--- /dev/null
+// -*- mode: cpp; mode: fold -*-
+// Description /*{{{*/
+// $Id: acquire-item.cc,v 2004/01/16 18:51:11 mdz Exp $
+/* ######################################################################
+ Acquire Item - Item to acquire
+ Each item can download to exactly one file at a time. This means you
+ cannot create an item that fetches two uri's to two files at the same
+ time. The pkgAcqIndex class creates a second class upon instantiation
+ to fetch the other index files because of this.
+ ##################################################################### */
+ /*}}}*/
+// Include Files /*{{{*/
+#include <apt-pkg/acquire-item.h>
+#include <apt-pkg/configuration.h>
+#include <apt-pkg/aptconfiguration.h>
+#include <apt-pkg/sourcelist.h>
+#include <apt-pkg/vendorlist.h>
+#include <apt-pkg/error.h>
+#include <apt-pkg/strutl.h>
+#include <apt-pkg/fileutl.h>
+#include <apt-pkg/md5.h>
+#include <apt-pkg/sha1.h>
+#include <apt-pkg/tagfile.h>
+#include <apti18n.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <string>
+#include <sstream>
+#include <stdio.h>
+ /*}}}*/
+using namespace std;
+// Acquire::Item::Item - Constructor /*{{{*/
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+/* */
+pkgAcquire::Item::Item(pkgAcquire *Owner) : Owner(Owner), FileSize(0),
+ PartialSize(0), Mode(0), ID(0), Complete(false),
+ Local(false), QueueCounter(0)
+ Owner->Add(this);
+ Status = StatIdle;
+ /*}}}*/
+// Acquire::Item::~Item - Destructor /*{{{*/
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+/* */
+ Owner->Remove(this);
+ /*}}}*/
+// Acquire::Item::Failed - Item failed to download /*{{{*/
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+/* We return to an idle state if there are still other queues that could
+ fetch this object */
+void pkgAcquire::Item::Failed(string Message,pkgAcquire::MethodConfig *Cnf)
+ Status = StatIdle;
+ ErrorText = LookupTag(Message,"Message");
+ if (QueueCounter <= 1)
+ {
+ /* This indicates that the file is not available right now but might
+ be sometime later. If we do a retry cycle then this should be
+ retried [CDROMs] */
+ if (Cnf->LocalOnly == true &&
+ StringToBool(LookupTag(Message,"Transient-Failure"),false) == true)
+ {
+ Status = StatIdle;
+ Dequeue();
+ return;
+ }
+ Status = StatError;
+ Dequeue();
+ }
+ /*}}}*/
+// Acquire::Item::Start - Item has begun to download /*{{{*/
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+/* Stash status and the file size. Note that setting Complete means
+ sub-phases of the acquire process such as decompresion are operating */
+void pkgAcquire::Item::Start(string /*Message*/,unsigned long Size)
+ Status = StatFetching;
+ if (FileSize == 0 && Complete == false)
+ FileSize = Size;
+ /*}}}*/
+// Acquire::Item::Done - Item downloaded OK /*{{{*/
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+/* */
+void pkgAcquire::Item::Done(string Message,unsigned long Size,string Hash,
+ pkgAcquire::MethodConfig *Cnf)
+ // We just downloaded something..
+ string FileName = LookupTag(Message,"Filename");
+ // we only inform the Log class if it was actually not a local thing
+ if (Complete == false && !Local && FileName == DestFile)
+ {
+ if (Owner->Log != 0)
+ Owner->Log->Fetched(Size,atoi(LookupTag(Message,"Resume-Point","0").c_str()));
+ }
+ if (FileSize == 0)
+ FileSize= Size;
+ Status = StatDone;
+ ErrorText = string();
+ Owner->Dequeue(this);
+ /*}}}*/
+// Acquire::Item::Rename - Rename a file /*{{{*/
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+/* This helper function is used by alot of item methods as thier final
+ step */
+void pkgAcquire::Item::Rename(string From,string To)
+ if (rename(From.c_str(),To.c_str()) != 0)
+ {
+ char S[300];
+ snprintf(S,sizeof(S),_("rename failed, %s (%s -> %s)."),strerror(errno),
+ From.c_str(),To.c_str());
+ Status = StatError;
+ ErrorText = S;
+ }
+ /*}}}*/
+// AcqDiffIndex::AcqDiffIndex - Constructor /*{{{*/
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+/* Get the DiffIndex file first and see if there are patches availabe
+ * If so, create a pkgAcqIndexDiffs fetcher that will get and apply the
+ * patches. If anything goes wrong in that process, it will fall back to
+ * the original packages file
+ */
+pkgAcqDiffIndex::pkgAcqDiffIndex(pkgAcquire *Owner,
+ string URI,string URIDesc,string ShortDesc,
+ HashString ExpectedHash)
+ : Item(Owner), RealURI(URI), ExpectedHash(ExpectedHash),
+ Description(URIDesc)
+ Debug = _config->FindB("Debug::pkgAcquire::Diffs",false);
+ Desc.Description = URIDesc + "/DiffIndex";
+ Desc.Owner = this;
+ Desc.ShortDesc = ShortDesc;
+ Desc.URI = URI + ".diff/Index";
+ DestFile = _config->FindDir("Dir::State::lists") + "partial/";
+ DestFile += URItoFileName(URI) + string(".DiffIndex");
+ if(Debug)
+ std::clog << "pkgAcqDiffIndex: " << Desc.URI << std::endl;
+ // look for the current package file
+ CurrentPackagesFile = _config->FindDir("Dir::State::lists");
+ CurrentPackagesFile += URItoFileName(RealURI);
+ // FIXME: this file:/ check is a hack to prevent fetching
+ // from local sources. this is really silly, and
+ // should be fixed cleanly as soon as possible
+ if(!FileExists(CurrentPackagesFile) ||
+ Desc.URI.substr(0,strlen("file:/")) == "file:/")
+ {
+ // we don't have a pkg file or we don't want to queue
+ if(Debug)
+ std::clog << "No index file, local or canceld by user" << std::endl;
+ Failed("", NULL);
+ return;
+ }
+ if(Debug)
+ std::clog << "pkgAcqIndexDiffs::pkgAcqIndexDiffs(): "
+ << CurrentPackagesFile << std::endl;
+ QueueURI(Desc);
+ /*}}}*/
+// AcqIndex::Custom600Headers - Insert custom request headers /*{{{*/
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+/* The only header we use is the last-modified header. */
+string pkgAcqDiffIndex::Custom600Headers()
