]> git.saurik.com Git - apple/xnu.git/blob - iokit/IOKit/network/IONetworkData.h
[apple/xnu.git] / iokit / IOKit / network / IONetworkData.h
1 /*
2 * Copyright (c) 1998-2000 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
3 *
5 *
6 * The contents of this file constitute Original Code as defined in and
7 * are subject to the Apple Public Source License Version 1.1 (the
8 * "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance with the
9 * License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
10 * http://www.apple.com/publicsource and read it before using this file.
11 *
12 * This Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
13 * distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
17 * License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
18 * under the License.
19 *
21 */
22 /*
23 * Copyright (c) 1998 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
24 *
25 * IONetworkData.h
26 *
28 * 21-Apr-1999 Joe Liu (jliu) created.
29 *
30 */
35 #define IONetworkParameter IONetworkData // FIXME
37 /*! @enum An enumeration of constants that describe access types.
38 @constant kIONetworkDataAccessTypeRead Read access.
39 @constant kIONetworkDataAccessTypeWrite Write access.
40 @constant kIONetworkDataAccessTypeReset Reset access.
41 @constant kIONetworkDataAccessTypeSerialize Serialization access. */
43 enum {
44 kIONetworkDataAccessTypeRead = 0x01,
45 kIONetworkDataAccessTypeWrite = 0x02,
46 kIONetworkDataAccessTypeReset = 0x04,
47 kIONetworkDataAccessTypeSerialize = 0x08,
48 kIONetworkDataAccessTypeMask = 0xff,
49 };
51 /*! @define kIONetworkDataBasicAccessTypes
52 @discussion The default access types supported by an IONetworkData
53 object. Allow read() and serialize(). */
55 #define kIONetworkDataBasicAccessTypes \
56 (kIONetworkDataAccessTypeRead | kIONetworkDataAccessTypeSerialize)
58 /*! @enum An enumeration of the type of data buffers that can be
59 managed by an IONetworkData object.
60 @constant kIONetworkDataBufferTypeInternal An internal data buffer
61 allocated by the init() method.
62 @constant kIONetworkDataBufferTypeExternal An external (persistent) data
63 buffer.
64 @constant kIONetworkDataBufferTypeNone No data buffer. The only useful
65 action perfomed by an IONetworkData object with this buffer type
66 is to call the access notification handler. */
68 enum {
69 kIONetworkDataBufferTypeInternal = 0,
70 kIONetworkDataBufferTypeExternal,
71 kIONetworkDataBufferTypeNone,
72 };
74 /*! @defined kIONetworkDataBytes
75 @abstract kIONetworkDataBytes is a property of IONetworkData objects.
76 It has an OSData value.
77 @discussion The kIONetworkDataBytes property is an OSData that describes
78 the data buffer of an IONetworkData object. This property is present
79 only if kIONetworkDataAccessTypeSerialize access is supported. */
81 #define kIONetworkDataBytes "Data"
83 /*! @defined kIONetworkDataAccessTypes
84 @abstract kIONetworkDataAccessTypes is a property of IONetworkData
85 objects. It has an OSNumber value.
86 @discussion The kIONetworkDataAccessTypes property is an OSNumber that
87 describes the supported access types of an IONetworkData object. */
89 #define kIONetworkDataAccessTypes "Access Types"
91 /*! @defined kIONetworkDataSize
92 @abstract kIONetworkDataSize is a property of IONetworkData
93 objects. It has an OSNumber value.
94 @discussion The kIONetworkDataSize property is an OSNumber that
95 describes the size of the data buffer of an IONetworkData object. */
97 #define kIONetworkDataSize "Size"
99 #ifdef KERNEL
101 #include <libkern/c++/OSSymbol.h>
102 #include <libkern/c++/OSSerialize.h>
104 /*! @class IONetworkData : public OSObject
105 An IONetworkData object manages a fixed-size named buffer.
106 This object provides external access methods that can be used to
107 access the contents of the data buffer. In addition, serialization
108 is supported, and therefore this object can be added to a property
109 table to publish the data object. An unique name must be assigned to
110 the object during initialization. An OSSymbol key will be created
111 based on the assigned name, and this key can be used when the object
112 is added to a dictionary.
