]> git.saurik.com Git - apple/xnu.git/blob - iokit/IOKit/pwr_mgt/IOPM.h
[apple/xnu.git] / iokit / IOKit / pwr_mgt / IOPM.h
1 /*
2 * Copyright (c) 1998-2005 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
3 *
5 *
6 * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
7 * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
8 * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
9 * compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License
10 * may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of,
11 * unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to
12 * circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any
13 * terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement.
14 *
15 * Please obtain a copy of the License at
16 * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this file.
17 *
18 * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
19 * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
23 * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
24 * limitations under the License.
25 *
27 */
28 #ifndef _IOKIT_IOPM_H
29 #define _IOKIT_IOPM_H
31 #include <IOKit/IOTypes.h>
32 #include <IOKit/IOMessage.h>
33 #include <IOKit/IOReturn.h>
35 #ifdef __ppc__
36 #include <IOKit/pwr_mgt/IOPMDeprecated.h>
37 #endif
39 /*! @header IOPM.h
40 @abstract Defines power management constants and keys used by both in-kernel and user space power management.
41 @discussion IOPM.h defines a range of power management constants used in several in-kernel and user space APIs. Most significantly, the IOPMPowerFlags used to specify the fields of an IOPMPowerState struct are defined here.
43 Most of the constants defined in IOPM.h are deprecated or for Apple internal use only, and are not elaborated on in headerdoc.
44 */
46 enum {
47 kIOPMMaxPowerStates = 10,
48 IOPMMaxPowerStates = kIOPMMaxPowerStates
49 };
51 /*! @enum IOPMPowerFlags
52 @abstract Bits are used in defining capabilityFlags, inputPowerRequirements, and outputPowerCharacter in the IOPMPowerState structure.
53 @discussion These bits may be bitwise-OR'd together in the IOPMPowerState capabilityFlags field, the outputPowerCharacter field, and/or the inputPowerRequirement field.
55 The comments clearly mark whether each flag should be used in the capabilityFlags field, outputPowerCharacter field, and inputPowerRequirement field, or all three.
57 The value of capabilityFlags, inputPowerRequirement or outputPowerCharacter may be 0. Most drivers implement their 'OFF' state, used when asleep, by defininf each of the 3 fields as 0.
59 The bits listed below are only the most common bits used to define a device's power states. Your device's IO family may require that your device specify other input or output power flags to interact properly. Consult family-specific documentation to determine if your IOPower plane parents or children require other power flags; they probably don't.
61 @constant kIOPMPowerOn Indicates the device is on, requires power, and provides power. Useful as a: Capability, InputPowerRequirement, OutputPowerCharacter
63 @constant kIOPMDeviceUsable Indicates the device is usable in this state. Useful only as a Capability
65 @constant kIOPMLowPower
66 Indicates device is in a low power state. May be bitwis-OR'd together
67 with kIOPMDeviceUsable flag, to indicate the device is still usable.
69 A device with a capability of kIOPMLowPower may:
70 Require either 0 or kIOPMPowerOn from its power parent
71 Offer either kIOPMLowPower, kIOPMPowerOn, or 0 (no power at all)
72 to its power plane children.
74 Useful only as a Capability, although USB drivers should consult USB family documentation for other valid circumstances to use the kIOPMLowPower bit.
76 @constant kIOPMPreventIdleSleep
77 In the capability field of a power state, disallows idle system sleep while the device is in that state.
79 For example, displays and disks set this capability for their ON power state; since the system may not idle sleep while the display (and thus keyboard or mouse) or the disk is active.
81 Useful only as a Capability.
83 @constant kIOPMSleepCapability
84 Used only by certain IOKit Families (USB). Not defined or used by generic Power Management. Read your family documentation to see if you should define a powerstate using these capabilities.
86 @constant kIOPMRestartCapability
87 Used only by certain IOKit Families (USB). Not defined or used by generic Power Management. Read your family documentation to see if you should define a powerstate using these capabilities.
89 @constant kIOPMSleep
90 Used only by certain IOKit Families (USB). Not defined or used by generic Power Management. Read your family documentation to see if you should define a powerstate using these capabilities.
