2 * Copyright (c) 1998-2000 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
6 * The contents of this file constitute Original Code as defined in and
7 * are subject to the Apple Public Source License Version 1.1 (the
8 * "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance with the
9 * License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
10 * http://www.apple.com/publicsource and read it before using this file.
12 * This Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
13 * distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
17 * License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
23 #include <IOKit/system.h>
25 #include <IOKit/IOService.h>
26 #include <libkern/c++/OSContainers.h>
27 #include <libkern/c++/OSUnserialize.h>
28 #include <IOKit/IOCatalogue.h>
29 #include <IOKit/IODeviceMemory.h>
30 #include <IOKit/IOInterrupts.h>
31 #include <IOKit/IOInterruptController.h>
32 #include <IOKit/IOPlatformExpert.h>
33 #include <IOKit/IOMessage.h>
34 #include <IOKit/IOLib.h>
35 #include <IOKit/IOKitKeysPrivate.h>
36 #include <IOKit/IOBSD.h>
37 #include <IOKit/IOUserClient.h>
38 #include <IOKit/IOWorkLoop.h>
39 #include <mach/sync_policy.h>
40 #include <IOKit/assert.h>
41 #include <sys/errno.h>
46 #include "IOServicePrivate.h"
48 // take lockForArbitration before LOCKNOTIFY
50 /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
52 #define super IORegistryEntry
54 OSDefineMetaClassAndStructors(IOService
, IORegistryEntry
56 OSDefineMetaClassAndStructors(_IOServiceNotifier
, IONotifier
58 OSDefineMetaClassAndStructors(_IOServiceInterestNotifier
, IONotifier
60 OSDefineMetaClassAndStructors(_IOConfigThread
, OSObject
62 OSDefineMetaClassAndStructors(_IOServiceJob
, OSObject
64 OSDefineMetaClassAndStructors(IOResources
, IOService
66 OSDefineMetaClassAndStructors(_IOOpenServiceIterator
, OSIterator
68 OSDefineMetaClassAndAbstractStructors(IONotifier
, OSObject
70 /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
72 static IOPlatformExpert
* gIOPlatform
73 static class IOPMrootDomain
* gIOPMRootDomain
74 const IORegistryPlane
* gIOServicePlane
75 const IORegistryPlane
* gIOPowerPlane
76 const OSSymbol
* gIODeviceMemoryKey
77 const OSSymbol
* gIOInterruptControllersKey
78 const OSSymbol
* gIOInterruptSpecifiersKey
80 const OSSymbol
* gIOResourcesKey
81 const OSSymbol
* gIOResourceMatchKey
82 const OSSymbol
* gIOProviderClassKey
83 const OSSymbol
* gIONameMatchKey
84 const OSSymbol
* gIONameMatchedKey
85 const OSSymbol
* gIOPropertyMatchKey
86 const OSSymbol
* gIOLocationMatchKey
87 const OSSymbol
* gIOParentMatchKey
88 const OSSymbol
* gIOPathMatchKey
89 const OSSymbol
* gIOMatchCategoryKey
90 const OSSymbol
* gIODefaultMatchCategoryKey
91 const OSSymbol
* gIOMatchedServiceCountKey
93 const OSSymbol
* gIOUserClientClassKey
94 const OSSymbol
* gIOKitDebugKey
96 const OSSymbol
* gIOCommandPoolSizeKey
98 const OSSymbol
* gIOConsoleUsersKey
99 const OSSymbol
* gIOConsoleSessionUIDKey
100 const OSSymbol
* gIOConsoleUsersSeedKey
102 static int gIOResourceGenerationCount
104 const OSSymbol
* gIOServiceKey
105 const OSSymbol
* gIOPublishNotification
106 const OSSymbol
* gIOFirstPublishNotification
107 const OSSymbol
* gIOMatchedNotification
108 const OSSymbol
* gIOFirstMatchNotification
109 const OSSymbol
* gIOTerminatedNotification
111 const OSSymbol
* gIOGeneralInterest
112 const OSSymbol
* gIOBusyInterest
113 const OSSymbol
* gIOAppPowerStateInterest
114 const OSSymbol
* gIOPriorityPowerStateInterest
116 static OSDictionary
* gNotifications
117 static IORecursiveLock
* gNotificationLock
119 static IOService
* gIOResources
120 static IOService
* gIOServiceRoot
122 static OSOrderedSet
* gJobs
123 static semaphore_port_t gJobsSemaphore
124 static IOLock
* gJobsLock
125 static int gOutstandingJobs
126 static int gNumConfigThreads
127 static int gNumWaitingThreads
128 static IOLock
* gIOServiceBusyLock
130 static thread_t gIOTerminateThread
131 static UInt32 gIOTerminateWork
132 static OSArray
* gIOTerminatePhase2List
133 static OSArray
* gIOStopList
134 static OSArray
* gIOStopProviderList
135 static OSArray
* gIOFinalizeList
137 static SInt32 gIOConsoleUsersSeed
138 static OSData
* gIOConsoleUsersSeedValue
140 /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
142 #define LOCKREADNOTIFY() \
143 IORecursiveLockLock( gNotificationLock )
144 #define LOCKWRITENOTIFY() \
145 IORecursiveLockLock( gNotificationLock )
147 #define UNLOCKNOTIFY() \
148 IORecursiveLockUnlock( gNotificationLock )
149 #define SLEEPNOTIFY(event) \
150 IORecursiveLockSleep( gNotificationLock, (void *)(event), THREAD_UNINT )
151 #define WAKEUPNOTIFY(event) \
152 IORecursiveLockWakeup( gNotificationLock, (void *)(event), /* wake one */ false )
154 #define randomDelay() \
155 int del = read_processor_clock(); \
156 del = (((int)IOThreadSelf()) ^ del ^ (del >> 10)) & 0x3ff; \
159 /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
161 struct ArbitrationLockQueueElement
170 static queue_head_t gArbitrationLockQueueActive
171 static queue_head_t gArbitrationLockQueueWaiting
172 static queue_head_t gArbitrationLockQueueFree
173 static IOLock
* gArbitrationLockQueueLock
175 bool IOService::isInactive( void ) const
176 { return( 0 != (kIOServiceInactiveState
& getState())); }
178 /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
180 void IOService::initialize( void )
184 gIOServicePlane
= IORegistryEntry::makePlane( kIOServicePlane
185 gIOPowerPlane
= IORegistryEntry::makePlane( kIOPowerPlane
187 gIOProviderClassKey
= OSSymbol::withCStringNoCopy( kIOProviderClassKey
188 gIONameMatchKey
= OSSymbol::withCStringNoCopy( kIONameMatchKey
189 gIONameMatchedKey
= OSSymbol::withCStringNoCopy( kIONameMatchedKey
190 gIOPropertyMatchKey
= OSSymbol::withCStringNoCopy( kIOPropertyMatchKey
191 gIOPathMatchKey
= OSSymbol::withCStringNoCopy( kIOPathMatchKey
192 gIOLocationMatchKey
= OSSymbol::withCStringNoCopy( kIOLocationMatchKey
193 gIOParentMatchKey
= OSSymbol::withCStringNoCopy( kIOParentMatchKey
195 gIOMatchCategoryKey
= OSSymbol::withCStringNoCopy( kIOMatchCategoryKey
196 gIODefaultMatchCategoryKey
= OSSymbol::withCStringNoCopy(
197 kIODefaultMatchCategoryKey
198 gIOMatchedServiceCountKey
= OSSymbol::withCStringNoCopy(
199 kIOMatchedServiceCountKey
201 gIOUserClientClassKey
= OSSymbol::withCStringNoCopy( kIOUserClientClassKey
203 gIOResourcesKey
= OSSymbol::withCStringNoCopy( kIOResourcesClass
204 gIOResourceMatchKey
= OSSymbol::withCStringNoCopy( kIOResourceMatchKey
206 gIODeviceMemoryKey
= OSSymbol::withCStringNoCopy( "IODeviceMemory" );
207 gIOInterruptControllersKey
208 = OSSymbol::withCStringNoCopy("IOInterruptControllers");
209 gIOInterruptSpecifiersKey
210 = OSSymbol::withCStringNoCopy("IOInterruptSpecifiers");
212 gIOKitDebugKey
= OSSymbol::withCStringNoCopy( kIOKitDebugKey
214 gIOCommandPoolSizeKey
= OSSymbol::withCStringNoCopy( kIOCommandPoolSizeKey
216 gIOGeneralInterest
= OSSymbol::withCStringNoCopy( kIOGeneralInterest
217 gIOBusyInterest
= OSSymbol::withCStringNoCopy( kIOBusyInterest
218 gIOAppPowerStateInterest
= OSSymbol::withCStringNoCopy( kIOAppPowerStateInterest
219 gIOPriorityPowerStateInterest
= OSSymbol::withCStringNoCopy( kIOPriorityPowerStateInterest
221 gNotifications
= OSDictionary::withCapacity( 1 );
222 gIOPublishNotification
= OSSymbol::withCStringNoCopy(
223 kIOPublishNotification
224 gIOFirstPublishNotification
= OSSymbol::withCStringNoCopy(
225 kIOFirstPublishNotification
226 gIOMatchedNotification
= OSSymbol::withCStringNoCopy(
227 kIOMatchedNotification
228 gIOFirstMatchNotification
= OSSymbol::withCStringNoCopy(
229 kIOFirstMatchNotification
230 gIOTerminatedNotification
= OSSymbol::withCStringNoCopy(
231 kIOTerminatedNotification
232 gIOServiceKey
= OSSymbol::withCStringNoCopy( kIOServiceClass
234 gIOConsoleUsersKey
= OSSymbol::withCStringNoCopy( kIOConsoleUsersKey
235 gIOConsoleSessionUIDKey
= OSSymbol::withCStringNoCopy( kIOConsoleSessionUIDKey
236 gIOConsoleUsersSeedKey
= OSSymbol::withCStringNoCopy( kIOConsoleUsersSeedKey
237 gIOConsoleUsersSeedValue
= OSData::withBytesNoCopy(&gIOConsoleUsersSeed
, sizeof(gIOConsoleUsersSeed
239 gNotificationLock
= IORecursiveLockAlloc();
241 assert( gIOServicePlane
&& gIODeviceMemoryKey
242 && gIOInterruptControllersKey
&& gIOInterruptSpecifiersKey
243 && gIOResourcesKey
&& gNotifications
&& gNotificationLock
244 && gIOProviderClassKey
&& gIONameMatchKey
&& gIONameMatchedKey
245 && gIOMatchCategoryKey
&& gIODefaultMatchCategoryKey
246 && gIOPublishNotification
&& gIOMatchedNotification
247 && gIOTerminatedNotification
&& gIOServiceKey
248 && gIOConsoleUsersKey
&& gIOConsoleSessionUIDKey
249 && gIOConsoleUsersSeedKey
&& gIOConsoleUsersSeedValue
251 gJobsLock
= IOLockAlloc();
252 gJobs
= OSOrderedSet::withCapacity( 10 );
254 gIOServiceBusyLock
= IOLockAlloc();
256 err
= semaphore_create(kernel_task
, &gJobsSemaphore
, 0);
258 assert( gIOServiceBusyLock
&& gJobs
&& gJobsLock
&& (err
) );
260 gIOResources
= IOResources::resources();
261 assert( gIOResources
263 gArbitrationLockQueueLock
= IOLockAlloc();
264 queue_init(&gArbitrationLockQueueActive
265 queue_init(&gArbitrationLockQueueWaiting
266 queue_init(&gArbitrationLockQueueFree
268 assert( gArbitrationLockQueueLock
270 gIOTerminatePhase2List
= OSArray::withCapacity( 2 );
271 gIOStopList
= OSArray::withCapacity( 16 );
272 gIOStopProviderList
= OSArray::withCapacity( 16 );
273 gIOFinalizeList
= OSArray::withCapacity( 16 );
274 assert( gIOTerminatePhase2List
&& gIOStopList
&& gIOStopProviderList
&& gIOFinalizeList
277 /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
280 static UInt64
getDebugFlags( OSDictionary
* props
282 OSNumber
* debugProp
285 debugProp
= OSDynamicCast( OSNumber
286 props
->getObject( gIOKitDebugKey
288 debugFlags
= debugProp
290 debugFlags
= gIOKitDebug
292 return( debugFlags
296 /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
298 // Probe a matched service and return an instance to be started.
299 // The default score is from the property table, & may be altered
300 // during probe to change the start order.