+ string Final = _config->FindDir("Dir::State::lists");
+ Final += URItoFileName(RealURI) + string(".IndexDiff");
+ if(Debug)
+ std::clog << "Custom600Header-IMS: " << Final << std::endl;
+ struct stat Buf;
+ if (stat(Final.c_str(),&Buf) != 0)
+ return "\nIndex-File: true";
+ return "\nIndex-File: true\nLast-Modified: " + TimeRFC1123(Buf.st_mtime);
+ /*}}}*/
+bool pkgAcqDiffIndex::ParseDiffIndex(string IndexDiffFile) /*{{{*/
+ if(Debug)
+ std::clog << "pkgAcqIndexDiffs::ParseIndexDiff() " << IndexDiffFile
+ << std::endl;
+ pkgTagSection Tags;
+ string ServerSha1;
+ vector<DiffInfo> available_patches;
+ FileFd Fd(IndexDiffFile,FileFd::ReadOnly);
+ pkgTagFile TF(&Fd);
+ if (_error->PendingError() == true)
+ return false;
+ if(TF.Step(Tags) == true)
+ {
+ bool found = false;
+ DiffInfo d;
+ string size;
+ string const tmp = Tags.FindS("SHA1-Current");
+ std::stringstream ss(tmp);
+ ss >> ServerSha1 >> size;
+ unsigned long const ServerSize = atol(size.c_str());
+ FileFd fd(CurrentPackagesFile, FileFd::ReadOnly);
+ SHA1Summation SHA1;
+ SHA1.AddFD(fd.Fd(), fd.Size());
+ string const local_sha1 = SHA1.Result();
+ if(local_sha1 == ServerSha1)
+ {
+ // we have the same sha1 as the server
+ if(Debug)
+ std::clog << "Package file is up-to-date" << std::endl;
+ // set found to true, this will queue a pkgAcqIndexDiffs with
+ // a empty availabe_patches
+ found = true;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(Debug)
+ std::clog << "SHA1-Current: " << ServerSha1 << std::endl;
+ // check the historie and see what patches we need
+ string const history = Tags.FindS("SHA1-History");
+ std::stringstream hist(history);
+ while(hist >> d.sha1 >> size >> d.file)
+ {
+ // read until the first match is found
+ // from that point on, we probably need all diffs
+ if(d.sha1 == local_sha1)
+ found=true;
+ else if (found == false)
+ continue;
+ if(Debug)
+ std::clog << "Need to get diff: " << d.file << std::endl;
+ available_patches.push_back(d);
+ }
+ if (available_patches.empty() == false)
+ {
+ // patching with too many files is rather slow compared to a fast download
+ unsigned long const fileLimit = _config->FindI("Acquire::PDiffs::FileLimit", 0);
+ if (fileLimit != 0 && fileLimit < available_patches.size())
+ {
+ if (Debug)
+ std::clog << "Need " << available_patches.size() << " diffs (Limit is " << fileLimit
+ << ") so fallback to complete download" << std::endl;
+ return false;
+ }
+ // see if the patches are too big
+ found = false; // it was true and it will be true again at the end
+ d = *available_patches.begin();
+ string const firstPatch = d.file;
+ unsigned long patchesSize = 0;
+ std::stringstream patches(Tags.FindS("SHA1-Patches"));
+ while(patches >> d.sha1 >> size >> d.file)
+ {
+ if (firstPatch == d.file)
+ found = true;
+ else if (found == false)
+ continue;
+ patchesSize += atol(size.c_str());
+ }
+ unsigned long const sizeLimit = ServerSize * _config->FindI("Acquire::PDiffs::SizeLimit", 100);
+ if (sizeLimit > 0 && (sizeLimit/100) < patchesSize)
+ {
+ if (Debug)
+ std::clog << "Need " << patchesSize << " bytes (Limit is " << sizeLimit/100
+ << ") so fallback to complete download" << std::endl;
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // we have something, queue the next diff
+ if(found)
+ {
+ // queue the diffs
+ string::size_type const last_space = Description.rfind(" ");
+ if(last_space != string::npos)
+ Description.erase(last_space, Description.size()-last_space);
+ new pkgAcqIndexDiffs(Owner, RealURI, Description, Desc.ShortDesc,
+ ExpectedHash, available_patches);
+ Complete = false;
+ Status = StatDone;
+ Dequeue();
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ // Nothing found, report and return false
+ // Failing here is ok, if we return false later, the full
+ // IndexFile is queued
+ if(Debug)
+ std::clog << "Can't find a patch in the index file" << std::endl;
+ return false;
+ /*}}}*/
+void pkgAcqDiffIndex::Failed(string Message,pkgAcquire::MethodConfig *Cnf) /*{{{*/
+ if(Debug)
+ std::clog << "pkgAcqDiffIndex failed: " << Desc.URI << std::endl
+ << "Falling back to normal index file aquire" << std::endl;
+ new pkgAcqIndex(Owner, RealURI, Description, Desc.ShortDesc,
+ ExpectedHash);
+ Complete = false;
+ Status = StatDone;
+ Dequeue();
+ /*}}}*/
+void pkgAcqDiffIndex::Done(string Message,unsigned long Size,string Md5Hash, /*{{{*/
+ pkgAcquire::MethodConfig *Cnf)
+ if(Debug)
+ std::clog << "pkgAcqDiffIndex::Done(): " << Desc.URI << std::endl;
+ Item::Done(Message,Size,Md5Hash,Cnf);
+ string FinalFile;
+ FinalFile = _config->FindDir("Dir::State::lists")+URItoFileName(RealURI);
+ // sucess in downloading the index
+ // rename the index
+ FinalFile += string(".IndexDiff");
+ if(Debug)
+ std::clog << "Renaming: " << DestFile << " -> " << FinalFile
+ << std::endl;
+ Rename(DestFile,FinalFile);
+ chmod(FinalFile.c_str(),0644);
+ DestFile = FinalFile;
+ if(!ParseDiffIndex(DestFile))
+ return Failed("", NULL);
+ Complete = true;
+ Status = StatDone;
+ Dequeue();
+ return;
+ /*}}}*/
+// AcqIndexDiffs::AcqIndexDiffs - Constructor /*{{{*/
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+/* The package diff is added to the queue. one object is constructed
+ * for each diff and the index
+ */
+pkgAcqIndexDiffs::pkgAcqIndexDiffs(pkgAcquire *Owner,
+ string URI,string URIDesc,string ShortDesc,
+ HashString ExpectedHash,
+ vector<DiffInfo> diffs)
+ : Item(Owner), RealURI(URI), ExpectedHash(ExpectedHash),
+ available_patches(diffs)
+ DestFile = _config->FindDir("Dir::State::lists") + "partial/";
+ DestFile += URItoFileName(URI);
+ Debug = _config->FindB("Debug::pkgAcquire::Diffs",false);
+ Description = URIDesc;
+ Desc.Owner = this;
+ Desc.ShortDesc = ShortDesc;
+ if(available_patches.size() == 0)
+ {
+ // we are done (yeah!)
