2 * Copyright (c) 1998-2006 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
6 * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
7 * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
8 * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
9 * compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License
10 * may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of,
11 * unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to
12 * circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any
13 * terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement.
15 * Please obtain a copy of the License at
16 * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this file.
18 * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
19 * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
23 * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
24 * limitations under the License.
32 #include <IOKit/IOCPU.h>
33 #include <IOKit/IODeviceTreeSupport.h>
34 #include <IOKit/IOKitDebug.h>
35 #include <IOKit/IOMapper.h>
36 #include <IOKit/IOMessage.h>
37 #include <IOKit/IONVRAM.h>
38 #include <IOKit/IOPlatformExpert.h>
39 #include <IOKit/IORangeAllocator.h>
40 #include <IOKit/IOWorkLoop.h>
41 #include <IOKit/pwr_mgt/RootDomain.h>
42 #include <IOKit/IOKitKeys.h>
43 #include <IOKit/IOTimeStamp.h>
44 #include <IOKit/IOUserClient.h>
46 #include <IOKit/system.h>
48 #include <libkern/c++/OSContainers.h>
49 #include <libkern/crypto/sha1.h>
52 #include <machine/machine_routines.h>
53 #include <pexpert/pexpert.h>
54 #include <uuid/uuid.h>
57 /* Delay period for UPS halt */
58 #define kUPSDelayHaltCPU_msec (1000*60*5)
60 void printDictionaryKeys (OSDictionary
* inDictionary
, char * inMsg
61 static void getCStringForObject(OSObject
, char *outStr
, size_t outStrLen
63 /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
65 #define super IOService
67 OSDefineMetaClassAndStructors(IOPlatformExpert
, IOService
69 OSMetaClassDefineReservedUsed(IOPlatformExpert
, 0);
71 OSMetaClassDefineReservedUsed(IOPlatformExpert
, 1);
72 OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOPlatformExpert
, 2);
73 OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOPlatformExpert
, 3);
74 OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOPlatformExpert
, 4);
75 OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOPlatformExpert
, 5);
76 OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOPlatformExpert
, 6);
77 OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOPlatformExpert
, 7);
78 OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOPlatformExpert
, 8);
79 OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOPlatformExpert
, 9);
80 OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOPlatformExpert
, 10);
81 OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOPlatformExpert
, 11);
83 static IOPlatformExpert
* gIOPlatform
84 static OSDictionary
* gIOInterruptControllers
85 static IOLock
* gIOInterruptControllersLock
87 OSSymbol
* gPlatformInterruptControllerName
89 /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
91 bool IOPlatformExpert::attach( IOService
* provider
94 if( !super::attach( provider
100 bool IOPlatformExpert::start( IOService
* provider
102 IORangeAllocator
* physicalRanges
103 OSData
* busFrequency
106 if (!super::start(provider
109 // Override the mapper present flag is requested by boot arguments.
110 if (PE_parse_boot_argn("dart", &debugFlags
, sizeof (debugFlags
)) && (debugFlags
== 0))
111 removeProperty(kIOPlatformMapperPresentKey
113 // Register the presence or lack thereof a system
114 // PCI address mapper with the IOMapper class
115 IOMapper::setMapperRequired(0 != getProperty(kIOPlatformMapperPresentKey
117 gIOInterruptControllers
= OSDictionary::withCapacity(1);
118 gIOInterruptControllersLock
= IOLockAlloc();
120 // Correct the bus frequency in the device tree.