114 The level of access granted to the access methods can be restricted,
115 by specifying a set of supported access types when the object is
116 initialized, or modified later by calling setAccessTypes(). By default,
117 each IONetworkData object created will support serialization, and will
118 also allow its data buffer to be read through the read() access method.
120 An access notification handler, in the form of a 'C' function, can
121 be registered to receive a call each time the data buffer is accessed
122 through an access method. Arguments provided to the handler will identify
123 the data object and the type of access that triggered the notification.
124 The handler can therefore perform lazy update of the data buffer until
125 an interested party tries to read or serialize the data. The notification
126 handler can also take over the default action performed by the access
127 methods when the buffer type is set to kIONetworkDataBufferTypeNone.
128 This will prevent the access methods from accessing the data buffer,
129 and allow the handler to override the access protocol.
131 This object is primarily used by IONetworkInterface to export interface
132 properties to user space. */
135 class IONetworkData : public OSObject
136 {
137 OSDeclareDefaultStructors( IONetworkData )
139 public:
141 /*! @typedef Action
142 Defines a C function that may be called by an IONetworkData object
143 when one of its access methods is called.
144 @param target The target of the notification.
145 @param param A parameter that was provided when the notification
146 handler was registered.
147 @param data The IONetworkData object being accessed, and the
148 sender of the notification.
149 @param accessType A bit will be set indicating the type of access
150 which triggered the notification.
151 @param buffer Pointer to the accessor's buffer. Only valid for
152 read() and write() accesses.
153 @param bufferSize Pointer to the size of the accessor's buffer.
154 @param offset An offset from the start of the data buffer to begin
155 reading or writing. */
157 typedef IOReturn (*Action)(void * target,
158 void * param,
159 IONetworkData * data,
160 UInt32 accessType,
161 void * buffer,
162 UInt32 * bufferSize,
163 UInt32 offset);
165 protected:
166 const OSSymbol * _key; // key associated with this object.
167 UInt32 _access; // supported access types.
168 void * _buffer; // Data buffer.
169 UInt32 _bufType; // buffer type
170 UInt32 _size; // data buffer size.
171 void * _tapTarget; // target for access notification.
172 Action _tapAction; // the function to call.
173 void * _tapParam; // arbitrary notification param.
175 struct ExpansionData { };
176 /*! @var reserved
177 Reserved for future use. (Internal use only) */
178 ExpansionData * _reserved;
181 /*! @function free
182 @abstract Free the IONetworkData object. */
184 virtual void free();
186 /*! @function writeBytes
187 @abstract Write to the data buffer with data from a source buffer
188 provided by the caller.
189 @param srcBuffer Pointer to a source buffer provided by the caller.
190 @param srcBufferSize The size of the source buffer.
191 @param writeOffset A byte offset from the start of the data buffer
192 to begin writting.
193 @result true if the operation was successful, false otherwise. */
195 virtual bool writeBytes(const void * srcBuffer,
196 UInt32 srcBufferSize,
197 UInt32 writeOffset = 0);
199 /*! @function readBytes
200 @abstract Read from the data buffer and copy the data to a destination
201 buffer provided by the caller.
202 @param dstBuffer Pointer to the destination buffer.
203 @param dstBufferSize Pointer to an integer containing the size of the
204 destination buffer. And is overwritten by this method with the actual
205 number of bytes copied to the destination buffer.
206 @param readOffset A byte offset from the start of the data buffer
207 to begin reading.
208 @result true if the operation was successful, false otherwise. */
210 virtual bool readBytes(void * dstBuffer,
211 UInt32 * dstBufferSize,
212 UInt32 readOffset = 0) const;
214 /*! @function clearBuffer
215 @abstract Clear the data buffer by filling it with zeroes.
216 @result true if the operation was successful, false otherwise. */
218 virtual bool clearBuffer();
220 public:
222 /*! @function initialize
223 @abstract IONetworkData class initializer. */
225 static void initialize();
227 /*! @function withInternalBuffer
228 @abstract Factory method that will construct and initialize an
229 IONetworkData object with an internal data buffer.
230 @param name A name to assign to this object.