+ Finish(true);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // get the next diff
+ State = StateFetchDiff;
+ QueueNextDiff();
+ }
+ /*}}}*/
+void pkgAcqIndexDiffs::Failed(string Message,pkgAcquire::MethodConfig *Cnf) /*{{{*/
+ if(Debug)
+ std::clog << "pkgAcqIndexDiffs failed: " << Desc.URI << std::endl
+ << "Falling back to normal index file aquire" << std::endl;
+ new pkgAcqIndex(Owner, RealURI, Description,Desc.ShortDesc,
+ ExpectedHash);
+ Finish();
+ /*}}}*/
+// Finish - helper that cleans the item out of the fetcher queue /*{{{*/
+void pkgAcqIndexDiffs::Finish(bool allDone)
+ // we restore the original name, this is required, otherwise
+ // the file will be cleaned
+ if(allDone)
+ {
+ DestFile = _config->FindDir("Dir::State::lists");
+ DestFile += URItoFileName(RealURI);
+ if(!ExpectedHash.empty() && !ExpectedHash.VerifyFile(DestFile))
+ {
+ Status = StatAuthError;
+ ErrorText = _("MD5Sum mismatch");
+ Rename(DestFile,DestFile + ".FAILED");
+ Dequeue();
+ return;
+ }
+ // this is for the "real" finish
+ Complete = true;
+ Status = StatDone;
+ Dequeue();
+ if(Debug)
+ std::clog << "\n\nallDone: " << DestFile << "\n" << std::endl;
+ return;
+ }
+ if(Debug)
+ std::clog << "Finishing: " << Desc.URI << std::endl;
+ Complete = false;
+ Status = StatDone;
+ Dequeue();
+ return;
+ /*}}}*/
+bool pkgAcqIndexDiffs::QueueNextDiff() /*{{{*/
+ // calc sha1 of the just patched file
+ string FinalFile = _config->FindDir("Dir::State::lists");
+ FinalFile += URItoFileName(RealURI);
+ FileFd fd(FinalFile, FileFd::ReadOnly);
+ SHA1Summation SHA1;
+ SHA1.AddFD(fd.Fd(), fd.Size());
+ string local_sha1 = string(SHA1.Result());
+ if(Debug)
+ std::clog << "QueueNextDiff: "
+ << FinalFile << " (" << local_sha1 << ")"<<std::endl;
+ // remove all patches until the next matching patch is found
+ // this requires the Index file to be ordered
+ for(vector<DiffInfo>::iterator I=available_patches.begin();
+ available_patches.size() > 0 &&
+ I != available_patches.end() &&
+ (*I).sha1 != local_sha1;
+ I++)
+ {
+ available_patches.erase(I);
+ }
+ // error checking and falling back if no patch was found
+ if(available_patches.size() == 0)
+ {
+ Failed("", NULL);
+ return false;
+ }
+ // queue the right diff
+ Desc.URI = string(RealURI) + ".diff/" + available_patches[0].file + ".gz";
+ Desc.Description = Description + " " + available_patches[0].file + string(".pdiff");
+ DestFile = _config->FindDir("Dir::State::lists") + "partial/";
+ DestFile += URItoFileName(RealURI + ".diff/" + available_patches[0].file);
+ if(Debug)
+ std::clog << "pkgAcqIndexDiffs::QueueNextDiff(): " << Desc.URI << std::endl;
+ QueueURI(Desc);
+ return true;
+ /*}}}*/
+void pkgAcqIndexDiffs::Done(string Message,unsigned long Size,string Md5Hash, /*{{{*/
+ pkgAcquire::MethodConfig *Cnf)
+ if(Debug)
+ std::clog << "pkgAcqIndexDiffs::Done(): " << Desc.URI << std::endl;
+ Item::Done(Message,Size,Md5Hash,Cnf);
+ string FinalFile;
+ FinalFile = _config->FindDir("Dir::State::lists")+URItoFileName(RealURI);
+ // sucess in downloading a diff, enter ApplyDiff state
+ if(State == StateFetchDiff)
+ {
+ if(Debug)
+ std::clog << "Sending to gzip method: " << FinalFile << std::endl;
+ string FileName = LookupTag(Message,"Filename");
+ State = StateUnzipDiff;
+ Local = true;
+ Desc.URI = "gzip:" + FileName;
+ DestFile += ".decomp";
+ QueueURI(Desc);
+ Mode = "gzip";
+ return;
+ }
+ // sucess in downloading a diff, enter ApplyDiff state
+ if(State == StateUnzipDiff)
+ {
+ // rred excepts the patch as $FinalFile.ed
+ Rename(DestFile,FinalFile+".ed");
+ if(Debug)
+ std::clog << "Sending to rred method: " << FinalFile << std::endl;
+ State = StateApplyDiff;
+ Local = true;
+ Desc.URI = "rred:" + FinalFile;
+ QueueURI(Desc);
+ Mode = "rred";
+ return;
+ }
+ // success in download/apply a diff, queue next (if needed)
+ if(State == StateApplyDiff)
+ {
+ // remove the just applied patch
+ available_patches.erase(available_patches.begin());
+ // move into place
+ if(Debug)
+ {
+ std::clog << "Moving patched file in place: " << std::endl
+ << DestFile << " -> " << FinalFile << std::endl;
+ }
+ Rename(DestFile,FinalFile);
+ chmod(FinalFile.c_str(),0644);
+ // see if there is more to download
+ if(available_patches.size() > 0) {
+ new pkgAcqIndexDiffs(Owner, RealURI, Description, Desc.ShortDesc,
+ ExpectedHash, available_patches);
+ return Finish();
+ } else
+ return Finish(true);
+ }
+ /*}}}*/
+// AcqIndex::AcqIndex - Constructor /*{{{*/
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+/* The package file is added to the queue and a second class is
+ instantiated to fetch the revision file */
+pkgAcqIndex::pkgAcqIndex(pkgAcquire *Owner,
+ string URI,string URIDesc,string ShortDesc,
+ HashString ExpectedHash, string comprExt)
+ : Item(Owner), RealURI(URI), ExpectedHash(ExpectedHash)
+ Decompression = false;
+ Erase = false;
+ DestFile = _config->FindDir("Dir::State::lists") + "partial/";
+ DestFile += URItoFileName(URI);
+ if(comprExt.empty())
+ {
+ // autoselect the compression method
+ std::vector<std::string> types = APT::Configuration::getCompressionTypes();
+ if (types.empty() == true)
+ comprExt = "plain";
+ else
+ comprExt = "." + types[0];
+ }
+ CompressionExtension = ((comprExt == "plain" || comprExt == ".") ? "" : comprExt);
+ Desc.URI = URI + CompressionExtension;
+ Desc.Description = URIDesc;
+ Desc.Owner = this;
+ Desc.ShortDesc = ShortDesc;
+ QueueURI(Desc);
+ /*}}}*/
+// AcqIndex::Custom600Headers - Insert custom request headers /*{{{*/
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+/* The only header we use is the last-modified header. */
+string pkgAcqIndex::Custom600Headers()
+ string Final = _config->FindDir("Dir::State::lists");