121 busFrequency
= OSData::withBytesNoCopy((void *)&gPEClockFrequencyInfo
, 4);
122 provider
->setProperty("clock-frequency", busFrequency
123 busFrequency
125 gPlatformInterruptControllerName
= (OSSymbol
127 physicalRanges
= IORangeAllocator::withRange(0xffffffff, 1, 16,
128 IORangeAllocator::kLocking
129 assert(physicalRanges
130 setProperty("Platform Memory Ranges", physicalRanges
135 PMInstantiatePowerDomains();
137 // Parse the serial-number data and publish a user-readable string
138 OSData
* mydata
= (OSData
*) (provider
139 if (mydata
) {
140 OSString
= createSystemSerialNumberString(mydata
141 if (serNoString
) {
142 provider
, serNoString
143 serNoString
147 return( configure(provider
) );
150 bool IOPlatformExpert::configure( IOService
* provider
156 topLevel
= OSDynamicCast( OSSet
, getProperty("top-level"));
159 while( (dict
= OSDynamicCast( OSDictionary
160 topLevel
->getAnyObject()))) {
162 topLevel
->removeObject( dict
163 nub
= createNub( dict
168 nub
175 IOService
* IOPlatformExpert::createNub( OSDictionary
* from
179 nub
= new IOPlatformDevice
181 if( !nub
->init( from
)) {
189 bool IOPlatformExpert::compareNubName( const IOService
* nub
190 OSString
* name
, OSString
** matched
) const
192 return( nub
->IORegistryEntry::compareName( name
, matched
195 IOReturn
IOPlatformExpert::getNubResources( IOService
* nub
197 return( kIOReturnSuccess
200 long IOPlatformExpert::getBootROMType(void)
202 return _peBootROMType
205 long IOPlatformExpert::getChipSetType(void)
207 return _peChipSetType
210 long IOPlatformExpert::getMachineType(void)
212 return _peMachineType
215 void IOPlatformExpert::setBootROMType(long peBootROMType
217 _peBootROMType
= peBootROMType
220 void IOPlatformExpert::setChipSetType(long peChipSetType
222 _peChipSetType
= peChipSetType
225 void IOPlatformExpert::setMachineType(long peMachineType
227 _peMachineType
= peMachineType
230 bool IOPlatformExpert::getMachineName( char * /*name*/, int /*maxLength*/)
235 bool IOPlatformExpert::getModelName( char * /*name*/, int /*maxLength*/)
240 OSString
* IOPlatformExpert::createSystemSerialNumberString(OSData
* myProperty
245 IORangeAllocator
* IOPlatformExpert::getPhysicalRangeAllocator(void)
247 return(OSDynamicCast(IORangeAllocator
248 getProperty("Platform Memory Ranges")));
251 int (*PE_halt_restart
)(unsigned int type
) = 0;
253 int IOPlatformExpert::haltRestart(unsigned int type
255 if (type
== kPEPanicSync
) return 0;
257 if (type
== kPEHangCPU
) while (1);
259 if (type
== kPEUPSDelayHaltCPU
) {
260 // Stall shutdown for 5 minutes, and if no outside force has
261 // removed our power at that point, proceed with a reboot.
262 IOSleep( kUPSDelayHaltCPU_msec
264 // Ideally we never reach this point.
266 type
= kPERestartCPU
269 // On ARM kPEPanicRestartCPU is supported in the drivers
270 if (type
== kPEPanicRestartCPU
271 type
= kPERestartCPU
273 if (PE_halt_restart
) return (*PE_halt_restart
277 void IOPlatformExpert::sleepKernel(void)
283 intState
= ml_set_interrupts_enabled(false);
285 for (cnt
= 0; cnt
< 10000; cnt
++) {
289 ml_set_interrupts_enabled(intState
291 // PE_initialize_console(0, kPEDisableScreen);
295 // PE_initialize_console(0, kPEEnableScreen);
299 long IOPlatformExpert::getGMTTimeOfDay(void)
304 void IOPlatformExpert::setGMTTimeOfDay(long secs
309 IOReturn
IOPlatformExpert::getConsoleInfo( PE_Video
* consoleInfo
311 return( PE_current_console( consoleInfo
314 IOReturn
IOPlatformExpert::setConsoleInfo( PE_Video
* consoleInfo
317 return( PE_initialize_console( consoleInfo
, op
320 IOReturn
, IOInterruptController
322 IOLockLock(gIOInterruptControllersLock
324 gIOInterruptControllers
, interruptController
326 IOLockWakeup(gIOInterruptControllersLock
327 gIOInterruptControllers
, /* one-thread */ false);
329 IOLockUnlock(gIOInterruptControllersLock
331 return kIOReturnSuccess
334 IOInterruptController
338 IOLockLock(gIOInterruptControllersLock
341 object
= gIOInterruptControllers
346 IOLockSleep(gIOInterruptControllersLock
347 gIOInterruptControllers
350 IOLockUnlock(gIOInterruptControllersLock
351 return OSDynamicCast(IOInterruptController
, object
355 void IOPlatformExpert::setCPUInterruptProperties(IOService
357 IOCPUInterruptController
359 controller
= OSDynamicCast(IOCPUInterruptController
, waitForService(serviceMatching("IOCPUInterruptController")));
360 if (controller
) controller
363 bool IOPlatformExpert::atInterruptLevel(void)
365 return ml_at_interrupt_context();
368 bool IOPlatformExpert::platformAdjustService(IOService */
374 //*********************************************************************************
377 //*********************************************************************************
379 void IOPlatformExpert::
380 PMLog(const char *who
, unsigned long event
381 unsigned long param1
, unsigned long param2
383 UInt32 debugFlags
= gIOKitDebug
385 if (debugFlags
& kIOLogPower
) {
387 uint32_t nows
, nowus
388 clock_get_system_microtime(&nows
, &nowus
389 nowus
+= (nows
% 1000) * 1000000;
391 kprintf("pm%u %x %.30s %d %x %x\n",
392 nowus
, (unsigned) current_thread(), who
, // Identity
393 (int) event
, param1
, param2
); // Args
395 if (debugFlags
& kIOLogTracePower
) {
396 static const UInt32 sStartStopBitField
[] =
397 { 0x00000000, 0x00000040 }; // Only Program Hardware so far
399 // Arcane formula from Hacker's Delight by Warren
