-*- C -*-
# GLR skeleton for Bison
-# Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 Free Software
-# Foundation, Inc.
+# Copyright (C) 2002-2012 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+# If we are loaded by glr.cc, do not override c++.m4 definitions by
+# those of c.m4.
+m4_if(b4_skeleton, ["glr.c"],
+ [m4_include(b4_pkgdatadir/[c.m4])])
## ---------------- ##
## Default values. ##
## ------------------------ ##
-# If glr.cc is including this file and thus has already set b4_pure_flag, don't
-# change the value of b4_pure_flag, and don't record a use of api.pure.
+# If glr.cc is including this file and thus has already set b4_pure_flag,
+# do not change the value of b4_pure_flag, and do not record a use of api.pure.
[b4_percent_define_default([[api.pure]], [[false]])
# This is not shared with yacc.c in c.m4 because GLR relies on ISO C
# formal argument declarations.
-[m4_ifset([b4_parse_param], [, b4_c_ansi_formals(b4_parse_param)])])
+[m4_ifset([b4_parse_param], [, b4_formals(b4_parse_param)])])
# b4_lex_param
# a trailing comma.
[b4_pure_if([b4_locations_if([yylocp, ])])dnl
-m4_ifset([b4_parse_param], [b4_c_args(b4_parse_param), ])])
+m4_ifset([b4_parse_param], [b4_args(b4_parse_param), ])])
# b4_lyyerror_args
# Same as above, but on the lookahead, hence &yylloc instead of yylocp.
[b4_pure_if([b4_locations_if([&yylloc, ])])dnl
-m4_ifset([b4_parse_param], [b4_c_args(b4_parse_param), ])])
+m4_ifset([b4_parse_param], [b4_args(b4_parse_param), ])])
# b4_pure_args
[b4_pure_if([b4_locations_if([, &yylloc])])[]b4_user_args])
# b4_pure_formals
# ---------------
-# Arguments passed to yyerror: user formals plus yylocp.
+# Arguments passed to yyerror: user formals plus yylocp with leading comma.
[b4_pure_if([b4_locations_if([, YYLTYPE *yylocp])])[]b4_user_formals])
+# b4_locuser_formals(LOC = yylocp)
+# --------------------------------
+[b4_locations_if([, YYLTYPE *m4_default([$1], [yylocp])])[]b4_user_formals])
+# b4_locuser_args(LOC = yylocp)
+# -----------------------------
+[b4_locations_if([, m4_default([$1], [yylocp])])[]b4_user_args])
## ----------------- ##
## Semantic Values. ##
## ----------------- ##
[(b4_rhs_data([$1], [$2]).yyloc)])
+## -------------- ##
+## Declarations. ##
+## -------------- ##
+# b4_shared_declarations
+# ----------------------
+# Declaration that might either go into the header (if --defines)
+# or open coded in the parser body.
+]b4_function_declare(b4_prefix[parse], [int], b4_parse_param)[
## -------------- ##
## Output files. ##
b4_copyright([Skeleton implementation for Bison GLR parsers in C],
- [2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008])
+ [2002-2012])
/* C GLR parser skeleton written by Paul Hilfinger. */
-m4_if(b4_prefix, [yy], [],
-[/* Substitute the variable and function names. */
-#define yyparse b4_prefix[]parse
-#define yylex b4_prefix[]lex
-#define yyerror b4_prefix[]error
-#define yylval b4_prefix[]lval
-#define yychar b4_prefix[]char
-#define yydebug b4_prefix[]debug
-#define yynerrs b4_prefix[]nerrs
-#define yylloc b4_prefix[]lloc])[
-/* Copy the first part of user declarations. */
-dnl # b4_shared_declarations
-dnl # ----------------------
-dnl # Declaration that might either go into the header (if --defines)
-dnl # or open coded in the parser body.
-[#ifndef YYSTYPE
-[[typedef union ]b4_union_name[
-# define YYSTYPE_IS_TRIVIAL 1]],
-[m4_if(b4_tag_seen_flag, 0,
-[[typedef int YYSTYPE;
-# define YYSTYPE_IS_TRIVIAL 1]])])[
-#if ! defined YYLTYPE && ! defined YYLTYPE_IS_DECLARED
-typedef struct YYLTYPE
- int first_line;
- int first_column;
- int last_line;
- int last_column;
- char yydummy;
-b4_defines_if([[#include "@basename(]b4_spec_defines_file[@)"]],
- [b4_shared_declarations])[
-/* Enabling traces. */
-#ifndef YYDEBUG
-# define YYDEBUG ]b4_debug_if([1], [0])[
+]m4_if(b4_api_prefix, [yy], [],
+[[/* Substitute the type names. */
+#define YYSTYPE ]b4_api_PREFIX[STYPE]b4_locations_if([[
+#define YYLTYPE ]b4_api_PREFIX[LTYPE]])])[
+]m4_if(b4_prefix, [yy], [],
+[[/* Substitute the variable and function names. */
+#define yyparse ]b4_prefix[parse
+#define yylex ]b4_prefix[lex
+#define yyerror ]b4_prefix[error
+#define yylval ]b4_prefix[lval
+#define yychar ]b4_prefix[char
+#define yydebug ]b4_prefix[debug
+#define yynerrs ]b4_prefix[nerrs]b4_locations_if([[
+#define yylloc ]b4_prefix[lloc]])])[
+/* First part of user declarations. */
+]b4_defines_if([[#include "@basename(]b4_spec_defines_file[@)"]],
+ [b4_shared_declarations])[
/* Enabling verbose error messages. */
# define YYERROR_VERBOSE ]b4_error_verbose_if([1], [0])[
-/* Enabling the token table. */
-# define YYTOKEN_TABLE ]b4_token_table[
/* Default (constant) value used for initialization for null
right-hand sides. Unlike the standard yacc.c template,
here we set the default value of $$ to a zeroed-out value.
#include <string.h>
#ifndef YY_
# include <libintl.h> /* INFRINGES ON USER NAME SPACE */
# define YY_(msgid) dgettext ("bison-runtime", msgid)
#ifndef lint
# define YYID(n) (n)
-]b4_c_function_def([YYID], [static int], [[int i], [i]])[
+]b4_function_define([YYID], [static int], [[int i], [i]])[
return i;
#ifndef __attribute__
/* This feature is available in gcc versions 2.5 and later. */
# if (! defined __GNUC__ || __GNUC__ < 2 \
- || (__GNUC__ == 2 && __GNUC_MINOR__ < 5) || __STRICT_ANSI__)
+ || (__GNUC__ == 2 && __GNUC_MINOR__ < 5))
# define __attribute__(Spec) /* empty */
# endif
#define YYUNDEFTOK ]b4_undef_token_number[
#define YYMAXUTOK ]b4_user_token_number_max[
((unsigned int) (YYX) <= YYMAXUTOK ? yytranslate[YYX] : YYUNDEFTOK)
/* YYTRANSLATE[YYLEX] -- Bison symbol number corresponding to YYLEX. */
+#if ]b4_api_PREFIX[DEBUG
/* YYRLINE[YYN] -- source line where rule number YYN was defined. */
static const ]b4_int_type_for([b4_rline])[ yyrline[] =
+#if ]b4_api_PREFIX[DEBUG || YYERROR_VERBOSE || ]b4_token_table_flag[
/* YYTNAME[SYMBOL-NUM] -- String name of the symbol SYMBOL-NUM.
First, the terminals, then, starting at YYNTOKENS, nonterminals. */
static const char *const yytname[] =
+/* YYIMMEDIATE[RULE-NUM] -- True iff rule #RULE-NUM is not to be deferred, as
+ in the case of predicates. */
+static const yybool yyimmediate[] =
+ ]b4_immediate[
/* YYCONFLP[YYPACT[STATE-NUM]] -- Pointer into YYCONFL of start of
list of conflicting reductions corresponding to action entry for
state STATE-NUM in yytable. 0 means no conflicts. The list in
-/* Prevent warning if -Wmissing-prototypes. */
-]b4_c_ansi_function_decl([yyparse], [int], b4_parse_param)[
/* Error token number */
#define YYTERROR 1
-/* YYLLOC_DEFAULT -- Set CURRENT to span from RHS[1] to RHS[N].
- If N is 0, then set CURRENT to the empty location which ends
- the previous symbol: RHS[0] (always defined). */
-#define YYRHSLOC(Rhs, K) ((Rhs)[K].yystate.yyloc)
-# define YYLLOC_DEFAULT(Current, Rhs, N) \
- do \
- if (YYID (N)) \
- { \
- (Current).first_line = YYRHSLOC (Rhs, 1).first_line; \
- (Current).first_column = YYRHSLOC (Rhs, 1).first_column; \
- (Current).last_line = YYRHSLOC (Rhs, N).last_line; \
- (Current).last_column = YYRHSLOC (Rhs, N).last_column; \
- } \
- else \
- { \
- (Current).first_line = (Current).last_line = \
- YYRHSLOC (Rhs, 0).last_line; \
- (Current).first_column = (Current).last_column = \
- YYRHSLOC (Rhs, 0).last_column; \
- } \
- while (YYID (0))
+# define YYRHSLOC(Rhs, K) ((Rhs)[K].yystate.yyloc)
/* YY_LOCATION_PRINT -- Print the location on the stream.
This macro was not mandated originally: define only if we know
we won't break user code: when these are the locations we know. */
-# define YY_LOCATION_PRINT(File, Loc) \
- fprintf (File, "%d.%d-%d.%d", \
- (Loc).first_line, (Loc).first_column, \
- (Loc).last_line, (Loc).last_column)
+# define YY_LOCATION_PRINT(File, Loc) \
+ fprintf (File, "%d.%d-%d.%d", \
+ (Loc).first_line, (Loc).first_column, \
+ (Loc).last_line, (Loc).last_column)
# define YY_LOCATION_PRINT(File, Loc) ((void) 0)
/* YYLEX -- calling `yylex' with the right arguments. */
-#define YYLEX ]b4_c_function_call([yylex], [int], b4_lex_param)[
+#define YYLEX ]b4_function_call([yylex], [int], b4_lex_param)[
#define b4_prefix[]char yychar
#define b4_prefix[]lval yylval
#define b4_prefix[]lloc yylloc])],
-[YYSTYPE yylval;
-YYLTYPE yylloc;
+[YYSTYPE yylval;]b4_locations_if([[
+YYLTYPE yylloc;]])[
int yynerrs;
int yychar;])[
#define YYCHK(YYE) \
do { \
- YYRESULTTAG yyflag = YYE; \
- if (yyflag != yyok) \
- return yyflag; \
+ YYRESULTTAG yychk_flag = YYE; \
+ if (yychk_flag != yyok) \
+ return yychk_flag; \
} while (YYID (0))
+#if ]b4_api_PREFIX[DEBUG
# ifndef YYFPRINTF
# define YYFPRINTF fprintf
# endif
-# define YYDPRINTF(Args) \
- do { \
+# define YYDPRINTF(Args) \
+ do { \
if (yydebug) \
} while (YYID (0))
# define YY_SYMBOL_PRINT(Title, Type, Value, Location) \
do { \
if (yydebug) \
{ \
YYFPRINTF (stderr, "%s ", Title); \
- yy_symbol_print (stderr, Type, \
- Value]b4_locations_if([, Location])[]b4_user_args[); \
+ yy_symbol_print (stderr, Type, Value]b4_locuser_args([Location])[); \
YYFPRINTF (stderr, "\n"); \
} \
} while (YYID (0))
multiple parsers can coexist. */
int yydebug;
-#else /* !YYDEBUG */
+#else /* !]b4_api_PREFIX[DEBUG */
# define YYDPRINTF(Args)
# define YY_SYMBOL_PRINT(Title, Type, Value, Location)
-#endif /* !YYDEBUG */
+#endif /* !]b4_api_PREFIX[DEBUG */
/* YYINITDEPTH -- initial size of the parser's stacks. */
# define YYINITDEPTH ]b4_stack_depth_init[
#define YYHEADROOM 2
-# if (! defined __cplusplus \
- || (]b4_locations_if([[defined YYLTYPE_IS_TRIVIAL && YYLTYPE_IS_TRIVIAL \
-# else
-# endif
-# define YY_RESERVE_GLRSTACK(Yystack) \
- do { \
- if (Yystack->yyspaceLeft < YYHEADROOM) \
- yyexpandGLRStack (Yystack); \
+# define YY_RESERVE_GLRSTACK(Yystack) \
+ do { \
+ if (Yystack->yyspaceLeft < YYHEADROOM) \
+ yyexpandGLRStack (Yystack); \
} while (YYID (0))
-# define YY_RESERVE_GLRSTACK(Yystack) \
- do { \
- if (Yystack->yyspaceLeft < YYHEADROOM) \
- yyMemoryExhausted (Yystack); \
+# define YY_RESERVE_GLRSTACK(Yystack) \
+ do { \
+ if (Yystack->yyspaceLeft < YYHEADROOM) \
+ yyMemoryExhausted (Yystack); \
} while (YYID (0))
char const *yyp = yystr;
for (;;)
- switch (*++yyp)
- {
- case '\'':
- case ',':
- goto do_not_strip_quotes;
- case '\\':
- if (*++yyp != '\\')
- goto do_not_strip_quotes;
- /* Fall through. */
- default:
- if (yyres)
- yyres[yyn] = *yyp;
- yyn++;
- break;
- case '"':
- if (yyres)
- yyres[yyn] = '\0';
- return yyn;
- }
+ switch (*++yyp)
+ {
+ case '\'':
+ case ',':
+ goto do_not_strip_quotes;