302 IOService
* IOService::probe( IOService
* provider
308 bool IOService::start( IOService
* provider
313 void IOService::stop( IOService
* provider
317 void IOService::free( void )
319 if( getPropertyTable())
320 unregisterAllInterest();
326 * Attach in service plane
328 bool IOService::attach( IOService
* provider
334 if( gIOKitDebug
& kIOLogAttach
335 LOG( "%s::attach(%s)\n", getName(),
336 provider
338 provider
339 if( provider
[0] & kIOServiceInactiveState
342 ok
= attachToParent( provider
, gIOServicePlane
343 provider
346 gIOServiceRoot
= this;
347 ok
= attachToParent( getRegistryRoot(), gIOServicePlane
353 IOService
* IOService::getServiceRoot( void )
355 return( gIOServiceRoot
358 void IOService::detach( IOService
* provider
360 IOService
* newProvider
= 0;
364 if( gIOKitDebug
& kIOLogAttach
365 LOG("%s::detach(%s)\n", getName(), provider
367 lockForArbitration();
369 adjParent
= ((busy
= (__state
[1] & kIOServiceBusyStateMask
370 && (provider
== getProvider()));
372 detachFromParent( provider
, gIOServicePlane
375 newProvider
= getProvider();
376 if( busy
&& (__state
[1] & kIOServiceTermPhase3State
) && (0 == newProvider
377 _adjustBusy( -busy
380 unlockForArbitration();
383 newProvider
384 newProvider
385 newProvider
388 // check for last client detach from a terminated service
389 if( provider
->lockForArbitration( true )) {
391 provider
->_adjustBusy( -1 );
392 if( (provider
[1] & kIOServiceTermPhase3State
393 && (0 == provider
->getClient())) {
394 provider
396 provider
401 * Register instance - publish it for matching
404 void IOService::registerService( IOOptionBits options
410 enum { kMaxPathLen
= 256 };
411 enum { kMaxChars
= 63 };
413 IORegistryEntry
* parent
= this;
414 IORegistryEntry
* root
= getRegistryRoot();
415 while( parent
&& (parent
!= root
416 parent
= parent
->getParentEntry( gIOServicePlane
418 if( parent
!= root
) {
419 IOLog("%s: not registry member at registerService()\n", getName());
423 // Allow the Platform Expert to adjust this node.
424 if( gIOPlatform
&& (!gIOPlatform
427 if( (this != gIOResources
428 && (kIOLogRegister
& gIOKitDebug
)) {
430 pathBuf
= (char *) IOMalloc( kMaxPathLen
432 IOLog( "Registering: " );
435 if( pathBuf
&& getPath( pathBuf
, &len
, gIOServicePlane
)) {
438 if( len
> kMaxChars
) {
442 if( (skip
= strchr( path
, '/')))
448 IOLog( "%s\n", path
451 IOFree( pathBuf
, kMaxPathLen
454 startMatching( options
457 void IOService::startMatching( IOOptionBits options
459 IOService
* provider
462 bool needWake
= false;
467 lockForArbitration();
469 sync
= (options
& kIOServiceSynchronous
470 || ((provider
= getProvider())
471 && (provider
[1] & kIOServiceSynchronousState
474 needConfig
= (0 == (__state
[1] & (kIOServiceNeedConfigState
| kIOServiceConfigState
475 && (0 == (__state
[0] & kIOServiceInactiveState
477 __state
[1] |= kIOServiceNeedConfigState
479 // __state[0] &= ~kIOServiceInactiveState;
481 // if( sync) LOG("OSKernelStackRemaining = %08x @ %s\n",
482 // OSKernelStackRemaining(), getName());
485 prevBusy
= _adjustBusy( 1 );
486 needWake
= (0 != (kIOServiceSyncPubState
& __state
490 __state
[1] |= kIOServiceSynchronousState
492 __state
[1] &= ~kIOServiceSynchronousState
494 unlockForArbitration();
499 IOLockLock( gIOServiceBusyLock
500 thread_wakeup( (event_t
) this/*&__state[1]*/ );
501 IOLockUnlock( gIOServiceBusyLock
503 } else if( !sync
|| (kIOServiceAsynchronous
& options
)) {
505 ok
= (0 != _IOServiceJob::startJob( this, kMatchNubJob
, options
509 if( (__state
[1] & kIOServiceNeedConfigState
510 doServiceMatch( options
512 lockForArbitration();
513 IOLockLock( gIOServiceBusyLock
515 waitAgain
= (prevBusy
!= (__state
[1] & kIOServiceBusyStateMask
517 __state
[1] |= kIOServiceSyncPubState
| kIOServiceBusyWaiterState
519 __state
[1] &= ~kIOServiceSyncPubState
521 unlockForArbitration();
524 assert_wait( (event_t
) this/*&__state[1]*/, THREAD_UNINT
526 IOLockUnlock( gIOServiceBusyLock
528 thread_block(THREAD_CONTINUE_NULL
530 } while( waitAgain
534 IOReturn
IOService::catalogNewDrivers( OSOrderedSet
* newTables
536 OSDictionary
* table
545 while( (table
= (OSDictionary
*) newTables
->getFirstObject())) {
548 iter
= (OSIterator
*) getExistingServices( table
549 kIOServiceRegisteredState
552 while( (service
= (IOService
*) iter
->getNextObject())) {
553 service
561 if( getDebugFlags( table
) & kIOLogMatch
562 LOG("Matching service count = %ld\n", count
564 newTables
567 newTables
569 return( kIOReturnSuccess
572 _IOServiceJob
* _IOServiceJob::startJob( IOService
* nub
, int type
573 IOOptionBits options
577 job
= new _IOServiceJob
578 if( job
&& !job
->init()) {
586 job
= options
587 nub
->retain(); // thread will release()
595 * Called on a registered service to see if it matches
599 bool IOService::matchPropertyTable( OSDictionary
* table
, SInt32
* score
601 return( matchPropertyTable(table
) );
604 bool IOService::matchPropertyTable( OSDictionary
* table
610 * Called on a matched service to allocate resources
611 * before first driver is attached.
614 IOReturn
IOService::getResources( void )
616 return( kIOReturnSuccess
620 * Client/provider accessors
623 IOService
* IOService::getProvider( void ) const
625 IOService
* self
= (IOService
*) this;
630 generation
= getGenerationCount();
631 if( __providerGeneration
== generation
634 parent
= (IOService
*) getParentEntry( gIOServicePlane
635 if( parent
== IORegistryEntry::getRegistryRoot())
636 /* root is not an IOService */
639 self
= parent
640 // save the count before getParentEntry()
641 self
= generation
646 IOWorkLoop
* IOService::getWorkLoop() const
648 IOService
= getProvider();
651 return provider
656 OSIterator
* IOService::getProviderIterator( void ) const
658 return( getParentIterator( gIOServicePlane
661 IOService
* IOService::getClient( void ) const
663 return( (IOService
*) getChildEntry( gIOServicePlane
666 OSIterator
* IOService::getClientIterator( void ) const
668 return( getChildIterator( gIOServicePlane
671 OSIterator
* _IOOpenServiceIterator::iterator( OSIterator
* _iter
672 const IOService
* client
673 const IOService
* provider
675 _IOOpenServiceIterator
* inst
680 inst
= new _IOOpenServiceIterator
682 if( inst
&& !inst
->init()) {
688 inst
= client
689 inst
= provider
695 void _IOOpenServiceIterator::free()
699 last
703 OSObject
* _IOOpenServiceIterator::getNextObject()
708 last
710 while( (next
= (IOService
*) iter
->getNextObject())) {
712 next
713 if( (client
&& (next
->isOpen( client
714 || (provider
&& (provider
->isOpen( next
))) )
716 next
724 bool _IOOpenServiceIterator::isValid()
726 return( iter
->isValid() );
729 void _IOOpenServiceIterator::reset()
732 last
738 OSIterator
* IOService::getOpenProviderIterator( void ) const
740 return( _IOOpenServiceIterator::iterator( getProviderIterator(), this, 0 ));
743 OSIterator
* IOService::getOpenClientIterator( void ) const
745 return( _IOOpenServiceIterator::iterator( getClientIterator(), 0, this ));
749 IOReturn
IOService::callPlatformFunction( const OSSymbol
* functionName
750 bool waitForFunction
751 void *param1
, void *param2
752 void *param3
, void *param4
754 IOReturn result
= kIOReturnUnsupported
755 IOService
= getProvider();
758 result
= provider
, waitForFunction
759 param1
, param2
, param3
, param4
765 IOReturn
IOService::callPlatformFunction( const char * functionName
766 bool waitForFunction
767 void *param1
, void *param2
768 void *param3
, void *param4
770 IOReturn result
= kIOReturnNoMemory
771 const OSSymbol
= OSSymbol::withCString(functionName
773 if (functionSymbol
!= 0) {
774 result
= callPlatformFunction(functionSymbol
, waitForFunction
775 param1
, param2
, param3
, param4
776 functionSymbol
784 * Accessors for global services
787 IOPlatformExpert
* IOService::getPlatform( void )
789 return( gIOPlatform
792 class IOPMrootDomain
* IOService::getPMRootDomain( void )
794 return( gIOPMRootDomain
797 IOService
* IOService::getResourceService( void )
799 return( gIOResources
802 void IOService::setPlatform( IOPlatformExpert
* platform
804 gIOPlatform
= platform
805 gIOResources
->attachToParent( gIOServiceRoot
, gIOServicePlane
808 void IOService::setPMRootDomain( class IOPMrootDomain
* rootDomain
810 gIOPMRootDomain
= rootDomain
811 publishResource("IOKit");
818 bool IOService::lockForArbitration( bool isSuccessRequired
822 ArbitrationLockQueueElement
* element
823 ArbitrationLockQueueElement
* active
824 ArbitrationLockQueueElement
* waiting
826 enum { kPutOnFreeQueue
, kPutOnActiveQueue
, kPutOnWaitingQueue
} action
828 // lock global access
829 IOTakeLock( gArbitrationLockQueueLock
831 // obtain an unused queue element
832 if( !queue_empty( &gArbitrationLockQueueFree
)) {
833 queue_remove_first( &gArbitrationLockQueueFree
835 ArbitrationLockQueueElement
838 element
= IONew( ArbitrationLockQueueElement
, 1 );
842 // prepare the queue element
843 element
= IOThreadSelf();
844 element
= this;
846 element
= isSuccessRequired
847 element
= false;
849 // determine whether this object is already locked (ie. on active queue)
851 queue_iterate( &gArbitrationLockQueueActive
853 ArbitrationLockQueueElement
856 if( active
== element
) {
862 if( found
) { // this object is already locked
864 // determine whether it is the same or a different thread trying to lock
865 if( active
!= element
) { // it is a different thread
867 ArbitrationLockQueueElement
* victim
= 0;
869 // before placing this new thread on the waiting queue, we look for
870 // a deadlock cycle...
873 // determine whether the active thread holding the object we
874 // want is waiting for another object to be unlocked
876 queue_iterate( &gArbitrationLockQueueWaiting
878 ArbitrationLockQueueElement
881 if( waiting
== active
) {
882 assert( false == waiting
888 if( found
) { // yes, active thread waiting for another object
890 // this may be a candidate for rejection if the required
891 // flag is not set, should we detect a deadlock later on
892 if( false == waiting
895 // find the thread that is holding this other object, that
896 // is blocking the active thread from proceeding (fun :-)
898 queue_iterate( &gArbitrationLockQueueActive
899 active
, // (reuse active queue element)
900 ArbitrationLockQueueElement
903 if( active
== waiting
) {
909 // someone must be holding it or it wouldn't be waiting
912 if( active
== element
) {
914 // doh, it's waiting for the thread that originated
915 // this whole lock (ie. current thread) -> deadlock
916 if( false == element
) { // willing to fail?
918 // the originating thread doesn't have the required
919 // flag, so it can fail
920 success
= false; // (fail originating lock request)
921 break; // (out of while)
923 } else { // originating thread is not willing to fail
925 // see if we came across a waiting thread that did
926 // not have the 'required' flag set: we'll fail it
929 // we do have a willing victim, fail it's lock
930 victim
= true;
932 // take the victim off the waiting queue
933 queue_remove( &gArbitrationLockQueueWaiting
935 ArbitrationLockQueueElement
939 IOLockWakeup( gArbitrationLockQueueLock
941 /* one thread */ true );
943 // allow this thread to proceed (ie. wait)
944 success
= true; // (put request on wait queue)
945 break; // (out of while)
948 // all the waiting threads we came across in
949 // finding this loop had the 'required' flag
950 // set, so we've got a deadlock we can't avoid
951 panic("I/O Kit: Unrecoverable deadlock.");
955 // repeat while loop, redefining active thread to be the
956 // thread holding "this other object" (see above), and
957 // looking for threads waiting on it; note the active
958 // variable points to "this other object" already... so
959 // there nothing to do in this else clause.
961 } else { // no, active thread is not waiting for another object
963 success
= true; // (put request on wait queue)
964 break; // (out of while)
968 if( success
) { // put the request on the waiting queue?
969 kern_return_t wait_result
971 // place this thread on the waiting queue and put it to sleep;
972 // we place it at the tail of the queue...
973 queue_enter( &gArbitrationLockQueueWaiting
975 ArbitrationLockQueueElement
978 // declare that this thread will wait for a given event
979 restart_sleep
: wait_result
= assert_wait( element
980 element
983 // unlock global access
984 IOUnlock( gArbitrationLockQueueLock
986 // put thread to sleep, waiting for our event to fire...