92 @constant kIOPMRestart
93 Used only by certain IOKit Families (USB). Not defined or used by generic Power Management. Read your family documentation to see if you should define a powerstate using these capabilities.
94 */
95 typedef unsigned long IOPMPowerFlags;
96 enum {
97 kIOPMPowerOn = 0x00000002,
98 kIOPMDeviceUsable = 0x00008000,
99 kIOPMLowPower = 0x00010000,
100 kIOPMPreventIdleSleep = 0x00000040,
101 kIOPMSleepCapability = 0x00000004,
102 kIOPMRestartCapability = 0x00000080,
103 kIOPMSleep = 0x00000001,
104 kIOPMRestart = 0x00000080
105 };
107 /*
108 * Private IOPMPowerFlags
109 *
110 * For Apple use only
111 * Not for use with non-Apple drivers
112 * Their behavior is undefined
113 */
114 enum {
115 kIOPMClockNormal = 0x0004,
116 kIOPMClockRunning = 0x0008,
117 kIOPMPreventSystemSleep = 0x0010,
118 kIOPMDoze = 0x0400,
119 kIOPMChildClamp = 0x0080,
120 kIOPMChildClamp2 = 0x0200,
121 kIOPMNotPowerManaged = 0x0800
122 };
125 /*
126 * Deprecated IOPMPowerFlags
127 * Their behavior is undefined when used in IOPMPowerState
128 * Capability, InputPowerRequirement, or OutputPowerCharacter fields.
129 */
130 enum {
131 kIOPMMaxPerformance = 0x4000,
132 kIOPMPassThrough = 0x0100,
133 kIOPMAuxPowerOn = 0x0020,
134 kIOPMNotAttainable = 0x0001,
135 kIOPMContextRetained = 0x2000,
136 kIOPMConfigRetained = 0x1000,
137 kIOPMStaticPowerValid = 0x0800,
138 kIOPMSoftSleep = 0x0400,
139 kIOPMCapabilitiesMask = kIOPMPowerOn | kIOPMDeviceUsable |
140 kIOPMMaxPerformance | kIOPMContextRetained |
141 kIOPMConfigRetained | kIOPMSleepCapability |
142 kIOPMRestartCapability
143 };
145 /*
146 * Support for old names of IOPMPowerFlag constants
147 */
148 enum {
149 IOPMNotAttainable = kIOPMNotAttainable,
150 IOPMPowerOn = kIOPMPowerOn,
151 IOPMClockNormal = kIOPMClockNormal,
152 IOPMClockRunning = kIOPMClockRunning,
153 IOPMAuxPowerOn = kIOPMAuxPowerOn,
154 IOPMDeviceUsable = kIOPMDeviceUsable,
155 IOPMMaxPerformance = kIOPMMaxPerformance,
156 IOPMContextRetained = kIOPMContextRetained,
157 IOPMConfigRetained = kIOPMConfigRetained,
158 IOPMNotPowerManaged = kIOPMNotPowerManaged,
159 IOPMSoftSleep = kIOPMSoftSleep
160 };
163 enum {
164 kIOPMNextHigherState = 1,
165 kIOPMHighestState = 2,
166 kIOPMNextLowerState = 3,
167 kIOPMLowestState = 4
168 };
170 enum {
171 IOPMNextHigherState = kIOPMNextHigherState,
172 IOPMHighestState = kIOPMHighestState,
173 IOPMNextLowerState = kIOPMNextLowerState,
174 IOPMLowestState = kIOPMLowestState
175 };
177 // Internal commands used by power managment command queue
178 enum {
179 kIOPMBroadcastAggressiveness = 1,
180 kIOPMUnidleDevice
181 };
183 // Power consumption unknown value
184 enum {
185 kIOPMUnknown = 0xFFFF
186 };
188 /*******************************************************************************
189 *
190 * Root Domain property keys of interest
191 *
192 ******************************************************************************/
194 /* AppleClamshellState
195 * reflects the state of the clamshell (lid) on a portable.
196 * It has a boolean value.
197 * true == clamshell is closed
198 * false == clamshell is open
199 * not present == no clamshell on this hardware
200 */
201 #define kAppleClamshellStateKey "AppleClamshellState"
203 /* AppleClamshellCausesSleep
204 * reflects the clamshell close behavior on a portable.