400 // abs(x) = ((int) x >> 31) ^ (x + ((int) x >> 31))
401 UInt32 sgnevent
= ((long) event
>> 31);
402 UInt32 absevent
= sgnevent
^ (event
+ sgnevent
403 UInt32 code
= IODBG_POWER(absevent
405 UInt32 bit
= 1 << (absevent
& 0x1f);
406 if (absevent
< sizeof(sStartStopBitField
) * 8
407 && (sStartStopBitField
>> 5] & bit
) ) {
408 // Or in the START or END bits, Start = 1 & END = 2
409 // If sgnevent == 0 then START - 0 => START
410 // else if sgnevent == -1 then START - -1 => END
411 code
- sgnevent
414 // Record the timestamp, wish I had a this pointer
415 IOTimeStampConstant(code
, (UInt32
) who
, event
, param1
, param2
421 //*********************************************************************************
422 // PMInstantiatePowerDomains
424 // In this vanilla implementation, a Root Power Domain is instantiated.
425 // All other objects which register will be children of this Root.
426 // Where this is inappropriate, PMInstantiatePowerDomains is overridden
427 // in a platform-specific subclass.
428 //*********************************************************************************
430 void IOPlatformExpert::PMInstantiatePowerDomains ( void )
432 root
= new IOPMrootDomain
440 //*********************************************************************************
443 // In this vanilla implementation, all callers are made children of the root power domain.
444 // Where this is inappropriate, PMRegisterDevice is overridden in a platform-specific subclass.
445 //*********************************************************************************
447 void IOPlatformExpert::PMRegisterDevice(IOService
* theNub
, IOService
* theDevice
449 root
->addPowerChild ( theDevice
452 //*********************************************************************************
455 //*********************************************************************************
457 bool IOPlatformExpert::hasPMFeature (unsigned long featureMask
459 return ((_pePMFeatures
& featureMask
) != 0);
462 //*********************************************************************************
465 //*********************************************************************************
467 bool IOPlatformExpert::hasPrivPMFeature (unsigned long privFeatureMask
469 return ((_pePrivPMFeatures
& privFeatureMask
) != 0);
472 //*********************************************************************************
473 // numBatteriesSupported
475 //*********************************************************************************
477 int IOPlatformExpert::numBatteriesSupported (void)
479 return (_peNumBatteriesSupported
482 //*********************************************************************************
485 // This method is called by the instantiated sublass of the platform expert to
486 // determine how a device should be inserted into the Power Domain. The subclass
487 // provides an XML power tree description against which a device is matched based
488 // on class and provider. If a match is found this routine returns true in addition
489 // to flagging the description tree at the appropriate node that a device has been
490 // registered for the given service.
491 //*********************************************************************************
493 bool IOPlatformExpert::CheckSubTree (OSArray
* inSubTree
, IOService
* theNub
, IOService
* theDevice
, OSDictionary
* theParent
496 unsigned int numPowerTreeNodes
497 OSDictionary
* entry
498 OSDictionary
* matchingDictionary
499 OSDictionary
* providerDictionary
500 OSDictionary
* deviceDictionary
501 OSDictionary
* nubDictionary
503 bool nodeFound
= false;
504 bool continueSearch
= false;
505 bool deviceMatch
= false;
506 bool providerMatch
= false;
507 bool multiParentMatch
= false;
509 if ( (NULL
== theDevice
) || (NULL
== inSubTree
) )
512 numPowerTreeNodes
= inSubTree
->getCount ();
514 // iterate through the power tree to find a home for this device
516 for ( i
= 0; i
< numPowerTreeNodes
; i
++ ) {
518 entry
= (OSDictionary
*) inSubTree
->getObject (i
520 matchingDictionary
= (OSDictionary
*) entry
->getObject ("device");
521 providerDictionary
= (OSDictionary
*) entry
->getObject ("provider");
523 deviceMatch
= true; // if no matching dictionary, this is not a criteria and so must match
524 if ( matchingDictionary
) {
526 if ( NULL
!= (deviceDictionary
= theDevice
->dictionaryWithProperties ())) {
527 deviceMatch
= deviceDictionary
->isEqualTo ( matchingDictionary
, matchingDictionary
528 deviceDictionary
->release ();
532 providerMatch
= true; // we indicate a match if there is no nub or provider
533 if ( theNub
&& providerDictionary
) {
534 providerMatch
= false;
535 if ( NULL
!= (nubDictionary
= theNub
->dictionaryWithProperties ()) ) {
536 providerMatch
= nubDictionary
->isEqualTo ( providerDictionary
, providerDictionary
537 nubDictionary
->release ();
541 multiParentMatch
= true; // again we indicate a match if there is no multi-parent node
542 if (deviceMatch
&& providerMatch
) {
543 if (NULL
!= multipleParentKeyValue
) {
544 OSNumber
* aNumber
= (OSNumber
*) entry
->getObject ("multiple-parent");
545 multiParentMatch
!= aNumber
) ? multipleParentKeyValue
->isEqualTo (aNumber
) : false;
549 nodeFound
= (deviceMatch
&& providerMatch
&& multiParentMatch
551 // if the power tree specifies a provider dictionary but theNub is
552 // NULL then we cannot match with this entry.
