-b4_copyright([Stack handling for Bison parsers in C++],
- [2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010])[
-# define BISON_STACK_HH
-#include <deque>
- template <class T, class S = std::deque<T> >
- class stack
- {
- public:
- // Hide our reversed order.
- typedef typename S::reverse_iterator iterator;
- typedef typename S::const_reverse_iterator const_iterator;
- stack () : seq_ ()
- {
- }
- stack (unsigned int n) : seq_ (n)
- {
- }
- inline
- T&
- operator [] (unsigned int i)
- {
- return seq_[i];
- }
- inline
- const T&
- operator [] (unsigned int i) const
- {
- return seq_[i];
- }
- inline
- void
- push (const T& t)
- {
- seq_.push_front (t);
- }
- inline
- void
- pop (unsigned int n = 1)
- {
- for (; n; --n)
- seq_.pop_front ();
- }
- inline
- unsigned int
- height () const
- {
- return seq_.size ();
- }
- inline const_iterator begin () const { return seq_.rbegin (); }
- inline const_iterator end () const { return seq_.rend (); }
- private:
- S seq_;
- };
- /// Present a slice of the top of a stack.
- template <class T, class S = stack<T> >
- class slice
- {
- public:
- slice (const S& stack,
- unsigned int range) : stack_ (stack),
- range_ (range)
- {
- }
- inline
- const T&
- operator [] (unsigned int i) const
- {
- return stack_[range_ - i];
- }
- private:
- const S& stack_;
- unsigned int range_;
- };
-#endif // not BISON_STACK_HH[]dnl