+ case '\\':
+ if (*++yyp != '\\')
+ goto do_not_strip_quotes;
+ /* Fall through. */
+ default:
+ if (yyres)
+ yyres[yyn] = *yyp;
+ yyn++;
+ break;
+ case '"':
+ if (yyres)
+ yyres[yyn] = '\0';
+ return yyn;
+ }
do_not_strip_quotes: ;
typedef int yyRuleNum;
/** Grammar symbol */
-typedef short int yySymbol;
+typedef int yySymbol;
/** Item references, as in LALR(1) machine */
typedef short int yyItemNum;
yyStateNum yylrState;
/** Preceding state in this stack */
yyGLRState* yypred;
- /** Source position of the first token produced by my symbol */
+ /** Source position of the last token produced by my symbol */
size_t yyposn;
union {
/** First in a chain of alternative reductions producing the
yySemanticOption* yyfirstVal;
/** Semantic value for this state. */
YYSTYPE yysval;
- } yysemantics;
+ } yysemantics;]b4_locations_if([[
/** Source location for this state. */
- YYLTYPE yyloc;
+ YYLTYPE yyloc;]])[
struct yyGLRStateSet {
yyGLRState* yystate;
/** The lookahead for this reduction. */
int yyrawchar;
- YYSTYPE yyval;
- YYLTYPE yyloc;
+ YYSTYPE yyval;]b4_locations_if([[
+ YYLTYPE yyloc;]])[
/** Next sibling in chain of options. To facilitate merging,
* options are chained in decreasing order by address. */
yySemanticOption* yynext;
int yyerrcnt;
int yyrawchar;
- YYSTYPE yyval;
- YYLTYPE yyloc;
+ YYSTYPE yyval;]b4_locations_if([[
+ YYLTYPE yyloc;]])[
YYJMP_BUF yyexception_buffer;
yyGLRStackItem* yyitems;
static void
yyFail (yyGLRStack* yystackp]b4_pure_formals[, const char* yymsg)
- if (yymsg != NULL)
+ if (yymsg != YY_NULL)
yyerror (]b4_yyerror_args[yymsg);
YYLONGJMP (yystackp->yyexception_buffer, 1);
YYLONGJMP (yystackp->yyexception_buffer, 2);
/** A printable representation of TOKEN. */
static inline const char*
yytokenName (yySymbol yytoken)
static void
yyfillin (yyGLRStackItem *yyvsp, int yylow0, int yylow1)
- yyGLRState* s;
int i;
- s = yyvsp[yylow0].yystate.yypred;
+ yyGLRState *s = yyvsp[yylow0].yystate.yypred;
for (i = yylow0-1; i >= yylow1; i -= 1)
- YYASSERT (s->yyresolved);
- yyvsp[i].yystate.yyresolved = yytrue;
- yyvsp[i].yystate.yysemantics.yysval = s->yysemantics.yysval;
- yyvsp[i].yystate.yyloc = s->yyloc;
+#if ]b4_api_PREFIX[DEBUG
+ yyvsp[i].yystate.yylrState = s->yylrState;
+ yyvsp[i].yystate.yyresolved = s->yyresolved;
+ if (s->yyresolved)
+ yyvsp[i].yystate.yysemantics.yysval = s->yysemantics.yysval;
+ else
+ /* The effect of using yysval or yyloc (in an immediate rule) is
+ * undefined. */
+ yyvsp[i].yystate.yysemantics.yyfirstVal = YY_NULL;]b4_locations_if([[
+ yyvsp[i].yystate.yyloc = s->yyloc;]])[
s = yyvsp[i].yystate.yypred = s->yypred;
* yyerr for YYERROR, yyabort for YYABORT. */
yyuserAction (yyRuleNum yyn, int yyrhslen, yyGLRStackItem* yyvsp,
- YYSTYPE* yyvalp,
- yyGLRStack* yystackp
- ]b4_user_formals[)
+ yyGLRStack* yystackp,
+ YYSTYPE* yyvalp]b4_locuser_formals[)
yybool yynormal __attribute__ ((__unused__)) =
- (yystackp->yysplitPoint == NULL);
+ (yystackp->yysplitPoint == YY_NULL);
int yylow;
+]b4_parse_param_use([yyvalp], [yylocp])dnl
[# undef yyerrok
# define yyerrok (yystackp->yyerrState = 0)
# undef YYACCEPT
# undef YYFILL
# define YYFILL(N) yyfill (yyvsp, &yylow, N, yynormal)
# undef YYBACKUP
-# define YYBACKUP(Token, Value) \
+# define YYBACKUP(Token, Value) \
return yyerror (]b4_yyerror_args[YY_("syntax error: cannot back up")), \
- yyerrok, yyerr
+ yyerrok, yyerr
yylow = 1;
if (yyrhslen == 0)
*yyvalp = yyval_default;
- *yyvalp = yyvsp[YYFILL (1-yyrhslen)].yystate.yysemantics.yysval;
+ *yyvalp = yyvsp[YYFILL (1-yyrhslen)].yystate.yysemantics.yysval;]b4_locations_if([[
YYLLOC_DEFAULT ((*yylocp), (yyvsp - yyrhslen), yyrhslen);
-]b4_locations_if([[ yystackp->yyerror_range[1].yystate.yyloc = *yylocp;
+ yystackp->yyerror_range[1].yystate.yyloc = *yylocp;
switch (yyn)
- /* Bison grammar-table manipulation. */
+ /* Bison grammar-table manipulation. */
/** Number of symbols composing the right hand side of rule #RULE. */
static inline int
if (yys->yyresolved)
yydestruct (yymsg, yystos[yys->yylrState],
- &yys->yysemantics.yysval]b4_locations_if([, &yys->yyloc])[]b4_user_args[);
+ &yys->yysemantics.yysval]b4_locuser_args([&yys->yyloc])[);
+#if ]b4_api_PREFIX[DEBUG
if (yydebug)
- {
- if (yys->yysemantics.yyfirstVal)
- YYFPRINTF (stderr, "%s unresolved ", yymsg);
- else
- YYFPRINTF (stderr, "%s incomplete ", yymsg);
- yy_symbol_print (stderr, yystos[yys->yylrState],
- NULL]b4_locations_if([, &yys->yyloc])[]b4_user_args[);
- YYFPRINTF (stderr, "\n");
- }
+ {
+ if (yys->yysemantics.yyfirstVal)
+ YYFPRINTF (stderr, "%s unresolved ", yymsg);
+ else
+ YYFPRINTF (stderr, "%s incomplete ", yymsg);
+ yy_symbol_print (stderr, yystos[yys->yylrState],
+ YY_NULL]b4_locuser_args([&yys->yyloc])[);
+ YYFPRINTF (stderr, "\n");
+ }
if (yys->yysemantics.yyfirstVal)
- {
- yySemanticOption *yyoption = yys->yysemantics.yyfirstVal;
- yyGLRState *yyrh;
- int yyn;
- for (yyrh = yyoption->yystate, yyn = yyrhsLength (yyoption->yyrule);
- yyn > 0;
- yyrh = yyrh->yypred, yyn -= 1)
- yydestroyGLRState (yymsg, yyrh]b4_user_args[);
- }
+ {
+ yySemanticOption *yyoption = yys->yysemantics.yyfirstVal;
+ yyGLRState *yyrh;
+ int yyn;
+ for (yyrh = yyoption->yystate, yyn = yyrhsLength (yyoption->yyrule);
+ yyn > 0;
+ yyrh = yyrh->yypred, yyn -= 1)
+ yydestroyGLRState (yymsg, yyrh]b4_user_args[);
+ }
-/** Left-hand-side symbol for rule #RULE. */
+/** Left-hand-side symbol for rule #YYRULE. */
static inline yySymbol
yylhsNonterm (yyRuleNum yyrule)
return yyr1[yyrule];
-#define yyis_pact_ninf(yystate) \
- ]m4_if(m4_eval(b4_pact_ninf < b4_pact_min), [1],
- [0],
- [((yystate) == YYPACT_NINF)])[
+#define yypact_value_is_default(yystate) \
+ ]b4_table_value_equals([[pact]], [[yystate]], [b4_pact_ninf])[
-/** True iff LR state STATE has only a default reduction (regardless
+/** True iff LR state YYSTATE has only a default reduction (regardless
* of token). */
static inline yybool
yyisDefaultedState (yyStateNum yystate)
- return yyis_pact_ninf (yypact[yystate]);
+ return yypact_value_is_default (yypact[yystate]);
-/** The default reduction for STATE, assuming it has one. */
+/** The default reduction for YYSTATE, assuming it has one. */
static inline yyRuleNum
yydefaultAction (yyStateNum yystate)
return yydefact[yystate];
-#define yyis_table_ninf(yytable_value) \
- ]m4_if(m4_eval(b4_table_ninf < b4_table_min), [1],
- [YYID (0)],
- [((yytable_value) == YYTABLE_NINF)])[
+#define yytable_value_is_error(yytable_value) \
+ ]b4_table_value_equals([[table]], [[yytable_value]], [b4_table_ninf])[
/** Set *YYACTION to the action to take in YYSTATE on seeing YYTOKEN.
* Result R means
* R < 0: Reduce on rule -R.
* R = 0: Error.
* R > 0: Shift to state R.
- * Set *CONFLICTS to a pointer into yyconfl to 0-terminated list of
- * conflicting reductions.
+ * Set *YYCONFLICTS to a pointer into yyconfl to a 0-terminated list
+ * of conflicting reductions.
static inline void
yygetLRActions (yyStateNum yystate, int yytoken,
- int* yyaction, const short int** yyconflicts)
+ int* yyaction, const short int** yyconflicts)
int yyindex = yypact[yystate] + yytoken;
- if (yyindex < 0 || YYLAST < yyindex || yycheck[yyindex] != yytoken)
+ if (yypact_value_is_default (yypact[yystate])
+ || yyindex < 0 || YYLAST < yyindex || yycheck[yyindex] != yytoken)
*yyaction = -yydefact[yystate];
*yyconflicts = yyconfl;
- else if (! yyis_table_ninf (yytable[yyindex]))
+ else if (! yytable_value_is_error (yytable[yyindex]))
*yyaction = yytable[yyindex];
*yyconflicts = yyconfl + yyconflp[yyindex];
static inline yyStateNum
yyLRgotoState (yyStateNum yystate, yySymbol yylhs)
- int yyr;
- yyr = yypgoto[yylhs - YYNTOKENS] + yystate;
+ int yyr = yypgoto[yylhs - YYNTOKENS] + yystate;
if (0 <= yyr && yyr <= YYLAST && yycheck[yyr] == yystate)
return yytable[yyr];
return yyaction == 0;
- /* GLRStates */
+ /* GLRStates */
-/** Return a fresh GLRStackItem. Callers should call
- * YY_RESERVE_GLRSTACK afterwards to make sure there is sufficient
- * headroom. */
+/** Return a fresh GLRStackItem in YYSTACKP. The item is an LR state
+ * if YYISSTATE, and otherwise a semantic option. Callers should call
+ * YY_RESERVE_GLRSTACK afterwards to make sure there is sufficient
+ * headroom. */
static inline yyGLRStackItem*
yynewGLRStackItem (yyGLRStack* yystackp, yybool yyisState)
/** Add a new semantic action that will execute the action for rule
- * RULENUM on the semantic values in RHS to the list of
- * alternative actions for STATE. Assumes that RHS comes from
- * stack #K of *STACKP. */
+ * YYRULE on the semantic values in YYRHS to the list of
+ * alternative actions for YYSTATE. Assumes that YYRHS comes from
+ * stack #YYK of *YYSTACKP. */
static void
yyaddDeferredAction (yyGLRStack* yystackp, size_t yyk, yyGLRState* yystate,
- yyGLRState* yyrhs, yyRuleNum yyrule)
+ yyGLRState* yyrhs, yyRuleNum yyrule)
yySemanticOption* yynewOption =
&yynewGLRStackItem (yystackp, yyfalse)->yyoption;
if (yystackp->yytops.yylookaheadNeeds[yyk])
yynewOption->yyrawchar = yychar;
- yynewOption->yyval = yylval;
- yynewOption->yyloc = yylloc;
+ yynewOption->yyval = yylval;]b4_locations_if([
+ yynewOption->yyloc = yylloc;])[
yynewOption->yyrawchar = YYEMPTY;
- /* GLRStacks */
+ /* GLRStacks */
-/** Initialize SET to a singleton set containing an empty stack. */
+/** Initialize YYSET to a singleton set containing an empty stack. */
static yybool
yyinitStateSet (yyGLRStateSet* yyset)
yyset->yystates = (yyGLRState**) YYMALLOC (16 * sizeof yyset->yystates[0]);
if (! yyset->yystates)
return yyfalse;
- yyset->yystates[0] = NULL;
+ yyset->yystates[0] = YY_NULL;
yyset->yylookaheadNeeds =
(yybool*) YYMALLOC (16 * sizeof yyset->yylookaheadNeeds[0]);
if (! yyset->yylookaheadNeeds)
YYFREE (yyset->yylookaheadNeeds);
-/** Initialize STACK to a single empty stack, with total maximum
- * capacity for all stacks of SIZE. */
+/** Initialize *YYSTACKP to a single empty stack, with total maximum
+ * capacity for all stacks of YYSIZE. */
static yybool
yyinitGLRStack (yyGLRStack* yystackp, size_t yysize)
if (!yystackp->yyitems)
return yyfalse;
yystackp->yynextFree = yystackp->yyitems;
- yystackp->yysplitPoint = NULL;
- yystackp->yylastDeleted = NULL;
+ yystackp->yysplitPoint = YY_NULL;
+ yystackp->yylastDeleted = YY_NULL;
return yyinitStateSet (&yystackp->yytops);
-/** If STACK is expandable, extend it. WARNING: Pointers into the
+/** If *YYSTACKP is expandable, extend it. WARNING: Pointers into the
stack from outside should be considered invalid after this call.