+ Final += URItoFileName(RealURI);
+ struct stat Buf;
+ if (stat(Final.c_str(),&Buf) != 0)
+ return "\nIndex-File: true";
+ return "\nIndex-File: true\nLast-Modified: " + TimeRFC1123(Buf.st_mtime);
+ /*}}}*/
+void pkgAcqIndex::Failed(string Message,pkgAcquire::MethodConfig *Cnf) /*{{{*/
+ std::vector<std::string> types = APT::Configuration::getCompressionTypes();
+ for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator t = types.begin();
+ t != types.end(); t++)
+ {
+ // jump over all already tried compression types
+ const unsigned int nameLen = Desc.URI.size() - (*t).size();
+ if(Desc.URI.substr(nameLen) != *t)
+ continue;
+ // we want to try it with the next extension (and make sure to
+ // not skip over the end)
+ t++;
+ if (t == types.end())
+ break;
+ // queue new download
+ Desc.URI = Desc.URI.substr(0, nameLen) + *t;
+ new pkgAcqIndex(Owner, RealURI, Desc.Description, Desc.ShortDesc,
+ ExpectedHash, string(".").append(*t));
+ Status = StatDone;
+ Complete = false;
+ Dequeue();
+ return;
+ }
+ // on decompression failure, remove bad versions in partial/
+ if(Decompression && Erase) {
+ string s = _config->FindDir("Dir::State::lists") + "partial/";
+ s += URItoFileName(RealURI);
+ unlink(s.c_str());
+ }
+ Item::Failed(Message,Cnf);
+ /*}}}*/
+// AcqIndex::Done - Finished a fetch /*{{{*/
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+/* This goes through a number of states.. On the initial fetch the
+ method could possibly return an alternate filename which points
+ to the uncompressed version of the file. If this is so the file
+ is copied into the partial directory. In all other cases the file
+ is decompressed with a gzip uri. */
+void pkgAcqIndex::Done(string Message,unsigned long Size,string Hash,
+ pkgAcquire::MethodConfig *Cfg)
+ Item::Done(Message,Size,Hash,Cfg);
+ if (Decompression == true)
+ {
+ if (_config->FindB("Debug::pkgAcquire::Auth", false))
+ {
+ std::cerr << std::endl << RealURI << ": Computed Hash: " << Hash;
+ std::cerr << " Expected Hash: " << ExpectedHash.toStr() << std::endl;
+ }
+ if (!ExpectedHash.empty() && ExpectedHash.toStr() != Hash)
+ {
+ Status = StatAuthError;
+ ErrorText = _("Hash Sum mismatch");
+ Rename(DestFile,DestFile + ".FAILED");
+ return;
+ }
+ // Done, move it into position
+ string FinalFile = _config->FindDir("Dir::State::lists");
+ FinalFile += URItoFileName(RealURI);
+ Rename(DestFile,FinalFile);
+ chmod(FinalFile.c_str(),0644);
+ /* We restore the original name to DestFile so that the clean operation
+ will work OK */
+ DestFile = _config->FindDir("Dir::State::lists") + "partial/";
+ DestFile += URItoFileName(RealURI);
+ // Remove the compressed version.
+ if (Erase == true)
+ unlink(DestFile.c_str());
+ return;
+ }
+ Erase = false;
+ Complete = true;
+ // Handle the unzipd case
+ string FileName = LookupTag(Message,"Alt-Filename");
+ if (FileName.empty() == false)
+ {
+ // The files timestamp matches
+ if (StringToBool(LookupTag(Message,"Alt-IMS-Hit"),false) == true)
+ return;
+ Decompression = true;
+ Local = true;
+ DestFile += ".decomp";
+ Desc.URI = "copy:" + FileName;
+ QueueURI(Desc);
+ Mode = "copy";
+ return;
+ }
+ FileName = LookupTag(Message,"Filename");
+ if (FileName.empty() == true)
+ {
+ Status = StatError;
+ ErrorText = "Method gave a blank filename";
+ }
+ // The files timestamp matches
+ if (StringToBool(LookupTag(Message,"IMS-Hit"),false) == true)
+ return;
+ if (FileName == DestFile)
+ Erase = true;
+ else
+ Local = true;
+ string compExt = flExtension(flNotDir(URI(Desc.URI).Path));
+ string decompProg;
+ // get the binary name for your used compression type
+ decompProg = _config->Find(string("Acquire::CompressionTypes::").append(compExt),"");
+ if(decompProg.empty() == false);
+ // flExtensions returns the full name if no extension is found
+ // this is why we have this complicated compare operation here
+ // FIMXE: add a new flJustExtension() that return "" if no
+ // extension is found and use that above so that it can
+ // be tested against ""
+ else if(compExt == flNotDir(URI(Desc.URI).Path))
+ decompProg = "copy";
+ else {
+ _error->Error("Unsupported extension: %s", compExt.c_str());
+ return;
+ }
+ Decompression = true;
+ DestFile += ".decomp";
+ Desc.URI = decompProg + ":" + FileName;
+ QueueURI(Desc);
+ Mode = decompProg.c_str();
+ /*}}}*/
+// AcqIndexTrans::pkgAcqIndexTrans - Constructor /*{{{*/
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+/* The Translation file is added to the queue */
+pkgAcqIndexTrans::pkgAcqIndexTrans(pkgAcquire *Owner,
+ string URI,string URIDesc,string ShortDesc)
+ : pkgAcqIndex(Owner, URI, URIDesc, ShortDesc, HashString(), "")
+ /*}}}*/
+// AcqIndexTrans::Failed - Silence failure messages for missing files /*{{{*/
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+/* */
+void pkgAcqIndexTrans::Failed(string Message,pkgAcquire::MethodConfig *Cnf)
+ if (Cnf->LocalOnly == true ||
+ StringToBool(LookupTag(Message,"Transient-Failure"),false) == false)
+ {
+ // Ignore this
+ Status = StatDone;
+ Complete = false;
+ Dequeue();
+ return;
+ }
+ Item::Failed(Message,Cnf);
+ /*}}}*/
+pkgAcqMetaSig::pkgAcqMetaSig(pkgAcquire *Owner, /*{{{*/
+ string URI,string URIDesc,string ShortDesc,
+ string MetaIndexURI, string MetaIndexURIDesc,
+ string MetaIndexShortDesc,
+ const vector<IndexTarget*>* IndexTargets,
+ indexRecords* MetaIndexParser) :
+ Item(Owner), RealURI(URI), MetaIndexURI(MetaIndexURI),
+ MetaIndexURIDesc(MetaIndexURIDesc), MetaIndexShortDesc(MetaIndexShortDesc),
+ MetaIndexParser(MetaIndexParser), IndexTargets(IndexTargets)
+ DestFile = _config->FindDir("Dir::State::lists") + "partial/";
+ DestFile += URItoFileName(URI);
+ // remove any partial downloaded sig-file in partial/.