205 * It has a boolean value.
206 * true == system will sleep when clamshell is closed
207 * false == system will not sleep on clamshell close
208 * (typically external display mode)
209 * not present == no clamshell on this hardware
210 */
211 #define kAppleClamshellCausesSleepKey "AppleClamshellCausesSleep"
213 /* kIOPMSleepWakeUUIDKey
214 * Key refers to a CFStringRef that will uniquely identify
215 * a sleep/wake cycle for logging & tracking.
216 * The key becomes valid at the beginning of a sleep cycle - before we
217 * initiate any sleep/wake notifications.
218 * The key becomes invalid at the completion of a system wakeup. The
219 * property will not be present in the IOPMrootDomain's registry entry
220 * when it is invalid.
221 *
222 * See IOPMrootDomain notification kIOPMMessageSleepWakeUUIDChange
223 */
224 #define kIOPMSleepWakeUUIDKey "SleepWakeUUID"
226 /*******************************************************************************
227 *
228 * Root Domain general interest messages
229 *
230 * Available by registering for interest type 'gIOGeneralInterest'
231 * on IOPMrootDomain.
232 *
233 ******************************************************************************/
235 /* kIOPMMessageClamshellStateChange
236 * Delivered as a general interest notification on the IOPMrootDomain
237 * IOPMrootDomain sends this message when state of either AppleClamshellState
238 * or AppleClamshellCausesSleep changes. If this clamshell change results in
239 * a sleep, the sleep will initiate soon AFTER delivery of this message.
240 * The state of both variables is encoded in a bitfield argument sent with
241 * the message. Check bits 0 and 1 using kClamshellStateBit & kClamshellSleepBit
242 */
243 enum {
244 kClamshellStateBit = (1 << 0),
245 kClamshellSleepBit = (1 << 1)
246 };
248 #define kIOPMMessageClamshellStateChange \
249 iokit_family_msg(sub_iokit_powermanagement, 0x100)
251 /* kIOPMMessageFeatureChange
252 * Delivered when the set of supported features ("Supported Features" dictionary
253 * under IOPMrootDomain registry) changes in some way. Typically addition or
254 * removal of a supported feature.
255 * RootDomain passes no argument with this message.
256 */
257 #define kIOPMMessageFeatureChange \
258 iokit_family_msg(sub_iokit_powermanagement, 0x110)
260 /* kIOPMMessageInflowDisableCancelled
261 * The battery has drained completely to its "Fully Discharged" state.
262 * If a user process has disabled battery inflow for battery
263 * calibration, we forcibly re-enable Inflow at this point.
264 * If inflow HAS been forcibly re-enabled, bit 0
265 * (kInflowForciblyEnabledBit) will be set.
266 */
267 enum {
268 kInflowForciblyEnabledBit = (1 << 0)
269 };
271 /* kIOPMMessageInternalBatteryFullyDischarged
272 * The battery has drained completely to its "Fully Discharged" state.
273 */
274 #define kIOPMMessageInternalBatteryFullyDischarged \
275 iokit_family_msg(sub_iokit_powermanagement, 0x120)
277 /* kIOPMMessageSystemPowerEventOccurred
278 * Some major system thermal property has changed, and interested clients may
279 * modify their behavior.
280 */
281 #define kIOPMMessageSystemPowerEventOccurred \
282 iokit_family_msg(sub_iokit_powermanagement, 0x130)
284 /* kIOPMMessageSleepWakeUUIDChange
285 * Either a new SleepWakeUUID has been specified at the beginning of a sleep,
286 * or we're removing the existing property upon completion of a wakeup.
287 */
288 #define kIOPMMessageSleepWakeUUIDChange \
289 iokit_family_msg(sub_iokit_powermanagement, 0x140)
291 /* kIOPMMessageSleepWakeUUIDSet
292 * Argument accompanying the kIOPMMessageSleepWakeUUIDChange notification when
293 * a new UUID has been specified.