987 if (wait_result
988 wait_result
991 // ...and we've been woken up; we might be in one of two states:
992 // (a) we've been aborted and our queue element is not on
993 // any of the three queues, but is floating around
994 // (b) we're allowed to proceed with the lock and we have
995 // already been moved from the waiting queue to the
997 // ...plus a 3rd state, should the thread have been interrupted:
998 // (c) we're still on the waiting queue
1000 // determine whether we were interrupted out of our sleep
== wait_result
) {
1003 // re-lock global access
1004 IOTakeLock( gArbitrationLockQueueLock
1006 // determine whether we're still on the waiting queue
1008 queue_iterate( &gArbitrationLockQueueWaiting
1009 waiting
, // (reuse waiting queue element)
1010 ArbitrationLockQueueElement
1013 if( waiting
== element
) {
1019 if( found
) { // yes, we're still on the waiting queue
1021 // determine whether we're willing to fail
1022 if( false == element
) {
1024 // mark us as aborted
1025 element
= true;
1027 // take us off the waiting queue
1028 queue_remove( &gArbitrationLockQueueWaiting
1030 ArbitrationLockQueueElement
1032 } else { // we are not willing to fail
1034 // ignore interruption, go back to sleep
1039 // unlock global access
1040 IOUnlock( gArbitrationLockQueueLock
1042 // proceed as though this were a normal wake up
1043 wait_result
1046 assert( THREAD_AWAKENED
== wait_result
1048 // determine whether we've been aborted while we were asleep
1049 if( element
) {
1050 assert( false == element
1052 // re-lock global access
1053 IOTakeLock( gArbitrationLockQueueLock
1055 action
= kPutOnFreeQueue
1057 } else { // we weren't aborted, so we must be ready to go :-)
1059 // we've already been moved from waiting to active queue
1063 } else { // the lock request is to be failed
1065 // return unused queue element to queue
1066 action
= kPutOnFreeQueue
1068 } else { // it is the same thread, recursive access is allowed
1070 // add one level of recursion
1073 // return unused queue element to queue
1074 action
= kPutOnFreeQueue
1077 } else { // this object is not already locked, so let this thread through
1078 action
= kPutOnActiveQueue
1082 // put the new element on a queue
1083 if( kPutOnActiveQueue
== action
) {
1084 queue_enter( &gArbitrationLockQueueActive
1086 ArbitrationLockQueueElement
1088 } else if( kPutOnFreeQueue
== action
) {
1089 queue_enter( &gArbitrationLockQueueFree
1091 ArbitrationLockQueueElement
1094 assert( 0 ); // kPutOnWaitingQueue never occurs, handled specially above
1097 // unlock global access
1098 IOUnlock( gArbitrationLockQueueLock
1103 void IOService::unlockForArbitration( void )
1106 ArbitrationLockQueueElement
* element
1108 // lock global access
1109 IOTakeLock( gArbitrationLockQueueLock
1111 // find the lock element for this object (ie. on active queue)
1113 queue_iterate( &gArbitrationLockQueueActive
1115 ArbitrationLockQueueElement
1118 if( element
== this ) {
1126 // determine whether the lock has been taken recursively
1127 if( element
> 1 ) {
1128 // undo one level of recursion
1133 // remove it from the active queue
1134 queue_remove( &gArbitrationLockQueueActive
1136 ArbitrationLockQueueElement
1139 // put it on the free queue
1140 queue_enter( &gArbitrationLockQueueFree
1142 ArbitrationLockQueueElement
1145 // determine whether a thread is waiting for object (head to tail scan)
1147 queue_iterate( &gArbitrationLockQueueWaiting
1149 ArbitrationLockQueueElement
1152 if( element
== this ) {
1158 if ( found
) { // we found an interested thread on waiting queue
1160 // remove it from the waiting queue
1161 queue_remove( &gArbitrationLockQueueWaiting
1163 ArbitrationLockQueueElement
1166 // put it on the active queue
1167 queue_enter( &gArbitrationLockQueueActive
1169 ArbitrationLockQueueElement
1172 // wake the waiting thread
1173 IOLockWakeup( gArbitrationLockQueueLock
1175 /* one thread */ true );
1179 // unlock global access
1180 IOUnlock( gArbitrationLockQueueLock
1183 void IOService::applyToProviders( IOServiceApplierFunction applier
1186 applyToParents( (IORegistryEntryApplierFunction
) applier
1187 context
, gIOServicePlane
1190 void IOService::applyToClients( IOServiceApplierFunction applier
1193 applyToChildren( (IORegistryEntryApplierFunction
) applier
1194 context
, gIOServicePlane
1203 // send a message to a client or interested party of this service
1204 IOReturn
IOService::messageClient( UInt32 type
, OSObject
* client
1205 void * argument
, vm_size_t argSize
1208 IOService
* service
1209 _IOServiceInterestNotifier
* notify
1211 if( (service
= OSDynamicCast( IOService
, client
1212 ret
= service
->message( type
, this, argument
1214 else if( (notify
= OSDynamicCast( _IOServiceInterestNotifier
, client
))) {
1216 _IOServiceNotifierInvocation invocation
1219 invocation
= current_thread();
1222 willNotify
= (0 != (kIOServiceNotifyEnable
& notify
1225 queue_enter( ¬ify
, &invocation
1226 _IOServiceNotifierInvocation
*, link
1232 ret
= (*notify
)( notify
, notify
1233 type
, this, argument
, argSize
1236 queue_remove( ¬ify
, &invocation
1237 _IOServiceNotifierInvocation
*, link
1238 if( kIOServiceNotifyWaiter
& notify
) {
1239 notify
&= ~kIOServiceNotifyWaiter
1240 WAKEUPNOTIFY( notify
1245 ret
= kIOReturnSuccess
1248 ret
= kIOReturnBadArgument
1253 void IOService::applyToInterested( const OSSymbol
* typeOfInterest
1254 OSObjectApplierFunction applier
1260 OSArray
* copyArray
1262 applyToClients( (IOServiceApplierFunction
) applier
, context
1265 array
= OSDynamicCast( OSArray
, getProperty( typeOfInterest
1267 copyArray
= OSArray::withArray( array
1271 (next
= copyArray
->getObject( index
1273 (*applier
, context
1275 copyArray
1281 struct MessageClientsContext
1282 IOService
* service
1289 static void messageClientsApplier( OSObject
* object
, void * ctx
1292 MessageClientsContext
* context
= (MessageClientsContext
*) ctx
1294 ret
= context
->messageClient( context
1295 object
, context
, context
1296 if( kIOReturnSuccess
!= ret
1300 // send a message to all clients
1301 IOReturn
IOService::messageClients( UInt32 type
1302 void * argument
, vm_size_t argSize
1304 MessageClientsContext context
1306 context
= this;
1307 context
= type
1308 context
= argument
1309 context
= argSize
1310 context
= kIOReturnSuccess
1312 applyToInterested( gIOGeneralInterest
1313 &messageClientsApplier
, &context
1315 return( context
1318 IOReturn
IOService::acknowledgeNotification( IONotificationRef notification
1319 IOOptionBits response
1321 return( kIOReturnUnsupported
1324 IONotifier
* IOService::registerInterest( const OSSymbol
* typeOfInterest
1325 IOServiceInterestHandler handler
, void * target
, void * ref
1327 _IOServiceInterestNotifier
* notify
= 0;
1330 if( (typeOfInterest
!= gIOGeneralInterest
1331 && (typeOfInterest
!= gIOBusyInterest
1332 && (typeOfInterest
!= gIOAppPowerStateInterest
1333 && (typeOfInterest
!= gIOPriorityPowerStateInterest
1336 lockForArbitration();
1337 if( 0 == (__state
[0] & kIOServiceInactiveState
)) {
1339 notify
= new _IOServiceInterestNotifier
1340 if( notify
&& !notify
->init()) {
1346 notify
= handler
1347 notify
= target
1349 notify
= kIOServiceNotifyEnable
1350 queue_init( ¬ify
1355 if( 0 == (set
= (OSArray
*) getProperty( typeOfInterest
))) {
1356 set
= OSArray::withCapacity( 1 );
1358 setProperty( typeOfInterest
, set
1362 notify
= set
1364 set
->setObject( notify
1368 unlockForArbitration();
1373 static void cleanInterestArray( OSObject
* object
1377 _IOServiceInterestNotifier
* next
1379 if( (array
= OSDynamicCast( OSArray
, object
))) {
1382 (next
= (_IOServiceInterestNotifier
1383 array
->getObject( index
1391 void IOService::unregisterAllInterest( void )
1393 cleanInterestArray( getProperty( gIOGeneralInterest
1394 cleanInterestArray( getProperty( gIOBusyInterest
1395 cleanInterestArray( getProperty( gIOAppPowerStateInterest
1396 cleanInterestArray( getProperty( gIOPriorityPowerStateInterest
1400 * _IOServiceInterestNotifier
1403 // wait for all threads, other than the current one,
1404 // to exit the handler
1406 void _IOServiceInterestNotifier::wait()
1408 _IOServiceNotifierInvocation
* next
1413 queue_iterate( &handlerInvocations
, next
1414 _IOServiceNotifierInvocation
*, link
) {
1415 if( next
!= current_thread() ) {
1421 state
|= kIOServiceNotifyWaiter
1428 void _IOServiceInterestNotifier::free()
1430 assert( queue_empty( &handlerInvocations
1434 void _IOServiceInterestNotifier::remove()
1439 whence
1440 (OSObject
*) this, 0 ));
1444 state
&= ~kIOServiceNotifyEnable
1453 bool _IOServiceInterestNotifier::disable()
1459 ret
= (0 != (kIOServiceNotifyEnable
& state
1460 state
&= ~kIOServiceNotifyEnable
1469 void _IOServiceInterestNotifier::enable( bool was
1473 state
|= kIOServiceNotifyEnable
1475 state
&= ~kIOServiceNotifyEnable
1479 /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
1485 #define tailQ(o) setObject(o)
1486 #define headQ(o) setObject(0, o)
1487 #define TLOG(fmt, args...) { if(kIOLogYield & gIOKitDebug) IOLog(fmt, ## args); }
1489 inline void _workLoopAction( IOWorkLoop::Action action
1490 IOService
* service
1491 void * p0
= 0, void * p1
= 0,
1492 void * p2
= 0, void * p3
= 0 )
1496 if( (wl
= service
->getWorkLoop())) {
1498 wl
->runAction( action
, service
, p0
, p1
, p2
, p3
1501 (*action
)( service
, p0
, p1
, p2
, p3
1504 bool IOService::requestTerminate( IOService
* provider
, IOOptionBits options
1508 // if its our only provider
1509 ok
= isParent( provider
, gIOServicePlane
, true);
1513 provider
->terminateClient( this, options
| kIOServiceRecursing
1514 ok
= (0 != (__state
[1] & kIOServiceRecursing
1521 bool IOService::terminatePhase1( IOOptionBits options
1526 OSArray
* makeInactive
1529 bool startPhase2
= false;
1531 TLOG("%s::terminatePhase1(%08lx)\n", getName(), options
1534 if( options
& kIOServiceRecursing
) {
1535 __state
[1] |= kIOServiceRecursing
1540 makeInactive
= OSArray::withCapacity( 16 );
1549 didInactive
= victim
->lockForArbitration( true );
1551 didInactive
= (0 == (victim
[0] & kIOServiceInactiveState
1553 victim
[0] |= kIOServiceInactiveState
1554 victim
[0] &= ~(kIOServiceRegisteredState
| kIOServiceMatchedState
1555 | kIOServiceFirstPublishState
| kIOServiceFirstMatchState
1556 victim
->_adjustBusy( 1 );
1558 victim
1561 startPhase2
= didInactive
1564 victim
->deliverNotification( gIOTerminatedNotification
, 0, 0xffffffff );
1565 IOUserClient::destroyUserReferences( victim
1566 victim
1568 iter
= victim
1570 while( (client
= (IOService
*) iter
->getNextObject())) {
1571 TLOG("%s::requestTerminate(%s, %08lx)\n",
1572 client
->getName(), victim
->getName(), options
1573 ok
= client
->requestTerminate( victim
, options
1574 TLOG("%s::requestTerminate(%s, ok = %d)\n",