We always expand when there are 1 or fewer items left AFTER an
allocation, so that we can avoid having external pointers exist
yyGLRStackItem* yynewItems;
yyGLRStackItem* yyp0, *yyp1;
- size_t yysize, yynewSize;
+ size_t yynewSize;
size_t yyn;
- yysize = yystackp->yynextFree - yystackp->yyitems;
+ size_t yysize = yystackp->yynextFree - yystackp->yyitems;
yyMemoryExhausted (yystackp);
yynewSize = 2*yysize;
*yyp1 = *yyp0;
if (*(yybool *) yyp0)
- {
- yyGLRState* yys0 = &yyp0->yystate;
- yyGLRState* yys1 = &yyp1->yystate;
- if (yys0->yypred != NULL)
- yys1->yypred =
- YYRELOC (yyp0, yyp1, yys0->yypred, yystate);
- if (! yys0->yyresolved && yys0->yysemantics.yyfirstVal != NULL)
- yys1->yysemantics.yyfirstVal =
- YYRELOC(yyp0, yyp1, yys0->yysemantics.yyfirstVal, yyoption);
- }
+ {
+ yyGLRState* yys0 = &yyp0->yystate;
+ yyGLRState* yys1 = &yyp1->yystate;
+ if (yys0->yypred != YY_NULL)
+ yys1->yypred =
+ YYRELOC (yyp0, yyp1, yys0->yypred, yystate);
+ if (! yys0->yyresolved && yys0->yysemantics.yyfirstVal != YY_NULL)
+ yys1->yysemantics.yyfirstVal =
+ YYRELOC (yyp0, yyp1, yys0->yysemantics.yyfirstVal, yyoption);
+ }
- {
- yySemanticOption* yyv0 = &yyp0->yyoption;
- yySemanticOption* yyv1 = &yyp1->yyoption;
- if (yyv0->yystate != NULL)
- yyv1->yystate = YYRELOC (yyp0, yyp1, yyv0->yystate, yystate);
- if (yyv0->yynext != NULL)
- yyv1->yynext = YYRELOC (yyp0, yyp1, yyv0->yynext, yyoption);
- }
+ {
+ yySemanticOption* yyv0 = &yyp0->yyoption;
+ yySemanticOption* yyv1 = &yyp1->yyoption;
+ if (yyv0->yystate != YY_NULL)
+ yyv1->yystate = YYRELOC (yyp0, yyp1, yyv0->yystate, yystate);
+ if (yyv0->yynext != YY_NULL)
+ yyv1->yynext = YYRELOC (yyp0, yyp1, yyv0->yynext, yyoption);
+ }
- if (yystackp->yysplitPoint != NULL)
+ if (yystackp->yysplitPoint != YY_NULL)
yystackp->yysplitPoint = YYRELOC (yystackp->yyitems, yynewItems,
- yystackp->yysplitPoint, yystate);
+ yystackp->yysplitPoint, yystate);
for (yyn = 0; yyn < yystackp->yytops.yysize; yyn += 1)
- if (yystackp->yytops.yystates[yyn] != NULL)
+ if (yystackp->yytops.yystates[yyn] != YY_NULL)
yystackp->yytops.yystates[yyn] =
- YYRELOC (yystackp->yyitems, yynewItems,
- yystackp->yytops.yystates[yyn], yystate);
+ YYRELOC (yystackp->yyitems, yynewItems,
+ yystackp->yytops.yystates[yyn], yystate);
YYFREE (yystackp->yyitems);
yystackp->yyitems = yynewItems;
yystackp->yynextFree = yynewItems + yysize;
yyfreeStateSet (&yystackp->yytops);
-/** Assuming that S is a GLRState somewhere on STACK, update the
- * splitpoint of STACK, if needed, so that it is at least as deep as
- * S. */
+/** Assuming that YYS is a GLRState somewhere on *YYSTACKP, update the
+ * splitpoint of *YYSTACKP, if needed, so that it is at least as deep as
+ * YYS. */
static inline void
yyupdateSplit (yyGLRStack* yystackp, yyGLRState* yys)
- if (yystackp->yysplitPoint != NULL && yystackp->yysplitPoint > yys)
+ if (yystackp->yysplitPoint != YY_NULL && yystackp->yysplitPoint > yys)
yystackp->yysplitPoint = yys;
-/** Invalidate stack #K in STACK. */
+/** Invalidate stack #YYK in *YYSTACKP. */
static inline void
yymarkStackDeleted (yyGLRStack* yystackp, size_t yyk)
- if (yystackp->yytops.yystates[yyk] != NULL)
+ if (yystackp->yytops.yystates[yyk] != YY_NULL)
yystackp->yylastDeleted = yystackp->yytops.yystates[yyk];
- yystackp->yytops.yystates[yyk] = NULL;
+ yystackp->yytops.yystates[yyk] = YY_NULL;
-/** Undelete the last stack that was marked as deleted. Can only be
- done once after a deletion, and only when all other stacks have
+/** Undelete the last stack in *YYSTACKP that was marked as deleted. Can
+ only be done once after a deletion, and only when all other stacks have
been deleted. */
static void
yyundeleteLastStack (yyGLRStack* yystackp)
- if (yystackp->yylastDeleted == NULL || yystackp->yytops.yysize != 0)
+ if (yystackp->yylastDeleted == YY_NULL || yystackp->yytops.yysize != 0)
yystackp->yytops.yystates[0] = yystackp->yylastDeleted;
yystackp->yytops.yysize = 1;
YYDPRINTF ((stderr, "Restoring last deleted stack as stack #0.\n"));
- yystackp->yylastDeleted = NULL;
+ yystackp->yylastDeleted = YY_NULL;
static inline void
yyi = yyj = 0;
while (yyj < yystackp->yytops.yysize)
- if (yystackp->yytops.yystates[yyi] == NULL)
- {
- if (yyi == yyj)
- {
- YYDPRINTF ((stderr, "Removing dead stacks.\n"));
- }
- yystackp->yytops.yysize -= 1;
- }
+ if (yystackp->yytops.yystates[yyi] == YY_NULL)
+ {
+ if (yyi == yyj)
+ {
+ YYDPRINTF ((stderr, "Removing dead stacks.\n"));
+ }
+ yystackp->yytops.yysize -= 1;
+ }
- {
- yystackp->yytops.yystates[yyj] = yystackp->yytops.yystates[yyi];
- /* In the current implementation, it's unnecessary to copy
- yystackp->yytops.yylookaheadNeeds[yyi] since, after
- yyremoveDeletes returns, the parser immediately either enters
- deterministic operation or shifts a token. However, it doesn't
- hurt, and the code might evolve to need it. */
- yystackp->yytops.yylookaheadNeeds[yyj] =
- yystackp->yytops.yylookaheadNeeds[yyi];
- if (yyj != yyi)
- {
- YYDPRINTF ((stderr, "Rename stack %lu -> %lu.\n",
- (unsigned long int) yyi, (unsigned long int) yyj));
- }
- yyj += 1;
- }
+ {
+ yystackp->yytops.yystates[yyj] = yystackp->yytops.yystates[yyi];
+ /* In the current implementation, it's unnecessary to copy
+ yystackp->yytops.yylookaheadNeeds[yyi] since, after
+ yyremoveDeletes returns, the parser immediately either enters
+ deterministic operation or shifts a token. However, it doesn't
+ hurt, and the code might evolve to need it. */
+ yystackp->yytops.yylookaheadNeeds[yyj] =
+ yystackp->yytops.yylookaheadNeeds[yyi];
+ if (yyj != yyi)
+ {
+ YYDPRINTF ((stderr, "Rename stack %lu -> %lu.\n",
+ (unsigned long int) yyi, (unsigned long int) yyj));
+ }
+ yyj += 1;
+ }
yyi += 1;
-/** Shift to a new state on stack #K of STACK, corresponding to LR state
- * LRSTATE, at input position POSN, with (resolved) semantic value SVAL. */
+/** Shift to a new state on stack #YYK of *YYSTACKP, corresponding to LR
+ * state YYLRSTATE, at input position YYPOSN, with (resolved) semantic
+ * value *YYVALP and source location *YYLOCP. */
static inline void
yyglrShift (yyGLRStack* yystackp, size_t yyk, yyStateNum yylrState,
- size_t yyposn,
- YYSTYPE* yyvalp, YYLTYPE* yylocp)
+ size_t yyposn,
+ YYSTYPE* yyvalp]b4_locations_if([, YYLTYPE* yylocp])[)
yyGLRState* yynewState = &yynewGLRStackItem (yystackp, yytrue)->yystate;
yynewState->yyposn = yyposn;
yynewState->yyresolved = yytrue;
yynewState->yypred = yystackp->yytops.yystates[yyk];
- yynewState->yysemantics.yysval = *yyvalp;
- yynewState->yyloc = *yylocp;
+ yynewState->yysemantics.yysval = *yyvalp;]b4_locations_if([
+ yynewState->yyloc = *yylocp;])[
yystackp->yytops.yystates[yyk] = yynewState;
-/** Shift stack #K of YYSTACK, to a new state corresponding to LR
+/** Shift stack #YYK of *YYSTACKP, to a new state corresponding to LR
* state YYLRSTATE, at input position YYPOSN, with the (unresolved)
* semantic value of YYRHS under the action for YYRULE. */
static inline void
yyglrShiftDefer (yyGLRStack* yystackp, size_t yyk, yyStateNum yylrState,
- size_t yyposn, yyGLRState* yyrhs, yyRuleNum yyrule)
+ size_t yyposn, yyGLRState* yyrhs, yyRuleNum yyrule)
yyGLRState* yynewState = &yynewGLRStackItem (yystackp, yytrue)->yystate;
yynewState->yyposn = yyposn;
yynewState->yyresolved = yyfalse;
yynewState->yypred = yystackp->yytops.yystates[yyk];
- yynewState->yysemantics.yyfirstVal = NULL;
+ yynewState->yysemantics.yyfirstVal = YY_NULL;
yystackp->yytops.yystates[yyk] = yynewState;
yyaddDeferredAction (yystackp, yyk, yynewState, yyrhs, yyrule);
-/** Pop the symbols consumed by reduction #RULE from the top of stack
- * #K of STACK, and perform the appropriate semantic action on their
+#if !]b4_api_PREFIX[DEBUG
+# define YY_REDUCE_PRINT(Args)
+# define YY_REDUCE_PRINT(Args) \
+do { \
+ if (yydebug) \
+ yy_reduce_print Args; \
+} while (YYID (0))
+| Report that stack #YYK of *YYSTACKP is going to be reduced by YYRULE. |
+/*ARGSUSED*/ static inline void
+yy_reduce_print (int yynormal, yyGLRStackItem* yyvsp, size_t yyk,
+ yyRuleNum yyrule]b4_user_formals[)
+ int yynrhs = yyrhsLength (yyrule);]b4_locations_if([
+ int yylow = 1;])[
+ int yyi;
+ YYFPRINTF (stderr, "Reducing stack %lu by rule %d (line %lu):\n",
+ (unsigned long int) yyk, yyrule - 1,
+ (unsigned long int) yyrline[yyrule]);
+ if (! yynormal)
+ yyfillin (yyvsp, 1, -yynrhs);
+ /* The symbols being reduced. */
+ for (yyi = 0; yyi < yynrhs; yyi++)
+ {
+ YYFPRINTF (stderr, " $%d = ", yyi + 1);
+ yy_symbol_print (stderr,
+ yystos[yyvsp[yyi - yynrhs + 1].yystate.yylrState],
+ &yyvsp[yyi - yynrhs + 1].yystate.yysemantics.yysval
+ ]b4_locations_if([, &]b4_rhs_location(yynrhs, yyi + 1))[]dnl
+ b4_user_args[);
+ if (!yyvsp[yyi - yynrhs + 1].yystate.yyresolved)
+ YYFPRINTF (stderr, " (unresolved)");
+ YYFPRINTF (stderr, "\n");
+ }
+/** Pop the symbols consumed by reduction #YYRULE from the top of stack
+ * #YYK of *YYSTACKP, and perform the appropriate semantic action on their
* semantic values. Assumes that all ambiguities in semantic values
- * have been previously resolved. Set *VALP to the resulting value,
- * and *LOCP to the computed location (if any). Return value is as
+ * have been previously resolved. Set *YYVALP to the resulting value,
+ * and *YYLOCP to the computed location (if any). Return value is as
* for userAction. */
static inline YYRESULTTAG
yydoAction (yyGLRStack* yystackp, size_t yyk, yyRuleNum yyrule,
- YYSTYPE* yyvalp, YYLTYPE* yylocp]b4_user_formals[)
+ YYSTYPE* yyvalp]b4_locuser_formals[)
int yynrhs = yyrhsLength (yyrule);
- if (yystackp->yysplitPoint == NULL)
+ if (yystackp->yysplitPoint == YY_NULL)
/* Standard special case: single stack. */
yyGLRStackItem* yyrhs = (yyGLRStackItem*) yystackp->yytops.yystates[yyk];
yystackp->yynextFree -= yynrhs;
yystackp->yyspaceLeft += yynrhs;
yystackp->yytops.yystates[0] = & yystackp->yynextFree[-1].yystate;
- return yyuserAction (yyrule, yynrhs, yyrhs,
- yyvalp, yylocp, yystackp]b4_user_args[);
+ YY_REDUCE_PRINT ((1, yyrhs, yyk, yyrule]b4_user_args[));
+ return yyuserAction (yyrule, yynrhs, yyrhs, yystackp,
+ yyvalp]b4_locuser_args[);
- /* At present, doAction is never called in nondeterministic
- * mode, so this branch is never taken. It is here in
- * anticipation of a future feature that will allow immediate
- * evaluation of selected actions in nondeterministic mode. */
int yyi;
yyGLRState* yys;
yyGLRStackItem yyrhsVals[YYMAXRHS + YYMAXLEFT + 1];
yys = yyrhsVals[YYMAXRHS + YYMAXLEFT].yystate.yypred
- = yystackp->yytops.yystates[yyk];]b4_locations_if([[
+ = yystackp->yytops.yystates[yyk];]b4_locations_if([[
if (yynrhs == 0)
- /* Set default location. */
- yyrhsVals[YYMAXRHS + YYMAXLEFT - 1].yystate.yyloc = yys->yyloc;]])[
+ /* Set default location. */
+ yyrhsVals[YYMAXRHS + YYMAXLEFT - 1].yystate.yyloc = yys->yyloc;]])[
for (yyi = 0; yyi < yynrhs; yyi += 1)
- {
- yys = yys->yypred;
- YYASSERT (yys);
- }
+ {
+ yys = yys->yypred;
+ YYASSERT (yys);
+ }
yyupdateSplit (yystackp, yys);
yystackp->yytops.yystates[yyk] = yys;
+ YY_REDUCE_PRINT ((0, yyrhsVals + YYMAXRHS + YYMAXLEFT - 1, yyk, yyrule]b4_user_args[));
return yyuserAction (yyrule, yynrhs, yyrhsVals + YYMAXRHS + YYMAXLEFT - 1,
- yyvalp, yylocp, yystackp]b4_user_args[);
+ yystackp, yyvalp]b4_locuser_args[);
-# define YY_REDUCE_PRINT(Args)
-# define YY_REDUCE_PRINT(Args) \
-do { \
- if (yydebug) \
- yy_reduce_print Args; \
-} while (YYID (0))
-| Report that the RULE is going to be reduced on stack #K. |
-/*ARGSUSED*/ static inline void
-yy_reduce_print (yyGLRStack* yystackp, size_t yyk, yyRuleNum yyrule]b4_user_formals[)
- int yynrhs = yyrhsLength (yyrule);
- yybool yynormal __attribute__ ((__unused__)) =
- (yystackp->yysplitPoint == NULL);
- yyGLRStackItem* yyvsp = (yyGLRStackItem*) yystackp->yytops.yystates[yyk];
- int yylow = 1;
- int yyi;
-[ YYFPRINTF (stderr, "Reducing stack %lu by rule %d (line %lu):\n",
- (unsigned long int) yyk, yyrule - 1,
- (unsigned long int) yyrline[yyrule]);
- /* The symbols being reduced. */
- for (yyi = 0; yyi < yynrhs; yyi++)
- {
- YYFPRINTF (stderr, " $%d = ", yyi + 1);
- yy_symbol_print (stderr,
- ]yystos@{b4_rhs_data(yynrhs, yyi + 1).yylrState@}[,
- &]b4_rhs_value(yynrhs, yyi + 1)[
- ]b4_locations_if([, &]b4_rhs_location(yynrhs, yyi + 1))[]dnl
- b4_user_args[);
- YYFPRINTF (stderr, "\n");
- }
-/** Pop items off stack #K of STACK according to grammar rule RULE,
+/** Pop items off stack #YYK of *YYSTACKP according to grammar rule YYRULE,
* and push back on the resulting nonterminal symbol. Perform the
- * semantic action associated with RULE and store its value with the
- * newly pushed state, if FORCEEVAL or if STACK is currently
+ * semantic action associated with YYRULE and store its value with the
+ * newly pushed state, if YYFORCEEVAL or if *YYSTACKP is currently
* unambiguous. Otherwise, store the deferred semantic action with
* the new state. If the new state would have an identical input
* position, LR state, and predecessor to an existing state on the stack,
- * it is identified with that existing state, eliminating stack #K from
- * the STACK. In this case, the (necessarily deferred) semantic value is
+ * it is identified with that existing state, eliminating stack #YYK from
+ * *YYSTACKP. In this case, the semantic value is
* added to the options for the existing state's semantic value.