294 */
295 #define kIOPMMessageSleepWakeUUIDSet ((void *)1)
297 /* kIOPMMessageSleepWakeUUIDCleared
298 * Argument accompanying the kIOPMMessageSleepWakeUUIDChange notification when
299 * the current UUID has been removed.
300 */
301 #define kIOPMMessageSleepWakeUUIDCleared ((void *)0)
303 /*******************************************************************************
304 *
305 * Power commands issued to root domain
306 * Use with IOPMrootDomain::receivePowerNotification()
307 *
308 * These commands are issued from system drivers only:
309 * ApplePMU, AppleSMU, IOGraphics, AppleACPIFamily
310 *
311 ******************************************************************************/
312 enum {
313 kIOPMSleepNow = (1<<0), // put machine to sleep now
314 kIOPMAllowSleep = (1<<1), // allow idle sleep
315 kIOPMPreventSleep = (1<<2), // do not allow idle sleep
316 kIOPMPowerButton = (1<<3), // power button was pressed
317 kIOPMClamshellClosed = (1<<4), // clamshell was closed
318 kIOPMPowerEmergency = (1<<5), // battery dangerously low
319 kIOPMDisableClamshell = (1<<6), // do not sleep on clamshell closure
320 kIOPMEnableClamshell = (1<<7), // sleep on clamshell closure
321 kIOPMProcessorSpeedChange = (1<<8), // change the processor speed
322 kIOPMOverTemp = (1<<9), // system dangerously hot
323 kIOPMClamshellOpened = (1<<10) // clamshell was opened
324 };
327 /*******************************************************************************
328 *
329 * Power Management Return Codes
330 *
331 ******************************************************************************/
332 enum {
333 kIOPMNoErr = 0,
335 // Returned by driver's setPowerState(), powerStateWillChangeTo(),
336 // powerStateDidChangeTo(), or acknowledgeSetPowerState() to
337 // implicitly acknowledge power change upon function return.
338 kIOPMAckImplied = 0,
340 // Deprecated
341 kIOPMWillAckLater = 1,
343 // Returned by requestPowerDomainState() to indicate
344 // unrecognized specification parameter.
345 kIOPMBadSpecification = 4,
347 // Returned by requestPowerDomainState() to indicate
348 // no power state matches search specification.
349 kIOPMNoSuchState = 5,
351 // Deprecated
352 kIOPMCannotRaisePower = 6,
354 // Deprecated
355 kIOPMParameterError = 7,
357 // Returned when power management state is accessed
358 // before driver has called PMinit().
359 kIOPMNotYetInitialized = 8,
361 // And the old constants; deprecated
362 IOPMNoErr = kIOPMNoErr,
363 IOPMAckImplied = kIOPMAckImplied,
364 IOPMWillAckLater = kIOPMWillAckLater,
365 IOPMBadSpecification = kIOPMBadSpecification,
366 IOPMNoSuchState = kIOPMNoSuchState,
367 IOPMCannotRaisePower = kIOPMCannotRaisePower,
368 IOPMParameterError = kIOPMParameterError,
369 IOPMNotYetInitialized = kIOPMNotYetInitialized
370 };
373 // IOPMPowerSource class descriptive strings
374 // Power Source state is published as properties to the IORegistry under these
375 // keys.