554 if ( theNub
&& providerDictionary
557 // if this node is THE ONE...then register the device
560 if (RegisterServiceInTree (theDevice
, entry
, theParent
, theNub
) ) {
562 if ( kIOLogPower
& gIOKitDebug
563 IOLog ("PMRegisterDevice/CheckSubTree - service registered!\n");
565 numInstancesRegistered
567 // determine if we need to search for additional nodes for this item
568 multipleParentKeyValue
= (OSNumber
*) entry
->getObject ("multiple-parent");
574 continueSearch
= ( (false == nodeFound
) || (NULL
!= multipleParentKeyValue
) );
576 if ( continueSearch
&& (NULL
!= (children
= (OSArray
*) entry
->getObject ("children"))) ) {
577 nodeFound
= CheckSubTree ( children
, theNub
, theDevice
, entry
578 continueSearch
= ( (false == nodeFound
) || (NULL
!= multipleParentKeyValue
) );
581 if ( false == continueSearch
585 return ( nodeFound
588 //*********************************************************************************
589 // RegisterServiceInTree
591 // Register a device at the specified node of our power tree.
592 //*********************************************************************************
594 bool IOPlatformExpert::RegisterServiceInTree (IOService
* theService
, OSDictionary
* theTreeNode
, OSDictionary
* theTreeParentNode
, IOService
* theProvider
596 IOService
* aService
597 bool registered
= false;
599 unsigned int numChildren
600 OSDictionary
* child
602 // make sure someone is not already registered here
604 if ( NULL
== theTreeNode
->getObject ("service") ) {
606 if ( theTreeNode
->setObject ("service", OSDynamicCast ( OSObject
, theService
)) ) {
608 // 1. CHILDREN ------------------
610 // we registered the node in the tree...now if the node has children
611 // registered we must tell this service to add them.
613 if ( NULL
!= (children
= (OSArray
*) theTreeNode
->getObject ("children")) ) {
614 numChildren
= children
->getCount ();
615 for ( unsigned int i
= 0; i
< numChildren
; i
++ ) {
616 if ( NULL
!= (child
= (OSDictionary
*) children
->getObject (i
)) ) {
617 if ( NULL
!= (aService
= (IOService
*) child
->getObject ("service")) )
618 theService
->addPowerChild (aService
623 // 2. PARENT --------------------
625 // also we must notify the parent of this node (if a registered service
626 // exists there) of a new child.
628 if ( theTreeParentNode
) {
629 if ( NULL
!= (aService
= (IOService
*) theTreeParentNode
->getObject ("service")) )
630 if (aService
!= theProvider
631 aService
->addPowerChild (theService
641 //*********************************************************************************
642 // printDictionaryKeys
644 // Print the keys for the given dictionary and selected contents.