231 @param bufferSize The number of bytes to allocate for the internal data
232 buffer.
233 @param accessTypes The initial supported access types.
234 @param target The notification target.
235 @param action The notification action.
236 @param param A parameter to pass to the notification action.
237 @result An IONetworkData object on success, or 0 otherwise. */
239 static IONetworkData *
240 withInternalBuffer(const char * name,
241 UInt32 bufferSize,
242 UInt32 accessTypes =
243 kIONetworkDataBasicAccessTypes,
244 void * target = 0,
245 Action action = 0,
246 void * param = 0);
248 /*! @function withExternalBuffer
249 @abstract Factory method that will construct and initialize an
250 IONetworkData object with an external data buffer.
251 @param name A name to assign to this object.
252 @param bufferSize The size of the external data buffer.
253 @param externalBuffer Pointer to the external data buffer.
254 @param accessTypes The initial supported access types.
255 @param target The notification target.
256 @param action The notification action.
257 @param param A parameter to pass to the notification action.
258 @result An IONetworkData object on success, or 0 otherwise. */
260 static IONetworkData *
261 withExternalBuffer(const char * name,
262 UInt32 bufferSize,
263 void * externalBuffer,
264 UInt32 accessTypes =
265 kIONetworkDataBasicAccessTypes,
266 void * target = 0,
267 Action action = 0,
268 void * param = 0);
270 /*! @function withNoBuffer
271 @abstract Factory method that will construct and initialize an
272 IONetworkData object without a data buffer. The notification handler
273 must intervene when the IONetworkData is accessed.
274 @param name A name to assign to this object.
275 @param bufferSize The size of the phantom data buffer.
276 @param accessTypes The initial supported access types.
277 @param target The notification target.
278 @param action The notification action.
279 @param param A parameter to pass to the notification action.
280 @result An IONetworkData object on success, or 0 otherwise. */
282 static IONetworkData * withNoBuffer(const char * name,
283 UInt32 bufferSize,
284 UInt32 accessTypes,
285 void * target,
286 Action action,
287 void * param = 0);
289 /*! @function init
290 @abstract Initialize an IONetworkData object.
291 @param name A name to assign to this object.
292 @param bufferType The type of buffer associated with this object.
293 @param bufferSize The size of the data buffer.
294 @param externalBuffer Pointer to an external data buffer.
295 @param accessTypes The initial supported access types.
296 Can be later modified by calling setAccessTypes().
297 @param target The notification target.
298 @param action The notification action.
299 @param param A parameter to pass to the notification action.
300 @result true if initialized successfully, false otherwise. */
302 virtual bool init(const char * name,
303 UInt32 bufferType,
304 UInt32 bufferSize,
305 void * externalBuffer = 0,
306 UInt32 accessTypes =
307 kIONetworkDataBasicAccessTypes,
308 void * target = 0,
309 Action action = 0,
310 void * param = 0);
312 /*! @function setAccessTypes
313 @abstract Set the types of access that are permitted on the data buffer.
314 @param types A mask of access types indicating the supported access
315 types. */
317 virtual void setAccessTypes(UInt32 types);
319 /*! @function setNotificationTarget
320 @abstract Register a C function to handle access notifications sent
321 from this object.
322 @discussion A notification is sent by an IONetworkData object to the
323 registered notification handler, when an access method is called to
324 modify the contents of the data buffer.
325 @param target The first parameter passed to the notification handler.
326 @param action A pointer to a C function that will handle the notification.
327 If 0, then notification is disabled.
328 @param param An optional parameter passed to the notification handler. */
330 virtual void setNotificationTarget(void * target,
331 Action action,
332 void * param = 0);
334 /*! @function getBuffer
335 @abstract Get a pointer to the data buffer.
336 @result A pointer to the data buffer. Returns 0 if the buffer type is
337 kIONetworkDataBufferTypeNone. */
339 virtual const void * getBuffer() const;
341 /*! @function getBufferType
342 @abstract Get the type of data buffer managed by this object.
343 @result A constant that describes the type of the data buffer. */
345 virtual UInt32 getBufferType() const;
347 /*! @function getAccessTypes
348 @abstract Get the types of data access supported by this object.