+ // it may confuse proxies and is too small to warrant a
+ // partial download anyway
+ unlink(DestFile.c_str());
+ // Create the item
+ Desc.Description = URIDesc;
+ Desc.Owner = this;
+ Desc.ShortDesc = ShortDesc;
+ Desc.URI = URI;
+ string Final = _config->FindDir("Dir::State::lists");
+ Final += URItoFileName(RealURI);
+ struct stat Buf;
+ if (stat(Final.c_str(),&Buf) == 0)
+ {
+ // File was already in place. It needs to be re-downloaded/verified
+ // because Release might have changed, we do give it a differnt
+ // name than DestFile because otherwise the http method will
+ // send If-Range requests and there are too many broken servers
+ // out there that do not understand them
+ LastGoodSig = DestFile+".reverify";
+ Rename(Final,LastGoodSig);
+ }
+ QueueURI(Desc);
+ /*}}}*/
+// pkgAcqMetaSig::Custom600Headers - Insert custom request headers /*{{{*/
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+/* The only header we use is the last-modified header. */
+string pkgAcqMetaSig::Custom600Headers()
+ struct stat Buf;
+ if (stat(LastGoodSig.c_str(),&Buf) != 0)
+ return "\nIndex-File: true";
+ return "\nIndex-File: true\nLast-Modified: " + TimeRFC1123(Buf.st_mtime);
+void pkgAcqMetaSig::Done(string Message,unsigned long Size,string MD5,
+ pkgAcquire::MethodConfig *Cfg)
+ Item::Done(Message,Size,MD5,Cfg);
+ string FileName = LookupTag(Message,"Filename");
+ if (FileName.empty() == true)
+ {
+ Status = StatError;
+ ErrorText = "Method gave a blank filename";
+ return;
+ }
+ if (FileName != DestFile)
+ {
+ // We have to copy it into place
+ Local = true;
+ Desc.URI = "copy:" + FileName;
+ QueueURI(Desc);
+ return;
+ }
+ Complete = true;
+ // put the last known good file back on i-m-s hit (it will
+ // be re-verified again)
+ // Else do nothing, we have the new file in DestFile then
+ if(StringToBool(LookupTag(Message,"IMS-Hit"),false) == true)
+ Rename(LastGoodSig, DestFile);
+ // queue a pkgAcqMetaIndex to be verified against the sig we just retrieved
+ new pkgAcqMetaIndex(Owner, MetaIndexURI, MetaIndexURIDesc, MetaIndexShortDesc,
+ DestFile, IndexTargets, MetaIndexParser);
+ /*}}}*/
+void pkgAcqMetaSig::Failed(string Message,pkgAcquire::MethodConfig *Cnf)/*{{{*/
+ string Final = _config->FindDir("Dir::State::lists") + URItoFileName(RealURI);
+ // if we get a network error we fail gracefully
+ if(Status == StatTransientNetworkError)
+ {
+ Item::Failed(Message,Cnf);
+ // move the sigfile back on transient network failures
+ if(FileExists(DestFile))
+ Rename(LastGoodSig,Final);
+ // set the status back to , Item::Failed likes to reset it
+ Status = pkgAcquire::Item::StatTransientNetworkError;
+ return;
+ }
+ // Delete any existing sigfile when the acquire failed
+ unlink(Final.c_str());
+ // queue a pkgAcqMetaIndex with no sigfile
+ new pkgAcqMetaIndex(Owner, MetaIndexURI, MetaIndexURIDesc, MetaIndexShortDesc,
+ "", IndexTargets, MetaIndexParser);
+ if (Cnf->LocalOnly == true ||
+ StringToBool(LookupTag(Message,"Transient-Failure"),false) == false)
+ {
+ // Ignore this
+ Status = StatDone;
+ Complete = false;
+ Dequeue();
+ return;
+ }
+ Item::Failed(Message,Cnf);
+ /*}}}*/
+pkgAcqMetaIndex::pkgAcqMetaIndex(pkgAcquire *Owner, /*{{{*/
+ string URI,string URIDesc,string ShortDesc,
+ string SigFile,
+ const vector<struct IndexTarget*>* IndexTargets,
+ indexRecords* MetaIndexParser) :
+ Item(Owner), RealURI(URI), SigFile(SigFile), IndexTargets(IndexTargets),
+ MetaIndexParser(MetaIndexParser), AuthPass(false), IMSHit(false)
+ DestFile = _config->FindDir("Dir::State::lists") + "partial/";
+ DestFile += URItoFileName(URI);
+ // Create the item
+ Desc.Description = URIDesc;
+ Desc.Owner = this;
+ Desc.ShortDesc = ShortDesc;
+ Desc.URI = URI;
+ QueueURI(Desc);
+ /*}}}*/
+// pkgAcqMetaIndex::Custom600Headers - Insert custom request headers /*{{{*/
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+/* The only header we use is the last-modified header. */
+string pkgAcqMetaIndex::Custom600Headers()
+ string Final = _config->FindDir("Dir::State::lists");
+ Final += URItoFileName(RealURI);
+ struct stat Buf;
+ if (stat(Final.c_str(),&Buf) != 0)
+ return "\nIndex-File: true";
+ return "\nIndex-File: true\nLast-Modified: " + TimeRFC1123(Buf.st_mtime);
+ /*}}}*/
+void pkgAcqMetaIndex::Done(string Message,unsigned long Size,string Hash, /*{{{*/
+ pkgAcquire::MethodConfig *Cfg)
+ Item::Done(Message,Size,Hash,Cfg);
+ // MetaIndexes are done in two passes: one to download the
+ // metaindex with an appropriate method, and a second to verify it
+ // with the gpgv method
+ if (AuthPass == true)
+ {
+ AuthDone(Message);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ RetrievalDone(Message);
+ if (!Complete)
+ // Still more retrieving to do
+ return;
+ if (SigFile == "")
+ {
+ // There was no signature file, so we are finished. Download
+ // the indexes without verification.