static inline YYRESULTTAG
yyglrReduce (yyGLRStack* yystackp, size_t yyk, yyRuleNum yyrule,
- yybool yyforceEval]b4_user_formals[)
+ yybool yyforceEval]b4_user_formals[)
size_t yyposn = yystackp->yytops.yystates[yyk]->yyposn;
- if (yyforceEval || yystackp->yysplitPoint == NULL)
+ if (yyforceEval || yystackp->yysplitPoint == YY_NULL)
- YYSTYPE yysval;
- YYLTYPE yyloc;
- YY_REDUCE_PRINT ((yystackp, yyk, yyrule]b4_user_args[));
- YYCHK (yydoAction (yystackp, yyk, yyrule, &yysval,
- &yyloc]b4_user_args[));
+ YYSTYPE yysval;]b4_locations_if([
+ YYLTYPE yyloc;])[
+ yyflag = yydoAction (yystackp, yyk, yyrule, &yysval]b4_locuser_args([&yyloc])[);
+ if (yyflag == yyerr && yystackp->yysplitPoint != YY_NULL)
+ {
+ YYDPRINTF ((stderr, "Parse on stack %lu rejected by rule #%d.\n",
+ (unsigned long int) yyk, yyrule - 1));
+ }
+ if (yyflag != yyok)
+ return yyflag;
YY_SYMBOL_PRINT ("-> $$ =", yyr1[yyrule], &yysval, &yyloc);
yyglrShift (yystackp, yyk,
- yyLRgotoState (yystackp->yytops.yystates[yyk]->yylrState,
- yylhsNonterm (yyrule)),
- yyposn, &yysval, &yyloc);
+ yyLRgotoState (yystackp->yytops.yystates[yyk]->yylrState,
+ yylhsNonterm (yyrule)),
+ yyposn, &yysval]b4_locations_if([, &yyloc])[);
yyStateNum yynewLRState;
for (yys = yystackp->yytops.yystates[yyk], yyn = yyrhsLength (yyrule);
- 0 < yyn; yyn -= 1)
- {
- yys = yys->yypred;
- YYASSERT (yys);
- }
+ 0 < yyn; yyn -= 1)
+ {
+ yys = yys->yypred;
+ YYASSERT (yys);
+ }
yyupdateSplit (yystackp, yys);
yynewLRState = yyLRgotoState (yys->yylrState, yylhsNonterm (yyrule));
YYDPRINTF ((stderr,
- "Reduced stack %lu by rule #%d; action deferred. Now in state %d.\n",
- (unsigned long int) yyk, yyrule - 1, yynewLRState));
+ "Reduced stack %lu by rule #%d; action deferred. "
+ "Now in state %d.\n",
+ (unsigned long int) yyk, yyrule - 1, yynewLRState));
for (yyi = 0; yyi < yystackp->yytops.yysize; yyi += 1)
- if (yyi != yyk && yystackp->yytops.yystates[yyi] != NULL)
- {
- yyGLRState* yyp, *yysplit = yystackp->yysplitPoint;
- yyp = yystackp->yytops.yystates[yyi];
- while (yyp != yys && yyp != yysplit && yyp->yyposn >= yyposn)
- {
- if (yyp->yylrState == yynewLRState && yyp->yypred == yys)
- {
- yyaddDeferredAction (yystackp, yyk, yyp, yys0, yyrule);
- yymarkStackDeleted (yystackp, yyk);
- YYDPRINTF ((stderr, "Merging stack %lu into stack %lu.\n",
- (unsigned long int) yyk,
- (unsigned long int) yyi));
- return yyok;
- }
- yyp = yyp->yypred;
- }
- }
+ if (yyi != yyk && yystackp->yytops.yystates[yyi] != YY_NULL)
+ {
+ yyGLRState *yysplit = yystackp->yysplitPoint;
+ yyGLRState *yyp = yystackp->yytops.yystates[yyi];
+ while (yyp != yys && yyp != yysplit && yyp->yyposn >= yyposn)
+ {
+ if (yyp->yylrState == yynewLRState && yyp->yypred == yys)
+ {
+ yyaddDeferredAction (yystackp, yyk, yyp, yys0, yyrule);
+ yymarkStackDeleted (yystackp, yyk);
+ YYDPRINTF ((stderr, "Merging stack %lu into stack %lu.\n",
+ (unsigned long int) yyk,
+ (unsigned long int) yyi));
+ return yyok;
+ }
+ yyp = yyp->yypred;
+ }
+ }
yystackp->yytops.yystates[yyk] = yys;
yyglrShiftDefer (yystackp, yyk, yynewLRState, yyposn, yys0, yyrule);
static size_t
yysplitStack (yyGLRStack* yystackp, size_t yyk)
- if (yystackp->yysplitPoint == NULL)
+ if (yystackp->yysplitPoint == YY_NULL)
YYASSERT (yyk == 0);
yystackp->yysplitPoint = yystackp->yytops.yystates[yyk];
yyGLRState** yynewStates;
yybool* yynewLookaheadNeeds;
- yynewStates = NULL;
+ yynewStates = YY_NULL;
if (yystackp->yytops.yycapacity
- > (YYSIZEMAX / (2 * sizeof yynewStates[0])))
- yyMemoryExhausted (yystackp);
+ > (YYSIZEMAX / (2 * sizeof yynewStates[0])))
+ yyMemoryExhausted (yystackp);
yystackp->yytops.yycapacity *= 2;
yynewStates =
- (yyGLRState**) YYREALLOC (yystackp->yytops.yystates,
- (yystackp->yytops.yycapacity
- * sizeof yynewStates[0]));
- if (yynewStates == NULL)
- yyMemoryExhausted (yystackp);
+ (yyGLRState**) YYREALLOC (yystackp->yytops.yystates,
+ (yystackp->yytops.yycapacity
+ * sizeof yynewStates[0]));
+ if (yynewStates == YY_NULL)
+ yyMemoryExhausted (yystackp);
yystackp->yytops.yystates = yynewStates;
yynewLookaheadNeeds =
- (yybool*) YYREALLOC (yystackp->yytops.yylookaheadNeeds,
- (yystackp->yytops.yycapacity
- * sizeof yynewLookaheadNeeds[0]));
- if (yynewLookaheadNeeds == NULL)
- yyMemoryExhausted (yystackp);
+ (yybool*) YYREALLOC (yystackp->yytops.yylookaheadNeeds,
+ (yystackp->yytops.yycapacity
+ * sizeof yynewLookaheadNeeds[0]));
+ if (yynewLookaheadNeeds == YY_NULL)
+ yyMemoryExhausted (yystackp);
yystackp->yytops.yylookaheadNeeds = yynewLookaheadNeeds;
return yystackp->yytops.yysize-1;
-/** True iff Y0 and Y1 represent identical options at the top level.
+/** True iff YYY0 and YYY1 represent identical options at the top level.
* That is, they represent the same rule applied to RHS symbols
* that produce the same terminal symbols. */
static yybool
yyGLRState *yys0, *yys1;
int yyn;
for (yys0 = yyy0->yystate, yys1 = yyy1->yystate,
- yyn = yyrhsLength (yyy0->yyrule);
- yyn > 0;
- yys0 = yys0->yypred, yys1 = yys1->yypred, yyn -= 1)
- if (yys0->yyposn != yys1->yyposn)
- return yyfalse;
+ yyn = yyrhsLength (yyy0->yyrule);
+ yyn > 0;
+ yys0 = yys0->yypred, yys1 = yys1->yypred, yyn -= 1)
+ if (yys0->yyposn != yys1->yyposn)
+ return yyfalse;
return yytrue;
return yyfalse;
-/** Assuming identicalOptions (Y0,Y1), destructively merge the
- * alternative semantic values for the RHS-symbols of Y1 and Y0. */
+/** Assuming identicalOptions (YYY0,YYY1), destructively merge the
+ * alternative semantic values for the RHS-symbols of YYY1 and YYY0. */
static void
yymergeOptionSets (yySemanticOption* yyy0, yySemanticOption* yyy1)
yys0 = yys0->yypred, yys1 = yys1->yypred, yyn -= 1)
if (yys0 == yys1)
- break;
+ break;
else if (yys0->yyresolved)
- {
- yys1->yyresolved = yytrue;
- yys1->yysemantics.yysval = yys0->yysemantics.yysval;
- }
+ {
+ yys1->yyresolved = yytrue;
+ yys1->yysemantics.yysval = yys0->yysemantics.yysval;
+ }
else if (yys1->yyresolved)
- {
- yys0->yyresolved = yytrue;
- yys0->yysemantics.yysval = yys1->yysemantics.yysval;
- }
+ {
+ yys0->yyresolved = yytrue;
+ yys0->yysemantics.yysval = yys1->yysemantics.yysval;
+ }
- {
- yySemanticOption** yyz0p;
- yySemanticOption* yyz1;
- yyz0p = &yys0->yysemantics.yyfirstVal;
- yyz1 = yys1->yysemantics.yyfirstVal;
- while (YYID (yytrue))
- {
- if (yyz1 == *yyz0p || yyz1 == NULL)
- break;
- else if (*yyz0p == NULL)
- {
- *yyz0p = yyz1;
- break;
- }
- else if (*yyz0p < yyz1)
- {
- yySemanticOption* yyz = *yyz0p;
- *yyz0p = yyz1;
- yyz1 = yyz1->yynext;
- (*yyz0p)->yynext = yyz;
- }
- yyz0p = &(*yyz0p)->yynext;
- }
- yys1->yysemantics.yyfirstVal = yys0->yysemantics.yyfirstVal;
- }
+ {
+ yySemanticOption** yyz0p = &yys0->yysemantics.yyfirstVal;
+ yySemanticOption* yyz1 = yys1->yysemantics.yyfirstVal;
+ while (YYID (yytrue))
+ {
+ if (yyz1 == *yyz0p || yyz1 == YY_NULL)
+ break;
+ else if (*yyz0p == YY_NULL)
+ {
+ *yyz0p = yyz1;
+ break;
+ }
+ else if (*yyz0p < yyz1)
+ {
+ yySemanticOption* yyz = *yyz0p;
+ *yyz0p = yyz1;
+ yyz1 = yyz1->yynext;
+ (*yyz0p)->yynext = yyz;
+ }
+ yyz0p = &(*yyz0p)->yynext;
+ }
+ yys1->yysemantics.yyfirstVal = yys0->yysemantics.yyfirstVal;
+ }
if (p0 == p1)
if (yymerger[r0] == 0 || yymerger[r0] != yymerger[r1])
- return 0;
+ return 0;
- return 1;
+ return 1;
if (p0 == 0 || p1 == 0)
return 0;
static YYRESULTTAG yyresolveValue (yyGLRState* yys,
- yyGLRStack* yystackp]b4_user_formals[);
+ yyGLRStack* yystackp]b4_user_formals[);
-/** Resolve the previous N states starting at and including state S. If result
- * != yyok, some states may have been left unresolved possibly with empty
- * semantic option chains. Regardless of whether result = yyok, each state
- * has been left with consistent data so that yydestroyGLRState can be invoked
- * if necessary. */
+/** Resolve the previous YYN states starting at and including state YYS
+ * on *YYSTACKP. If result != yyok, some states may have been left
+ * unresolved possibly with empty semantic option chains. Regardless
+ * of whether result = yyok, each state has been left with consistent
+ * data so that yydestroyGLRState can be invoked if necessary. */
yyresolveStates (yyGLRState* yys, int yyn,
- yyGLRStack* yystackp]b4_user_formals[)
+ yyGLRStack* yystackp]b4_user_formals[)
if (0 < yyn)
YYASSERT (yys->yypred);
YYCHK (yyresolveStates (yys->yypred, yyn-1, yystackp]b4_user_args[));
if (! yys->yyresolved)
- YYCHK (yyresolveValue (yys, yystackp]b4_user_args[));
+ YYCHK (yyresolveValue (yys, yystackp]b4_user_args[));
