+/** Undefined user number. */
+/* `symbol->user_token_number == USER_NUMBER_ALIAS' means this symbol
+ *has* (not is) a string literal alias. For instance, `%token foo
+ "foo"' has `"foo"' numbered regularly, and `foo' numbered as
+#define USER_NUMBER_ALIAS -9991
+/* Undefined internal token number. */
+#define NUMBER_UNDEFINED (-1)
+/** Print a symbol (for debugging). */
+void symbol_print (symbol *s, FILE *f);
+/** Fetch (or create) the symbol associated to KEY. */
+symbol *symbol_from_uniqstr (const uniqstr key, location loc);
+/** Fetch (or create) the symbol associated to KEY. */
+symbol *symbol_get (const char *key, location loc);
+/** Generate a dummy nonterminal.
+ Its name cannot conflict with the user's names. */
+symbol *dummy_symbol_get (location loc);
+/** Is this a dummy nonterminal? */
+bool symbol_is_dummy (const symbol *sym);
+/** Declare the new symbol \c sym. Make it an alias of \c symval. */
+void symbol_make_alias (symbol *sym, symbol *symval, location loc);
+/** Set the \c type_name associated with \c sym.
+ Do nothing if passed 0 as \c type_name. */
+void symbol_type_set (symbol *sym, uniqstr type_name, location loc);
+/** Set the \c destructor associated with \c sym. */
+void symbol_destructor_set (symbol *sym, const char *destructor, location loc);
+/** Get the computed \c \%destructor for \c sym, or \c NULL if none. */
+const char *symbol_destructor_get (symbol *sym);
+/** Get the grammar location of the computed \c \%destructor for \c sym.
+ \pre <tt>symbol_destructor_get (sym) != NULL</tt> */
+location symbol_destructor_location_get (symbol *sym);
+/** Set the \c printer associated with \c sym. */
+void symbol_printer_set (symbol *sym, const char *printer, location loc);
+/** Get the computed \c \%printer for \c sym, or \c NULL if none. */
+const char *symbol_printer_get (symbol *sym);
+/** Get the grammar location of the computed \c \%printer for \c sym.
+ \pre <tt>symbol_printer_get (sym) != NULL</tt> */
+location symbol_printer_location_get (symbol *sym);
+/* Set the \c precedence associated with \c sym.
+ Ensure that \a symbol is a terminal.
+ Do nothing if invoked with \c undef_assoc as \c assoc. */
+void symbol_precedence_set (symbol *sym, int prec, assoc a, location loc);
+/** Set the \c class associated with \c sym. */
+void symbol_class_set (symbol *sym, symbol_class class, location loc,
+ bool declaring);
+/** Set the \c user_token_number associated with \c sym. */
+void symbol_user_token_number_set (symbol *sym, int user_number, location loc);
+/** The error token. */
+extern symbol *errtoken;
+/** The token for unknown tokens. */
+extern symbol *undeftoken;
+/** The end of input token. */
+extern symbol *endtoken;
+/** The genuine start symbol.
+ $accept: start-symbol $end */
+extern symbol *accept;
+/** The user start symbol. */
+extern symbol *startsymbol;
+/** The location of the \c \%start declaration. */
+extern location startsymbol_location;
+| Semantic types. |
+/** A semantic type and its associated \c \%destructor and \c \%printer.
+ Access the fields of this struct only through the interface functions in
+ this file. \sa symbol::destructor */
+typedef struct semantic_type {
+ /** The key, name of the semantic type. */
+ uniqstr tag;
+ /** Any \c %destructor declared for this semantic type. */
+ const char *destructor;
+ /** The location of \c semantic_type::destructor. */
+ location destructor_location;
+ /** Any \c %printer declared for this semantic type. */
+ const char *printer;
+ /** The location of \c semantic_type::printer. */
+ location printer_location;
+} semantic_type;
+/** Fetch (or create) the semantic type associated to KEY. */
+semantic_type *semantic_type_from_uniqstr (const uniqstr key);
+/** Fetch (or create) the semantic type associated to KEY. */
+semantic_type *semantic_type_get (const char *key);
+/** Set the \c destructor associated with \c type. */
+void semantic_type_destructor_set (semantic_type *type, const char *destructor,
+ location loc);
+/** Set the \c printer associated with \c type. */
+void semantic_type_printer_set (semantic_type *type, const char *printer,
+ location loc);
+| Symbol and semantic type tables. |
+/** Create the symbol and semantic type tables. */
+void symbols_new (void);
+/** Free all the memory allocated for symbols and semantic types. */
+void symbols_free (void);
+/** Check that all the symbols are defined.
+ Report any undefined symbols and consider them nonterminals. */
+void symbols_check_defined (void);
+/** Sanity checks and #token_translations construction.
+ Perform various sanity checks, assign symbol numbers, and set up
+ #token_translations. */
+void symbols_pack (void);