1575 client
->getName(), victim
->getName(), ok
1577 makeInactive
->setObject( client
1583 victim
= (IOService
*) makeInactive
1586 makeInactive
1590 makeInactive
1593 scheduleTerminatePhase2( options
1598 void IOService::scheduleTerminatePhase2( IOOptionBits options
1600 AbsoluteTime deadline
1602 bool wait
, haveDeadline
= false;
1604 options
|= kIOServiceRequired
1608 IOLockLock( gJobsLock
1610 if( (options
& kIOServiceSynchronous
1611 && (current_thread() != gIOTerminateThread
)) {
1614 wait
= (gIOTerminateThread
!= 0);
1616 // wait to become the terminate thread
1617 IOLockSleep( gJobsLock
, &gIOTerminateThread
1621 gIOTerminateThread
= current_thread();
1622 gIOTerminatePhase2List
->setObject( this );
1626 while( gIOTerminateWork
1627 terminateWorker( options
1628 wait
= (0 != (__state
[1] & kIOServiceBusyStateMask
1630 // wait for the victim to go non-busy
1631 if( !haveDeadline
) {
1632 clock_interval_to_deadline( 15, kSecondScale
, &deadline
1633 haveDeadline
= true;
1635 waitResult
= IOLockSleepDeadline( gJobsLock
, &gIOTerminateWork
1636 deadline
1637 if( waitResult
) {
1638 TLOG("%s::terminate(kIOServiceSynchronous) timeout", getName());
1640 thread_cancel_timer();
1642 } while(gIOTerminateWork
|| (wait
&& (waitResult
1644 gIOTerminateThread
= 0;
1645 IOLockWakeup( gJobsLock
, (event_t
) &gIOTerminateThread
, /* one-thread */ false);
1648 // ! kIOServiceSynchronous
1650 gIOTerminatePhase2List
->setObject( this );
1651 if( 0 == gIOTerminateWork
++) {
1652 if( !gIOTerminateThread
1653 gIOTerminateThread
= IOCreateThread( &terminateThread
, (void *) options
1655 IOLockWakeup(gJobsLock
, (event_t
) &gIOTerminateWork
, /* one-thread */ false );
1659 IOLockUnlock( gJobsLock
1664 void IOService::terminateThread( void * arg
1666 IOLockLock( gJobsLock
1668 while (gIOTerminateWork
1669 terminateWorker( (IOOptionBits
) arg
1671 gIOTerminateThread
= 0;
1672 IOLockWakeup( gJobsLock
, (event_t
) &gIOTerminateThread
, /* one-thread */ false);
1674 IOLockUnlock( gJobsLock
1677 void IOService::scheduleStop( IOService
* provider
1679 TLOG("%s::scheduleStop(%s)\n", getName(), provider
1681 IOLockLock( gJobsLock
1682 gIOStopList
->tailQ( this );
1683 gIOStopProviderList
->tailQ( provider
1685 if( 0 == gIOTerminateWork
++) {
1686 if( !gIOTerminateThread
1687 gIOTerminateThread
= IOCreateThread( &terminateThread
, (void *) 0 );
1689 IOLockWakeup(gJobsLock
, (event_t
) &gIOTerminateWork
, /* one-thread */ false );
1692 IOLockUnlock( gJobsLock
1695 void IOService::scheduleFinalize( void )
1697 TLOG("%s::scheduleFinalize\n", getName());
1699 IOLockLock( gJobsLock
1700 gIOFinalizeList
->tailQ( this );
1702 if( 0 == gIOTerminateWork
++) {
1703 if( !gIOTerminateThread
1704 gIOTerminateThread
= IOCreateThread( &terminateThread
, (void *) 0 );
1706 IOLockWakeup(gJobsLock
, (event_t
) &gIOTerminateWork
, /* one-thread */ false );
1709 IOLockUnlock( gJobsLock
1712 bool IOService::willTerminate( IOService
* provider
, IOOptionBits options
1717 bool IOService::didTerminate( IOService
* provider
, IOOptionBits options
, bool * defer
1719 if( false == *defer
) {
1721 if( lockForArbitration( true )) {
1722 if( false == provider
->handleIsOpen( this ))
1723 scheduleStop( provider
1726 message( kIOMessageServiceIsRequestingClose
, provider
, (void *) options
1727 if( false == provider
->handleIsOpen( this ))
1728 scheduleStop( provider
1731 unlockForArbitration();
1738 void IOService::actionWillTerminate( IOService
* victim
, IOOptionBits options
1739 OSArray
* doPhase2List
1745 iter
= victim
1747 while( (client
= (IOService
*) iter
->getNextObject())) {
1748 TLOG("%s::willTerminate(%s, %08lx)\n",
1749 client
->getName(), victim
->getName(), options
1750 ok
= client
->willTerminate( victim
, options
1751 doPhase2List
->tailQ( client
1757 void IOService::actionDidTerminate( IOService
* victim
, IOOptionBits options
1763 victim
->messageClients( kIOMessageServiceIsTerminated
, (void *) options
1765 iter
= victim
1767 while( (client
= (IOService
*) iter
->getNextObject())) {
1768 TLOG("%s::didTerminate(%s, %08lx)\n",
1769 client
->getName(), victim
->getName(), options
1770 client
->didTerminate( victim
, options
, &defer
1771 TLOG("%s::didTerminate(%s, defer %d)\n",
1772 client
->getName(), victim
->getName(), defer
1778 void IOService::actionFinalize( IOService
* victim
, IOOptionBits options
1780 TLOG("%s::finalize(%08lx)\n", victim
->getName(), options
1781 victim
->finalize( options
1784 void IOService::actionStop( IOService
* provider
, IOService
* client
1786 TLOG("%s::stop(%s)\n", client
->getName(), provider
1787 client
->stop( provider
1788 if( provider
->isOpen( client
1789 provider
->close( client
1790 TLOG("%s::detach(%s)\n", client
->getName(), provider
1791 client
->detach( provider
1794 void IOService::terminateWorker( IOOptionBits options
1796 OSArray
* doPhase2List
1797 OSArray
* didPhase2List
1802 IOService
* provider
1808 options
|= kIOServiceRequired
1810 doPhase2List
= OSArray::withCapacity( 16 );
1811 didPhase2List
= OSArray::withCapacity( 16 );
1812 freeList
= OSSet::withCapacity( 16 );
1813 if( (0 == doPhase2List
) || (0 == didPhase2List
) || (0 == freeList
1817 workDone
= gIOTerminateWork
1819 while( (victim
= (IOService
*) gIOTerminatePhase2List
->getObject(0) )) {
1822 gIOTerminatePhase2List
1823 IOLockUnlock( gJobsLock
1827 doPhase2
= victim
->lockForArbitration( true );
1829 doPhase2
= (0 != (kIOServiceInactiveState
& victim
1831 doPhase2
= (0 == (victim
[1] & kIOServiceTermPhase2State
1832 && (0 == (victim
[1] & kIOServiceConfigState
1834 victim
[1] |= kIOServiceTermPhase2State
1836 victim
1839 if( 0 == victim
->getClient()) {
1840 // no clients - will go to finalize
1841 IOLockLock( gJobsLock
1842 gIOFinalizeList
->tailQ( victim
1843 IOLockUnlock( gJobsLock
1845 _workLoopAction( (IOWorkLoop::Action
) &actionWillTerminate
1846 victim
, (void *) options
, (void *) doPhase2List
1848 didPhase2List
->headQ( victim
1851 victim
= (IOService
*) doPhase2List
1854 doPhase2List
1858 while( (victim
= (IOService
*) didPhase2List
->getObject(0)) ) {
1860 if( victim
->lockForArbitration( true )) {
1861 victim
[1] |= kIOServiceTermPhase3State
1862 victim
1864 _workLoopAction( (IOWorkLoop::Action
) &actionDidTerminate
1865 victim
, (void *) options
1866 didPhase2List
1868 IOLockLock( gJobsLock
1875 while( (victim
= (IOService
*) gIOFinalizeList
->getObject(0))) {
1877 IOLockUnlock( gJobsLock
1878 _workLoopAction( (IOWorkLoop::Action
) &actionFinalize
1879 victim
, (void *) options
1880 IOLockLock( gJobsLock
1882 freeList
->setObject( victim
1883 // safe if finalize list is append only
1884 gIOFinalizeList
1888 (!doPhase3
) && (client
= (IOService
*) gIOStopList
)); ) {
1890 provider
= (IOService
*) gIOStopProviderList
1893 if( !provider
->isChild( client
, gIOServicePlane
)) {
1894 // may be multiply queued - nop it
1895 TLOG("%s::nop stop(%s)\n", client
->getName(), provider
1897 // not ready for stop if it has clients, skip it
1898 if( (client
[1] & kIOServiceTermPhase3State
) && client
->getClient()) {
1899 TLOG("%s::defer stop(%s)\n", client
->getName(), provider
1904 IOLockUnlock( gJobsLock
1905 _workLoopAction( (IOWorkLoop::Action
) &actionStop
1906 provider
, (void *) client
1907 IOLockLock( gJobsLock
1908 // check the finalize list now
1912 freeList
->setObject( client
1913 freeList
->setObject( provider
1915 // safe if stop list is append only
1916 gIOStopList
->removeObject( idx
1917 gIOStopProviderList
->removeObject( idx
1921 } while( doPhase3
1923 gIOTerminateWork
-= workDone
1924 moreToDo
= (gIOTerminateWork
!= 0);
1927 TLOG("iokit terminate done, %d stops remain\n", gIOStopList
1930 } while( moreToDo
1932 IOLockUnlock( gJobsLock
1934 freeList
1935 doPhase2List
1936 didPhase2List
1938 IOLockLock( gJobsLock
1941 bool IOService::finalize( IOOptionBits options
1944 IOService
* provider
1946 iter
= getProviderIterator();
1950 while( (provider
= (IOService
*) iter
->getNextObject())) {
1953 if( 0 == (__state
[1] & kIOServiceTermPhase3State
)) {
1954 /* we come down here on programmatic terminate */
1956 if( provider
->isOpen( this ))
1957 provider
->close( this );
1961 if( provider
->lockForArbitration( true )) {
1962 if( 0 == (provider
[1] & kIOServiceTermPhase3State
1963 scheduleStop( provider
1964 provider
1981 void IOService::doServiceTerminate( IOOptionBits options
1985 // a method in case someone needs to override it
1986 bool IOService::terminateClient( IOService
* client
, IOOptionBits options
1990 if( client
->isParent( this, gIOServicePlane
, true))
1991 // we are the clients only provider
1992 ok
= client
->terminate( options
1999 bool IOService::terminate( IOOptionBits options
2001 options
|= kIOServiceTerminate
2003 return( terminatePhase1( options
2006 /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
2012 struct ServiceOpenMessageContext
2014 IOService
* service
2016 IOService
* excludeClient
2017 IOOptionBits options
2020 static void serviceOpenMessageApplier( OSObject
* object
, void * ctx
2022 ServiceOpenMessageContext
* context
= (ServiceOpenMessageContext
*) ctx
2024 if( object
!= context
2025 context
->messageClient( context
, object
, (void *) context
2028 bool IOService::open( IOService
* forClient
2029 IOOptionBits options
2033 ServiceOpenMessageContext context
2035 context
= this;
2036 context
= kIOMessageServiceIsAttemptingOpen
2037 context
= forClient
2038 context
= options
2040 applyToInterested( gIOGeneralInterest
2041 &serviceOpenMessageApplier
, &context
2043 if( false == lockForArbitration(false) )
2046 ok
= (0 == (__state
[0] & kIOServiceInactiveState
2048 ok
= handleOpen( forClient
, options
, arg
2050 unlockForArbitration();
2055 void IOService::close( IOService
* forClient
2056 IOOptionBits options
2061 lockForArbitration();
2063 wasClosed
= handleIsOpen( forClient
2065 handleClose( forClient
, options
2066 last
= (__state
[1] & kIOServiceTermPhase3State
2069 unlockForArbitration();
2072 forClient
->scheduleStop( this );
2074 else if( wasClosed
) {
2076 ServiceOpenMessageContext context
2078 context
= this;
2079 context
= kIOMessageServiceWasClosed
2080 context
= forClient
2081 context
= options
2083 applyToInterested( gIOGeneralInterest
2084 &serviceOpenMessageApplier
, &context
2088 bool IOService::isOpen( const IOService
* forClient
) const
2090 IOService
* self
= (IOService
*) this;
2093 self
2095 ok
= handleIsOpen( forClient
2097 self
2102 bool IOService::handleOpen( IOService
* forClient
2103 IOOptionBits options
2108 ok
= (0 == __owner
2110 __owner
= forClient
2112 else if( options
& kIOServiceSeize
) {
2113 ok
= (kIOReturnSuccess
== messageClient( kIOMessageServiceIsRequestingClose
2114 __owner
, (void *) options