return yyok;
-/** Resolve the states for the RHS of OPT, perform its user action, and return
- * the semantic value and location. Regardless of whether result = yyok, all
- * RHS states have been destroyed (assuming the user action destroys all RHS
+/** Resolve the states for the RHS of YYOPT on *YYSTACKP, perform its
+ * user action, and return the semantic value and location in *YYVALP
+ * and *YYLOCP. Regardless of whether result = yyok, all RHS states
+ * have been destroyed (assuming the user action destroys all RHS
* semantic values if invoked). */
yyresolveAction (yySemanticOption* yyopt, yyGLRStack* yystackp,
- YYSTYPE* yyvalp, YYLTYPE* yylocp]b4_user_formals[)
+ YYSTYPE* yyvalp]b4_locuser_formals[)
yyGLRStackItem yyrhsVals[YYMAXRHS + YYMAXLEFT + 1];
- int yynrhs;
- int yychar_current;
- YYSTYPE yylval_current;
- YYLTYPE yylloc_current;
- yynrhs = yyrhsLength (yyopt->yyrule);
- yyflag = yyresolveStates (yyopt->yystate, yynrhs, yystackp]b4_user_args[);
+ int yynrhs = yyrhsLength (yyopt->yyrule);
+ YYRESULTTAG yyflag =
+ yyresolveStates (yyopt->yystate, yynrhs, yystackp]b4_user_args[);
if (yyflag != yyok)
yyGLRState *yys;
for (yys = yyopt->yystate; yynrhs > 0; yys = yys->yypred, yynrhs -= 1)
- yydestroyGLRState ("Cleanup: popping", yys]b4_user_args[);
+ yydestroyGLRState ("Cleanup: popping", yys]b4_user_args[);
return yyflag;
if (yynrhs == 0)
/* Set default location. */
yyrhsVals[YYMAXRHS + YYMAXLEFT - 1].yystate.yyloc = yyopt->yystate->yyloc;]])[
- yychar_current = yychar;
- yylval_current = yylval;
- yylloc_current = yylloc;
- yychar = yyopt->yyrawchar;
- yylval = yyopt->yyval;
- yylloc = yyopt->yyloc;
- yyflag = yyuserAction (yyopt->yyrule, yynrhs,
- yyrhsVals + YYMAXRHS + YYMAXLEFT - 1,
- yyvalp, yylocp, yystackp]b4_user_args[);
- yychar = yychar_current;
- yylval = yylval_current;
- yylloc = yylloc_current;
+ {
+ int yychar_current = yychar;
+ YYSTYPE yylval_current = yylval;]b4_locations_if([
+ YYLTYPE yylloc_current = yylloc;])[
+ yychar = yyopt->yyrawchar;
+ yylval = yyopt->yyval;]b4_locations_if([
+ yylloc = yyopt->yyloc;])[
+ yyflag = yyuserAction (yyopt->yyrule, yynrhs,
+ yyrhsVals + YYMAXRHS + YYMAXLEFT - 1,
+ yystackp, yyvalp]b4_locuser_args[);
+ yychar = yychar_current;
+ yylval = yylval_current;]b4_locations_if([
+ yylloc = yylloc_current;])[
+ }
return yyflag;
+#if ]b4_api_PREFIX[DEBUG
static void
yyreportTree (yySemanticOption* yyx, int yyindent)
for (yyi = yynrhs, yys = yyx->yystate; 0 < yyi; yyi -= 1, yys = yys->yypred)
yystates[yyi] = yys;
- if (yys == NULL)
+ if (yys == YY_NULL)
yyleftmost_state.yyposn = 0;
yystates[0] = &yyleftmost_state;
if (yyx->yystate->yyposn < yys->yyposn + 1)
YYFPRINTF (stderr, "%*s%s -> <Rule %d, empty>\n",
- yyindent, "", yytokenName (yylhsNonterm (yyx->yyrule)),
- yyx->yyrule - 1);
+ yyindent, "", yytokenName (yylhsNonterm (yyx->yyrule)),
+ yyx->yyrule - 1);
YYFPRINTF (stderr, "%*s%s -> <Rule %d, tokens %lu .. %lu>\n",
- yyindent, "", yytokenName (yylhsNonterm (yyx->yyrule)),
- yyx->yyrule - 1, (unsigned long int) (yys->yyposn + 1),
- (unsigned long int) yyx->yystate->yyposn);
+ yyindent, "", yytokenName (yylhsNonterm (yyx->yyrule)),
+ yyx->yyrule - 1, (unsigned long int) (yys->yyposn + 1),
+ (unsigned long int) yyx->yystate->yyposn);
for (yyi = 1; yyi <= yynrhs; yyi += 1)
if (yystates[yyi]->yyresolved)
- {
- if (yystates[yyi-1]->yyposn+1 > yystates[yyi]->yyposn)
- YYFPRINTF (stderr, "%*s%s <empty>\n", yyindent+2, "",
- yytokenName (yystos[yystates[yyi-1]->yylrState]));
- else
- YYFPRINTF (stderr, "%*s%s <tokens %lu .. %lu>\n", yyindent+2, "",
- yytokenName (yystos[yystates[yyi-1]->yylrState]),
- (unsigned long int) (yystates[yyi-1]->yyposn + 1),
- (unsigned long int) yystates[yyi]->yyposn);
- }
+ {
+ if (yystates[yyi-1]->yyposn+1 > yystates[yyi]->yyposn)
+ YYFPRINTF (stderr, "%*s%s <empty>\n", yyindent+2, "",
+ yytokenName (yystos[yystates[yyi]->yylrState]));
+ else
+ YYFPRINTF (stderr, "%*s%s <tokens %lu .. %lu>\n", yyindent+2, "",
+ yytokenName (yystos[yystates[yyi]->yylrState]),
+ (unsigned long int) (yystates[yyi-1]->yyposn + 1),
+ (unsigned long int) yystates[yyi]->yyposn);
+ }
- yyreportTree (yystates[yyi]->yysemantics.yyfirstVal, yyindent+2);
+ yyreportTree (yystates[yyi]->yysemantics.yyfirstVal, yyindent+2);
yyreportAmbiguity (yySemanticOption* yyx0,
- yySemanticOption* yyx1]b4_pure_formals[)
+ yySemanticOption* yyx1]b4_pure_formals[)
YYUSE (yyx0);
YYUSE (yyx1);
+#if ]b4_api_PREFIX[DEBUG
YYFPRINTF (stderr, "Ambiguity detected.\n");
YYFPRINTF (stderr, "Option 1,\n");
yyreportTree (yyx0, 2);
yyerror (]b4_yyerror_args[YY_("syntax is ambiguous"));
return yyabort;
-/** Starting at and including state S1, resolve the location for each of the
- * previous N1 states that is unresolved. The first semantic option of a state
- * is always chosen. */
+/** Resolve the locations for each of the YYN1 states in *YYSTACKP,
+ * ending at YYS1. Has no effect on previously resolved states.
+ * The first semantic option of a state is always chosen. */
static void
yyresolveLocations (yyGLRState* yys1, int yyn1,
- yyGLRStack *yystackp]b4_user_formals[)
+ yyGLRStack *yystackp]b4_user_formals[)
if (0 < yyn1)
yyresolveLocations (yys1->yypred, yyn1 - 1, yystackp]b4_user_args[);
if (!yys1->yyresolved)
- {
- yySemanticOption *yyoption;
- yyGLRStackItem yyrhsloc[1 + YYMAXRHS];
- int yynrhs;
- int yychar_current;
- YYSTYPE yylval_current;
- YYLTYPE yylloc_current;
- yyoption = yys1->yysemantics.yyfirstVal;
- YYASSERT (yyoption != NULL);
- yynrhs = yyrhsLength (yyoption->yyrule);
- if (yynrhs > 0)
- {
- yyGLRState *yys;
- int yyn;
- yyresolveLocations (yyoption->yystate, yynrhs,
- yystackp]b4_user_args[);
- for (yys = yyoption->yystate, yyn = yynrhs;
- yyn > 0;
- yys = yys->yypred, yyn -= 1)
- yyrhsloc[yyn].yystate.yyloc = yys->yyloc;
- }
- else
- {
- /* Both yyresolveAction and yyresolveLocations traverse the GSS
- in reverse rightmost order. It is only necessary to invoke
- yyresolveLocations on a subforest for which yyresolveAction
- would have been invoked next had an ambiguity not been
- detected. Thus the location of the previous state (but not
- necessarily the previous state itself) is guaranteed to be
- resolved already. */
- yyGLRState *yyprevious = yyoption->yystate;
- yyrhsloc[0].yystate.yyloc = yyprevious->yyloc;
- }
- yychar_current = yychar;
- yylval_current = yylval;
- yylloc_current = yylloc;
- yychar = yyoption->yyrawchar;
- yylval = yyoption->yyval;
- yylloc = yyoption->yyloc;
- YYLLOC_DEFAULT ((yys1->yyloc), yyrhsloc, yynrhs);
- yychar = yychar_current;
- yylval = yylval_current;
- yylloc = yylloc_current;
- }
+ {
+ yyGLRStackItem yyrhsloc[1 + YYMAXRHS];
+ int yynrhs;
+ yySemanticOption *yyoption = yys1->yysemantics.yyfirstVal;
+ YYASSERT (yyoption != YY_NULL);
+ yynrhs = yyrhsLength (yyoption->yyrule);
+ if (yynrhs > 0)
+ {
+ yyGLRState *yys;
+ int yyn;
+ yyresolveLocations (yyoption->yystate, yynrhs,
+ yystackp]b4_user_args[);
+ for (yys = yyoption->yystate, yyn = yynrhs;
+ yyn > 0;
+ yys = yys->yypred, yyn -= 1)
+ yyrhsloc[yyn].yystate.yyloc = yys->yyloc;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* Both yyresolveAction and yyresolveLocations traverse the GSS
+ in reverse rightmost order. It is only necessary to invoke
+ yyresolveLocations on a subforest for which yyresolveAction
+ would have been invoked next had an ambiguity not been
+ detected. Thus the location of the previous state (but not
+ necessarily the previous state itself) is guaranteed to be
+ resolved already. */
+ yyGLRState *yyprevious = yyoption->yystate;
+ yyrhsloc[0].yystate.yyloc = yyprevious->yyloc;
+ }
+ {
+ int yychar_current = yychar;
+ YYSTYPE yylval_current = yylval;
+ YYLTYPE yylloc_current = yylloc;
+ yychar = yyoption->yyrawchar;
+ yylval = yyoption->yyval;
+ yylloc = yyoption->yyloc;
+ YYLLOC_DEFAULT ((yys1->yyloc), yyrhsloc, yynrhs);
+ yychar = yychar_current;
+ yylval = yylval_current;
+ yylloc = yylloc_current;
+ }
+ }
-/** Resolve the ambiguity represented in state S, perform the indicated
- * actions, and set the semantic value of S. If result != yyok, the chain of
- * semantic options in S has been cleared instead or it has been left
- * unmodified except that redundant options may have been removed. Regardless
- * of whether result = yyok, S has been left with consistent data so that
+/** Resolve the ambiguity represented in state YYS in *YYSTACKP,
+ * perform the indicated actions, and set the semantic value of YYS.