349 @result A mask of supported access types. */
351 virtual UInt32 getAccessTypes() const;
353 /*! @function getNotificationTarget
354 @abstract Get the first parameter that will be passed to the access
355 notification handler.
356 @result The first parameter that will be passed to the access notification
357 handler. */
359 virtual void * getNotificationTarget() const;
361 /*! @function getNotificationAction
362 @abstract Get the C function that was registered to handle access
363 notifications sent from this object.
364 @result A pointer to a C function, or 0 if notification is disabled. */
366 virtual Action getNotificationAction() const;
368 /*! @function getNotificationParameter
369 @abstract Get the parameter that will be passed to the access
370 notification handler.
371 @result The parameter that will be passed to the access notification
372 handler. */
374 virtual void * getNotificationParameter() const;
376 /*! @function getKey
377 @abstract Get an unique OSSymbol key associated with this object.
378 @discussion During initialization, IONetworkData will create an
379 OSSymbol key based on its assigned name.
380 @result An OSSymbol key that was generated from the name assigned to
381 this object. */
383 virtual const OSSymbol * getKey() const;
385 /*! @function getSize
386 @abstract Get the size of the data buffer.
387 @result The size of the data buffer managed by this object in bytes. */
389 virtual UInt32 getSize() const;
391 /*! @function reset
392 @abstract An access method to reset the data buffer.
393 @discussion Handle an external request to reset the data buffer.
394 If notication is enabled, then the notification handler is called
395 after the data buffer has been cleared.
396 @result kIOReturnSuccess on success,
397 kIOReturnNotWritable if reset access is not permitted,
398 or an error from the notification handler. */
400 virtual IOReturn reset();
402 /*! @function read
403 @abstract An access method to read from the data buffer.
404 @discussion Handle an external request to read from the data buffer
405 and copy it to the destination buffer provided by the accessor.
406 If notification is enabled, then the notification handler is called
407 before the data buffer is copied to the destination buffer. The
408 notification handler may use this opportunity to intervene and
409 to update the contents of the data buffer.
410 @param dstBuffer Pointer to the destination buffer.
411 @param dstBufferSize Pointer to an integer containing the size of the
412 destination buffer. And is overwritten by this method to the actual number
413 of bytes copied to the destination buffer.
414 @param readOffset An offset from the start of the source data buffer to
415 begin reading.
416 @result kIOReturnSuccess on success,
417 kIOReturnBadArgument if any of the arguments provided is invalid,
418 kIOReturnNotReadable if read access is not permitted,
419 or an error from the notification handler. */
421 virtual IOReturn read(void * dstBuffer,
422 UInt32 * dstBufferSize,
423 UInt32 readOffset = 0);
425 /*! @function write
426 @abstract An access method to write to the data buffer.
427 @discussion Handle an external request to write to the data buffer
428 from a source buffer provided by the accessor. After checking that
429 the data object supports write accesses, the data buffer is updated
430 if it exists. Then the registered notification handler is called.
431 @param srcBuffer Pointer to the source buffer.
432 @param srcBufferSize The number of bytes to write to the data buffer.
433 @param writeOffset An offset from the start of the destination data buffer
434 to begin writing.
435 @result kIOReturnSuccess on success,
436 kIOReturnBadArgument if any of the arguments provided is invalid,
437 kIOReturnNotWritable if write access is not permitted,
438 or an error from the notification handler. */
440 virtual IOReturn write(void * srcBuffer,
441 UInt32 srcBufferSize,
442 UInt32 writeOffset = 0);
444 /*! @function serialize
445 @abstract Serialize the IONetworkData object.
446 @discussion If notification is enabled, then the notification
447 handler is called just before the data buffer is serialized.
448 @param s An OSSerialize object.
449 @result true on success, false otherwise. */
451 virtual bool serialize(OSSerialize * s) const;
453 // Virtual function padding
454 OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused( IONetworkData, 0);
455 OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused( IONetworkData, 1);
456 OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused( IONetworkData, 2);
457 OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused( IONetworkData, 3);
458 };
460 #endif /* KERNEL */
462 #endif /* !_IONETWORKDATA_H */