2115 if( ok
&& (0 == __owner
2116 __owner
= forClient
2123 void IOService::handleClose( IOService
* forClient
2124 IOOptionBits options
2126 if( __owner
== forClient
2130 bool IOService::handleIsOpen( const IOService
* forClient
) const
2133 return( __owner
== forClient
2135 return( __owner
!= forClient
2139 * Probing & starting
2141 static SInt32
IONotifyOrdering( const OSMetaClassBase
* inObj1
, const OSMetaClassBase
* inObj2
, void * ref
2143 const _IOServiceNotifier
* obj1
= (const _IOServiceNotifier
*) inObj1
2144 const _IOServiceNotifier
* obj2
= (const _IOServiceNotifier
*) inObj2
2152 val1
= obj1
2155 val2
= obj2
2157 return ( val1
- val2
2160 static SInt32
IOServiceObjectOrder( const OSObject
* entry
, void * ref
2162 OSDictionary
* dict
2163 IOService
* service
2164 _IOServiceNotifier
* notify
2165 OSSymbol
* key
= (OSSymbol
*) ref
2168 if( (notify
= OSDynamicCast( _IOServiceNotifier
, entry
2169 return( notify
2171 else if( (service
= OSDynamicCast( IOService
, entry
2172 offset
= OSDynamicCast(OSNumber
, service
->getProperty( key
2173 else if( (dict
= OSDynamicCast( OSDictionary
, entry
2174 offset
= OSDynamicCast(OSNumber
, dict
->getObject( key
2181 return( (SInt32
) offset
2183 return( kIODefaultProbeScore
2186 SInt32
IOServiceOrdering( const OSMetaClassBase
* inObj1
, const OSMetaClassBase
* inObj2
, void * ref
2188 const OSObject
* obj1
= (const OSObject
*) inObj1
2189 const OSObject
* obj2
= (const OSObject
*) inObj2
2197 val1
= IOServiceObjectOrder( obj1
, ref
2200 val2
= IOServiceObjectOrder( obj2
, ref
2202 return ( val1
- val2
2205 IOService
* IOService::getClientWithCategory( const OSSymbol
* category
2207 IOService
* service
= 0;
2209 const OSSymbol
* nextCat
2211 iter
= getClientIterator();
2213 while( (service
= (IOService
*) iter
->getNextObject())) {
2214 if( kIOServiceInactiveState
& service
2216 nextCat
= (const OSSymbol
*) OSDynamicCast( OSSymbol
2217 service
->getProperty( gIOMatchCategoryKey
2218 if( category
== nextCat
2226 bool IOService::invokeNotifer( _IOServiceNotifier
* notify
2228 _IOServiceNotifierInvocation invocation
2232 invocation
= current_thread();
2235 willNotify
= (0 != (kIOServiceNotifyEnable
& notify
2238 queue_enter( ¬ify
, &invocation
2239 _IOServiceNotifierInvocation
*, link
2245 ret
= (*notify
)( notify
, notify
, this );
2248 queue_remove( ¬ify
, &invocation
2249 _IOServiceNotifierInvocation
*, link
2250 if( kIOServiceNotifyWaiter
& notify
) {
2251 notify
&= ~kIOServiceNotifyWaiter
2252 WAKEUPNOTIFY( notify
2261 * Alloc and probe matching classes,
2262 * called on the provider instance
2265 void IOService::probeCandidates( OSOrderedSet
* matches
2267 OSDictionary
* match
= 0;
2270 IOService
* newInst
2271 OSDictionary
* props
2274 OSOrderedSet
* familyMatches
= 0;
2275 OSOrderedSet
* startList
2276 OSDictionary
* startDict
= 0;
2277 const OSSymbol
* category
2279 _IOServiceNotifier
* notify
2280 OSObject
* nextMatch
= 0;
2282 bool needReloc
= false;
2288 while( !needReloc
&& (nextMatch
= matches
->getFirstObject())) {
2290 nextMatch
2291 matches
2293 if( (notify
= OSDynamicCast( _IOServiceNotifier
, nextMatch
))) {
2295 lockForArbitration();
2296 if( 0 == (__state
[0] & kIOServiceInactiveState
2297 invokeNotifer( notify
2298 unlockForArbitration();
2299 nextMatch
2303 } else if( !(match
= OSDynamicCast( OSDictionary
, nextMatch
))) {
2304 nextMatch
2311 debugFlags
= getDebugFlags( match
2315 category
= OSDynamicCast( OSSymbol
2316 match
->getObject( gIOMatchCategoryKey
2318 category
= gIODefaultMatchCategoryKey
2320 if( getClientWithCategory( category
)) {
2322 if( debugFlags
& kIOLogMatch
2323 LOG("%s: match category %s exists\n", getName(),
2324 category
2326 nextMatch
2331 // create a copy now in case its modified during matching
2332 props
= OSDictionary::withDictionary( match
, match
2335 props
2337 // check the nub matches
2338 if( false == passiveMatch( props
, true ))
2341 // Check to see if driver reloc has been loaded.
2342 needReloc
= (false == gIOCatalogue
->isModuleLoaded( match
2345 if( debugFlags
& kIOLogCatalogue
2346 LOG("%s: stalling for module\n", getName());
2348 // If reloc hasn't been loaded, exit;
2349 // reprobing will occur after reloc has been loaded.
2353 // reorder on family matchPropertyTable score.
2354 if( 0 == familyMatches
2355 familyMatches
= OSOrderedSet::withCapacity( 1,
2356 IOServiceOrdering
, (void *) gIOProbeScoreKey
2358 familyMatches
->setObject( props
2363 nextMatch
2372 if( familyMatches
) {
2375 && (props
= (OSDictionary
*) familyMatches
->getFirstObject())) {
2378 familyMatches
->removeObject( props
2383 debugFlags
= getDebugFlags( props
2386 symbol
= OSDynamicCast( OSSymbol
2387 props
->getObject( gIOClassKey
2391 // alloc the driver instance
2392 inst
= (IOService
*) OSMetaClass::allocClassWithName( symbol
2395 IOLog("Couldn't alloc class \"%s\"\n",
2396 symbol
2400 // init driver instance
2401 if( !(inst
->init( props
))) {
2403 if( debugFlags
& kIOLogStart
2404 IOLog("%s::init fails\n", symbol
2408 if( __state
[1] & kIOServiceSynchronousState
2409 inst
[1] |= kIOServiceSynchronousState
2411 // give the driver the default match category if not specified
2412 category
= OSDynamicCast( OSSymbol
2413 props
->getObject( gIOMatchCategoryKey
2415 category
= gIODefaultMatchCategoryKey
2416 inst
->setProperty( gIOMatchCategoryKey
, (OSObject
*) category
2418 // attach driver instance
2419 if( !(inst
->attach( this )))
2422 // pass in score from property table
2423 score
= familyMatches
->orderObject( props
2425 // & probe the new driver instance
2427 if( debugFlags
& kIOLogProbe
2428 LOG("%s::probe(%s)\n",
2429 inst
->getMetaClass()->getClassName(), getName());
2432 newInst
= inst
->probe( this, &score
2433 inst
->detach( this );
2436 if( debugFlags
& kIOLogProbe
2437 IOLog("%s::probe fails\n", symbol
2443 newPri
= OSNumber::withNumber( score
, 32 );
2445 newInst
->setProperty( gIOProbeScoreKey
, newPri
2449 // add to start list for the match category
2451 startDict
= OSDictionary::withCapacity( 1 );
2452 assert( startDict
2453 startList
= (OSOrderedSet
2454 startDict
->getObject( category
2455 if( 0 == startList
) {
2456 startList
= OSOrderedSet::withCapacity( 1,
2457 IOServiceOrdering
, (void *) gIOProbeScoreKey
2458 if( startDict
&& startList
) {
2459 startDict
->setObject( category
, startList
2460 startList
2463 assert( startList
2465 startList
->setObject( newInst
2473 familyMatches
2477 // start the best (until success) of each category
2479 iter
= OSCollectionIterator::withCollection( startDict
2481 while( (category
= (const OSSymbol
*) iter
->getNextObject())) {
2483 startList
= (OSOrderedSet
*) startDict
->getObject( category
2484 assert( startList
2489 while( true // (!started)
2490 && (inst
= (IOService
->getFirstObject())) {
2493 startList
2496 debugFlags
= getDebugFlags( inst
->getPropertyTable() );
2498 if( debugFlags
& kIOLogStart
) {
2500 LOG( "match category exists, skipping " );
2501 LOG( "%s::start(%s) <%d>\n", inst
2502 getName(), inst
2505 if( false == started
2506 started
= startCandidate( inst
2508 if( (debugFlags
& kIOLogStart
) && (false == started
2509 LOG( "%s::start(%s) <%d> failed\n", inst
->getName(), getName(),
2510 inst
2519 // adjust the busy count by -1 if matching is stalled for a module,
2520 // or +1 if a previously stalled matching is complete.
2521 lockForArbitration();
2524 adjBusy
= (__state
[1] & kIOServiceModuleStallState
) ? 0 : 1;
2526 __state
[1] |= kIOServiceModuleStallState
2528 } else if( __state
[1] & kIOServiceModuleStallState
) {
2529 __state
[1] &= ~kIOServiceModuleStallState
2533 _adjustBusy( adjBusy
2534 unlockForArbitration();
2537 startDict
2541 * Start a previously attached & probed instance,
2542 * called on exporting object instance
2545 bool IOService::startCandidate( IOService
* service
2549 ok
= service
->attach( this );
2552 // stall for any nub resources
2554 // stall for any driver resources
2555 service
2557 AbsoluteTime startTime
2558 AbsoluteTime endTime
2561 if (kIOLogStart
& gIOKitDebug
2562 clock_get_uptime(&startTime
2564 ok
= service
2566 if (kIOLogStart
& gIOKitDebug
2568 clock_get_uptime(&endTime
2570 if (CMP_ABSOLUTETIME(&endTime
, &startTime
) > 0)
, &startTime
2573 absolutetime_to_nanoseconds(endTime
, &nano
2574 if (nano
> 500000000ULL)
2575 IOLog("%s::start took %ld ms\n", service
->getName(), (UInt32
/ 1000000ULL));
2579 service
->detach( this );
2584 IOService
* IOService::resources( void )
2586 return( gIOResources
2589 void IOService::publishResource( const char * key
, OSObject
* value
2591 const OSSymbol
* sym
2593 if( (sym
= OSSymbol::withCString( key
))) {
2594 publishResource( sym
, value
2599 void IOService::publishResource( const OSSymbol
* key
, OSObject
* value
2602 value
= (OSObject
*) gIOServiceKey
2604 gIOResources
->setProperty( key
, value
2606 if( IORecursiveLockHaveLock( gNotificationLock
2609 gIOResourceGenerationCount
2610 gIOResources
2613 bool IOService::addNeededResource( const char * key
2615 OSObject
* resources
2620 resources
= getProperty( gIOResourceMatchKey
2622 newKey
= OSString::withCString( key
2623 if( (0 == resources
) || (0 == newKey
2626 set
= OSDynamicCast( OSSet
, resources
2628 set
= OSSet::withCapacity( 1 );
2630 set
->setObject( resources
2635 set
->setObject( newKey
2637 ret
= setProperty( gIOResourceMatchKey
, set
2643 bool IOService::checkResource( OSObject
* matching
2646 OSDictionary
* table
2648 if( (str
= OSDynamicCast( OSString
, matching
))) {
2649 if( gIOResources
->getProperty( str
2654 table
= resourceMatching( str
2655 else if( (table
= OSDynamicCast( OSDictionary
, matching
2658 IOLog("%s: Can't match using: %s\n", getName(),
2659 matching
2660 /* false would stall forever */
2664 if( gIOKitDebug
& kIOLogConfig
2665 LOG("config(%x): stalling %s\n", (int) IOThreadSelf(), getName());
2667 waitForService( table
2669 if( gIOKitDebug
& kIOLogConfig
2670 LOG("config(%x): waking\n", (int) IOThreadSelf() );
2675 bool IOService::checkResources( void )
2677 OSObject
* resources
2682 resources
= getProperty( gIOResourceMatchKey
2686 if( (set
= OSDynamicCast( OSSet
, resources
))) {
2688 iter
= OSCollectionIterator::withCollection( set
2690 while( ok
&& (resources
= iter
->getNextObject()) )
2691 ok
= checkResource( resources
2696 ok
= checkResource( resources
2702 _IOConfigThread
* _IOConfigThread::configThread( void )
2704 _IOConfigThread
* inst
2707 if( !(inst
= new _IOConfigThread
2711 if( !(inst
= IOCreateThread
2712 ( (IOThreadFunc
) &_IOConfigThread::main
, inst
2725 void _IOConfigThread::free( void )
2730 void IOService::doServiceMatch( IOOptionBits options
2732 _IOServiceNotifier
* notify
2734 OSOrderedSet
* matches
2735 SInt32 catalogGeneration