645 //*********************************************************************************
646 void printDictionaryKeys (OSDictionary
* inDictionary
, char * inMsg
648 OSCollectionIterator
* mcoll
= OSCollectionIterator::withCollection (inDictionary
655 mkey
= OSDynamicCast (OSSymbol
, mcoll
->getNextObject ());
659 // kprintf ("dictionary key #%d: %s\n", i, mkey->getCStringNoCopy () );
661 // if this is the IOClass key, print it's contents
663 if ( mkey
->isEqualTo ("IOClass") ) {
664 ioClass
= (OSString
*) inDictionary
->getObject ("IOClass");
665 if ( ioClass
) IOLog ("%s IOClass is %s\n", inMsg
, ioClass
->getCStringNoCopy () );
668 // if this is an IOProviderClass key print it
670 if ( mkey
->isEqualTo ("IOProviderClass") ) {
671 ioClass
= (OSString
*) inDictionary
->getObject ("IOProviderClass");
672 if ( ioClass
) IOLog ("%s IOProviderClass is %s\n", inMsg
, ioClass
->getCStringNoCopy () );
676 // also print IONameMatch keys
677 if ( mkey
->isEqualTo ("IONameMatch") ) {
678 ioClass
= (OSString
*) inDictionary
->getObject ("IONameMatch");
679 if ( ioClass
) IOLog ("%s IONameMatch is %s\n", inMsg
, ioClass
->getCStringNoCopy () );
682 // also print IONameMatched keys
684 if ( mkey
->isEqualTo ("IONameMatched") ) {
685 ioClass
= (OSString
*) inDictionary
->getObject ("IONameMatched");
686 if ( ioClass
) IOLog ("%s IONameMatched is %s\n", inMsg
, ioClass
->getCStringNoCopy () );
692 if ( mkey
->isEqualTo ("AAPL,clock-id") ) {
694 cstr
= getCStringForObject (inDictionary
->getObject ("AAPL,clock-id"));
696 kprintf (" ===> AAPL,clock-id is %s\n", cstr
702 if ( mkey
->isEqualTo ("name") ) {
705 getCStringForObject(inDictionary
->getObject("name"), nameStr
707 if (strlen(nameStr
) > 0)
708 IOLog ("%s name is %s\n", inMsg
, nameStr
711 mkey
= (OSSymbol
*) mcoll
->getNextObject ();
720 getCStringForObject(OSObject
, char *outStr
, size_t outStrLen
725 if ( (NULL
== inObj
) || (NULL
== outStr
728 char * objString
= (char *) (inObj
730 if ((0 == strncmp(objString
, "OSString", sizeof("OSString"))) ||
731 (0 == strncmp(objString
, "OSSymbol", sizeof("OSSymbol"))))
732 strlcpy(outStr
, ((OSString
)->getCStringNoCopy(), outStrLen
734 else if (0 == strncmp(objString
, "OSData", sizeof("OSData"))) {
735 len
= ((OSData
736 buffer
= (char *)((OSData
737 if (buffer
&& (len
> 0)) {
738 for (i
=0; i
< len
; i
++) {
739 outStr
] = buffer
746 /* IOShutdownNotificationsTimedOut
747 * - Called from a timer installed by PEHaltRestart
749 static void IOShutdownNotificationsTimedOut(
750 thread_call_param_t p0
751 thread_call_param_t p1
755 /* 30 seconds has elapsed - resume shutdown */
756 if(gIOPlatform
) gIOPlatform
763 * Callouts from BSD for machine name & model
766 boolean_t
PEGetMachineName( char * name
, int maxLength
769 return( gIOPlatform
->getMachineName( name
, maxLength
774 boolean_t
PEGetModelName( char * name
, int maxLength
777 return( gIOPlatform
->getModelName( name
, maxLength
782 int PEGetPlatformEpoch(void)
785 return( gIOPlatform
790 int PEHaltRestart(unsigned int type
792 IOPMrootDomain
= IOService::getPMRootDomain();
793 AbsoluteTime deadline
794 thread_call_t shutdown_hang
795 unsigned int tell_type
797 if(type
== kPEHaltCPU
|| type
== kPERestartCPU
|| type
== kPEUPSDelayHaltCPU
799 /* Notify IOKit PM clients of shutdown/restart
800 Clients subscribe to this message with a call to
801 IOService::registerInterest()
804 /* Spawn a thread that will panic in 30 seconds.
805 If all goes well the machine will be off by the time
808 shutdown_hang
= thread_call_allocate( &IOShutdownNotificationsTimedOut
809 (thread_call_param_t
) type
810 clock_interval_to_deadline( 30, kSecondScale
, &deadline
811 thread_call_enter1_delayed( shutdown_hang
, 0, deadline
814 if( kPEUPSDelayHaltCPU
== type
) {
815 tell_type
= kPEHaltCPU
820 pmRootDomain
821 /* This notification should have few clients who all do
822 their work synchronously.
