc)
- static char const alphanum[] =
- "0123456789"
+ static char const alphanum[26 + 26 + 1 + 10] =
- "_";
- char const *alpha = alphanum + 10;
- char const *name_start = NULL;
- char *p;
+ "_"
+ "0123456789";
- for (p = decl; *p; p++)
- if ((p == decl || ! strchr (alphanum, p[-1])) && strchr (alpha, p[0]))
- name_start = p;
- /* Strip the surrounding '{' and '}'. */
- decl++;
- p[-1] = '\0';
+ char const *name_start = NULL;
+ {
+ char *p;
+ /* Stop on last actual character. */
+ for (p = decl; p[1]; p++)
+ if ((p == decl
+ || ! memchr (alphanum, p[-1], sizeof alphanum))
+ && memchr (alphanum, p[0], sizeof alphanum - 10))
+ name_start = p;
+ /* Strip the surrounding '{' and '}', and any blanks just inside
+ the braces. */
+ while (*--p == ' ' || *p == '\t')
+ continue;
+ p[1] = '\0';
+ while (*++decl == ' ' || *decl == '\t')
+ continue;
+ }
if (! name_start)
complain_at (loc, _("missing identifier in parameter declaration"));
size_t name_len;
for (name_len = 1;
- name_start[name_len] && strchr (alphanum, name_start[name_len]);
+ memchr (alphanum, name_start[name_len], sizeof alphanum);
name = xmalloc (name_len + 1);
memcpy (name, name_start, name_len);
name[name_len] = '\0';
- muscle_pair_list_grow (type, decl, name);
+ if (type & param_lex)
+ muscle_pair_list_grow ("lex_param", decl, name);
+ if (type & param_parse)
+ muscle_pair_list_grow ("parse_param", decl, name);
free (name);
- scanner_last_string_free ();
+ gram_scanner_last_string_free ();
-| When debugging the parser, display tokens' values. |
static void
-print_token_value (FILE *file, int type, YYSTYPE const *value)
+version_check (location const *loc, char const *version)
- fputc (' ', file);
- switch (type)
- {
- case ID:
- fprintf (file, " = %s", value->symbol->tag);
- break;
- case INT:
- fprintf (file, " = %d", value->integer);
- break;
- case STRING:
- fprintf (file, " = \"%s\"", value->chars);
- break;
- case TYPE:
- fprintf (file, " = <%s>", value->uniqstr);
- break;
- case PROLOGUE:
- case EPILOGUE:
- fprintf (file, " = {{ %s }}", value->chars);
- break;
- default:
- fprintf (file, "unknown token type");
- break;
+ if (strverscmp (version, PACKAGE_VERSION) > 0)
+ {
+ complain_at (*loc, "require bison %s, but have %s",
+ version, PACKAGE_VERSION);
+ exit (63);
char const *
token_name (int type)
- return yytname[type];
+ return yytname[YYTRANSLATE (type)];
+static char const *
+char_name (char c)
+ if (c == '\'')
+ return "'\\''";
+ else
+ {
+ char buf[4];
+ buf[0] = '\''; buf[1] = c; buf[2] = '\''; buf[3] = '\0';
+ return quotearg_style (escape_quoting_style, buf);
+ }