+ QueueIndexes(false);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // There was a signature file, so pass it to gpgv for
+ // verification
+ if (_config->FindB("Debug::pkgAcquire::Auth", false))
+ std::cerr << "Metaindex acquired, queueing gpg verification ("
+ << SigFile << "," << DestFile << ")\n";
+ AuthPass = true;
+ Desc.URI = "gpgv:" + SigFile;
+ QueueURI(Desc);
+ Mode = "gpgv";
+ }
+ }
+ /*}}}*/
+void pkgAcqMetaIndex::RetrievalDone(string Message) /*{{{*/
+ // We have just finished downloading a Release file (it is not
+ // verified yet)
+ string FileName = LookupTag(Message,"Filename");
+ if (FileName.empty() == true)
+ {
+ Status = StatError;
+ ErrorText = "Method gave a blank filename";
+ return;
+ }
+ if (FileName != DestFile)
+ {
+ Local = true;
+ Desc.URI = "copy:" + FileName;
+ QueueURI(Desc);
+ return;
+ }
+ // see if the download was a IMSHit
+ IMSHit = StringToBool(LookupTag(Message,"IMS-Hit"),false);
+ Complete = true;
+ string FinalFile = _config->FindDir("Dir::State::lists");
+ FinalFile += URItoFileName(RealURI);
+ // If we get a IMS hit we can remove the empty file in partial
+ // othersie we move the file in place
+ if (IMSHit)
+ unlink(DestFile.c_str());
+ else
+ Rename(DestFile,FinalFile);
+ chmod(FinalFile.c_str(),0644);
+ DestFile = FinalFile;
+ /*}}}*/
+void pkgAcqMetaIndex::AuthDone(string Message) /*{{{*/
+ // At this point, the gpgv method has succeeded, so there is a
+ // valid signature from a key in the trusted keyring. We
+ // perform additional verification of its contents, and use them
+ // to verify the indexes we are about to download
+ if (!MetaIndexParser->Load(DestFile))
+ {
+ Status = StatAuthError;
+ ErrorText = MetaIndexParser->ErrorText;
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!VerifyVendor(Message))
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (_config->FindB("Debug::pkgAcquire::Auth", false))
+ std::cerr << "Signature verification succeeded: "
+ << DestFile << std::endl;
+ // Download further indexes with verification
+ QueueIndexes(true);
+ // Done, move signature file into position
+ string VerifiedSigFile = _config->FindDir("Dir::State::lists") +
+ URItoFileName(RealURI) + ".gpg";
+ Rename(SigFile,VerifiedSigFile);
+ chmod(VerifiedSigFile.c_str(),0644);
+ /*}}}*/
+void pkgAcqMetaIndex::QueueIndexes(bool verify) /*{{{*/
+ for (vector <struct IndexTarget*>::const_iterator Target = IndexTargets->begin();
+ Target != IndexTargets->end();
+ Target++)
+ {
+ HashString ExpectedIndexHash;
+ if (verify)
+ {
+ const indexRecords::checkSum *Record = MetaIndexParser->Lookup((*Target)->MetaKey);
+ if (!Record)
+ {
+ Status = StatAuthError;
+ ErrorText = "Unable to find expected entry "
+ + (*Target)->MetaKey + " in Meta-index file (malformed Release file?)";
+ return;
+ }
+ ExpectedIndexHash = Record->Hash;
+ if (_config->FindB("Debug::pkgAcquire::Auth", false))
+ {
+ std::cerr << "Queueing: " << (*Target)->URI << std::endl;
+ std::cerr << "Expected Hash: " << ExpectedIndexHash.toStr() << std::endl;
+ }
+ if (ExpectedIndexHash.empty())
+ {
+ Status = StatAuthError;
+ ErrorText = "Unable to find hash sum for "
+ + (*Target)->MetaKey + " in Meta-index file";
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ // Queue Packages file (either diff or full packages files, depending
+ // on the users option)
+ if(_config->FindB("Acquire::PDiffs",true) == true)
+ new pkgAcqDiffIndex(Owner, (*Target)->URI, (*Target)->Description,
+ (*Target)->ShortDesc, ExpectedIndexHash);
+ else
+ new pkgAcqIndex(Owner, (*Target)->URI, (*Target)->Description,
+ (*Target)->ShortDesc, ExpectedIndexHash);
+ }
+ /*}}}*/
+bool pkgAcqMetaIndex::VerifyVendor(string Message) /*{{{*/
+// // Maybe this should be made available from above so we don't have
+// // to read and parse it every time?
+// pkgVendorList List;
+// List.ReadMainList();
+// const Vendor* Vndr = NULL;
+// for (std::vector<string>::const_iterator I = GPGVOutput.begin(); I != GPGVOutput.end(); I++)
+// {
+// string::size_type pos = (*I).find("VALIDSIG ");
+// if (_config->FindB("Debug::Vendor", false))
+// std::cerr << "Looking for VALIDSIG in \"" << (*I) << "\": pos " << pos
+// << std::endl;
+// if (pos != std::string::npos)
+// {
+// string Fingerprint = (*I).substr(pos+sizeof("VALIDSIG"));
+// if (_config->FindB("Debug::Vendor", false))
+// std::cerr << "Looking for \"" << Fingerprint << "\" in vendor..." <<
+// std::endl;
+// Vndr = List.FindVendor(Fingerprint) != "";
+// if (Vndr != NULL);
+// break;
+// }
+// }
+ string::size_type pos;
+ // check for missing sigs (that where not fatal because otherwise we had
+ // bombed earlier)
+ string missingkeys;
+ string msg = _("There is no public key available for the "
+ "following key IDs:\n");
+ pos = Message.find("NO_PUBKEY ");
+ if (pos != std::string::npos)
+ {
+ string::size_type start = pos+strlen("NO_PUBKEY ");
+ string Fingerprint = Message.substr(start, Message.find("\n")-start);
+ missingkeys += (Fingerprint);
+ }
+ if(!missingkeys.empty())
+ _error->Warning("%s", string(msg+missingkeys).c_str());
+ string Transformed = MetaIndexParser->GetExpectedDist();
+ if (Transformed == "../project/experimental")
+ {
+ Transformed = "experimental";
+ }
+ pos = Transformed.rfind('/');
+ if (pos != string::npos)
+ {
+ Transformed = Transformed.substr(0, pos);
+ }
+ if (Transformed == ".")
+ {
+ Transformed = "";
+ }
+ if (_config->FindB("Debug::pkgAcquire::Auth", false))
+ {
+ std::cerr << "Got Codename: " << MetaIndexParser->GetDist() << std::endl;
+ std::cerr << "Expecting Dist: " << MetaIndexParser->GetExpectedDist() << std::endl;
+ std::cerr << "Transformed Dist: " << Transformed << std::endl;
+ }
+ if (MetaIndexParser->CheckDist(Transformed) == false)
+ {
+ // This might become fatal one day
+// Status = StatAuthError;
+// ErrorText = "Conflicting distribution; expected "
+// + MetaIndexParser->GetExpectedDist() + " but got "
+// + MetaIndexParser->GetDist();
+// return false;
+ if (!Transformed.empty())
+ {
+ _error->Warning("Conflicting distribution: %s (expected %s but got %s)",
+ Desc.Description.c_str(),
+ Transformed.c_str(),
+ MetaIndexParser->GetDist().c_str());
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ /*}}}*/
+// pkgAcqMetaIndex::Failed - no Release file present or no signature file present /*{{{*/
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+/* */
+void pkgAcqMetaIndex::Failed(string Message,pkgAcquire::MethodConfig *Cnf)
+ if (AuthPass == true)
+ {
+ // if we fail the authentication but got the file via a IMS-Hit
+ // this means that the file wasn't downloaded and that it might be
+ // just stale (server problem, proxy etc). we delete what we have
+ // queue it again without i-m-s
+ // alternatively we could just unlink the file and let the user try again
+ if (IMSHit)
+ {
+ Complete = false;
+ Local = false;
+ AuthPass = false;
+ unlink(DestFile.c_str());
+ DestFile = _config->FindDir("Dir::State::lists") + "partial/";
+ DestFile += URItoFileName(RealURI);
+ Desc.URI = RealURI;
+ QueueURI(Desc);
+ return;
+ }
+ // gpgv method failed
+ _error->Warning("GPG error: %s: %s",
+ Desc.Description.c_str(),
+ LookupTag(Message,"Message").c_str());
+ }
+ // No Release file was present, or verification failed, so fall
+ // back to queueing Packages files without verification
+ QueueIndexes(false);
+ /*}}}*/
+// AcqArchive::AcqArchive - Constructor /*{{{*/
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+/* This just sets up the initial fetch environment and queues the first
+ possibilitiy */
+pkgAcqArchive::pkgAcqArchive(pkgAcquire *Owner,pkgSourceList *Sources,
+ pkgRecords *Recs,pkgCache::VerIterator const &Version,
+ string &StoreFilename) :
+ Item(Owner), Version(Version), Sources(Sources), Recs(Recs),
+ StoreFilename(StoreFilename), Vf(Version.FileList()),
+ Trusted(false)
+ Retries = _config->FindI("Acquire::Retries",0);
+ if (Version.Arch() == 0)
+ {
+ _error->Error(_("I wasn't able to locate a file for the %s package. "
+ "This might mean you need to manually fix this package. "
+ "(due to missing arch)"),
+ Version.ParentPkg().Name());
+ return;
+ }
+ /* We need to find a filename to determine the extension. We make the
+ assumption here that all the available sources for this version share
+ the same extension.. */
+ // Skip not source sources, they do not have file fields.
