+ /* Redirect
+ *
+ * Note that it is only OK for us to treat all redirection the same
+ * because we *always* use GET, not other HTTP methods. There are
+ * three redirection codes for which it is not appropriate that we
+ * redirect. Pass on those codes so the error handling kicks in.
+ */
+ if (AllowRedirect
+ && (Srv->Result > 300 && Srv->Result < 400)
+ && (Srv->Result != 300 // Multiple Choices
+ && Srv->Result != 304 // Not Modified
+ && Srv->Result != 306)) // (Not part of HTTP/1.1, reserved)
+ {
+ if (!Srv->Location.empty())
+ {
+ NextURI = Srv->Location;
+ return 6;
+ }
+ /* else pass through for error message */
+ }