824 In this "shutdown notification" context we don't give
825 drivers the option of working asynchronously and responding
826 later. PM internals make it very hard to wait for asynchronous
831 if (gIOPlatform
) return gIOPlatform
835 UInt32
, UInt32 length
837 if (gIOPlatform
!= 0) return gIOPlatform
, length
841 long PEGetGMTTimeOfDay(void)
846 result
= gIOPlatform
851 void PESetGMTTimeOfDay(long secs
854 gIOPlatform
859 void IOPlatformExpert::registerNVRAMController(IONVRAMController
* caller
862 IORegistryEntry
* entry
863 OSString
* string
= 0;
866 entry
= IORegistryEntry::fromPath( "/efi/platform", gIODTPlane
869 data
= OSDynamicCast( OSData
, entry
->getProperty( "system-id" ) );
870 if ( data
&& data
->getLength( ) == 16 )
873 uint8_t digest
874 const uuid_t space
= { 0x2A, 0x06, 0x19, 0x90, 0xD3, 0x8D, 0x44, 0x40, 0xA1, 0x39, 0xC4, 0x97, 0x70, 0x37, 0x65, 0xAC };
876 SHA1Init( &context
877 SHA1Update( &context
, space
, sizeof( space
) );
878 SHA1Update( &context
, data
->getBytesNoCopy( ), data
->getLength( ) );
879 SHA1Final( digest
, &context
881 digest
[ 6 ] = ( digest
[ 6 ] & 0x0F ) | 0x50;
882 digest
[ 8 ] = ( digest
[ 8 ] & 0x3F ) | 0x80;
884 uuid_unparse( digest
, uuid
885 string
= OSString::withCString( uuid
893 entry
= IORegistryEntry::fromPath( "/options", gIODTPlane
896 data
= OSDynamicCast( OSData
, entry
->getProperty( "platform-uuid" ) );
897 if ( data
&& data
->getLength( ) == sizeof( uuid_t
) )
899 uuid_unparse( ( uint8_t * ) data
->getBytesNoCopy( ), uuid
900 string
= OSString::withCString( uuid
909 getProvider( )->setProperty( kIOPlatformUUIDKey
, string
910 publishResource( kIOPlatformUUIDKey
, string
915 publishResource("IONVRAM");
918 IOReturn
IOPlatformExpert::callPlatformFunction(const OSSymbol
919 bool waitForFunction
920 void *param1
, void *param2
921 void *param3
, void *param4
923 IOService
, *_resources
925 if (waitForFunction
) {
926 _resources
= waitForService(resourceMatching(functionName
928 _resources
= resources();
930 if (_resources
== 0) return kIOReturnUnsupported
932 service
= OSDynamicCast(IOService
, _resources
933 if (service
== 0) return kIOReturnUnsupported
935 return service
, waitForFunction
936 param1
, param2
, param3
, param4
939 IOByteCount
, IOByteCount length
944 /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
947 #define super IOPlatformExpert
949 OSDefineMetaClassAndAbstractStructors( IODTPlatformExpert
, IOPlatformExpert
951 OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IODTPlatformExpert
, 0);
952 OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IODTPlatformExpert
, 1);
953 OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IODTPlatformExpert
, 2);
954 OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IODTPlatformExpert
, 3);
955 OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IODTPlatformExpert
, 4);
956 OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IODTPlatformExpert
, 5);
957 OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IODTPlatformExpert
, 6);
958 OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IODTPlatformExpert
, 7);
960 /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
962 IOService
* IODTPlatformExpert::probe( IOService
* provider
965 if( !super::probe( provider
, score
968 // check machine types
969 if( !provider
->compareNames( getProperty( gIONameMatchKey
) ))
975 bool IODTPlatformExpert::configure( IOService
* provider
977 if( !super::configure( provider
980 processTopLevel( provider
985 IOService
* IODTPlatformExpert::createNub( IORegistryEntry
* from
989 nub
= new IOPlatformDevice
991 if( !nub
->init( from
, gIODTPlane
)) {
999 bool IODTPlatformExpert::createNubs( IOService
* parent
, OSIterator
* iter
1001 IORegistryEntry
* next
1006 while( (next
= (IORegistryEntry
*) iter
->getNextObject())) {
1008 if( 0 == (nub
= createNub( next
1011 nub
->attach( parent
1012 nub
1020 void IODTPlatformExpert::processTopLevel( IORegistryEntry
* rootEntry
1023 IORegistryEntry
* next
1024 IORegistryEntry
* cpus
1025 IORegistryEntry
* options
1028 kids
= IODTFindMatchingEntries( rootEntry
, 0, deleteList() );
1030 while( (next
= (IORegistryEntry
->getNextObject())) {
1031 next
->detachAll( gIODTPlane
1036 // Publish an IODTNVRAM class on /options.
1037 options
= rootEntry
->childFromPath("options", gIODTPlane
1039 dtNVRAM
1041 if (!dtNVRAM
, gIODTPlane
)) {
1045 dtNVRAM
1046 dtNVRAM
1051 // Publish the cpus.
