do not use _apt for file/copy sources if it isn't world-accessible
0940230d we started dropping privileges for file (and a bit later for
copy, too) with the intend of uniforming this for all methods. The
commit message says that the source will likely fail based on the
compressors already – and there isn't much secret in the repository
content. After all, after apt has run the update everyone can access the
content via apt anyway…
There are sources through which worked before which are mostly
single-deb (and those with the uncompressed files available).
The first one being especially surprising for users maybe, so instead of
failing, we make it so that apt detects that it can't access a source as
_apt and if so doesn't drop (for all sources!) privileges – but we limit
this to file/copy, so the uncompress which might be needed will still
fail – but that failed before this regression.
We display a notice about this, mostly so that if it still fails (e.g.
compressed) the user has some idea what is wrong.
Closes: 805069