376 #define kIOPMPSExternalConnectedKey "ExternalConnected"
377 #define kIOPMPSExternalChargeCapableKey "ExternalChargeCapable"
378 #define kIOPMPSBatteryInstalledKey "BatteryInstalled"
379 #define kIOPMPSIsChargingKey "IsCharging"
380 #define kIOPMFullyChargedKey "FullyCharged"
381 #define kIOPMPSAtWarnLevelKey "AtWarnLevel"
382 #define kIOPMPSAtCriticalLevelKey "AtCriticalLevel"
383 #define kIOPMPSCurrentCapacityKey "CurrentCapacity"
384 #define kIOPMPSMaxCapacityKey "MaxCapacity"
385 #define kIOPMPSDesignCapacityKey "DesignCapacity"
386 #define kIOPMPSTimeRemainingKey "TimeRemaining"
387 #define kIOPMPSAmperageKey "Amperage"
388 #define kIOPMPSVoltageKey "Voltage"
389 #define kIOPMPSCycleCountKey "CycleCount"
390 #define kIOPMPSMaxErrKey "MaxErr"
391 #define kIOPMPSAdapterInfoKey "AdapterInfo"
392 #define kIOPMPSLocationKey "Location"
393 #define kIOPMPSErrorConditionKey "ErrorCondition"
394 #define kIOPMPSManufacturerKey "Manufacturer"
395 #define kIOPMPSManufactureDateKey "ManufactureDate"
396 #define kIOPMPSModelKey "Model"
397 #define kIOPMPSSerialKey "Serial"
398 #define kIOPMDeviceNameKey "DeviceName"
399 #define kIOPMPSLegacyBatteryInfoKey "LegacyBatteryInfo"
400 #define kIOPMPSBatteryHealthKey "BatteryHealth"
401 #define kIOPMPSHealthConfidenceKey "HealthConfidence"
402 #define kIOPMPSCapacityEstimatedKey "CapacityEstimated"
403 #define kIOPMPSBatteryChargeStatusKey "ChargeStatus"
404 #define kIOPMPSBatteryTemperatureKey "Temperature"
406 // kIOPMPSBatteryChargeStatusKey may have one of the following values, or may have
407 // no value. If kIOPMBatteryChargeStatusKey has a NULL value (or no value) associated with it
408 // then charge is proceeding normally. If one of these battery charge status reasons is listed,
409 // then the charge may have been interrupted.
410 #define kIOPMBatteryChargeStatusTooHot "HighTemperature"
411 #define kIOPMBatteryChargeStatusTooCold "LowTemperature"
412 #define kIOPMBatteryChargeStatusGradient "BatteryTemperatureGradient"
414 // Definitions for battery location, in case of multiple batteries.
415 // A location of 0 is unspecified
416 // Location is undefined for single battery systems
417 enum {
418 kIOPMPSLocationLeft = 1001,
419 kIOPMPSLocationRight = 1002
420 };
422 // Battery quality health types, specified by BatteryHealth and HealthConfidence
423 // properties in an IOPMPowerSource battery kext.
424 enum {
425 kIOPMUndefinedValue = 0,
426 kIOPMPoorValue = 1,
427 kIOPMFairValue = 2,
428 kIOPMGoodValue = 3
429 };
431 // Battery's time remaining estimate is invalid this long (seconds) after a wake
432 #define kIOPMPSInvalidWakeSecondsKey "BatteryInvalidWakeSeconds"
434 // Battery must wait this long (seconds) after being completely charged before
435 // the battery is settled.
436 #define kIOPMPSPostChargeWaitSecondsKey "PostChargeWaitSeconds"
438 // Battery must wait this long (seconds) after being completely discharged
439 // before the battery is settled.
440 #define kIOPMPSPostDishargeWaitSecondsKey "PostDischargeWaitSeconds"
443 /* CPU Power Management status keys
444 * Pass as arguments to IOPMrootDomain::systemPowerEventOccurred
445 * Or as arguments to IOPMSystemPowerEventOccurred()
446 * Or to decode the dictionary obtained from IOPMCopyCPUPowerStatus()
447 * These keys reflect restrictions placed on the CPU by the system
448 * to bring the CPU's power consumption within allowable thermal and
449 * power constraints.
450 */
453 /* kIOPMGraphicsPowerLimitsKey
454 * The key representing the dictionary of graphics power limits.
455 * The dictionary contains the other kIOPMCPUPower keys & their associated
456 * values (e.g. Speed limit, Processor Count, and Schedule limits).
457 */
458 #define kIOPMGraphicsPowerLimitsKey "Graphics_Power_Limits"
460 /* kIOPMGraphicsPowerLimitPerformanceKey
461 * The key representing the percent of overall performance made available
462 * by the graphics chip as a percentage (integer 0 - 100).
463 */
464 #define kIOPMGraphicsPowerLimitPerformanceKey "Graphics_Power_Performance"
468 /* kIOPMCPUPowerLimitsKey
469 * The key representing the dictionary of CPU Power Limits.
470 * The dictionary contains the other kIOPMCPUPower keys & their associated
471 * values (e.g. Speed limit, Processor Count, and Schedule limits).