2736 bool keepGuessing
= true;
2737 bool reRegistered
= true;
2739 // job->nub->deliverNotification( gIOPublishNotification,
2740 // kIOServiceRegisteredState, 0xffffffff );
2742 while( keepGuessing
) {
2744 matches
= gIOCatalogue
->findDrivers( this, &catalogGeneration
2745 // the matches list should always be created by findDrivers()
2748 lockForArbitration();
2749 if( 0 == (__state
[0] & kIOServiceFirstPublishState
2750 deliverNotification( gIOFirstPublishNotification
2751 kIOServiceFirstPublishState
, 0xffffffff );
2753 __state
[1] &= ~kIOServiceNeedConfigState
2754 __state
[1] |= kIOServiceConfigState
2755 __state
[0] |= kIOServiceRegisteredState
2757 if( reRegistered
&& (0 == (__state
[0] & kIOServiceInactiveState
))) {
2759 iter
= OSCollectionIterator::withCollection( (OSOrderedSet
2760 gNotifications
->getObject( gIOPublishNotification
) );
2762 while((notify
= (_IOServiceNotifier
2763 iter
->getNextObject())) {
2765 if( passiveMatch( notify
2766 && (kIOServiceNotifyEnable
& notify
2767 matches
->setObject( notify
2774 unlockForArbitration();
2776 if( matches
->getCount() && (kIOReturnSuccess
== getResources()))
2777 probeCandidates( matches
2782 lockForArbitration();
2783 reRegistered
= (0 != (__state
[1] & kIOServiceNeedConfigState
2785 (reRegistered
|| (catalogGeneration
2786 gIOCatalogue
2787 && (0 == (__state
[0] & kIOServiceInactiveState
2790 unlockForArbitration();
2793 if( (0 == (__state
[0] & kIOServiceInactiveState
2794 && (0 == (__state
[1] & kIOServiceModuleStallState
)) ) {
2795 deliverNotification( gIOMatchedNotification
2796 kIOServiceMatchedState
, 0xffffffff );
2797 if( 0 == (__state
[0] & kIOServiceFirstMatchState
2798 deliverNotification( gIOFirstMatchNotification
2799 kIOServiceFirstMatchState
, 0xffffffff );
2802 __state
[1] &= ~kIOServiceConfigState
2803 if( __state
[0] & kIOServiceInactiveState
2804 scheduleTerminatePhase2();
2807 unlockForArbitration();
2810 UInt32
IOService::_adjustBusy( SInt32 delta
2815 bool wasQuiet
, nowQuiet
, needWake
2818 result
= __state
[1] & kIOServiceBusyStateMask
2822 next
2823 count
= next
[1] & kIOServiceBusyStateMask
2824 assert( count
< kIOServiceBusyMax
2825 wasQuiet
= (0 == count
2826 assert( (!wasQuiet
) || (delta
> 0));
2827 next
[1] += delta
2828 nowQuiet
= (0 == (next
[1] & kIOServiceBusyStateMask
2829 needWake
= (0 != (kIOServiceBusyWaiterState
& next
2832 next
[1] &= ~kIOServiceBusyWaiterState
2833 IOLockLock( gIOServiceBusyLock
2834 thread_wakeup( (event_t
) next
2835 IOLockUnlock( gIOServiceBusyLock
2838 next
2840 if( (wasQuiet
|| nowQuiet
) ) {
2843 OSObject
* interested
2845 array
= OSDynamicCast( OSArray
, next
->getProperty( gIOBusyInterest
2849 (interested
= array
->getObject( index
2851 next
2852 interested
, (void *) wasQuiet
/* busy now */);
2857 if( nowQuiet
&& (next
== gIOServiceRoot
2858 OSMetaClass::considerUnloads();
2861 delta
= nowQuiet
? -1 : +1;
2863 } while( (wasQuiet
|| nowQuiet
) && (next
= next
2868 void IOService::adjustBusy( SInt32 delta
2870 lockForArbitration();
2871 _adjustBusy( delta
2872 unlockForArbitration();
2875 UInt32
IOService::getBusyState( void )
2877 return( __state
[1] & kIOServiceBusyStateMask
2880 IOReturn
IOService::waitForState( UInt32 mask
, UInt32 value
2881 mach_timespec_t
* timeout
2884 int waitResult
2885 bool computeDeadline
= true;
2886 AbsoluteTime abstime
2889 lockForArbitration();
2890 IOLockLock( gIOServiceBusyLock
2891 wait
= (value
!= (__state
[1] & mask
2893 __state
[1] |= kIOServiceBusyWaiterState
2894 unlockForArbitration();
2895 assert_wait( (event_t
2897 if( computeDeadline
) {
2898 AbsoluteTime nsinterval
2899 clock_interval_to_absolutetime_interval(
2900 timeout
, kSecondScale
, &abstime
2901 clock_interval_to_absolutetime_interval(
2902 timeout
, kNanosecondScale
, &nsinterval
2903 ADD_ABSOLUTETIME( &abstime
, &nsinterval
2904 clock_absolutetime_interval_to_deadline(
2905 abstime
, &abstime
2906 computeDeadline
= false;
2908 thread_set_timer_deadline( abstime
2911 unlockForArbitration();
2912 IOLockUnlock( gIOServiceBusyLock
2914 waitResult
2915 if( timeout
&& (waitResult
2916 thread_cancel_timer();
2919 } while( wait
&& (waitResult
2921 if( waitResult
2922 return( kIOReturnTimeout
2924 return( kIOReturnSuccess
2927 IOReturn
IOService::waitQuiet( mach_timespec_t
* timeout
2929 return( waitForState( kIOServiceBusyStateMask
, 0, timeout
2932 bool IOService::serializeProperties( OSSerialize
* s
) const
2935 ((IOService
*)this)->setProperty( ((IOService
2936 sizeof( __state
), "__state");
2938 return( super::serializeProperties(s
) );
2942 void _IOConfigThread::main( _IOConfigThread
* self
2944 _IOServiceJob
* job
2952 semaphore_wait( gJobsSemaphore
2954 IOTakeLock( gJobsLock
2955 job
= (_IOServiceJob
*) gJobs
2957 gJobs
2960 // gNumConfigThreads--; // we're out of service
2961 gNumWaitingThreads
--; // we're out of service
2963 IOUnlock( gJobsLock
2969 if( gIOKitDebug
& kIOLogConfig
2970 LOG("config(%x): starting on %s, %d\n",
2971 (int) IOThreadSelf(), job
->getName(), job
2973 switch( job
) {
2976 nub
->doServiceMatch( job
2980 LOG("config(%x): strange type (%d)\n",
2981 (int) IOThreadSelf(), job
2988 IOTakeLock( gJobsLock
2989 alive
= (gOutstandingJobs
> gNumWaitingThreads
2991 gNumWaitingThreads
++; // back in service
2992 // gNumConfigThreads++;
2994 if( 0 == --gNumConfigThreads
) {
2995 // IOLog("MATCH IDLE\n");
2996 IOLockWakeup( gJobsLock
, (event_t
) &gNumConfigThreads
, /* one-thread */ false );
2999 IOUnlock( gJobsLock
3004 if( gIOKitDebug
& kIOLogConfig
3005 LOG("config(%x): terminating\n", (int) IOThreadSelf() );
3010 IOReturn
IOService::waitMatchIdle( UInt32 msToWait
3013 int waitResult
3014 bool computeDeadline
= true;
3015 AbsoluteTime abstime
3017 IOLockLock( gJobsLock
3019 wait
= (0 != gNumConfigThreads
3022 if( computeDeadline
) {
3023 clock_interval_to_absolutetime_interval(
3024 msToWait
, kMillisecondScale
, &abstime
3025 clock_absolutetime_interval_to_deadline(
3026 abstime
, &abstime
3027 computeDeadline
= false;
3029 waitResult
= IOLockSleepDeadline( gJobsLock
, &gNumConfigThreads
3030 abstime
3032 waitResult
= IOLockSleep( gJobsLock
, &gNumConfigThreads
3036 } while( wait
&& (waitResult
3037 IOLockUnlock( gJobsLock
3039 if( waitResult
3040 return( kIOReturnTimeout
3042 return( kIOReturnSuccess
3045 void _IOServiceJob::pingConfig( _IOServiceJob
* job
3052 IOTakeLock( gJobsLock
3055 gJobs
->setLastObject( job
3057 count
= gNumWaitingThreads
3058 // if( gNumConfigThreads) count++;// assume we're called from a config thread
3060 create
= ( (gOutstandingJobs
> count
3061 && (gNumConfigThreads
< kMaxConfigThreads
) );
3063 gNumConfigThreads
3064 gNumWaitingThreads
3067 IOUnlock( gJobsLock
3072 if( gIOKitDebug
& kIOLogConfig
3073 LOG("config(%d): creating\n", gNumConfigThreads
- 1);
3074 _IOConfigThread::configThread();
3077 semaphore_signal( gJobsSemaphore
3081 // internal - call with gNotificationLock
3082 OSObject
* IOService::getExistingServices( OSDictionary
* matching
3083 IOOptionBits inState
, IOOptionBits options
3085 OSObject
* current
= 0;
3087 IOService
* service
3092 iter
= IORegistryIterator::iterateOver( gIOServicePlane
3093 kIORegistryIterateRecursively
3097 while( (service
= (IOService
*) iter
->getNextObject())) {
3098 if( (inState
== (service
[0] & inState
3099 && (0 == (service
[0] & kIOServiceInactiveState
3100 && service
->passiveMatch( matching
)) {
3102 if( options
& kIONotifyOnce
) {
3107 ((OSSet
)->setObject( service
3109 current
= OSSet::withObjects(
3110 (const OSObject
**) &service
, 1, 1 );
3113 } while( !service
&& !iter
3117 if( current
&& (0 == (options
& kIONotifyOnce
))) {
3118 iter
= OSCollectionIterator::withCollection( (OSSet
3127 OSIterator
* IOService::getMatchingServices( OSDictionary
* matching
3131 // is a lock even needed?
3134 iter
= (OSIterator
*) getExistingServices( matching
3135 kIOServiceMatchedState
3143 // internal - call with gNotificationLock
3144 IONotifier
* IOService::setNotification(
3145 const OSSymbol
* type
, OSDictionary
* matching
3146 IOServiceNotificationHandler handler
, void * target
, void * ref
3149 _IOServiceNotifier
* notify
= 0;
3155 notify
= new _IOServiceNotifier
3156 if( notify
&& !notify
->init()) {
3162 notify
= matching
3163 notify
= handler
3164 notify
= target
3166 notify
= priority
3167 notify
= kIOServiceNotifyEnable
3168 queue_init( ¬ify
3172 if( 0 == (set
= (OSOrderedSet
*) gNotifications
->getObject( type
))) {
3173 set
= OSOrderedSet::withCapacity( 1,
3174 IONotifyOrdering
, 0 );
3176 gNotifications
->setObject( type
, set
3180 notify
= set
3182 set
->setObject( notify
3188 // internal - call with gNotificationLock
3189 IONotifier
* IOService::doInstallNotification(
3190 const OSSymbol
* type
, OSDictionary
* matching
3191 IOServiceNotificationHandler handler
3192 void * target
, void * ref
3193 SInt32 priority
, OSIterator
** existing
3196 IONotifier
* notify
3197 IOOptionBits inState
3202 if( type
== gIOPublishNotification
3203 inState
= kIOServiceRegisteredState
3205 else if( type
== gIOFirstPublishNotification
3206 inState
= kIOServiceFirstPublishState
3208 else if( (type
== gIOMatchedNotification
3209 || (type
== gIOFirstMatchNotification
3210 inState
= kIOServiceMatchedState
3211 else if( type
== gIOTerminatedNotification
3216 notify
= setNotification( type
, matching
, handler
, target
, ref
, priority
3219 // get the current set
3220 exist
= (OSIterator
*) getExistingServices( matching
, inState
3230 IONotifier
* IOService::installNotification(
3231 const OSSymbol
* type
, OSDictionary
* matching
3232 IOServiceNotificationHandler handler
3233 void * target
, void * ref
3234 SInt32 priority
, OSIterator
** existing
3236 IONotifier
* notify
3240 notify
= doInstallNotification( type
, matching
, handler
, target
, ref
3241 priority
, existing
3248 IONotifier
* IOService::addNotification(
3249 const OSSymbol
* type
, OSDictionary
* matching
3250 IOServiceNotificationHandler handler
3251 void * target
, void * ref
3254 OSIterator
* existing
3255 _IOServiceNotifier
* notify
3258 notify
= (_IOServiceNotifier
*) installNotification( type
, matching
3259 handler
, target
, ref
, priority
, &existing
3261 // send notifications for existing set
3264 notify
->retain(); // in case handler remove()s
3265 while( (next
= (IOService
*) existing
->getNextObject())) {
3267 next
3268 if( 0 == (next
[0] & kIOServiceInactiveState
3269 next
->invokeNotifer( notify
3270 next
3273 existing
3279 struct SyncNotifyVars
3280 semaphore_port_t waitHere
3284 bool IOService::syncNotificationHandler(
3285 void * /* target */, void * ref
3286 IOService
* newService
3289 // result may get written more than once before the
3290 // notification is removed!