+ for (; Vf.end() == false; Vf++)
+ {
+ if ((Vf.File()->Flags & pkgCache::Flag::NotSource) != 0)
+ continue;
+ break;
+ }
+ // Does not really matter here.. we are going to fail out below
+ if (Vf.end() != true)
+ {
+ // If this fails to get a file name we will bomb out below.
+ pkgRecords::Parser &Parse = Recs->Lookup(Vf);
+ if (_error->PendingError() == true)
+ return;
+ // Generate the final file name as: package_version_arch.foo
+ StoreFilename = QuoteString(Version.ParentPkg().Name(),"_:") + '_' +
+ QuoteString(Version.VerStr(),"_:") + '_' +
+ QuoteString(Version.Arch(),"_:.") +
+ "." + flExtension(Parse.FileName());
+ }
+ // check if we have one trusted source for the package. if so, switch
+ // to "TrustedOnly" mode
+ for (pkgCache::VerFileIterator i = Version.FileList(); i.end() == false; i++)
+ {
+ pkgIndexFile *Index;
+ if (Sources->FindIndex(i.File(),Index) == false)
+ continue;
+ if (_config->FindB("Debug::pkgAcquire::Auth", false))
+ {
+ std::cerr << "Checking index: " << Index->Describe()
+ << "(Trusted=" << Index->IsTrusted() << ")\n";
+ }
+ if (Index->IsTrusted()) {
+ Trusted = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // "allow-unauthenticated" restores apts old fetching behaviour
+ // that means that e.g. unauthenticated file:// uris are higher
+ // priority than authenticated http:// uris
+ if (_config->FindB("APT::Get::AllowUnauthenticated",false) == true)
+ Trusted = false;
+ // Select a source
+ if (QueueNext() == false && _error->PendingError() == false)
+ _error->Error(_("I wasn't able to locate file for the %s package. "
+ "This might mean you need to manually fix this package."),
+ Version.ParentPkg().Name());
+ /*}}}*/
+// AcqArchive::QueueNext - Queue the next file source /*{{{*/
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+/* This queues the next available file version for download. It checks if
+ the archive is already available in the cache and stashs the MD5 for
+ checking later. */
+bool pkgAcqArchive::QueueNext()
+ for (; Vf.end() == false; Vf++)
+ {
+ // Ignore not source sources
+ if ((Vf.File()->Flags & pkgCache::Flag::NotSource) != 0)
+ continue;
+ // Try to cross match against the source list
+ pkgIndexFile *Index;
+ if (Sources->FindIndex(Vf.File(),Index) == false)
+ continue;
+ // only try to get a trusted package from another source if that source
+ // is also trusted
+ if(Trusted && !Index->IsTrusted())
+ continue;
+ // Grab the text package record
+ pkgRecords::Parser &Parse = Recs->Lookup(Vf);
+ if (_error->PendingError() == true)
+ return false;
+ string PkgFile = Parse.FileName();
+ if(Parse.SHA256Hash() != "")
+ ExpectedHash = HashString("SHA256", Parse.SHA256Hash());
+ else if (Parse.SHA1Hash() != "")
+ ExpectedHash = HashString("SHA1", Parse.SHA1Hash());
+ else
+ ExpectedHash = HashString("MD5Sum", Parse.MD5Hash());
+ if (PkgFile.empty() == true)
+ return _error->Error(_("The package index files are corrupted. No Filename: "
+ "field for package %s."),
+ Version.ParentPkg().Name());
+ Desc.URI = Index->ArchiveURI(PkgFile);
+ Desc.Description = Index->ArchiveInfo(Version);
+ Desc.Owner = this;
+ Desc.ShortDesc = Version.ParentPkg().Name();
+ // See if we already have the file. (Legacy filenames)
+ FileSize = Version->Size;
+ string FinalFile = _config->FindDir("Dir::Cache::Archives") + flNotDir(PkgFile);
+ struct stat Buf;
+ if (stat(FinalFile.c_str(),&Buf) == 0)
+ {
+ // Make sure the size matches
+ if ((unsigned)Buf.st_size == Version->Size)
+ {
+ Complete = true;
+ Local = true;
+ Status = StatDone;
+ StoreFilename = DestFile = FinalFile;
+ return true;
+ }
+ /* Hmm, we have a file and its size does not match, this means it is
+ an old style mismatched arch */
+ unlink(FinalFile.c_str());
+ }
+ // Check it again using the new style output filenames
+ FinalFile = _config->FindDir("Dir::Cache::Archives") + flNotDir(StoreFilename);
+ if (stat(FinalFile.c_str(),&Buf) == 0)
+ {
+ // Make sure the size matches
+ if ((unsigned)Buf.st_size == Version->Size)
+ {
+ Complete = true;
+ Local = true;
+ Status = StatDone;
+ StoreFilename = DestFile = FinalFile;
+ return true;
+ }
+ /* Hmm, we have a file and its size does not match, this shouldnt
+ happen.. */
+ unlink(FinalFile.c_str());
+ }
+ DestFile = _config->FindDir("Dir::Cache::Archives") + "partial/" + flNotDir(StoreFilename);
+ // Check the destination file
+ if (stat(DestFile.c_str(),&Buf) == 0)
+ {
+ // Hmm, the partial file is too big, erase it
+ if ((unsigned)Buf.st_size > Version->Size)
+ unlink(DestFile.c_str());
+ else
+ PartialSize = Buf.st_size;
+ }
+ // Create the item
+ Local = false;
+ Desc.URI = Index->ArchiveURI(PkgFile);
+ Desc.Description = Index->ArchiveInfo(Version);
+ Desc.Owner = this;
+ Desc.ShortDesc = Version.ParentPkg().Name();
+ QueueURI(Desc);
+ Vf++;
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ /*}}}*/
+// AcqArchive::Done - Finished fetching /*{{{*/
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+/* */
+void pkgAcqArchive::Done(string Message,unsigned long Size,string CalcHash,
+ pkgAcquire::MethodConfig *Cfg)
+ Item::Done(Message,Size,CalcHash,Cfg);
+ // Check the size
+ if (Size != Version->Size)
+ {
+ Status = StatError;