472 */
473 #define kIOPMCPUPowerLimitsKey "CPU_Power_Limits"
475 /* kIOPMCPUPowerLimitProcessorSpeedKey defines the speed & voltage limits placed
476 * on the CPU.
477 * Represented as a percentage (0-100) of maximum CPU speed.
478 */
479 #define kIOPMCPUPowerLimitProcessorSpeedKey "CPU_Speed_Limit"
481 /* kIOPMCPUPowerLimitProcessorCountKey reflects how many, if any, CPUs have been
482 * taken offline. Represented as an integer number of CPUs (0 - Max CPUs).
483 */
484 #define kIOPMCPUPowerLimitProcessorCountKey "CPU_Available_CPUs"
486 /* kIOPMCPUPowerLimitSchedulerTimeKey represents the percentage (0-100) of CPU time
487 * available. 100% at normal operation. The OS may limit this time for a percentage
488 * less than 100%.
489 */
490 #define kIOPMCPUPowerLimitSchedulerTimeKey "CPU_Scheduler_Limit"
493 /* Thermal Level Warning Key
494 * Indicates the thermal constraints placed on the system. This value may
495 * cause clients to action to consume fewer system resources.
496 * The value associated with this warning is defined by the platform.
497 */
498 #define kIOPMThermalLevelWarningKey "Thermal_Level_Warning"
500 /* Thermal Warning Level values
501 * kIOPMThermalWarningLevelNormal - under normal operating conditions
502 * kIOPMThermalWarningLevelDanger - thermal pressure may cause system slowdown
503 * kIOPMThermalWarningLevelCrisis - thermal conditions may cause imminent shutdown
504 *
505 * The platform may define additional thermal levels if necessary.
506 */
507 enum {
508 kIOPMThermalWarningLevelNormal = 0,
509 kIOPMThermalWarningLevelDanger = 5,
510 kIOPMThermalWarningLevelCrisis = 10
511 };
514 // PM Settings Controller setting types
515 // Settings types used primarily with:
516 // IOPMrootDomain::registerPMSettingController
517 // The values are identical to the similarly named keys for use in user space
518 // PM settings work. Those keys are defined in IOPMLibPrivate.h.
519 #define kIOPMSettingWakeOnRingKey "Wake On Modem Ring"
520 #define kIOPMSettingRestartOnPowerLossKey "Automatic Restart On Power Loss"
521 #define kIOPMSettingWakeOnACChangeKey "Wake On AC Change"
522 #define kIOPMSettingSleepOnPowerButtonKey "Sleep On Power Button"
523 #define kIOPMSettingWakeOnClamshellKey "Wake On Clamshell Open"
524 #define kIOPMSettingReduceBrightnessKey "ReduceBrightness"
525 #define kIOPMSettingDisplaySleepUsesDimKey "Display Sleep Uses Dim"
526 #define kIOPMSettingTimeZoneOffsetKey "TimeZoneOffsetSeconds"
527 #define kIOPMSettingMobileMotionModuleKey "MobileMotionModule"
528 #define kIOPMSettingGraphicsSwitchKey "GPUSwitch"
530 // Setting controlling drivers can register to receive scheduled wake data
531 // Either in "CF seconds" type, or structured calendar data in a formatted
532 // IOPMCalendarStruct defined below.
533 #define kIOPMSettingAutoWakeSecondsKey "wake"
534 #define kIOPMSettingAutoWakeCalendarKey "WakeByCalendarDate"
535 #define kIOPMSettingAutoPowerSecondsKey "poweron"
536 #define kIOPMSettingAutoPowerCalendarKey "PowerByCalendarDate"
538 // Debug seconds auto wake
539 // Used by sleep cycling debug tools
540 #define kIOPMSettingDebugWakeRelativeKey "WakeRelativeToSleep"
541 #define kIOPMSettingDebugPowerRelativeKey "PowerRelativeToShutdown"
543 // Maintenance wake calendar.