3291 ((SyncNotifyVars
*) ref
= newService
3292 semaphore_signal( ((SyncNotifyVars
*) ref
3297 IOService
* IOService::waitForService( OSDictionary
* matching
3298 mach_timespec_t
* timeout
3300 IONotifier
* notify
= 0;
3301 // priority doesn't help us much since we need a thread wakeup
3302 SInt32 priority
= 0;
3303 SyncNotifyVars state
3304 kern_return_t err
= kIOReturnBadArgument
3316 state
= (IOService
*) getExistingServices( matching
3317 kIOServiceMatchedState
, kIONotifyOnce
3321 err
= semaphore_create( kernel_task
, &state
, 0 );
!= err
3326 notify
= IOService::setNotification( gIOMatchedNotification
, matching
3327 &IOService::syncNotificationHandler
, (void *) 0,
3328 (void *) &state
, priority
3336 err
= semaphore_timedwait( state
, *timeout
3338 err
= semaphore_wait( state
3342 notify
->remove(); // dequeues
3344 matching
3346 semaphore_destroy( kernel_task
, state
3348 return( state
3351 void IOService::deliverNotification( const OSSymbol
* type
3352 IOOptionBits orNewState
, IOOptionBits andNewState
3354 _IOServiceNotifier
* notify
3356 OSArray
* willSend
= 0;
3358 lockForArbitration();
3360 if( (0 == (__state
[0] & kIOServiceInactiveState
3361 || (type
== gIOTerminatedNotification
)) {
3365 iter
= OSCollectionIterator::withCollection( (OSOrderedSet
3366 gNotifications
->getObject( type
) );
3369 while( (notify
= (_IOServiceNotifier
*) iter
->getNextObject())) {
3371 if( passiveMatch( notify
3372 && (kIOServiceNotifyEnable
& notify
)) {
3374 willSend
= OSArray::withCapacity(8);
3376 willSend
->setObject( notify
3382 __state
[0] = (__state
[0] | orNewState
) & andNewState
3388 for( unsigned int idx
= 0;
3389 (notify
= (_IOServiceNotifier
*) willSend
3391 invokeNotifer( notify
3393 willSend
3395 unlockForArbitration();
3398 IOOptionBits
IOService::getState( void ) const
3400 return( __state
[0] );
3404 * Helpers to make matching objects for simple cases
3407 OSDictionary
* IOService::serviceMatching( const OSString
* name
3408 OSDictionary
* table
3411 table
= OSDictionary::withCapacity( 2 );
3413 table
, (OSObject
3418 OSDictionary
* IOService::serviceMatching( const char * name
3419 OSDictionary
* table
3421 const OSString
* str
3423 str
= OSSymbol::withCString( name
3427 table
= serviceMatching( str
, table
3432 OSDictionary
* IOService::nameMatching( const OSString
* name
3433 OSDictionary
* table
3436 table
= OSDictionary::withCapacity( 2 );
3438 table
->setObject( gIONameMatchKey
, (OSObject
3443 OSDictionary
* IOService::nameMatching( const char * name
3444 OSDictionary
* table
3446 const OSString
* str
3448 str
= OSSymbol::withCString( name
3452 table
= nameMatching( str
, table
3457 OSDictionary
* IOService::resourceMatching( const OSString
* str
3458 OSDictionary
* table
3460 table
= serviceMatching( gIOResourcesKey
, table
3462 table
->setObject( gIOResourceMatchKey
, (OSObject
*) str
3467 OSDictionary
* IOService::resourceMatching( const char * name
3468 OSDictionary
* table
3470 const OSSymbol
* str
3472 str
= OSSymbol::withCString( name
3476 table
= resourceMatching( str
, table
3483 * _IOServiceNotifier
3486 // wait for all threads, other than the current one,
3487 // to exit the handler
3489 void _IOServiceNotifier::wait()
3491 _IOServiceNotifierInvocation
* next
3496 queue_iterate( &handlerInvocations
, next
3497 _IOServiceNotifierInvocation
*, link
) {
3498 if( next
!= current_thread() ) {
3504 state
|= kIOServiceNotifyWaiter
3511 void _IOServiceNotifier::free()
3513 assert( queue_empty( &handlerInvocations
3517 void _IOServiceNotifier::remove()
3522 whence
->removeObject( (OSObject
*) this );
3526 matching
3530 state
&= ~kIOServiceNotifyEnable
3539 bool _IOServiceNotifier::disable()
3545 ret
= (0 != (kIOServiceNotifyEnable
& state
3546 state
&= ~kIOServiceNotifyEnable
3555 void _IOServiceNotifier::enable( bool was
3559 state
|= kIOServiceNotifyEnable
3561 state
&= ~kIOServiceNotifyEnable
3569 IOService
* IOResources::resources( void )
3573 inst
= new IOResources
3574 if( inst
&& !inst
->init()) {
3582 IOWorkLoop
* IOResources::getWorkLoop() const
3584 // If we are the resource root then bringe over to the
3585 // platform to get its workloop
3586 if (this == (IOResources
*) gIOResources
3587 return getPlatform()->getWorkLoop();
3589 return IOService::getWorkLoop();
3592 bool IOResources::matchPropertyTable( OSDictionary
* table
3600 prop
= table
->getObject( gIOResourceMatchKey
3601 str
= OSDynamicCast( OSString
, prop
3603 ok
= (0 != getProperty( str
3605 else if( (set
= OSDynamicCast( OSSet
, prop
))) {
3607 iter
= OSCollectionIterator::withCollection( set
3609 while( ok
&& (str
= OSDynamicCast( OSString
, iter
->getNextObject()) ))
3610 ok
= (0 != getProperty( str
3619 IOReturn
IOResources::setProperties( OSObject
* properties
3622 const OSSymbol
* key
3623 OSDictionary
* dict
3624 OSCollectionIterator
* iter
3626 err
= IOUserClient::clientHasPrivilege(current_task(), kIOClientPrivilegeAdministrator
3627 if ( kIOReturnSuccess
!= err
3630 dict
= OSDynamicCast(OSDictionary
, properties
3632 return( kIOReturnBadArgument
3634 iter
= OSCollectionIterator::withCollection( dict
3636 return( kIOReturnBadArgument
3638 while( (key
= OSDynamicCast(OSSymbol
, iter
->getNextObject()))) {
3640 if (gIOConsoleUsersKey
== key
3642 IORegistryEntry::getRegistryRoot()->setProperty(key
, dict
3643 OSIncrementAtomic( &gIOConsoleUsersSeed
3644 publishResource( gIOConsoleUsersSeedKey
, gIOConsoleUsersSeedValue
3648 publishResource( key
, dict
) );
3653 return( kIOReturnSuccess
3657 * Helpers for matching dictionaries.
3658 * Keys existing in matching are checked in properties.
3659 * Keys may be a string or OSCollection of IOStrings
3662 bool IOService::compareProperty( OSDictionary
* matching
3668 value
= matching
->getObject( key
3670 ok
= value
->isEqualTo( getProperty( key
3678 bool IOService::compareProperty( OSDictionary
* matching
3679 const OSString
* key
3684 value
= matching
->getObject( key
3686 ok
= value
->isEqualTo( getProperty( key
3693 bool IOService::compareProperties( OSDictionary
* matching
3694 OSCollection
* keys
3696 OSCollectionIterator
* iter
3697 const OSString
* key
3700 if( !matching
|| !keys
3703 iter
= OSCollectionIterator::withCollection( keys
3706 while( ok
&& (key
= OSDynamicCast( OSString
, iter
3707 ok
= compareProperty( matching
, key
3711 keys
->release(); // !! consume a ref !!
3716 /* Helper to add a location matching dict to the table */
3718 OSDictionary
* IOService::addLocation( OSDictionary
* table
3720 OSDictionary
* dict
3725 dict
= OSDictionary::withCapacity( 1 );
3727 table
->setObject( gIOLocationMatchKey
, dict
3735 * Go looking for a provider to match a location dict.
3738 IOService
* IOService::matchLocation( IOService
* /* client */ )
3742 parent
= getProvider();
3745 parent
= parent
->matchLocation( this );
3750 bool IOService::passiveMatch( OSDictionary
* table
, bool changesOK
3756 IORegistryEntry
* entry
3761 bool matchParent
= false;
3772 str
= OSDynamicCast( OSString
, table
->getObject( gIOProviderClassKey
3775 match
= (0 != where
->metaCast( str
3780 obj
= table
->getObject( gIONameMatchKey
3783 match
= where
->compareNames( obj
, changesOK
? &matched
: 0 );
3786 if( changesOK
&& matched
) {
3787 // leave a hint as to which name matched
3788 table
->setObject( gIONameMatchedKey
, matched
3793 str
= OSDynamicCast( OSString
, table
->getObject( gIOLocationMatchKey
3796 const OSSymbol
* sym
3800 sym
= where
3802 match
= sym
->isEqualTo( str
3809 obj
= table
->getObject( gIOPropertyMatchKey
3812 OSDictionary
* dict
3813 OSDictionary
* nextDict
3818 dict
= where
3820 nextDict
= OSDynamicCast( OSDictionary
, obj
3824 iter
= OSCollectionIterator::withCollection(
3825 OSDynamicCast(OSCollection
, obj
3828 || (iter
&& (0 != (nextDict
= OSDynamicCast(OSDictionary
3829 iter
->getNextObject()))))) {
3830 match
= dict
->isEqualTo( nextDict
, nextDict
3843 str
= OSDynamicCast( OSString
, table
->getObject( gIOPathMatchKey
3846 entry
= IORegistryEntry::fromPath( str
->getCStringNoCopy() );
3847 match
= (where
== entry
3854 num
= OSDynamicCast( OSNumber
, table
->getObject( gIOMatchedServiceCountKey
3858 IOService
* service
= 0;
3859 UInt32 serviceCount
= 0;
3862 iter
= where
3864 while( (service
= (IOService
*) iter
->getNextObject())) {
3865 if( kIOServiceInactiveState
& service
3867 if( 0 == service
->getProperty( gIOMatchCategoryKey
3873 match
= (serviceCount
== num
3878 if( done
== table
->getCount()) {
3879 // don't call family if we've done all the entries in the table
3880 matchParent
= false;
3884 // pass in score from property table
3885 score
= IOServiceObjectOrder( table
, (void *) gIOProbeScoreKey
3887 // do family specific matching
3888 match
= where
->matchPropertyTable( table
, &score
3892 if( kIOLogMatch
& getDebugFlags( table
3893 LOG("%s: family specific matching fails\n", where
3900 newPri
= OSNumber::withNumber( score
, 32 );
3902 table
->setObject( gIOProbeScoreKey
, newPri
3907 if( !(match
= where
->compareProperty( table
, kIOBSDNameKey
3910 matchParent
= false;
3912 obj
= OSDynamicCast( OSDictionary
3913 table
->getObject( gIOParentMatchKey
3917 table
= (OSDictionary
*) obj
3921 table
= OSDynamicCast( OSDictionary
3922 table
->getObject( gIOLocationMatchKey
3925 where
= where
3927 where
= where
->matchLocation( where
3930 } while( table
&& where
3932 } while( matchParent
&& (where
= where
->getProvider()) );
3934 if( kIOLogMatch
& gIOKitDebug
3936 LOG("match parent @ %s = %d\n",
3937 where
->getName(), match
3943 IOReturn
IOService::newUserClient( task_t owningTask
, void * securityID
3944 UInt32 type
, OSDictionary
* properties
3945 IOUserClient
** handler
3947 const OSSymbol
= 0;
3948 IOUserClient
3951 // First try my own properties for a user client class name
3952 temp
= getProperty(gIOUserClientClassKey
3954 if (OSDynamicCast(OSSymbol
, temp
3955 userClientClass
= (const OSSymbol
*) temp
3956 else if (OSDynamicCast(OSString
, temp
)) {
3957 userClientClass
= OSSymbol::withString((OSString
*) temp
3958 if (userClientClass
3959 setProperty(kIOUserClientClassKey
3960 (OSObject
*) userClientClass
3964 // Didn't find one so lets just bomb out now without further ado.
3965 if (!userClientClass
3966 return kIOReturnUnsupported
3968 temp
= OSMetaClass::allocClassWithName(userClientClass
3970 return kIOReturnNoMemory
3972 if (OSDynamicCast(IOUserClient
, temp
3973 client
= (IOUserClient
*) temp
3976 return kIOReturnUnsupported
3979 if ( !client
, securityID
, type
, properties
) ) {
3981 return kIOReturnBadArgument
3984 if ( !client
->attach(this) ) {
3986 return kIOReturnUnsupported
3989 if ( !client
->start(this) ) {
3990 client
3992 return kIOReturnUnsupported
3996 return kIOReturnSuccess
3999 IOReturn
IOService::newUserClient( task_t owningTask
, void * securityID
4000 UInt32 type
, IOUserClient
** handler
4002 return( newUserClient( owningTask
, securityID
, type
, 0, handler
4005 IOReturn
IOService::requestProbe( IOOptionBits options
4007 return( kIOReturnUnsupported
4011 * Convert an IOReturn to text. Subclasses which add additional
4012 * IOReturn's should override this method and call
4013 * super::stringFromReturn if the desired value is not found.
