]> git.saurik.com Git - apple/xnu.git/blob - bsd/man/man2/setaudit_addr.2
[apple/xnu.git] / bsd / man / man2 / setaudit_addr.2
1 .\"
2 .\" Copyright (c) 2008-2011 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
3 .\"
5 .\"
6 .\" This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
7 .\" as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
8 .\" Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
9 .\" compliance with the License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
10 .\" http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this
11 .\" file.
12 .\"
13 .\" The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
14 .\" distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
18 .\" Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
19 .\" limitations under the License.
20 .\"
22 .\"
23 .Dd March 4, 2011
25 .Os
26 .Sh NAME
27 .Nm setaudit_addr ,
28 .Nm setaudit(NOW DEPRECATED)
29 .Nd "set audit session state"
31 .In bsm/audit.h
32 .In bsm/audit_session.h
33 .Ft int
34 .Fn setaudit_addr "auditinfo_addr_t *auditinfo_addr" "u_int length"
36 .In bsm/audit.h
37 .Ft int
38 .Fn setaudit "auditinfo_t *auditinfo"
40 The
41 .Fn setaudit_addr
42 system call
43 uses the
44 .Fa auditinfo_addr_t
45 data structure for the
46 .Fa auditinfo_addr
47 argument which supports Terminal IDs with large addresses
48 such as those used in IP version 6. It is defined as follows:
49 .nf
50 .in +4n
51 struct auditinfo_addr {
52 au_id_t ai_auid; /* Audit user ID. */
53 au_mask_t ai_mask; /* Audit masks. */
54 au_tid_addr_t ai_termid; /* Terminal ID. */
55 au_asid_t ai_asid; /* Audit session ID. */
56 u_int64_t ai_flags; /* Audit session flags */
57 };
58 typedef struct auditinfo_addr auditinfo_addr_t;
59 .in
60 .fi
61 .Pp
62 The
63 .Fa ai_auid
64 variable contains the audit identifier which is recorded in the audit log for
65 each event the process caused. The value of AU_DEFAUDITID (-1) should not be
66 used. The exception is if the value of audit identifier is known at the start
67 of the session but will be determined and set later. Until
68 .Fa ai_auid
69 is set to something other than AU_DEFAUDITID any audit events
70 generated by the system with be filtered by the non-attributed audit
71 mask.
72 .Pp
73 The
74 .Fa au_mask_t
75 data structure defines the bit mask for auditing successful and failed events
76 out of the predefined list of event classes. It is defined as follows:
77 .nf
78 .in +4n
79 struct au_mask {
80 unsigned int am_success; /* success bits */
81 unsigned int am_failure; /* failure bits */
82 };
83 typedef struct au_mask au_mask_t;
84 .in
85 .fi
86 .Pp
87 The
88 .Fa au_tid_addr_t
89 data structure includes a larger address storage field and an additional
90 field with the type of address stored:
91 .nf
92 .in +4n
93 struct au_tid_addr {
94 dev_t at_port;
95 u_int32_t at_type;
96 u_int32_t at_addr[4];
97 };
98 typedef struct au_tid_addr au_tid_addr_t;
99 .in
100 .fi
101 .Pp
102 The
103 .Fa ai_asid
104 variable contains the audit session ID which is recorded with every event
105 caused by the process. It can be any value in the range 1 to PID_MAX (99999).
106 If the value of AU_ASSIGN_ASID is used for
107 .Fa ai_asid
108 a unique session ID will be generated by the kernel.
109 The audit session ID will be returned in the
110 .Fa ai_asid
111 field on success.
112 .Pp
113 The
114 .Fa ai_flags
115 field is opaque to the kernel and can be used to store flags associated
116 with the audit session. Please see the
117 .Ao Pa bsm/audit_session.h Ac
118 header file
119 for more infomration and flag definitions for this platform.
120 .Pp
121 The
122 .Fa setaudit_addr
123 system call require an appropriate privilege to complete.
124 .Pp
125 This system call should only be called once at the start of a new
126 session and not again during the same session to update the session
127 information.