544 #define kIOPMSettingMaintenanceWakeCalendarKey "MaintenanceWakeCalendarDate"
546 struct IOPMCalendarStruct {
547 UInt32 year;
548 UInt8 month;
549 UInt8 day;
550 UInt8 hour;
551 UInt8 minute;
552 UInt8 second;
553 };
554 typedef struct IOPMCalendarStruct IOPMCalendarStruct;
556 // SetAggressiveness types
557 enum {
558 kPMGeneralAggressiveness = 0,
559 kPMMinutesToDim,
560 kPMMinutesToSpinDown,
561 kPMMinutesToSleep,
562 kPMEthernetWakeOnLANSettings,
563 kPMSetProcessorSpeed,
564 kPMPowerSource,
565 kPMMotionSensor,
566 kPMLastAggressivenessType
567 };
568 #define kMaxType (kPMLastAggressivenessType-1)
570 // SetAggressiveness values for the kPMPowerSource aggressiveness type
571 enum {
572 kIOPMInternalPower = 1,
573 kIOPMExternalPower
574 };
576 #define kIOREMSleepEnabledKey "REMSleepEnabled"
578 // Strings for deciphering the dictionary returned from IOPMCopyBatteryInfo
579 #define kIOBatteryInfoKey "IOBatteryInfo"
580 #define kIOBatteryCurrentChargeKey "Current"
581 #define kIOBatteryCapacityKey "Capacity"
582 #define kIOBatteryFlagsKey "Flags"
583 #define kIOBatteryVoltageKey "Voltage"
584 #define kIOBatteryAmperageKey "Amperage"
585 #define kIOBatteryCycleCountKey "Cycle Count"
587 enum {
588 kIOBatteryInstalled = (1 << 2),
589 kIOBatteryCharge = (1 << 1),
590 kIOBatteryChargerConnect = (1 << 0)
591 };
594 // Private power management message indicating battery data has changed
595 // Indicates new data resides in the IORegistry
596 #define kIOPMMessageBatteryStatusHasChanged iokit_family_msg(sub_iokit_pmu, 0x100)
598 // Apple private Legacy messages for re-routing AutoWake and AutoPower messages to the PMU
599 // through newer user space IOPMSchedulePowerEvent API
600 #define kIOPMUMessageLegacyAutoWake iokit_family_msg(sub_iokit_pmu, 0x200)
601 #define kIOPMUMessageLegacyAutoPower iokit_family_msg(sub_iokit_pmu, 0x210)
603 // For use with IOPMPowerSource bFlags
605 enum {
606 kIOPMACInstalled = kIOBatteryChargerConnect,
607 kIOPMBatteryCharging = kIOBatteryCharge,
608 kIOPMBatteryInstalled = kIOBatteryInstalled,
609 kIOPMUPSInstalled = (1<<3),
610 kIOPMBatteryAtWarn = (1<<4),
611 kIOPMBatteryDepleted = (1<<5),
612 kIOPMACnoChargeCapability = (1<<6), // AC adapter cannot charge battery
613 kIOPMRawLowBattery = (1<<7), // used only by Platform Expert
614 kIOPMForceLowSpeed = (1<<8), // set by Platfm Expert, chk'd by Pwr Plugin
615 kIOPMClosedClamshell = (1<<9), // set by PMU - reflects state of the clamshell
616 kIOPMClamshellStateOnWake = (1<<10) // used only by Platform Expert
617 };
620 // **********************************************
621 // Internal power management data structures
622 // **********************************************
624 #if KERNEL && __cplusplus
625 class IOService;
627 enum {
628 kIOPowerEmergencyLevel = 1000
629 };
631 enum {
632 kIOPMSubclassPolicy,
633 kIOPMSuperclassPolicy1
634 };
636 struct stateChangeNote{
637 IOPMPowerFlags stateFlags;
638 unsigned long stateNum;
639 void * powerRef;
640 };
641 typedef struct stateChangeNote stateChangeNote;
643 struct IOPowerStateChangeNotification {
644 void * powerRef;
645 unsigned long returnValue;
646 unsigned long stateNumber;
647 IOPMPowerFlags stateFlags;
648 };
649 typedef struct IOPowerStateChangeNotification IOPowerStateChangeNotification;
650 typedef IOPowerStateChangeNotification sleepWakeNote;
651 #endif /* KERNEL && __cplusplus */
653 #endif /* ! _IOKIT_IOPM_H */