1052 cpus
= rootEntry
->childFromPath( "cpus", gIODTPlane
1054 createNubs( this, IODTFindMatchingEntries( cpus
, kIODTExclusive
, 0));
1056 // publish top level, minus excludeList
1057 createNubs( this, IODTFindMatchingEntries( rootEntry
, kIODTExclusive
, excludeList()));
1060 IOReturn
IODTPlatformExpert::getNubResources( IOService
* nub
1062 if( nub
1063 return( kIOReturnSuccess
1065 IODTResolveAddressing( nub
, "reg", 0);
1067 return( kIOReturnSuccess
1070 bool IODTPlatformExpert::compareNubName( const IOService
* nub
1071 OSString
* name
, OSString
** matched
) const
1073 return( IODTCompareNubName( nub
, name
, matched
1074 || super::compareNubName( nub
, name
, matched
) );
1077 bool IODTPlatformExpert::getModelName( char * name
, int maxLength
1087 prop
= (OSData
*) getProvider()->getProperty( gIODTCompatibleKey
1089 str
= (const char *) prop
1091 if( 0 == strncmp( str
, "AAPL,", strlen( "AAPL," ) ))
1092 str
+= strlen( "AAPL," );
1095 while( (c
= *str
++)) {
1096 if( (c
== '/') || (c
== ' '))
1100 if( len
>= maxLength
1110 bool IODTPlatformExpert::getMachineName( char * name
, int maxLength
1116 prop
= (OSData
*) getProvider()->getProperty( gIODTModelKey
1120 strlcpy( name
, (const char *) prop
->getBytesNoCopy(), maxLength
1125 /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
1127 void IODTPlatformExpert::registerNVRAMController( IONVRAMController
* nvram
1129 if (dtNVRAM
1131 super::registerNVRAMController(nvram
1134 int IODTPlatformExpert::haltRestart(unsigned int type
1136 if (dtNVRAM
1138 return super::haltRestart(type
1141 IOReturn
IODTPlatformExpert::readXPRAM(IOByteCount offset
, UInt8
* buffer
1144 if (dtNVRAM
) return dtNVRAM
, buffer
, length
1145 else return kIOReturnNotReady
1148 IOReturn
IODTPlatformExpert::writeXPRAM(IOByteCount offset
, UInt8
* buffer
1151 if (dtNVRAM
) return dtNVRAM
, buffer
, length
1152 else return kIOReturnNotReady
1155 IOReturn
1156 IORegistryEntry
* entry
1157 const OSSymbol
** name
, OSData
** value
1159 if (dtNVRAM
) return dtNVRAM
, name
, value
1160 else return kIOReturnNotReady
1163 IOReturn
1164 IORegistryEntry
* entry
1165 const OSSymbol
* name
, OSData
* value
1167 if (dtNVRAM
) return dtNVRAM
, name
, value
1168 else return kIOReturnNotReady
1171 OSDictionary
1173 if (dtNVRAM
) return dtNVRAM
1177 IOReturn
IODTPlatformExpert::readNVRAMPartition(const OSSymbol
* partitionID
1178 IOByteCount offset
, UInt8
* buffer
1181 if (dtNVRAM
) return dtNVRAM
, offset
1183 else return kIOReturnNotReady
1186 IOReturn
IODTPlatformExpert::writeNVRAMPartition(const OSSymbol
* partitionID
1187 IOByteCount offset
, UInt8
* buffer
1190 if (dtNVRAM
) return dtNVRAM
, offset
1192 else return kIOReturnNotReady
1195 IOByteCount
, IOByteCount length
1197 IOByteCount lengthSaved
= 0;
1199 if (dtNVRAM
) lengthSaved
, length
1201 if (lengthSaved
== 0) lengthSaved
= super::savePanicInfo(buffer
, length
1206 OSString
* IODTPlatformExpert::createSystemSerialNumberString(OSData
* myProperty
) {
1207 UInt8
* serialNumber
1208 unsigned int serialNumberSize
1209 unsigned short pos
= 0;
1213 if (myProperty
) {
1214 serialNumberSize
= myProperty
1215 serialNumber
= (UInt8
1216 temp
= (char*)serialNumber
1217 if (serialNumberSize
> 0) {
1218 // check to see if this is a CTO serial number...