128 There are some exceptions, however.
129 The
130 .Fa ai_auid
131 field may be updated later if initially set to the value of
133 Likewise, the
134 .Fa ai_termid
135 fields may be updated later if the
136 .Fa at_type
137 field in
138 .Fa au_tid_addr
139 is set to AU_IPv4 and the other
140 .Fa ai_tid_addr
141 fields are all set to zero.
142 Creating a new session is done by setting the
143 .Fa ai_asid
144 field to an unique session value or AU_ASSIGN_ASID.
145 These system calls will fail when attempting to change the
146 .Fa ai_auid
147 or
148 .Fa ai_termid
149 fields once set to something other than the default values.
150 The
151 .Fa ai_flags
152 field may be updated only according to local access control
153 policy but this is usually accomplished with
154 .Xr auditon 2
155 using the A_SETSFLAGS command.
156 The audit preselection masks may be changed at any time
157 but are usually updated with
158 .Xr auditon 2
159 .Pp
160 The
161 .Fn setaudit
162 system call (NOW DEPRECATED)
163 sets the active audit session state for the current process via the
164 .Vt auditinfo_t
165 pointed to by
166 .Fa auditinfo .
167 The
168 .Fn setaudit_addr
169 system call
170 sets extended state via
171 .Fa auditinfo_addr
172 and
173 .Fa length .
174 .Pp
175 The
176 .Fa auditinfo_t
177 data structure (NOW DEPRECATED) is defined as follows:
178 .nf
179 .in +4n
180 struct auditinfo {
181 au_id_t ai_auid; /* Audit user ID */
182 au_mask_t ai_mask; /* Audit masks */
183 au_tid_t ai_termid; /* Terminal ID */
184 au_asid_t ai_asid; /* Audit session ID */
185 };
186 typedef struct auditinfo auditinfo_t;
187 .in
188 .fi
189 .Pp
190 The
191 .Fa au_termid_t
192 data structure (NOW DEPRECATED) defines the Terminal ID recorded with every
193 event caused by the process. It is defined as follows:
194 .nf
195 .in +4n
196 struct au_tid {
197 dev_t port;
198 u_int32_t machine;
199 };
200 typedef struct au_tid au_tid_t;
201 .in
202 .fi
204 .Rv -std setaudit_addr
205 .Sh ERRORS
206 .Bl -tag -width Er
207 .It Bq Er EFAULT
208 A failure occurred while data transferred to or from
209 the kernel failed.
210 .It Bq Er EINVAL
211 Illegal argument was passed by a system call.
212 .It Bq Er EPERM
213 The process does not have sufficient permission to complete
214 the operation.
215 .El
216 .Sh SEE ALSO
217 .Xr audit 2 ,
218 .Xr auditon 2 ,
219 .Xr getaudit 2 ,
220 .Xr getauid 2 ,
221 .Xr setauid 2 ,
222 .Xr libbsm 3
224 The OpenBSM implementation was created by McAfee Research, the security
225 division of McAfee Inc., under contract to Apple Computer Inc.\& in 2004.
226 It was subsequently adopted by the TrustedBSD Project as the foundation for
227 the OpenBSM distribution.
228 .Pp
229 .Fn setaudit_addr
230 replaced
231 .Fn setaudit
232 in Mac OS X 10.7 to support longer terminal addresses such as those used
233 by IP version 6.
234 .Fn setaudit
235 is now deprecated and
236 .Fn setaudit_addr
237 should be used instead.
239 .An -nosplit
240 This software was created by McAfee Research, the security research division
241 of McAfee, Inc., under contract to Apple Computer Inc.
242 Additional authors include
243 .An Wayne Salamon ,
244 .An Robert Watson ,
245 and SPARTA Inc.
246 .Pp
247 The Basic Security Module (BSM) interface to audit records and audit event
248 stream format were defined by Sun Microsystems.
249 .Pp
250 This manual page was written by
251 .An Robert Watson Aq rwatson@FreeBSD.org
252 and
253 .An Stacey Son Aq sson@FreeBSD.org .