+ * If result != yyok, the chain of semantic options in YYS has been
+ * cleared instead or it has been left unmodified except that
+ * redundant options may have been removed. Regardless of whether
+ * result = yyok, YYS has been left with consistent data so that
* yydestroyGLRState can be invoked if necessary. */
yyresolveValue (yyGLRState* yys, yyGLRStack* yystackp]b4_user_formals[)
yySemanticOption* yyoptionList = yys->yysemantics.yyfirstVal;
- yySemanticOption* yybest;
+ yySemanticOption* yybest = yyoptionList;
yySemanticOption** yypp;
- yybool yymerge;
+ yybool yymerge = yyfalse;
YYSTYPE yysval;
- YYLTYPE *yylocp = &yys->yyloc;
+ YYRESULTTAG yyflag;]b4_locations_if([
+ YYLTYPE *yylocp = &yys->yyloc;])[
- yybest = yyoptionList;
- yymerge = yyfalse;
- for (yypp = &yyoptionList->yynext; *yypp != NULL; )
+ for (yypp = &yyoptionList->yynext; *yypp != YY_NULL; )
yySemanticOption* yyp = *yypp;
if (yyidenticalOptions (yybest, yyp))
- {
- yymergeOptionSets (yybest, yyp);
- *yypp = yyp->yynext;
- }
+ {
+ yymergeOptionSets (yybest, yyp);
+ *yypp = yyp->yynext;
+ }
- {
- switch (yypreference (yybest, yyp))
- {
- case 0:
- yyresolveLocations (yys, 1, yystackp]b4_user_args[);
- return yyreportAmbiguity (yybest, yyp]b4_pure_args[);
- break;
- case 1:
- yymerge = yytrue;
- break;
- case 2:
- break;
- case 3:
- yybest = yyp;
- yymerge = yyfalse;
- break;
- default:
- /* This cannot happen so it is not worth a YYASSERT (yyfalse),
- but some compilers complain if the default case is
- omitted. */
- break;
- }
- yypp = &yyp->yynext;
- }
+ {
+ switch (yypreference (yybest, yyp))
+ {
+ case 0:]b4_locations_if([[
+ yyresolveLocations (yys, 1, yystackp]b4_user_args[);]])[
+ return yyreportAmbiguity (yybest, yyp]b4_pure_args[);
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ yymerge = yytrue;
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ yybest = yyp;
+ yymerge = yyfalse;
+ break;
+ default:
+ /* This cannot happen so it is not worth a YYASSERT (yyfalse),
+ but some compilers complain if the default case is
+ omitted. */
+ break;
+ }
+ yypp = &yyp->yynext;
+ }
if (yymerge)
yySemanticOption* yyp;
int yyprec = yydprec[yybest->yyrule];
- yyflag = yyresolveAction (yybest, yystackp, &yysval,
- yylocp]b4_user_args[);
+ yyflag = yyresolveAction (yybest, yystackp, &yysval]b4_locuser_args[);
if (yyflag == yyok)
- for (yyp = yybest->yynext; yyp != NULL; yyp = yyp->yynext)
- {
- if (yyprec == yydprec[yyp->yyrule])
- {
- YYSTYPE yysval_other;
- YYLTYPE yydummy;
- yyflag = yyresolveAction (yyp, yystackp, &yysval_other,
- &yydummy]b4_user_args[);
- if (yyflag != yyok)
- {
- yydestruct ("Cleanup: discarding incompletely merged value for",
- yystos[yys->yylrState],
- &yysval]b4_locations_if([, yylocp])[]b4_user_args[);
- break;
- }
- yyuserMerge (yymerger[yyp->yyrule], &yysval, &yysval_other);
- }
- }
+ for (yyp = yybest->yynext; yyp != YY_NULL; yyp = yyp->yynext)
+ {
+ if (yyprec == yydprec[yyp->yyrule])
+ {
+ YYSTYPE yysval_other;]b4_locations_if([
+ YYLTYPE yydummy;])[
+ yyflag = yyresolveAction (yyp, yystackp, &yysval_other]b4_locuser_args([&yydummy])[);
+ if (yyflag != yyok)
+ {
+ yydestruct ("Cleanup: discarding incompletely merged value for",
+ yystos[yys->yylrState],
+ &yysval]b4_locuser_args[);
+ break;
+ }
+ yyuserMerge (yymerger[yyp->yyrule], &yysval, &yysval_other);
+ }
+ }
- yyflag = yyresolveAction (yybest, yystackp, &yysval, yylocp]b4_user_args[);
+ yyflag = yyresolveAction (yybest, yystackp, &yysval]b4_locuser_args([yylocp])[);
if (yyflag == yyok)
yys->yysemantics.yysval = yysval;
- yys->yysemantics.yyfirstVal = NULL;
+ yys->yysemantics.yyfirstVal = YY_NULL;
return yyflag;
yyresolveStack (yyGLRStack* yystackp]b4_user_formals[)
- if (yystackp->yysplitPoint != NULL)
+ if (yystackp->yysplitPoint != YY_NULL)
yyGLRState* yys;
int yyn;
for (yyn = 0, yys = yystackp->yytops.yystates[0];
- yys != yystackp->yysplitPoint;
- yys = yys->yypred, yyn += 1)
- continue;
+ yys != yystackp->yysplitPoint;
+ yys = yys->yypred, yyn += 1)
+ continue;
YYCHK (yyresolveStates (yystackp->yytops.yystates[0], yyn, yystackp
- ]b4_user_args[));
+ ]b4_user_args[));
return yyok;
yyGLRState* yyp, *yyq, *yyr;
- if (yystackp->yytops.yysize != 1 || yystackp->yysplitPoint == NULL)
+ if (yystackp->yytops.yysize != 1 || yystackp->yysplitPoint == YY_NULL)
- for (yyp = yystackp->yytops.yystates[0], yyq = yyp->yypred, yyr = NULL;
+ for (yyp = yystackp->yytops.yystates[0], yyq = yyp->yypred, yyr = YY_NULL;
yyp != yystackp->yysplitPoint;
yyr = yyp, yyp = yyq, yyq = yyp->yypred)
yyp->yypred = yyr;
yystackp->yyspaceLeft += yystackp->yynextFree - yystackp->yyitems;
yystackp->yynextFree = ((yyGLRStackItem*) yystackp->yysplitPoint) + 1;
yystackp->yyspaceLeft -= yystackp->yynextFree - yystackp->yyitems;
- yystackp->yysplitPoint = NULL;
- yystackp->yylastDeleted = NULL;
+ yystackp->yysplitPoint = YY_NULL;
+ yystackp->yylastDeleted = YY_NULL;
- while (yyr != NULL)
+ while (yyr != YY_NULL)
yystackp->yynextFree->yystate = *yyr;
yyr = yyr->yypred;
yyprocessOneStack (yyGLRStack* yystackp, size_t yyk,
- size_t yyposn]b4_pure_formals[)
+ size_t yyposn]b4_pure_formals[)
- int yyaction;
- const short int* yyconflicts;
- yyRuleNum yyrule;
- while (yystackp->yytops.yystates[yyk] != NULL)
+ while (yystackp->yytops.yystates[yyk] != YY_NULL)
yyStateNum yystate = yystackp->yytops.yystates[yyk]->yylrState;
YYDPRINTF ((stderr, "Stack %lu Entering state %d\n",
- (unsigned long int) yyk, yystate));
+ (unsigned long int) yyk, yystate));
YYASSERT (yystate != YYFINAL);
if (yyisDefaultedState (yystate))
- {
- yyrule = yydefaultAction (yystate);
- if (yyrule == 0)
- {
- YYDPRINTF ((stderr, "Stack %lu dies.\n",
- (unsigned long int) yyk));
- yymarkStackDeleted (yystackp, yyk);
- return yyok;
- }
- YYCHK (yyglrReduce (yystackp, yyk, yyrule, yyfalse]b4_user_args[));
- }
+ {
+ yyRuleNum yyrule = yydefaultAction (yystate);
+ if (yyrule == 0)
+ {
+ YYDPRINTF ((stderr, "Stack %lu dies.\n",
+ (unsigned long int) yyk));
+ yymarkStackDeleted (yystackp, yyk);
+ return yyok;
+ }
+ yyflag = yyglrReduce (yystackp, yyk, yyrule, yyimmediate[yyrule]]b4_user_args[);
+ if (yyflag == yyerr)
+ {
+ YYDPRINTF ((stderr,
+ "Stack %lu dies "
+ "(predicate failure or explicit user error).\n",
+ (unsigned long int) yyk));
+ yymarkStackDeleted (yystackp, yyk);
+ return yyok;
+ }
+ if (yyflag != yyok)
+ return yyflag;
+ }
- {
- yySymbol yytoken;
- yystackp->yytops.yylookaheadNeeds[yyk] = yytrue;
- if (yychar == YYEMPTY)
- {
- YYDPRINTF ((stderr, "Reading a token: "));
- yychar = YYLEX;
- }
- if (yychar <= YYEOF)
- {
- yychar = yytoken = YYEOF;
- YYDPRINTF ((stderr, "Now at end of input.\n"));
- }
- else
- {
- yytoken = YYTRANSLATE (yychar);
- YY_SYMBOL_PRINT ("Next token is", yytoken, &yylval, &yylloc);
- }
- yygetLRActions (yystate, yytoken, &yyaction, &yyconflicts);
- while (*yyconflicts != 0)
- {
- size_t yynewStack = yysplitStack (yystackp, yyk);
- YYDPRINTF ((stderr, "Splitting off stack %lu from %lu.\n",
- (unsigned long int) yynewStack,
- (unsigned long int) yyk));
- YYCHK (yyglrReduce (yystackp, yynewStack,
- *yyconflicts, yyfalse]b4_user_args[));
- YYCHK (yyprocessOneStack (yystackp, yynewStack,
- yyposn]b4_pure_args[));
- yyconflicts += 1;
- }
- if (yyisShiftAction (yyaction))
- break;
- else if (yyisErrorAction (yyaction))
- {
- YYDPRINTF ((stderr, "Stack %lu dies.\n",
- (unsigned long int) yyk));
- yymarkStackDeleted (yystackp, yyk);
- break;
- }
- else
- YYCHK (yyglrReduce (yystackp, yyk, -yyaction,
- yyfalse]b4_user_args[));
- }
+ {
+ yySymbol yytoken;
+ int yyaction;
+ const short int* yyconflicts;
+ yystackp->yytops.yylookaheadNeeds[yyk] = yytrue;
+ if (yychar == YYEMPTY)
+ {
+ YYDPRINTF ((stderr, "Reading a token: "));
+ yychar = YYLEX;
+ }
+ if (yychar <= YYEOF)
+ {
+ yychar = yytoken = YYEOF;
+ YYDPRINTF ((stderr, "Now at end of input.\n"));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ yytoken = YYTRANSLATE (yychar);
+ YY_SYMBOL_PRINT ("Next token is", yytoken, &yylval, &yylloc);
+ }
+ yygetLRActions (yystate, yytoken, &yyaction, &yyconflicts);
+ while (*yyconflicts != 0)
+ {
+ size_t yynewStack = yysplitStack (yystackp, yyk);
+ YYDPRINTF ((stderr, "Splitting off stack %lu from %lu.\n",
+ (unsigned long int) yynewStack,
+ (unsigned long int) yyk));
+ yyflag = yyglrReduce (yystackp, yynewStack,
+ *yyconflicts,
+ yyimmediate[*yyconflicts]]b4_user_args[);
+ if (yyflag == yyok)
+ YYCHK (yyprocessOneStack (yystackp, yynewStack,
+ yyposn]b4_pure_args[));
+ else if (yyflag == yyerr)
+ {
+ YYDPRINTF ((stderr, "Stack %lu dies.\n",
+ (unsigned long int) yynewStack));
+ yymarkStackDeleted (yystackp, yynewStack);
+ }
+ else
+ return yyflag;
+ yyconflicts += 1;
+ }
+ if (yyisShiftAction (yyaction))
+ break;
+ else if (yyisErrorAction (yyaction))
+ {
+ YYDPRINTF ((stderr, "Stack %lu dies.\n",
+ (unsigned long int) yyk));
+ yymarkStackDeleted (yystackp, yyk);
+ break;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ YYRESULTTAG yyflag = yyglrReduce (yystackp, yyk, -yyaction,
+ yyimmediate[-yyaction]]b4_user_args[);
+ if (yyflag == yyerr)
+ {
+ YYDPRINTF ((stderr,
+ "Stack %lu dies "
+ "(predicate failure or explicit user error).\n",
+ (unsigned long int) yyk));
+ yymarkStackDeleted (yystackp, yyk);
+ break;
+ }
+ else if (yyflag != yyok)
+ return yyflag;
+ }
+ }
return yyok;
/*ARGSUSED*/ static void
yyreportSyntaxError (yyGLRStack* yystackp]b4_user_formals[)
- if (yystackp->yyerrState == 0)
+ if (yystackp->yyerrState != 0)
+ return;
+ yyerror (]b4_lyyerror_args[YY_("syntax error"));
+ yySymbol yytoken = yychar == YYEMPTY ? YYEMPTY : YYTRANSLATE (yychar);
+ size_t yysize0 = yytnamerr (YY_NULL, yytokenName (yytoken));
+ size_t yysize = yysize0;
+ size_t yysize1;
+ yybool yysize_overflow = yyfalse;
+ char* yymsg = YY_NULL;
+ /* Internationalized format string. */
+ const char *yyformat = YY_NULL;
+ /* Arguments of yyformat. */
+ char const *yyarg[YYERROR_VERBOSE_ARGS_MAXIMUM];
+ /* Number of reported tokens (one for the "unexpected", one per
+ "expected"). */
+ int yycount = 0;
+ /* There are many possibilities here to consider:
+ - If this state is a consistent state with a default action, then
+ the only way this function was invoked is if the default action
+ is an error action. In that case, don't check for expected
+ tokens because there are none.
+ - The only way there can be no lookahead present (in yychar) is if
+ this state is a consistent state with a default action. Thus,
+ detecting the absence of a lookahead is sufficient to determine
+ that there is no unexpected or expected token to report. In that
+ case, just report a simple "syntax error".
+ - Don't assume there isn't a lookahead just because this state is a
+ consistent state with a default action. There might have been a
+ previous inconsistent state, consistent state with a non-default
+ action, or user semantic action that manipulated yychar.
+ - Of course, the expected token list depends on states to have
+ correct lookahead information, and it depends on the parser not
+ to perform extra reductions after fetching a lookahead from the
+ scanner and before detecting a syntax error. Thus, state merging
+ (from LALR or IELR) and default reductions corrupt the expected
+ token list. However, the list is correct for canonical LR with
+ one exception: it will still contain any token that will not be
+ accepted due to an error action in a later state.