+ ErrorText = _("Size mismatch");
+ return;
+ }
+ // Check the hash
+ if(ExpectedHash.toStr() != CalcHash)
+ {
+ Status = StatError;
+ ErrorText = _("Hash Sum mismatch");
+ if(FileExists(DestFile))
+ Rename(DestFile,DestFile + ".FAILED");
+ return;
+ }
+ // Grab the output filename
+ string FileName = LookupTag(Message,"Filename");
+ if (FileName.empty() == true)
+ {
+ Status = StatError;
+ ErrorText = "Method gave a blank filename";
+ return;
+ }
+ Complete = true;
+ // Reference filename
+ if (FileName != DestFile)
+ {
+ StoreFilename = DestFile = FileName;
+ Local = true;
+ return;
+ }
+ // Done, move it into position
+ string FinalFile = _config->FindDir("Dir::Cache::Archives");
+ FinalFile += flNotDir(StoreFilename);
+ Rename(DestFile,FinalFile);
+ StoreFilename = DestFile = FinalFile;
+ Complete = true;
+ /*}}}*/
+// AcqArchive::Failed - Failure handler /*{{{*/
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+/* Here we try other sources */
+void pkgAcqArchive::Failed(string Message,pkgAcquire::MethodConfig *Cnf)
+ ErrorText = LookupTag(Message,"Message");
+ /* We don't really want to retry on failed media swaps, this prevents
+ that. An interesting observation is that permanent failures are not
+ recorded. */
+ if (Cnf->Removable == true &&
+ StringToBool(LookupTag(Message,"Transient-Failure"),false) == true)
+ {
+ // Vf = Version.FileList();
+ while (Vf.end() == false) Vf++;
+ StoreFilename = string();
+ Item::Failed(Message,Cnf);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (QueueNext() == false)
+ {
+ // This is the retry counter
+ if (Retries != 0 &&
+ Cnf->LocalOnly == false &&
+ StringToBool(LookupTag(Message,"Transient-Failure"),false) == true)
+ {
+ Retries--;
+ Vf = Version.FileList();
+ if (QueueNext() == true)
+ return;
+ }
+ StoreFilename = string();
+ Item::Failed(Message,Cnf);
+ }
+ /*}}}*/
+// AcqArchive::IsTrusted - Determine whether this archive comes from a trusted source /*{{{*/
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+bool pkgAcqArchive::IsTrusted()
+ return Trusted;
+ /*}}}*/
+// AcqArchive::Finished - Fetching has finished, tidy up /*{{{*/
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+/* */
+void pkgAcqArchive::Finished()
+ if (Status == pkgAcquire::Item::StatDone &&
+ Complete == true)
+ return;
+ StoreFilename = string();
+ /*}}}*/
+// AcqFile::pkgAcqFile - Constructor /*{{{*/
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+/* The file is added to the queue */
+pkgAcqFile::pkgAcqFile(pkgAcquire *Owner,string URI,string Hash,
+ unsigned long Size,string Dsc,string ShortDesc,
+ const string &DestDir, const string &DestFilename) :
+ Item(Owner), ExpectedHash(Hash)
+ Retries = _config->FindI("Acquire::Retries",0);
+ if(!DestFilename.empty())
+ DestFile = DestFilename;
+ else if(!DestDir.empty())
+ DestFile = DestDir + "/" + flNotDir(URI);
+ else
+ DestFile = flNotDir(URI);
+ // Create the item
+ Desc.URI = URI;
+ Desc.Description = Dsc;
+ Desc.Owner = this;
+ // Set the short description to the archive component
+ Desc.ShortDesc = ShortDesc;
+ // Get the transfer sizes
+ FileSize = Size;
+ struct stat Buf;
+ if (stat(DestFile.c_str(),&Buf) == 0)
+ {
+ // Hmm, the partial file is too big, erase it
+ if ((unsigned)Buf.st_size > Size)
+ unlink(DestFile.c_str());
+ else
+ PartialSize = Buf.st_size;
+ }
+ QueueURI(Desc);
+ /*}}}*/
+// AcqFile::Done - Item downloaded OK /*{{{*/
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+/* */
+void pkgAcqFile::Done(string Message,unsigned long Size,string CalcHash,
+ pkgAcquire::MethodConfig *Cnf)
+ Item::Done(Message,Size,CalcHash,Cnf);
+ // Check the hash
+ if(!ExpectedHash.empty() && ExpectedHash.toStr() != CalcHash)
+ {
+ Status = StatError;
+ ErrorText = "Hash Sum mismatch";
+ Rename(DestFile,DestFile + ".FAILED");
+ return;
+ }
+ string FileName = LookupTag(Message,"Filename");
+ if (FileName.empty() == true)
+ {
+ Status = StatError;
+ ErrorText = "Method gave a blank filename";
+ return;
+ }
+ Complete = true;
+ // The files timestamp matches
+ if (StringToBool(LookupTag(Message,"IMS-Hit"),false) == true)
+ return;
+ // We have to copy it into place
+ if (FileName != DestFile)
+ {
+ Local = true;
+ if (_config->FindB("Acquire::Source-Symlinks",true) == false ||
+ Cnf->Removable == true)
+ {
+ Desc.URI = "copy:" + FileName;
+ QueueURI(Desc);
+ return;
+ }
+ // Erase the file if it is a symlink so we can overwrite it
+ struct stat St;
+ if (lstat(DestFile.c_str(),&St) == 0)
+ {
+ if (S_ISLNK(St.st_mode) != 0)
+ unlink(DestFile.c_str());
+ }
+ // Symlink the file
+ if (symlink(FileName.c_str(),DestFile.c_str()) != 0)
+ {
+ ErrorText = "Link to " + DestFile + " failure ";
+ Status = StatError;
+ Complete = false;
+ }
+ }
+ /*}}}*/
+// AcqFile::Failed - Failure handler /*{{{*/
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+/* Here we try other sources */
+void pkgAcqFile::Failed(string Message,pkgAcquire::MethodConfig *Cnf)
+ ErrorText = LookupTag(Message,"Message");
+ // This is the retry counter
+ if (Retries != 0 &&
+ Cnf->LocalOnly == false &&
+ StringToBool(LookupTag(Message,"Transient-Failure"),false) == true)
+ {
+ Retries--;
+ QueueURI(Desc);
+ return;
+ }
+ Item::Failed(Message,Cnf);
+ /*}}}*/