1219 while (pos
< serialNumberSize
&& temp
] != '-') pos
1221 if (pos
< serialNumberSize
) { // there was a hyphen, so it's a CTO serial number
1222 memcpy(SerialNo
, serialNumber
+ 12, 8);
1223 memcpy(&SerialNo
[8], serialNumber
, 3);
1225 memcpy(&SerialNo
[12], serialNumber
+ 3, 8);
1227 } else { // just a normal serial number
1228 memcpy(SerialNo
, serialNumber
+ 13, 8);
1229 memcpy(&SerialNo
[8], serialNumber
, 3);
1232 return OSString::withCString(SerialNo
1239 /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
1242 #define super IOService
1244 OSDefineMetaClassAndStructors(IOPlatformExpertDevice
, IOService
1246 OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOPlatformExpertDevice
, 0);
1247 OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOPlatformExpertDevice
, 1);
1248 OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOPlatformExpertDevice
, 2);
1249 OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOPlatformExpertDevice
, 3);
1251 /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
1253 bool IOPlatformExpertDevice::compareName( OSString
* name
1254 OSString
** matched
) const
1256 return( IODTCompareNubName( this, name
, matched
1260 IOPlatformExpertDevice::initWithArgs(
1261 void * dtTop
, void * p2
, void * p3
, void * p4
1263 IORegistryEntry
* dt
= 0;
1264 void * argsData
[ 4 ];
1267 // dtTop may be zero on non- device tree systems
1268 if( dtTop
&& (dt
= IODeviceTreeAlloc( dtTop
1269 ok
= super::init( dt
, gIODTPlane
1276 workLoop
= IOWorkLoop::workLoop();
1280 argsData
[ 0 ] = dtTop
1285 setProperty("IOPlatformArgs", (void *)argsData
, sizeof(argsData
1290 IOWorkLoop
*IOPlatformExpertDevice::getWorkLoop() const
1295 IOReturn
IOPlatformExpertDevice::setProperties( OSObject
* properties
1297 OSDictionary
* dictionary
1301 status
= super::setProperties( properties
1302 if ( status
!= kIOReturnUnsupported
) return status
1304 status
= IOUserClient::clientHasPrivilege( current_task( ), kIOClientPrivilegeAdministrator
1305 if ( status
!= kIOReturnSuccess
) return status
1307 dictionary
= OSDynamicCast( OSDictionary
, properties
1308 if ( dictionary
== 0 ) return kIOReturnBadArgument
1310 object
= dictionary
->getObject( kIOPlatformUUIDKey
1313 IORegistryEntry
* entry
1317 string
= ( OSString
* ) getProperty( kIOPlatformUUIDKey
1318 if ( string
) return kIOReturnNotPermitted
1320 string
= OSDynamicCast( OSString
, object
1321 if ( string
== 0 ) return kIOReturnBadArgument
1323 status
= uuid_parse( string
->getCStringNoCopy( ), uuid
1324 if ( status
!= 0 ) return kIOReturnBadArgument
1326 entry
= IORegistryEntry::fromPath( "/options", gIODTPlane
1329 entry
->setProperty( "platform-uuid", uuid
, sizeof( uuid_t
) );
1333 setProperty( kIOPlatformUUIDKey
, string
1334 publishResource( kIOPlatformUUIDKey
, string
1336 return kIOReturnSuccess
1339 return kIOReturnUnsupported
1342 void IOPlatformExpertDevice::free()
1345 workLoop
1348 /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
1351 #define super IOService
1353 OSDefineMetaClassAndStructors(IOPlatformDevice
, IOService
1355 OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOPlatformDevice
, 0);
1356 OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOPlatformDevice
, 1);
1357 OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOPlatformDevice
, 2);
1358 OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOPlatformDevice
, 3);
1360 /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
1362 bool IOPlatformDevice::compareName( OSString
* name
1363 OSString
** matched
) const
1365 return( ((IOPlatformExpert
1366 compareNubName( this, name
, matched
1369 IOService
* IOPlatformDevice::matchLocation( IOService
* /* client */ )
1374 IOReturn
IOPlatformDevice::getResources( void )
1376 return( ((IOPlatformExpert
*)getProvider())->getNubResources( this ));
1379 /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
1381 /*********************************************************************
1382 * IOPanicPlatform class
1384 * If no legitimate IOPlatformDevice matches, this one does and panics
1385 * the kernel with a suitable message.
1386 *********************************************************************/
1388 class IOPanicPlatform
: IOPlatformExpert
1389 OSDeclareDefaultStructors(IOPanicPlatform
1392 bool start(IOService
* provider
1396 OSDefineMetaClassAndStructors(IOPanicPlatform
, IOPlatformExpert
1399 bool IOPanicPlatform::start(IOService
* provider
) {
1400 const char * platform_name
= "(unknown platform name)";
1402 if (provider
) platform_name
= provider
1404 panic("Unable to find driver for this platform: \"%s\".\n",