+ */
+ if (yytoken != YYEMPTY)
- int yyn;
- yyn = yypact[yystackp->yytops.yystates[0]->yylrState];
- if (YYPACT_NINF < yyn && yyn <= YYLAST)
- {
- yySymbol yytoken = YYTRANSLATE (yychar);
- size_t yysize0 = yytnamerr (NULL, yytokenName (yytoken));
- size_t yysize = yysize0;
- size_t yysize1;
- yybool yysize_overflow = yyfalse;
- char* yymsg = NULL;
- /* Internationalized format string. */
- const char *yyformat = 0;
- /* Arguments of yyformat. */
- char const *yyarg[YYERROR_VERBOSE_ARGS_MAXIMUM];
- /* Start YYX at -YYN if negative to avoid negative indexes in
- int yyxbegin = yyn < 0 ? -yyn : 0;
- /* Stay within bounds of both yycheck and yytname. */
- int yychecklim = YYLAST - yyn + 1;
- int yyxend = yychecklim < YYNTOKENS ? yychecklim : YYNTOKENS;
- /* Number of reported tokens (one for the "unexpected", one per
- "expected"). */
- int yycount = 0;
+ int yyn = yypact[yystackp->yytops.yystates[0]->yylrState];
+ yyarg[yycount++] = yytokenName (yytoken);
+ if (!yypact_value_is_default (yyn))
+ {
+ /* Start YYX at -YYN if negative to avoid negative indexes in
+ YYCHECK. In other words, skip the first -YYN actions for this
+ state because they are default actions. */
+ int yyxbegin = yyn < 0 ? -yyn : 0;
+ /* Stay within bounds of both yycheck and yytname. */
+ int yychecklim = YYLAST - yyn + 1;
+ int yyxend = yychecklim < YYNTOKENS ? yychecklim : YYNTOKENS;
int yyx;
+ for (yyx = yyxbegin; yyx < yyxend; ++yyx)
+ if (yycheck[yyx + yyn] == yyx && yyx != YYTERROR
+ && !yytable_value_is_error (yytable[yyx + yyn]))
+ {
+ {
+ yycount = 1;
+ yysize = yysize0;
+ break;
+ }
+ yyarg[yycount++] = yytokenName (yyx);
+ yysize1 = yysize + yytnamerr (YY_NULL, yytokenName (yyx));
+ yysize_overflow |= yysize1 < yysize;
+ yysize = yysize1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
- yyarg[yycount++] = yytokenName (yytoken);
- for (yyx = yyxbegin; yyx < yyxend; ++yyx)
- if (yycheck[yyx + yyn] == yyx && yyx != YYTERROR)
- {
- {
- yycount = 1;
- yysize = yysize0;
- break;
- }
- yyarg[yycount++] = yytokenName (yyx);
- yysize1 = yysize + yytnamerr (NULL, yytokenName (yyx));
- yysize_overflow |= yysize1 < yysize;
- yysize = yysize1;
- }
- switch (yycount)
- {
-#define YYCASE_(N, S) \
- case N: \
- yyformat = S; \
- break
- YYCASE_(1, YY_("syntax error, unexpected %s"));
- YYCASE_(2, YY_("syntax error, unexpected %s, expecting %s"));
- YYCASE_(3, YY_("syntax error, unexpected %s, expecting %s or %s"));
- YYCASE_(4, YY_("syntax error, unexpected %s, expecting %s or %s or %s"));
- YYCASE_(5, YY_("syntax error, unexpected %s, expecting %s or %s or %s or %s"));
+ switch (yycount)
+ {
+#define YYCASE_(N, S) \
+ case N: \
+ yyformat = S; \
+ break
+ YYCASE_(0, YY_("syntax error"));
+ YYCASE_(1, YY_("syntax error, unexpected %s"));
+ YYCASE_(2, YY_("syntax error, unexpected %s, expecting %s"));
+ YYCASE_(3, YY_("syntax error, unexpected %s, expecting %s or %s"));
+ YYCASE_(4, YY_("syntax error, unexpected %s, expecting %s or %s or %s"));
+ YYCASE_(5, YY_("syntax error, unexpected %s, expecting %s or %s or %s or %s"));
#undef YYCASE_
- }
+ }
- yysize1 = yysize + strlen (yyformat);
- yysize_overflow |= yysize1 < yysize;
- yysize = yysize1;
- if (!yysize_overflow)
- yymsg = (char *) YYMALLOC (yysize);
- if (yymsg)
- {
- char *yyp = yymsg;
- int yyi = 0;
- while ((*yyp = *yyformat))
- {
- if (*yyp == '%' && yyformat[1] == 's' && yyi < yycount)
- {
- yyp += yytnamerr (yyp, yyarg[yyi++]);
- yyformat += 2;
- }
- else
- {
- yyp++;
- yyformat++;
- }
- }
- yyerror (]b4_lyyerror_args[yymsg);
- YYFREE (yymsg);
- }
- else
- {
- yyerror (]b4_lyyerror_args[YY_("syntax error"));
- yyMemoryExhausted (yystackp);
- }
- }
- else
-#endif /* YYERROR_VERBOSE */
- yyerror (]b4_lyyerror_args[YY_("syntax error"));
- yynerrs += 1;
+ yysize1 = yysize + strlen (yyformat);
+ yysize_overflow |= yysize1 < yysize;
+ yysize = yysize1;
+ if (!yysize_overflow)
+ yymsg = (char *) YYMALLOC (yysize);
+ if (yymsg)
+ {
+ char *yyp = yymsg;
+ int yyi = 0;
+ while ((*yyp = *yyformat))
+ {
+ if (*yyp == '%' && yyformat[1] == 's' && yyi < yycount)
+ {
+ yyp += yytnamerr (yyp, yyarg[yyi++]);
+ yyformat += 2;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ yyp++;
+ yyformat++;
+ }
+ }
+ yyerror (]b4_lyyerror_args[yymsg);
+ YYFREE (yymsg);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ yyerror (]b4_lyyerror_args[YY_("syntax error"));
+ yyMemoryExhausted (yystackp);
+#endif /* YYERROR_VERBOSE */
+ yynerrs += 1;
/* Recover from a syntax error on *YYSTACKP, assuming that *YYSTACKP->YYTOKENP,
reductions. Skip tokens until we can proceed. */
while (YYID (yytrue))
- yySymbol yytoken;
- if (yychar == YYEOF)
- yyFail (yystackp][]b4_lpure_args[, NULL);
- if (yychar != YYEMPTY)
- {]b4_locations_if([[
- /* We throw away the lookahead, but the error range
- of the shifted error token must take it into account. */
- yyGLRState *yys = yystackp->yytops.yystates[0];
- yyGLRStackItem yyerror_range[3];
- yyerror_range[1].yystate.yyloc = yys->yyloc;
- yyerror_range[2].yystate.yyloc = yylloc;
- YYLLOC_DEFAULT ((yys->yyloc), yyerror_range, 2);]])[
- yytoken = YYTRANSLATE (yychar);
- yydestruct ("Error: discarding",
- yytoken, &yylval]b4_locations_if([, &yylloc])[]b4_user_args[);
- }
- YYDPRINTF ((stderr, "Reading a token: "));
- yychar = YYLEX;
- if (yychar <= YYEOF)
- {
- yychar = yytoken = YYEOF;
- YYDPRINTF ((stderr, "Now at end of input.\n"));
- }
- else
- {
- yytoken = YYTRANSLATE (yychar);
- YY_SYMBOL_PRINT ("Next token is", yytoken, &yylval, &yylloc);
- }
- yyj = yypact[yystackp->yytops.yystates[0]->yylrState];
- if (yyis_pact_ninf (yyj))
- return;
- yyj += yytoken;
- if (yyj < 0 || YYLAST < yyj || yycheck[yyj] != yytoken)
- {
- if (yydefact[yystackp->yytops.yystates[0]->yylrState] != 0)
- return;
- }
- else if (yytable[yyj] != 0 && ! yyis_table_ninf (yytable[yyj]))
- return;
+ yySymbol yytoken;
+ if (yychar == YYEOF)
+ yyFail (yystackp][]b4_lpure_args[, YY_NULL);
+ if (yychar != YYEMPTY)
+ {]b4_locations_if([[
+ /* We throw away the lookahead, but the error range
+ of the shifted error token must take it into account. */
+ yyGLRState *yys = yystackp->yytops.yystates[0];
+ yyGLRStackItem yyerror_range[3];
+ yyerror_range[1].yystate.yyloc = yys->yyloc;
+ yyerror_range[2].yystate.yyloc = yylloc;
+ YYLLOC_DEFAULT ((yys->yyloc), yyerror_range, 2);]])[
+ yytoken = YYTRANSLATE (yychar);
+ yydestruct ("Error: discarding",
+ yytoken, &yylval]b4_locuser_args([&yylloc])[);
+ }
+ YYDPRINTF ((stderr, "Reading a token: "));
+ yychar = YYLEX;
+ if (yychar <= YYEOF)
+ {
+ yychar = yytoken = YYEOF;
+ YYDPRINTF ((stderr, "Now at end of input.\n"));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ yytoken = YYTRANSLATE (yychar);
+ YY_SYMBOL_PRINT ("Next token is", yytoken, &yylval, &yylloc);
+ }
+ yyj = yypact[yystackp->yytops.yystates[0]->yylrState];
+ if (yypact_value_is_default (yyj))
+ return;
+ yyj += yytoken;
+ if (yyj < 0 || YYLAST < yyj || yycheck[yyj] != yytoken)
+ {
+ if (yydefact[yystackp->yytops.yystates[0]->yylrState] != 0)
+ return;
+ }
+ else if (! yytable_value_is_error (yytable[yyj]))
+ return;
/* Reduce to one stack. */
for (yyk = 0; yyk < yystackp->yytops.yysize; yyk += 1)
- if (yystackp->yytops.yystates[yyk] != NULL)
+ if (yystackp->yytops.yystates[yyk] != YY_NULL)
if (yyk >= yystackp->yytops.yysize)
- yyFail (yystackp][]b4_lpure_args[, NULL);
+ yyFail (yystackp][]b4_lpure_args[, YY_NULL);
for (yyk += 1; yyk < yystackp->yytops.yysize; yyk += 1)
yymarkStackDeleted (yystackp, yyk);
yyremoveDeletes (yystackp);
/* Now pop stack until we find a state that shifts the error token. */
yystackp->yyerrState = 3;
- while (yystackp->yytops.yystates[0] != NULL)
+ while (yystackp->yytops.yystates[0] != YY_NULL)
yyGLRState *yys = yystackp->yytops.yystates[0];
yyj = yypact[yys->yylrState];
- if (! yyis_pact_ninf (yyj))
- {
- yyj += YYTERROR;
- if (0 <= yyj && yyj <= YYLAST && yycheck[yyj] == YYTERROR
- && yyisShiftAction (yytable[yyj]))
- {
- /* Shift the error token having adjusted its location. */
- YYLTYPE yyerrloc;]b4_locations_if([[
- yystackp->yyerror_range[2].yystate.yyloc = yylloc;
- YYLLOC_DEFAULT (yyerrloc, (yystackp->yyerror_range), 2);]])[
- YY_SYMBOL_PRINT ("Shifting", yystos[yytable[yyj]],
- &yylval, &yyerrloc);
- yyglrShift (yystackp, 0, yytable[yyj],
- yys->yyposn, &yylval, &yyerrloc);
- yys = yystackp->yytops.yystates[0];
- break;
- }
- }
-]b4_locations_if([[ yystackp->yyerror_range[1].yystate.yyloc = yys->yyloc;]])[
- if (yys->yypred != NULL)
- yydestroyGLRState ("Error: popping", yys]b4_user_args[);
+ if (! yypact_value_is_default (yyj))
+ {
+ yyj += YYTERROR;
+ if (0 <= yyj && yyj <= YYLAST && yycheck[yyj] == YYTERROR
+ && yyisShiftAction (yytable[yyj]))
+ {
+ /* Shift the error token. */]b4_locations_if([[
+ /* First adjust its location.*/
+ YYLTYPE yyerrloc;
+ yystackp->yyerror_range[2].yystate.yyloc = yylloc;
+ YYLLOC_DEFAULT (yyerrloc, (yystackp->yyerror_range), 2);]])[
+ YY_SYMBOL_PRINT ("Shifting", yystos[yytable[yyj]],
+ &yylval, &yyerrloc);
+ yyglrShift (yystackp, 0, yytable[yyj],
+ yys->yyposn, &yylval]b4_locations_if([, &yyerrloc])[);
+ yys = yystackp->yytops.yystates[0];
+ break;
+ }
+ }]b4_locations_if([[
+ yystackp->yyerror_range[1].yystate.yyloc = yys->yyloc;]])[
+ if (yys->yypred != YY_NULL)
+ yydestroyGLRState ("Error: popping", yys]b4_user_args[);
yystackp->yytops.yystates[0] = yys->yypred;
yystackp->yynextFree -= 1;
yystackp->yyspaceLeft += 1;
- if (yystackp->yytops.yystates[0] == NULL)
- yyFail (yystackp][]b4_lpure_args[, NULL);
+ if (yystackp->yytops.yystates[0] == YY_NULL)
+ yyFail (yystackp][]b4_lpure_args[, YY_NULL);
-#define YYCHK1(YYE) \
- do { \
- switch (YYE) { \
- case yyok: \
- break; \
- case yyabort: \
- goto yyabortlab; \
- case yyaccept: \
- goto yyacceptlab; \
- case yyerr: \
- goto yyuser_error; \
- default: \
- goto yybuglab; \
- } \
+#define YYCHK1(YYE) \
+ do { \
+ switch (YYE) { \
+ case yyok: \
+ break; \
+ case yyabort: \
+ goto yyabortlab; \
+ case yyaccept: \
+ goto yyacceptlab; \
+ case yyerr: \
+ goto yyuser_error; \
+ default: \
+ goto yybuglab; \
+ } \
} while (YYID (0))
| yyparse. |
-]b4_c_ansi_function_def([yyparse], [int], b4_parse_param)[
+]b4_function_define([yyparse], [int], b4_parse_param)[
int yyresult;
yyGLRStack yystack;
yychar = YYEMPTY;
yylval = yyval_default;
yylloc.first_line = yylloc.last_line = ]b4_location_initial_line[;
yylloc.first_column = yylloc.last_column = ]b4_location_initial_column[;
m4_ifdef([b4_initial_action], [
-m4_pushdef([b4_at_dollar], [yylloc])dnl
-m4_pushdef([b4_dollar_dollar], [yylval])dnl
+b4_dollar_pushdef([yylval], [], [yylloc])dnl
/* User initialization code. */
if (! yyinitGLRStack (yystackp, YYINITDEPTH))
goto yyexhaustedlab;
case 2: goto yyexhaustedlab;
default: goto yybuglab;
- yyglrShift (&yystack, 0, 0, 0, &yylval, &yylloc);
+ yyglrShift (&yystack, 0, 0, 0, &yylval]b4_locations_if([, &yylloc])[);
yyposn = 0;
while (YYID (yytrue))
/* For efficiency, we have two loops, the first of which is
- specialized to deterministic operation (single stack, no
- potential ambiguity). */
+ specialized to deterministic operation (single stack, no
+ potential ambiguity). */
/* Standard mode */
while (YYID (yytrue))
- {
- yyRuleNum yyrule;
- int yyaction;
- const short int* yyconflicts;
- yyStateNum yystate = yystack.yytops.yystates[0]->yylrState;
- YYDPRINTF ((stderr, "Entering state %d\n", yystate));
- if (yystate == YYFINAL)
- goto yyacceptlab;
- if (yyisDefaultedState (yystate))
- {
- yyrule = yydefaultAction (yystate);
- if (yyrule == 0)
- {
-]b4_locations_if([[ yystack.yyerror_range[1].yystate.yyloc = yylloc;]])[
- yyreportSyntaxError (&yystack]b4_user_args[);
- goto yyuser_error;
- }
- YYCHK1 (yyglrReduce (&yystack, 0, yyrule, yytrue]b4_user_args[));
- }
- else
- {
- yySymbol yytoken;
- if (yychar == YYEMPTY)
- {
- YYDPRINTF ((stderr, "Reading a token: "));
- yychar = YYLEX;
- }
- if (yychar <= YYEOF)
- {
- yychar = yytoken = YYEOF;
- YYDPRINTF ((stderr, "Now at end of input.\n"));
- }
- else
- {
- yytoken = YYTRANSLATE (yychar);
- YY_SYMBOL_PRINT ("Next token is", yytoken, &yylval, &yylloc);
- }
- yygetLRActions (yystate, yytoken, &yyaction, &yyconflicts);
- if (*yyconflicts != 0)
- break;
- if (yyisShiftAction (yyaction))
- {
- YY_SYMBOL_PRINT ("Shifting", yytoken, &yylval, &yylloc);
- yychar = YYEMPTY;
- yyposn += 1;
- yyglrShift (&yystack, 0, yyaction, yyposn, &yylval, &yylloc);
- if (0 < yystack.yyerrState)
- yystack.yyerrState -= 1;
- }
- else if (yyisErrorAction (yyaction))
- {
-]b4_locations_if([[ yystack.yyerror_range[1].yystate.yyloc = yylloc;]])[
- yyreportSyntaxError (&yystack]b4_user_args[);
- goto yyuser_error;
- }
- else
- YYCHK1 (yyglrReduce (&yystack, 0, -yyaction, yytrue]b4_user_args[));
- }
- }
+ {
+ yyRuleNum yyrule;
+ int yyaction;
+ const short int* yyconflicts;
+ yyStateNum yystate = yystack.yytops.yystates[0]->yylrState;
+ YYDPRINTF ((stderr, "Entering state %d\n", yystate));
+ if (yystate == YYFINAL)
+ goto yyacceptlab;
+ if (yyisDefaultedState (yystate))
+ {
+ yyrule = yydefaultAction (yystate);
+ if (yyrule == 0)
+ {
+]b4_locations_if([[ yystack.yyerror_range[1].yystate.yyloc = yylloc;]])[
+ yyreportSyntaxError (&yystack]b4_user_args[);
+ goto yyuser_error;
+ }
+ YYCHK1 (yyglrReduce (&yystack, 0, yyrule, yytrue]b4_user_args[));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ yySymbol yytoken;
+ if (yychar == YYEMPTY)
+ {
+ YYDPRINTF ((stderr, "Reading a token: "));
+ yychar = YYLEX;
+ }
+ if (yychar <= YYEOF)
+ {
+ yychar = yytoken = YYEOF;
+ YYDPRINTF ((stderr, "Now at end of input.\n"));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ yytoken = YYTRANSLATE (yychar);
+ YY_SYMBOL_PRINT ("Next token is", yytoken, &yylval, &yylloc);
+ }
+ yygetLRActions (yystate, yytoken, &yyaction, &yyconflicts);
+ if (*yyconflicts != 0)
+ break;
+ if (yyisShiftAction (yyaction))
+ {
+ YY_SYMBOL_PRINT ("Shifting", yytoken, &yylval, &yylloc);
+ yychar = YYEMPTY;
+ yyposn += 1;
+ yyglrShift (&yystack, 0, yyaction, yyposn, &yylval]b4_locations_if([, &yylloc])[);
+ if (0 < yystack.yyerrState)
+ yystack.yyerrState -= 1;
+ }
+ else if (yyisErrorAction (yyaction))
+ {
+]b4_locations_if([[ yystack.yyerror_range[1].yystate.yyloc = yylloc;]])[
+ yyreportSyntaxError (&yystack]b4_user_args[);
+ goto yyuser_error;
+ }
+ else
+ YYCHK1 (yyglrReduce (&yystack, 0, -yyaction, yytrue]b4_user_args[));
+ }
+ }
while (YYID (yytrue))
- {
- yySymbol yytoken_to_shift;
- size_t yys;
- for (yys = 0; yys < yystack.yytops.yysize; yys += 1)
- yystackp->yytops.yylookaheadNeeds[yys] = yychar != YYEMPTY;
- /* yyprocessOneStack returns one of three things:
- - An error flag. If the caller is yyprocessOneStack, it
- immediately returns as well. When the caller is finally
- yyparse, it jumps to an error label via YYCHK1.