4016 const char * IOService::stringFromReturn( IOReturn rtn
4018 static const IONamedValue IOReturn_values
[] = {
4019 {kIOReturnSuccess
, "success" },
4020 {kIOReturnError
, "general error" },
4021 {kIOReturnNoMemory
, "memory allocation error" },
4022 {kIOReturnNoResources
, "resource shortage" },
4023 {kIOReturnIPCError
, "Mach IPC failure" },
4024 {kIOReturnNoDevice
, "no such device" },
4025 {kIOReturnNotPrivileged
, "privilege violation" },
4026 {kIOReturnBadArgument
, "invalid argument" },
4027 {kIOReturnLockedRead
, "device is read locked" },
4028 {kIOReturnLockedWrite
, "device is write locked" },
4029 {kIOReturnExclusiveAccess
, "device is exclusive access" },
4030 {kIOReturnBadMessageID
, "bad IPC message ID" },
4031 {kIOReturnUnsupported
, "unsupported function" },
4032 {kIOReturnVMError
, "virtual memory error" },
4033 {kIOReturnInternalError
, "internal driver error" },
4034 {kIOReturnIOError
, "I/O error" },
4035 {kIOReturnCannotLock
, "cannot acquire lock" },
4036 {kIOReturnNotOpen
, "device is not open" },
4037 {kIOReturnNotReadable
, "device is not readable" },
4038 {kIOReturnNotWritable
, "device is not writeable" },
4039 {kIOReturnNotAligned
, "alignment error" },
4040 {kIOReturnBadMedia
, "media error" },
4041 {kIOReturnStillOpen
, "device is still open" },
4042 {kIOReturnRLDError
, "rld failure" },
4043 {kIOReturnDMAError
, "DMA failure" },
4044 {kIOReturnBusy
, "device is busy" },
4045 {kIOReturnTimeout
, "I/O timeout" },
4046 {kIOReturnOffline
, "device is offline" },
4047 {kIOReturnNotReady
, "device is not ready" },
4048 {kIOReturnNotAttached
, "device/channel is not attached" },
4049 {kIOReturnNoChannels
, "no DMA channels available" },
4050 {kIOReturnNoSpace
, "no space for data" },
4051 {kIOReturnPortExists
, "device port already exists" },
4052 {kIOReturnCannotWire
, "cannot wire physical memory" },
4053 {kIOReturnNoInterrupt
, "no interrupt attached" },
4054 {kIOReturnNoFrames
, "no DMA frames enqueued" },
4055 {kIOReturnMessageTooLarge
, "message is too large" },
4056 {kIOReturnNotPermitted
, "operation is not permitted" },
4057 {kIOReturnNoPower
, "device is without power" },
4058 {kIOReturnNoMedia
, "media is not present" },
4059 {kIOReturnUnformattedMedia
, "media is not formatted" },
4060 {kIOReturnUnsupportedMode
, "unsupported mode" },
4061 {kIOReturnUnderrun
, "data underrun" },
4062 {kIOReturnOverrun
, "data overrun" },
4063 {kIOReturnDeviceError
, "device error" },
4064 {kIOReturnNoCompletion
, "no completion routine" },
4065 {kIOReturnAborted
, "operation was aborted" },
4066 {kIOReturnNoBandwidth
, "bus bandwidth would be exceeded" },
4067 {kIOReturnNotResponding
, "device is not responding" },
4068 {kIOReturnInvalid
, "unanticipated driver error" },
4072 return IOFindNameForValue(rtn
, IOReturn_values
4076 * Convert an IOReturn to an errno.
4078 int IOService::errnoFromReturn( IOReturn rtn
4082 case kIOReturnSuccess
4084 case kIOReturnNoMemory
4086 case kIOReturnNoDevice
4088 case kIOReturnVMError
4090 case kIOReturnNotPermitted
4092 case kIOReturnNotPrivileged
4094 case kIOReturnIOError
4096 case kIOReturnNotWritable
4098 case kIOReturnBadArgument
4100 case kIOReturnUnsupported
4104 case kIOReturnNoPower
4106 case kIOReturnDeviceError
4108 case kIOReturnTimeout
4110 case kIOReturnMessageTooLarge
4112 case kIOReturnNoSpace
4114 case kIOReturnCannotLock
4118 case kIOReturnBadMessageID
4119 case kIOReturnNoCompletion
4120 case kIOReturnNotAligned
4122 case kIOReturnNotReady
4124 case kIOReturnRLDError
4126 case kIOReturnPortExists
4127 case kIOReturnStillOpen
4129 case kIOReturnExclusiveAccess
4130 case kIOReturnLockedRead
4131 case kIOReturnLockedWrite
4132 case kIOReturnNotAttached
4133 case kIOReturnNotOpen
4134 case kIOReturnNotReadable
4136 case kIOReturnCannotWire
4137 case kIOReturnNoResources
4139 case kIOReturnAborted
4140 case kIOReturnOffline
4141 case kIOReturnNotResponding
4143 case kIOReturnBadMedia
4144 case kIOReturnNoMedia
4145 case kIOReturnUnformattedMedia
4146 return(ENXIO
); // (media error)
4147 case kIOReturnDMAError
4148 case kIOReturnOverrun
4149 case kIOReturnUnderrun
4150 return(EIO
); // (transfer error)
4151 case kIOReturnNoBandwidth
4152 case kIOReturnNoChannels
4153 case kIOReturnNoFrames
4154 case kIOReturnNoInterrupt
4155 return(EIO
); // (hardware error)
4156 case kIOReturnError
4157 case kIOReturnInternalError
4158 case kIOReturnInvalid
4159 return(EIO
); // (generic error)
4160 case kIOReturnIPCError
4161 return(EIO
); // (ipc error)
4163 return(EIO
); // (all other errors)
4167 IOReturn
IOService::message( UInt32 type
, IOService
* provider
4171 * Generic entry point for calls from the provider. A return value of
4172 * kIOReturnSuccess indicates that the message was received, and where
4173 * applicable, that it was successful.
4176 return kIOReturnUnsupported
4183 IOItemCount
IOService::getDeviceMemoryCount( void )
4188 array
= OSDynamicCast( OSArray
, getProperty( gIODeviceMemoryKey
4190 count
= array
4197 IODeviceMemory
* IOService::getDeviceMemoryWithIndex( unsigned int index
4200 IODeviceMemory
* range
4202 array
= OSDynamicCast( OSArray
, getProperty( gIODeviceMemoryKey
4204 range
= (IODeviceMemory
*) array
->getObject( index
4211 IOMemoryMap
* IOService::mapDeviceMemoryWithIndex( unsigned int index
4212 IOOptionBits options
4214 IODeviceMemory
* range
4217 range
= getDeviceMemoryWithIndex( index
4219 map
= range
->map( options
4226 OSArray
* IOService::getDeviceMemory( void )
4228 return( OSDynamicCast( OSArray
, getProperty( gIODeviceMemoryKey
4232 void IOService::setDeviceMemory( OSArray
* array
4234 setProperty( gIODeviceMemoryKey
, array
4241 IOReturn
, int source
4243 IOInterruptController
4246 OSSymbol
4248 IOInterruptSource
4250 // Get the parents list from the nub.
4251 array
= OSDynamicCast(OSArray
, nub
4252 if (array
== 0) return kIOReturnNoResources
4254 // Allocate space for the IOInterruptSources if needed... then return early.
4255 if (nub
== 0) {
4256 numSources
= array
4257 interruptSources
= (IOInterruptSource
* sizeof(IOInterruptSource
4258 if (interruptSources
== 0) return kIOReturnNoMemory
4260 bzero(interruptSources
, numSources
* sizeof(IOInterruptSource
4262 nub
= numSources
4263 nub
= interruptSources
4264 return kIOReturnSuccess
4267 interruptControllerName
= OSDynamicCast(OSSymbol
4268 if (interruptControllerName
== 0) return kIOReturnNoResources
4270 interruptController
= getPlatform()->lookUpInterruptController(interruptControllerName
4271 if (interruptController
== 0) return kIOReturnNoResources
4273 // Get the interrupt numbers from the nub.
4274 array
= OSDynamicCast(OSArray
, nub
4275 if (array
== 0) return kIOReturnNoResources
4276 data
= OSDynamicCast(OSData
, array
4277 if (data
== 0) return kIOReturnNoResources
4279 // Set the interruptController and interruptSource in the nub's table.
4280 interruptSources
= nub
4281 interruptSources
= interruptController
4282 interruptSources
= data
4284 return kIOReturnSuccess
4287 IOReturn
IOService::lookupInterrupt(int source
, bool resolve
, IOInterruptController
4291 /* Make sure the _interruptSources are set */
4292 if (_interruptSources
== 0) {
4293 ret
= resolveInterrupt(this, source
4294 if (ret
!= kIOReturnSuccess
) return ret
4297 /* Make sure the local source number is valid */
4298 if ((source
< 0) || (source
>= _numInterruptSources
4299 return kIOReturnNoInterrupt
4301 /* Look up the contoller for the local source */
4302 *interruptController
= _interruptSources
4304 if (*interruptController
) {
4305 if (!resolve
) return kIOReturnNoInterrupt
4307 /* Try to reslove the interrupt */
4308 ret
= resolveInterrupt(this, source
4309 if (ret
!= kIOReturnSuccess
) return ret
4311 *interruptController
= _interruptSources
4314 return kIOReturnSuccess
4317 IOReturn
IOService::registerInterrupt(int source
, OSObject
4318 IOInterruptAction handler
4321 IOInterruptController
4324 ret
= lookupInterrupt(source
, true, &interruptController
4325 if (ret
!= kIOReturnSuccess
) return ret
4327 /* Register the source */
4328 return interruptController
->registerInterrupt(this, source
, target
4329 (IOInterruptHandler
4333 IOReturn
IOService::unregisterInterrupt(int source
4335 IOInterruptController
4338 ret
= lookupInterrupt(source
, false, &interruptController
4339 if (ret
!= kIOReturnSuccess
) return ret
4341 /* Unregister the source */
4342 return interruptController
->unregisterInterrupt(this, source
4345 IOReturn
IOService::getInterruptType(int source
, int *interruptType
4347 IOInterruptController
4350 ret
= lookupInterrupt(source
, true, &interruptController
4351 if (ret
!= kIOReturnSuccess
) return ret
4353 /* Return the type */
4354 return interruptController
->getInterruptType(this, source
, interruptType
4357 IOReturn
IOService::enableInterrupt(int source
4359 IOInterruptController
4362 ret
= lookupInterrupt(source
, false, &interruptController
4363 if (ret
!= kIOReturnSuccess
) return ret
4365 /* Enable the source */
4366 return interruptController
->enableInterrupt(this, source
4369 IOReturn
IOService::disableInterrupt(int source
4371 IOInterruptController
4374 ret
= lookupInterrupt(source
, false, &interruptController
4375 if (ret
!= kIOReturnSuccess
) return ret
4377 /* Disable the source */
4378 return interruptController
->disableInterrupt(this, source
4381 IOReturn
IOService::causeInterrupt(int source
4383 IOInterruptController
4386 ret
= lookupInterrupt(source
, false, &interruptController
4387 if (ret
!= kIOReturnSuccess
) return ret
4389 /* Cause an interrupt for the source */
4390 return interruptController
->causeInterrupt(this, source
4393 OSMetaClassDefineReservedUsed(IOService
, 0);
4394 OSMetaClassDefineReservedUsed(IOService
, 1);
4395 OSMetaClassDefineReservedUsed(IOService
, 2);
4397 OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOService
, 3);
4398 OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOService
, 4);
4399 OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOService
, 5);
4400 OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOService
, 6);
4401 OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOService
, 7);
4402 OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOService
, 8);
4403 OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOService
, 9);
4404 OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOService
, 10);
4405 OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOService
, 11);
4406 OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOService
, 12);
4407 OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOService
, 13);
4408 OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOService
, 14);
4409 OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOService
, 15);
4410 OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOService
, 16);
4411 OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOService
, 17);
4412 OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOService
, 18);
4413 OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOService
, 19);
4414 OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOService
, 20);
4415 OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOService
, 21);
4416 OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOService
, 22);
4417 OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOService
, 23);
4418 OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOService
, 24);
4419 OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOService
, 25);
4420 OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOService
, 26);
4421 OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOService
, 27);
4422 OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOService
, 28);
4423 OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOService
, 29);
4424 OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOService
, 30);
4425 OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOService
, 31);
4426 OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOService
, 32);
4427 OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOService
, 33);
4428 OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOService
, 34);
4429 OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOService
, 35);
4430 OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOService
, 36);
4431 OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOService
, 37);
4432 OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOService
, 38);
4433 OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOService
, 39);
4434 OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOService
, 40);
4435 OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOService
, 41);
4436 OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOService
, 42);
4437 OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOService
, 43);
4438 OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOService
, 44);
4439 OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOService
, 45);
4440 OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOService
, 46);
4441 OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOService
, 47);
4442 OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOService
, 48);
4443 OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOService
, 49);
4444 OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOService
, 50);
4445 OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOService
, 51);
4446 OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOService
, 52);
4447 OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOService
, 53);
4448 OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOService
, 54);
4449 OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOService
, 55);
4450 OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOService
, 56);
4451 OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOService
, 57);
4452 OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOService
, 58);
4453 OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOService
, 59);
4454 OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOService
, 60);
4455 OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOService
, 61);
4456 OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOService
, 62);
4457 OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOService
, 63);