- - yyok, but yyprocessOneStack has invoked yymarkStackDeleted
- (&yystack, yys), which sets the top state of yys to NULL. Thus,
- yyparse's following invocation of yyremoveDeletes will remove
- the stack.
- - yyok, when ready to shift a token.
- Except in the first case, yyparse will invoke yyremoveDeletes and
- then shift the next token onto all remaining stacks. This
- synchronization of the shift (that is, after all preceding
- reductions on all stacks) helps prevent double destructor calls
- on yylval in the event of memory exhaustion. */
- for (yys = 0; yys < yystack.yytops.yysize; yys += 1)
- YYCHK1 (yyprocessOneStack (&yystack, yys, yyposn]b4_lpure_args[));
- yyremoveDeletes (&yystack);
- if (yystack.yytops.yysize == 0)
- {
- yyundeleteLastStack (&yystack);
- if (yystack.yytops.yysize == 0)
- yyFail (&yystack][]b4_lpure_args[, YY_("syntax error"));
- YYCHK1 (yyresolveStack (&yystack]b4_user_args[));
- YYDPRINTF ((stderr, "Returning to deterministic operation.\n"));
-]b4_locations_if([[ yystack.yyerror_range[1].yystate.yyloc = yylloc;]])[
- yyreportSyntaxError (&yystack]b4_user_args[);
- goto yyuser_error;
- }
- /* If any yyglrShift call fails, it will fail after shifting. Thus,
- a copy of yylval will already be on stack 0 in the event of a
- failure in the following loop. Thus, yychar is set to YYEMPTY
- before the loop to make sure the user destructor for yylval isn't
- called twice. */
- yytoken_to_shift = YYTRANSLATE (yychar);
- yychar = YYEMPTY;
- yyposn += 1;
- for (yys = 0; yys < yystack.yytops.yysize; yys += 1)
- {
- int yyaction;
- const short int* yyconflicts;
- yyStateNum yystate = yystack.yytops.yystates[yys]->yylrState;
- yygetLRActions (yystate, yytoken_to_shift, &yyaction,
- &yyconflicts);
- /* Note that yyconflicts were handled by yyprocessOneStack. */
- YYDPRINTF ((stderr, "On stack %lu, ", (unsigned long int) yys));
- YY_SYMBOL_PRINT ("shifting", yytoken_to_shift, &yylval, &yylloc);
- yyglrShift (&yystack, yys, yyaction, yyposn,
- &yylval, &yylloc);
- YYDPRINTF ((stderr, "Stack %lu now in state #%d\n",
- (unsigned long int) yys,
- yystack.yytops.yystates[yys]->yylrState));
- }
- if (yystack.yytops.yysize == 1)
- {
- YYCHK1 (yyresolveStack (&yystack]b4_user_args[));
- YYDPRINTF ((stderr, "Returning to deterministic operation.\n"));
- yycompressStack (&yystack);
- break;
- }
- }
+ {
+ yySymbol yytoken_to_shift;
+ size_t yys;
+ for (yys = 0; yys < yystack.yytops.yysize; yys += 1)
+ yystackp->yytops.yylookaheadNeeds[yys] = yychar != YYEMPTY;
+ /* yyprocessOneStack returns one of three things:
+ - An error flag. If the caller is yyprocessOneStack, it
+ immediately returns as well. When the caller is finally
+ yyparse, it jumps to an error label via YYCHK1.
+ - yyok, but yyprocessOneStack has invoked yymarkStackDeleted
+ (&yystack, yys), which sets the top state of yys to NULL. Thus,
+ yyparse's following invocation of yyremoveDeletes will remove
+ the stack.
+ - yyok, when ready to shift a token.
+ Except in the first case, yyparse will invoke yyremoveDeletes and
+ then shift the next token onto all remaining stacks. This
+ synchronization of the shift (that is, after all preceding
+ reductions on all stacks) helps prevent double destructor calls
+ on yylval in the event of memory exhaustion. */
+ for (yys = 0; yys < yystack.yytops.yysize; yys += 1)
+ YYCHK1 (yyprocessOneStack (&yystack, yys, yyposn]b4_lpure_args[));
+ yyremoveDeletes (&yystack);
+ if (yystack.yytops.yysize == 0)
+ {
+ yyundeleteLastStack (&yystack);
+ if (yystack.yytops.yysize == 0)
+ yyFail (&yystack][]b4_lpure_args[, YY_("syntax error"));
+ YYCHK1 (yyresolveStack (&yystack]b4_user_args[));
+ YYDPRINTF ((stderr, "Returning to deterministic operation.\n"));
+]b4_locations_if([[ yystack.yyerror_range[1].yystate.yyloc = yylloc;]])[
+ yyreportSyntaxError (&yystack]b4_user_args[);
+ goto yyuser_error;
+ }
+ /* If any yyglrShift call fails, it will fail after shifting. Thus,
+ a copy of yylval will already be on stack 0 in the event of a
+ failure in the following loop. Thus, yychar is set to YYEMPTY
+ before the loop to make sure the user destructor for yylval isn't
+ called twice. */
+ yytoken_to_shift = YYTRANSLATE (yychar);
+ yychar = YYEMPTY;
+ yyposn += 1;
+ for (yys = 0; yys < yystack.yytops.yysize; yys += 1)
+ {
+ int yyaction;
+ const short int* yyconflicts;
+ yyStateNum yystate = yystack.yytops.yystates[yys]->yylrState;
+ yygetLRActions (yystate, yytoken_to_shift, &yyaction,
+ &yyconflicts);
+ /* Note that yyconflicts were handled by yyprocessOneStack. */
+ YYDPRINTF ((stderr, "On stack %lu, ", (unsigned long int) yys));
+ YY_SYMBOL_PRINT ("shifting", yytoken_to_shift, &yylval, &yylloc);
+ yyglrShift (&yystack, yys, yyaction, yyposn,
+ &yylval]b4_locations_if([, &yylloc])[);
+ YYDPRINTF ((stderr, "Stack %lu now in state #%d\n",
+ (unsigned long int) yys,
+ yystack.yytops.yystates[yys]->yylrState));
+ }
+ if (yystack.yytops.yysize == 1)
+ {
+ YYCHK1 (yyresolveStack (&yystack]b4_user_args[));
+ YYDPRINTF ((stderr, "Returning to deterministic operation.\n"));
+ yycompressStack (&yystack);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
yyrecoverSyntaxError (&yystack]b4_user_args[);
if (yychar != YYEMPTY)
yydestruct ("Cleanup: discarding lookahead",
- YYTRANSLATE (yychar),
- &yylval]b4_locations_if([, &yylloc])[]b4_user_args[);
+ YYTRANSLATE (yychar), &yylval]b4_locuser_args([&yylloc])[);
/* If the stack is well-formed, pop the stack until it is empty,
destroying its entries as we go. But free the stack regardless
yyGLRState** yystates = yystack.yytops.yystates;
if (yystates)
- {
- size_t yysize = yystack.yytops.yysize;
- size_t yyk;
- for (yyk = 0; yyk < yysize; yyk += 1)
- if (yystates[yyk])
- {
- while (yystates[yyk])
- {
- yyGLRState *yys = yystates[yyk];
-]b4_locations_if([[ yystack.yyerror_range[1].yystate.yyloc = yys->yyloc;]]
-)[ if (yys->yypred != NULL)
- yydestroyGLRState ("Cleanup: popping", yys]b4_user_args[);
- yystates[yyk] = yys->yypred;
- yystack.yynextFree -= 1;
- yystack.yyspaceLeft += 1;
- }
- break;
- }
- }
+ {
+ size_t yysize = yystack.yytops.yysize;
+ size_t yyk;
+ for (yyk = 0; yyk < yysize; yyk += 1)
+ if (yystates[yyk])
+ {
+ while (yystates[yyk])
+ {
+ yyGLRState *yys = yystates[yyk];
+]b4_locations_if([[ yystack.yyerror_range[1].yystate.yyloc = yys->yyloc;]]
+)[ if (yys->yypred != YY_NULL)
+ yydestroyGLRState ("Cleanup: popping", yys]b4_user_args[);
+ yystates[yyk] = yys->yypred;
+ yystack.yynextFree -= 1;
+ yystack.yyspaceLeft += 1;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
yyfreeGLRStack (&yystack);
+#if ]b4_api_PREFIX[DEBUG
static void yypstack (yyGLRStack* yystackp, size_t yyk)
__attribute__ ((__unused__));
static void yypdumpstack (yyGLRStack* yystackp) __attribute__ ((__unused__));
static void
yypstates (yyGLRState* yyst)
- if (yyst == NULL)
+ if (yyst == YY_NULL)
YYFPRINTF (stderr, "<null>");
yy_yypstack (yyst);
yypstates (yystackp->yytops.yystates[yyk]);
-#define YYINDEX(YYX) \
- ((YYX) == NULL ? -1 : (yyGLRStackItem*) (YYX) - yystackp->yyitems)
+#define YYINDEX(YYX) \
+ ((YYX) == YY_NULL ? -1 : (yyGLRStackItem*) (YYX) - yystackp->yyitems)
static void
YYFPRINTF (stderr, "%3lu. ",
(unsigned long int) (yyp - yystackp->yyitems));
if (*(yybool *) yyp)
- {
- YYFPRINTF (stderr, "Res: %d, LR State: %d, posn: %lu, pred: %ld",
- yyp->yystate.yyresolved, yyp->yystate.yylrState,
- (unsigned long int) yyp->yystate.yyposn,
- (long int) YYINDEX (yyp->yystate.yypred));
- if (! yyp->yystate.yyresolved)
- YYFPRINTF (stderr, ", firstVal: %ld",
- (long int) YYINDEX (yyp->yystate
+ {
+ YYFPRINTF (stderr, "Res: %d, LR State: %d, posn: %lu, pred: %ld",
+ yyp->yystate.yyresolved, yyp->yystate.yylrState,
+ (unsigned long int) yyp->yystate.yyposn,
+ (long int) YYINDEX (yyp->yystate.yypred));
+ if (! yyp->yystate.yyresolved)
+ YYFPRINTF (stderr, ", firstVal: %ld",
+ (long int) YYINDEX (yyp->yystate
- }
+ }
- {
- YYFPRINTF (stderr, "Option. rule: %d, state: %ld, next: %ld",
- yyp->yyoption.yyrule - 1,
- (long int) YYINDEX (yyp->yyoption.yystate),
- (long int) YYINDEX (yyp->yyoption.yynext));
- }
+ {
+ YYFPRINTF (stderr, "Option. rule: %d, state: %ld, next: %ld",
+ yyp->yyoption.yyrule - 1,
+ (long int) YYINDEX (yyp->yyoption.yystate),
+ (long int) YYINDEX (yyp->yyoption.yynext));
+ }
YYFPRINTF (stderr, "\n");
YYFPRINTF (stderr, "Tops:");
for (yyi = 0; yyi < yystackp->yytops.yysize; yyi += 1)
YYFPRINTF (stderr, "%lu: %ld; ", (unsigned long int) yyi,
- (long int) YYINDEX (yystackp->yytops.yystates[yyi]));
+ (long int) YYINDEX (yystackp->yytops.yystates[yyi]));
YYFPRINTF (stderr, "\n");
b4_copyright([Skeleton interface for Bison GLR parsers in C],
- [2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008])
+ [2002-2012])[
-[[extern YYSTYPE ]b4_prefix[lval;]])
-[extern YYLTYPE ]b4_prefix[lloc;])